StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 462 Non-Aggression Treaty

Redstone Star, Asteroid Mining Station No. 6267.

This residential station, which seems to have been completely converted from a scrap ship, has a rough and chaotic aesthetic. It is made of hundreds of tons of old metal. Dozens of domed metal huts are connected by welded steel elevated and Numerous pipes as thick as a person are embedded deeply into the interior of the rocky asteroid.

The domes and rough walls of each Caimorian hut are black-gray or blue-green, with the mining guild's propaganda slogans and eye-catching family logos painted on them. At first glance, they look like blossoms growing on moldy stone. poisonous mushrooms.

The part that once belonged to the keel of the mining ship has become the largest road in the mining station. The sewage pipes extending on both sides and the twisted wires are shaped like interlaced ribs. Rows of Presteel steel plates and fine steel are roughly welded. The walls formed countless dark alleys and airless dead-ends.

When Augustus came to the brightly lit mining station, he was slightly surprised to find that even though it was a small sparrow, it had all the internal organs.

The largest number of mining stations are high-energy gas extraction stations, so there is always a hazy silver exhaust gas lingering above them. Under the influence of the planet's gravity, these gases are slowly escaping into the dark deep space.

Due to the need to process the minerals harvested from the redstone planet, the rest of the asteroid's surface was used for refining plants and docks for cargo ships. In addition to mining facilities and residential houses, there is also a bakery selling cheap bread, a busy small supermarket, a hardware store, a weapons store, a capsule hotel and a private clinic with only one doctor.

Of course, in the land of the Camorians, a bar full of gold diggers, mercenaries and pirates is inevitable.

It is the busiest building in the mining station No. 6267, providing all kinds of tobacco and alcohol that consumers can imagine, including a variety of stimulants, enhancers and other "good things" that can make people feel happy. .

This is also a place frequented by smugglers and illegal traders, who make huge profits by reselling goods from both ends. Affected by the working environment, the average life span of miners on Red Rock Star is not long, but they are all very rich, and they are eager to spend all their money in their limited life.

Judging from the flashing logo on the bar's classic naked woman advertisement, this place belongs to the Green Guild - most of the people here are from this guild. Not only that, their descendants will also belong to the Green Guild.

Planets with a closed environment and a martial culture are more common in areas with more remote and dangerous environments. This is especially true on the territory of the Camorians, because they not only have to fight against the harsh environment, but also have to be careful of the sneaky and greedy Tyranids. People and even their nefarious compatriots.

As a result, many Kaimorian mining parties are both miners and pirates, taking up any weapon they can find to defend their holdings.

The notorious Kaimorian pirates are more or less related to the Federation guilds throughout Koprulu. They sometimes protect the mining guilds of the Federation depending on the reward, or secretly attack them at the request of merchants. competitors in the industry.

As soon as Augustus stepped onto the main road of the mining station, he was targeted by a drunkard with malicious intentions.

It was a strong man wearing a gray vest and a turban, and his whole body exuded the smell of musty and sweat. He was clearly more than drunk, and just a glance at Augustus revealed multiple pinpricks on his wrists.

"I'm not afraid of causing trouble, but there are still important things to do now." Augustus stopped Corporal Faraday who was about to reach out to draw his gun, and turned to Kerrigan behind him:

"Let him suffer a little."

Kerrigan turned to look at the drunkard who was staggering forward. The latter immediately caught his left foot and fell to the ground.

"There is something dirty in my eyes." Kerrigan said venomously: "This man's mind is like a sponge full of holes, and it is useless."

The Kaimorians at the mining station knew nothing about the peace negotiations between the Korhal Revolutionary Army and the UED Expeditionary Force, but the tense atmosphere here was indeed due to the recent bloody conflicts in the Koprulu sector.

"Let's go, the Earth diplomats are still waiting for us. It's not the style of a Korhal gentleman to keep distinguished guests from afar." Arcturus is also a tall man. He stood in front of Augustus Everyone around him looks stronger.

Arcturus is also a man who has experienced great storms. He has seen scenes that are much more dangerous and chaotic than this, so naturally he will not be intimidated by a drug-addicted madman.

