StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 473 The Lord will return like a king

Chapter 473 The Lord will return like a king——

"General, the UED has launched an attack on us and the hybrid is leading them!"

At the same time that the signal from ghost agent Magen Toles was interrupted, multiple radio reports from commanders of various units of the Revolutionary Army sounded one after another.

The army was obviously in some confusion due to the UED's sudden rebellion, but the commanders at all levels remained calm and composed. Renault had ordered them to always be wary of cold shots from the people on earth and stay alert.

"Their target is our psychic disruptor." Renault made his judgment while he was adjusting the holographic projector that he kicked.

"Stand your position. If you can't hold it, destroy the psychic disruptor. Never let it fall into the hands of the people on Earth."

"Dugar did not intend to kill the Overlord from the beginning. He borrowed the power of the psychic disruptor and the protoss to control the Overlord and the entire Char swarm." Chief of Staff Charles Horner was furious. .

"Damn, he's been playing tricks on us."

The dead ghost agent was an admirable revolutionary warrior. Thores joined the Revolutionary Army in order to save more people and atone for the sins he committed while serving as a Terran Federation ghost agent.

"Dugar's abacus was very good, but he didn't take into account those Dark Templar knights." Raynor regained his composure. The more desperate the situation, the less able he was to defeat him. The death of Toles and those team members would only Making Renault even more determined.

Although he is only 24 years old, Raynor has already fought more battles than the peacetime Terran Federation generals fought in their entire lives.

"Does he think that the protoss are all like Phoenix? Tall, strong, always wearing gorgeous golden armor and standing in the sun to advance?" He snorted: "The Dark Templar have always been lurking in the shadows, and they are It’s a real trump card.”

Compared to the Zerg, the mainstream human world knows very little about the protoss.

Most of mankind's perceptions of the protoss are dangerous and evil advanced civilization aliens. Usually wherever the zerg appears on the planet, the protoss will appear immediately and burn everything there.

Beyond this, humans know nothing about the culture and customs of the protoss. At most, they had dissected a few corpses and recorded scenes of the protoss fighting in Mar Sara, but that was all.

The Dark Templar are the most mysterious and low-profile of the protoss. They have never been known to anyone and have only appeared on Char so far. The Tyranid Federation also didn't know that the power of the Dark Templar could completely kill the Cerebrates. They didn't even know that this thing could be resurrected.

The revolutionary army of Augustus can be regarded as the human force that is most familiar with the protoss, and has always been in close contact with the protoss. The main force fighting against the Zerg was also the Revolutionary Army, but most of their achievements were unknown.

Most of the UED's understanding of the protoss and zerg comes from the Tyranid Federation, and they have no idea of ​​the existence of the Dark Templar. So, just as Dugar was about to throw off his allies and take control of the Overmind, the Dark Templar suddenly appeared and stopped them.

"That's it, the UED man still stabbed the master in the butt." Charles looked in the direction of the main nest area worriedly.

There, hundreds of tall zerg organic structures towered over the giant cocoon surrounding the Overmind. The swarm of alien dragons hovering in the sky were like boobies or crows, quickly folding their wings, falling down, and then raising their altitude. The whine of the insect swarm only intensified the discomfort caused by Char's choking air.

At this time, after a sharp roar from the rockets, a Revolutionary Army heavy artillery position north of the command center was quickly covered by violent explosions, followed by the next round of salvos. The interval between them was not even enough time for a breath. .

Then the hybrid also appeared in front of the Revolutionary Army soldiers, and the only good news was that the protoss was still their ally.

The Revolutionary Army's positions are all within the range of influence of the psychic disruptors, so the UED army does not need to worry about the surrounding Zerg. But if Renault orders the soldiers to destroy all the psychic disruptors, at worst everyone can just play together.

"The dosage must not be enough, or in other words, the medicine carried by one soldier is not enough to control the master, so they only need four." Renault shook his head and said.

"What's more, for a creature as huge as the Overlord, it will take time for the medicine to spread throughout the body along the circulatory system." He stared at Charles closely and said.

"Think about it, what if you needed four shots of anesthetic to anesthetize Tychus and throw him out among 12 naked women, but you only got one shot?"

