StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 463 What is the customs and customs of Koprulu?

When Augustus took the agreement from the UED officer called "Captain", he inevitably looked at him.

The young captain's face was as pale as the military uniform on his body, as if he had just come out of the dormant cabin. It was a very handsome Asian face. His eyebrows seemed to be condensed with moisture, and his eyes were only half-open.

"Hello, Marshal Augustus." After handing over the agreement to Augustus, the UED captain saluted him with a standard military salute.

"Hello, Captain." Augustus said, "Long time no see."

"What?" The officer showed a blank expression: "I think, in the name of the Dragon God, we have never met before."

He only came to the Koprulu sector after more than a year of deep hibernation voyage, and the possibility of knowing Augustus was extremely slim. Even if he had an affair with the Revolutionary Army, there was no reason for his identity to be exposed as soon as he came up.

"Oh -" Stukov just glanced at Augustus and the captain who was caught off guard with his sharp eyes: "I think Marshal Augustus is talking about me. When we first came to this star area, we There was a brief remote call.”

"Yes, Lieutenant General Stukov, there is an old saying on earth, one day is like three autumns." Augustus was clearly talking to the UED captain, he was just testing.

"There are always some ancient sayings on earth that no one on earth has heard of today, right?" Stukov smiled.

Augustus smiled back, picked up the peace agreement on the table, and read it carefully. Of course, this is a draft. The UED expeditionary force gave them conditions acceptable to them, and Augustus can modify it at will, as long as both parties are satisfied with the final result.

The terms of the agreement were simple and clear, that is, neither side could resort to any form of force while the treaty was in force.

At the same time, it also planned the dividing line between the spheres of influence of the Korhal Revolutionary Army and the UED Expeditionary Force: a complex division was made based on the location of each star sector on the galactic plane. UED divided Koprulu into a circle with Tarsonis as the center, and then divided it into different sectors, a total of 24 sectors, each ordered by Latin letters.

Roughly speaking, each side will hold half of the colonies in the Koprulu sector. The territory of the Revolutionary Army seems to be much larger, but the number of planets is not many. And if it really needs to be divided in detail, the planetary mineral reserves and economic strength of the territories of both parties will undoubtedly be included in it, which will require a lot of time to compile statistics and smooth things over.

Unless both parties actually don't care about the binding force of this treaty, after all, there is no interstellar alliance in this universe that can coordinate the forces of all parties.

Augustus put down the treaty and looked at Stukov opposite with a different look.

If nothing else, I have a really big appetite.

Because the Kaimorian Consortium and the United States of Umoyan are also included in the division, the UED expeditionary force came with the intention of unifying humanity in the Koprulu sector from the beginning.

If this were to be seen by the executive board of the consortium and the Congress of the United States, the industry elites and antiques inside would explode again.

Umoyan's reaction must have been the most violent. They have always wanted to retain their independent status. In contrast, the rulers of the Federation must also be furious, because at that time, who knows who should count their guild industry and numerous mining planets.

Augustus made up his mind that even if this peace treaty was of no use, he would still have to show it to the people of the Kemerian Commonwealth and the United States of Umojan.

Finally, Augustus focused on the length of the treaty—10 years.

He couldn't help but smile, and Stukov across from him also lit a cigar.

Both sides are smart people.

"Oh yeah~ Oh yeah - Oh yeah! I am Tychus Finlay, and now I am the most handsome boy in this sector! I want to sing a song for the great Marshal Augustus Mengsk - Wow, the beautiful Zerg wormhole! Marines always like to drill into it! It’s sticky, wet, slippery, and has a weird smell~oh yeah~”

Unfortunately, just when Augustus wanted to discuss the content of the peace treaty with Stukov, his thoughts were immediately interrupted by Tychus's rough voice.

At this time Arcturus and Kerrigan arrived belatedly and walked to his side.

"Sergeant Tychus, this is not your private bar." Arcturus's face also twisted. He shouted and tried to remind Tychus, who was getting more and more excited, but no one paid attention to him.