"Corporal Faraday, I hope your ability to protect the marshal is as good as your ability to talk." He turned to Augustus's guard captain Faraday and said:

"Earthling agents are all-pervasive and must not let the marshal of the Revolutionary Army make any mistakes!"

"There are many of our people here, there won't be any mistakes." Corporal Faraday's serious face suddenly turned the color of liver.

As the captain of Augustus's guard, Faraday was extremely responsible and ruthless.

In the earliest days, even the Marshal's brother, Arcturus Mengsk, could only meet with Corporal Faraday's permission. In addition, Faraday is indeed a capable person, and there is no one in the entire revolutionary army who he dare not fight against.

In the dispute with Arcturus, Faraday was of course indispensable for his verbal confrontation.

Arcturus Mengsk is also a wonderful man. He did not use his identity and status to intimidate Faraday. Instead, he calmly reasoned with him and presented the facts. At the same time, he introduced the military regulations in the revolutionary army and Augustus's own commitment. :

At any time and in any place, as long as my generals and headquarters staff officers want to see me, their wishes can come true.

The military situation is extremely urgent, and the troops are extremely quick. I have seen many generals who reacted slowly and acted recklessly, and they all lost the war.

My people want to see me, no need to stop them.

—— Arcturus was talking eloquently while quoting scriptures, and his logic was so clear that Faraday was speechless.

Finally, Arcturus swaggered past Faraday to play chess with Augustus. It is worth mentioning that both Augustus and Arcturus were proficient in chess, but they had recently been playing a different kind of chess.

In this way, Augustus, followed by three people behind him, passed through the main road of the mining station and walked all the way towards the only bar here.

While Kaimorian technology has long been considered the epitome of shoddy craftsmanship, it would be a mistake to mistake them for the barbarians of the Koprulu Sector. Although this asteroid is small, it has a complete artificial atmosphere and gravitational field, which is enough to support normal human life activities.

Several planets in this galaxy are located too far or too close to the violent star. Their surface is either lava-ridden or desolate and cold, or they have a dense toxic atmosphere or almost none.

Although every corner of the place is inhospitable to human habitation, the Kaimorian mining teams have found this shelter on the far side of the red stone star, far away from the star's furious and deadly radiation.

From time to time, a huge shadow would pass over Augustus' head, most of which were cargo ships loaded with crystal minerals. Some of them also carry diced icy comets used to provide water to numerous mining stations where water is scarce.

When walking on the main road, Augustus only saw a few hurried miners occasionally.

The miners here are always busy, and their lives are closely related to the red planet where lava is rolling. The occupants of the mining station were either gas factory workers or dockside stevedores.

In contrast, working on the Redstone surface means more income and higher risks. Although workers on Redstone Star risk their lives at all times, high-quality crystal deposits represent equally high benefits.

The workers on the road did not notice Augustus, but regarded him as a rich young man looking for excitement. It's rare to find a redhead as beautiful and sexy as Kerrigan, but if you look closely you'll realize she's nothing more than a femme fatale.

As Augustus got closer to the Green Bar, a group of heavily armed Camorians appeared not far away. They were all wearing blue-green camouflage uniforms or leather jackets and pants of the same color, with weapons on their bodies. There are also a variety of them, ranging from semi-automatic gunpowder weapons to railguns.

"This reminds me of the Kaimorians during the Guild War. They were much more bloody at that time than they are now. My troops once besieged a group of Kelanis Guild Guards, and they welded steel plates in front of their bulldozers. Just rushed out." Arcturus put his hand on his rifle.

"Everyone who looked down on them stayed on the battlefield, and I was the only one who survived."

"These Camorians are members of the Green Guild, and it is their duty to interrogate unidentified visitors." Corporal Faraday said, "But don't worry, the OGB agents have taken care of everything in advance."

"We can't take it lightly. There are also a lot of earthlings mixed in here." Augustus walked towards the group of Camorians.

Augustus didn't worry about his own safety at all, not to mention that the sniper rifles of OGB agents were set up on the main streets here, and the ghost agents who followed him had already performed their duties.