Before Charles could say anything, Renault immediately said: "Then everything is over. Only one injection of anesthetic will do nothing except wake up Tychus, an unreasonably strong beast and anger him."

"Then Tychus will tie you to your balls and hang you up."

"Don't say that. It's hard to say who will win." Charles snorted coldly. None of the generals under Augustus were very good.

"Pass my order and hold back the UED people as much as possible. No one will have an easy time." While Renault and Charles were talking, the UED immediately launched an attack on the Protoss' position, and the latter immediately retaliated. .

In a very short period of time, the entire main nest area was transformed from a coalition of all races joining forces to attack the Zerg into a three-way melee. The battle became more and more intense, corpses were everywhere, and there were bleeding corpses everywhere, no matter which race they came from.

At this time, Renault had lost contact with all his special operations teams. He tried to contact the protoss, but they seemed to be in trouble.

At this point, Renault has no idea what is happening near the Lord.

Dark Priest Azma will do whatever it takes to stop the UED from injecting poison into the Overlord, but first they must deal with those hybrids. In addition, the zerg next to it will not wait for the protoss and the hybrid to decide the winner. They will violently tear all enemies close to their master to pieces.

At this time, the holographic projection image on the table next to him began to vibrate, and the mechanical adjutant said in his unique synthetic voice:

"Level 12 psychic waveform detected——"

"What?" exclaimed Charles, "it must be a mistake."

"This piece of scrap metal needs to be repaired." Renault suddenly felt a hot wind coming from the direction of the main nest, which was mixed with the smell of blood, the rust of the nutrient solution in the cockpit of the Dragon Knight mecha, and the smell of burned proteins. The smell of burning.

The howling wind blew the flags beside the base, and tornadoes thousands of feet high, wrapped in volcanic ash, raged across the war-scarred land. The impact of Char's active geological movement has become more severe. Thousands of volcanoes have erupted, and lava has risen and flooded the sea, creating an apocalyptic scene.

"Fuck." Renault looked at the giant squirming cocoon of the Overlord.

"If I were stuck with a needle in my butt while I was sleeping, I would be furious." He had a premonition of something, and he felt that he and his subordinates who trusted him would probably not be able to leave Char alive.

"Dugar, you will definitely regret it."

The sudden storm is definitely not caused by nature, but comes from the master's wanton spiritual power. The stirring spiritual energy set off strong winds around it, and the storm affected about 350 square kilometers of rocky ground, causing terrifying waves in the lava ocean.

The mechanical adjutant must have been "frightened" by the data from the sensor, as he kept repeating the phrase "level 12 psychic waveform detected."

In fact, the human PI index does not have this level at all, and it does not apply to humans and protoss at all. This is enough to show that this level is definitely not attainable by humans.

Renault looked at the Overlord and saw that the cocoon was rapidly changing from green to grass-like yellow, and that it was rapidly turning into cracked wrinkled skin and falling off it. The body covered with a hard exoskeleton expands rapidly, like an inflated balloon.

Compared with the indestructible chitin carapace of the old master and the sharp spikes reaching into the sky, this new master obviously has a more tender skin, and even its tentacles are much fewer.

In the center of the master's body covered in slimy liquid, a huge insect eye connected to countless extremely thick nerve tendrils has opened. At this moment, a substantial spiritual storm rose into the sky, stirring the ash cloud over Char, forming a vortex that appeared on the dome.

Billions of zerg flying creatures took off from their nests, heading towards the center of the psychic vortex released by the Overlord. All battleships and fighter planes along the way - whether they belonged to humans or protoss, were all destroyed. They were torn to pieces.

The swarm of insects fell into an almost crazy joy - the zerg did not have such rich emotions, which all came from the brainworms that controlled them.

Now, the former master of the swarm has been "reborn". It is the master of the zerg, the controller of all cerebrates and all worm hives. It has always been this way.

The Overlord has awakened and will take control of the swarm again, leading all the zerg to defeat and devour all the protoss, and lead the swarm to become stronger, faster and more perfect.

"It's all over. We all have to die here today." Charles felt a sense of despair: "We will never be the last person to die here. It's a pity that I haven't seen the day when the revolution is truly successful."