"This bastard drank a lot of spirits today, and the wine was spiked with a lot of ingredients." Kerrigan's eyes flashed with golden light, and he was using telepathy to read Tychus's memory.

"Well, when he wakes up tomorrow, he will most likely not remember what happened today." Her bright red lips almost pursed into a line and she said, "Why do you want to lock me up in New Folsom? "

"How much did Tychus drink?" Augustus almost jumped up and slapped Tychus across the face.

"He himself doesn't remember much: just a glass of wine before work, another bottle before going to see Augustus, um~ and those earth guys?" Kerrigan imitated Tychus's tone , but using her voice to say this sentence completely changed into a completely different feeling.

"Why doesn't he go to see God!" Augustus suddenly became very calm in his anger. Everyone in the army knew that this meant that a certain unlucky guy was about to have bad luck.

Usually, and most of the time, this refers to Tychus.

At this time, Green Bar was still crowded with men and women enjoying themselves in the blaring music, and the air was filled with the strong smell of alcohol and hormones. This is a holy place to release inner restlessness and desire, where gentle people can turn into beasts.

Tychus Finley is of course the focus that cannot be ignored. His powerful dance moves eclipse the girls dancing around him, and his majestic muscles that are made of steel seem to be singing with abandon.

In the Revolutionary Army, Tychus Finley was full of sneaking and poaching, but the soldiers in the army all knew that Tychus was the king of night markets, bars and strip clubs.

In this way, the people from Earth who have come from afar have fully experienced the hospitality of the Tyranids for at least half an hour in the past, and are deeply impressed by their traditional customs.

Not all people on earth can enjoy this kind of treatment when they come to the Koprulu Star Sector. They can sit among a group of naked muscular men dancing and talking about military politics.

Augustus couldn't understand how Stukov could endure such harsh torture and wait here quietly for so long. He could only regard this as a kind of respect for Tyran customs.

Not far from Augustus, there was a dark-skinned woman dancing passionately next to her. She had long brown hair that was as wavy as waves, and she was only wearing three-point silver underwear, and she was constantly swaying her round buttocks.

In the past, Augustus might have cast a scrutinizing eye, but now he looked intently.

No matter how disconnected the people here are from the civilized world, they must know Augustus and know that he is a revolutionary marshal who has become very famous recently. There is no other reason than that posters and wanted posters of Augustus, Renault and Tychus are posted everywhere in this bar, and occasionally Hanak Hank's iconic messy hair can be seen among them - of course , and only hair.

Just think of Augustus with your butt. This is Tychus's handiwork. He wants to use this to put pressure on the people on earth, and at the same time brag about himself and Augustus.

No matter what Tychus thought, he must have mistaken one very important thing, that is, the Earth's soldiers are by no means a weak honor guard in peacetime as he imagined. There is no shortage of wars in the huge solar system empire.

The agitated music around him was irksome to Augustus, who was used to working with his conscientious officers.

Augustus actually preferred those who had the ability to do things neatly. He was not always able to tolerate incompetent fools, and he hated opportunistic people even more. At least, these people won't do stripteases in the staff room or at important meetings.

You are worthy of Tychus.

You did a great job.

"Stop." Augustus's voice was almost obscured by the music, but the people in the bar still heard his voice.

"Then get out."

The noise stopped abruptly, and the people on the stage immediately fled the bar with frightened expressions, as if Augustus was a man-eating monster.

Tychus woke up from a dream.

Tychus is like falling into an ice cellar.

Tychus is as quiet as a chicken.

"Take him to sober up!"

After that, Augustus turned to Lieutenant General Stukov opposite and said calmly: "Lieutenant General, this subordinate of yours is really extraordinary."

"Alpha Draconis (also known as Alpha Draconis) is the eighth star in the constellation Draconis. It is only the 8th brightest star. It was the "Polaris" 4,000 years ago. It is about 300 light-years away from the earth. There is no direct evidence that this is the United Earth Council. He is an outstanding officer who graduated from the Colonial Military Academy. The school gave him extremely high evaluations and suggestions for the army." Stukov put his hands on the table, showed his friendly smile, and looked at the small scene just now. If you ignore it.