Artanis, the executive officer of the Protoss, also takes this matter very seriously. He believes that this peace negotiation may allow the UED expeditionary force to give up or hand over the hybrid in their hands. Worried that the UED might use the hybrid to assassinate Augustus, Artanis sent a hundred-man Shadow Guard to follow Augustus.

These Dark Templar masters are the most determined and powerful among the children of Archbishop Rashagal. Any words or deeds that are unfavorable to the Archbishop may lead to the sharp blade of the Shadow Guard.

As Augustus approached the heavily armed Caymorian warriors, they unconsciously moved out of the way. Some of them may recognize Augustus, but no one dares to take action for the 2 billion reward.

While walking among the Camorians, Augustus noticed a turbaned young woman with blond hair who seemed to be the leader of these guild warriors.

It was this woman who stopped her subordinates who were about to move.

"I never thought I would see Marshal Augustus Mengsk of the Korhal Revolutionary Army in a place like this. Are you here for the revolution too?" she asked when Augustus was about to step over her. , there was also some irony and obvious hostility in it, which immediately made Kerrigan next to him frown.

"The famous Augustus, what are you doing in the land of the Camorians? There are no Tyranids here waiting for you to save them."

A prick.

Most of the Camorians have a fiery temperament, and tact is not their style.

"I really don't know how high the sky is!" Kerrigan's eyes were indeed killing. She had already thought about how this woman would die.

"Don't be nervous, Lieutenant Kerrigan. Control your psychic powers. I don't want to see anyone's blood splattered here and my clothes dirty." There was no sign of anger on Arcturus's face. He was never the kind of person to be happy, but those who angered him would definitely regret it.

"Salvation, you shouldn't talk about this word so loudly." Augustus came closer and looked directly at the woman's face, who also stared at him without fear.

"If you have seen battlefields with corpses and mutilated limbs everywhere, and those poor people infected by zerg, you should understand why I fight." His words made the woman take a small step back:

"It doesn't matter if you're a Caimorian, it doesn't matter if you're a arrogant idiot, a hopeless fool."

"But even if you have a human face on that abominable body. If you call my name, even for someone like you, I will save you."

After saying that, Augustus strode away, and Arcturus and Faraday quickly followed him, leaving only Kerrigan who was making gestures to threaten these people.

"She is the heir of the Green Guild, Debra Green." Faraday said to Augustus: "I heard that this woman has never been very popular."

"You can see that," Augustus replied.

There were a few people standing sparsely at the door of the bar. They should be from the UED expeditionary force. They were all equipped with electromagnetic rifles and AGR magazines, and their expressions were cold and solemn.

Loud music could also be heard inside, which surprised Augustus. According to the news from UED, their representative, Lieutenant General Alexei Stokov, should have arrived half an hour ago. And Augustus did not think that Stukov would continue to allow the entertainment in the bar to continue before the serious peace talks were about to take place.

"Hi~Hi~ This is now Finley's private bar, and everyone's expenses are paid for by the great Marshal Augustus Mengsk! Long live Augustus! Long live Mengsk!"

Augustus and Arcturus looked at each other and immediately quickened their pace towards the bar.

When Augustus walked into the bar, as expected, he saw an almost naked Tychus, wearing only a loincloth, dancing on the temporary stage in the center of the bar.

Judging from the clothes in the audience, Tychus must have performed a very hot striptease in front of the representatives of the Earthlings.

Tychus had been ordered to come here to clear out dangerous elements in the bar for peace talks, but now it seems that he has just followed the Romans.

"What are you doing again? Tychus." Augustus scolded while walking towards Alexei Stokov who was sitting in the corner drinking silently.

"Hey! That's Augustus! The hero of the people!" When he saw Augustus, Tychus danced even harder.

"..." Augustus lamented, and sat down on the seat opposite Stukov. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"I am Alexei Stukov, don't you recognize me?" Stukov smiled, obviously not affected by Tychus.

"Captain." He turned to the officer next to him who was wearing a white navy uniform and his face was hidden under the brim of his hat, with almost no expression visible.

"Take out our non-aggression agreement and show it to Marshal Augustus."

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I need to regroup my troops!

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