"Marshal Mengsk!"

Once the master wakes up, everything that follows is completely predictable. Under the command of the Overmind, the swarms are invincible, and they will soon devour all protoss and humans on Char.

This is indeed the case. Under the increase of the Overlord's powerful psychic energy, the mental link between the main hive minds between the zerg has become extremely stable, which makes the "Big Bill" psychic disruptor that has been strengthened several times ineffective.

The swarm once again entered the positions of the Revolutionary Army, UED, and Protoss. All parties were surrounded by enemies from both sides, with numerous casualties and miserable howls in the communication channels.

"Don't be discouraged, old friend, we still have a chance." Renault's heart was also gripped by a burst of despair, which proved that he would still be as scared as an ordinary human being.

But at this time, Renault will never be defeated easily, because he still has family, wife and children waiting for him to return.

"Reno, my troops suffered a heavy blow. In the battle just now, my Templars suffered heavy losses. The enemy is more difficult to deal with than I thought. I must" Phoenix's avatar appeared on the convulsing hologram. on the projection screen.

"Phoenix, you finally responded." Renault breathed out.

"You should know that the master has awakened."

"Yes." Phoenix's voice was low: "Dark Priest Azma had to deal with a hybrid of the UED and the ghost agents of the earth, so he missed the best opportunity to kill the master."

"By the time he had finished killing all the enemies, Dagos's tribe had already pounced on him." He said: "The humans on Earth had awakened the beast, and now it was immersed in the joy of rebirth and anger at the invaders - "

"Don't worry, it doesn't know what to do yet. The new master is hesitant. Like a real newborn, it is curious about everything, but also afraid."

"Sure enough, just as I thought, it was a premature baby," Renault said.

"Even if it breaks out of the egg prematurely, the Overlord is still powerful." Phoenix said: "But it is not the Overlord that died in Aiur in the past. This new Lord of the Swarm knows nothing about it. They are two Different individuals.”

"It can only control the insect swarm by instinct, and it is not a sophisticated master who has lived for countless epochs." He said: "It is just a child among the protoss who is less than a hundred years old."

"If we regroup, we can kill it again."

"You're still like that, you won't give up easily no matter what." Renault lightly shrugged: "It just so happens that I am the same."

"Adjutant, please contact Dugar's flagship Alexander again. I think it is possible for us to rejoin."

At this time, Gerard Dugar's fleet has lost most of it. At least 60 battlecruisers have crashed in the past two days. The losses of frigates and other ship types are countless. Only the flagship Alexander and a small half of the fleet are left. I am struggling to support myself.

"Why doesn't this old Dugar answer my call?" Just when Renault was about to say something, he suddenly noticed that the sky suddenly darkened, and the hurricane that was blowing began to flow backwards.

An unparalleled huge black hole appeared in the sky above the Lord, the weather suddenly changed, and thunder condensed in the clouds. Amid the lightning and thunder, a rare drizzle began to fall.

The extremely rare rainwater was quickly evaporated before falling to the ground, and a fleeting rainbow appeared on the land littered with corpses.

"What kind of witchcraft is it going to cast? Phoenix?" Renault uttered a curse word, and at the same time he also hoped that the invincible Phoenix could have any other methods. After all, his understanding of zerg and psychic powers was definitely not as good as that of the protoss.

"A wormhole. This new master may want to gather his tribe from other main hive worlds." Even Phoenix said: "The war situation is very unfavorable to us."

Both Renault and Phoenix realized that they were about to face the most brutal battle of their lives.

The Overlord let out a soul-shattering psychic scream, and the Overlord was about to attack——

The Overmind disappeared in the vortex of the wormhole.

At the same time, countless swarms began to move toward the wormhole, and even the swarm fleet in high-altitude orbit that was fighting Tassadar's Duram Protoss fleet also returned to Char's atmosphere.

The screams and cries of the people on earth could be heard on every channel, and the Dugar UED fleet, which was on the path that the swarm must pass through, was swallowed up without any suspense.

Like a pebble falling into the ocean without causing any waves.

I'll add more updates as much as possible. Anyway, let's make a schedule first.

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