The tables in Green Bar are all made of metal, and the table legs are welded tightly to the floor of the bar. The blood stains left by the mercenaries fighting can still be seen on the table.

In order to prevent drunken mercenaries and pirates from fighting each other, the gravity of the bar can be adjusted to be higher than the standard gravity when necessary, but under normal circumstances, macho men with alcohol flowing in their blood will not care. gravity. Thanks to genetic engineering and the abuse of enhanced drugs, they are truly tough guys capable of killing a cow.

"After the capture of Blackis, the captain has received an exceptional promotion, and now he is the commander of a large fleet. But we still call him captain." Lieutenant General Stukov introduced himself to Augustus The officer next to him.

"This is a code name, or an honorific, just like a unique title in this army. At the moment when the captain achieved such a glorious record, he and his achievements have been regarded as a legend, and it is truly enough to make him stay in the history of war. What is particularly remarkable is that he was only a captain when he received this honor."

Augustus nodded. Stukov was right. Judging from the epaulettes and medals of the UED officer, he was at least a general with the rank of major general. This person should have the ability to command a fleet, or even be the owner of a UED fleet headquarters.

However, such a distinguished general had to stand by Stukov's side, which vaguely revealed the status of this lieutenant general in the UED expeditionary force.

It is now rumored in the Koprulu sector that Gerald Dugar destroyed the Tyranid Federation, calling him the "Conqueror of Tarsonis", but few people know that Alexey Stukov was the one who destroyed the Tyranid Federation. The person behind the scenes.

Today's peace negotiations must also be the work of Stukov. Based on Augustus' understanding of him, he has always been cautious, but he is very bold in using troops.

This kind of talent is the most difficult character to deal with in UED. When Augustus accepted this peace treaty, the competition had already begun.

In Augustus' view, the UED expeditionary force is not without the strength to defeat the Korhal Revolutionary Army after capturing the throne world of the Tyranid Federation. But from the perspective of Dugar and others, their opponents are definitely not just Tyranid humans, but protoss and zerg.

After all, Earth originally sent the UED expeditionary force to deal with the threat of zerg and protoss. The Solar System has been monitoring their colony for hundreds of years, but has never sent a fleet to recover it.

Dugar and Stukov should not be afraid of the power of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, nor should they take the initiative to show weakness and request peace talks with Augustus. Either they really suffered a lot of losses in the attack on Tarsonis and were in urgent need of a rest, or they had more important things to do at hand.

This matter should be ranked before the complete eradication of Augustus's revolutionary army, and it was urgent to disperse a large number of military forces. Because of this, Stukov did not want to fight Augustus now.

Speaking of this, in Augustus' mind, an answer was already coming to mind - the UED Black Flag Plan, which was to send a fleet to control the new master on Char and gain control of the insect swarm.

It is entirely in the interests of the United Earth Council to use the power of the zerg to deal with the protoss and let the two races fight each other.

There is nothing better than using your enemy to fight your enemy.

Apart from the members of the UED expeditionary force, only Augustus knew about this matter. This is another big advantage he can take advantage of.

The enemy thinks you don't understand their little secrets at all, but in fact you have already seen through their underwear.

Therefore, even though he was the proposer of peace talks, Stukov continued to show off his muscles to Augustus in his words. And Stukov must have known Augustus's character, for someone like Edmund Duke would have regarded his words as weakness and cowardly bluff.

Stukov poured Augustus a glass of transparent wine - even with Augustus's taste for wine, it was difficult to tell which kind it was from the color and smell of the wine. It seemed to come from An ancient alcoholic beverage in the solar system.

An extremely strong gin gold with a strong smell, Augustus bet that Angus and Arcturus would regard this as a treasure due to the Mengsk family's preference for wine.

"The gin produced in Amsterdam is sealed in the cellar of the winery in San Diego. Before our fleet left the solar system, this wine was listed as one of the munitions. But it is very precious, and it is absolutely impossible here. You can drink it," Stukov said.

"It's a little greeting."

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