StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 474 Infection is the finale

"Emergency call for help! Emergency call for help! Heavy damage! We have been hit hard!"

"The bugs are crawling in. They are in the exhaust pipes, hatches, and supply bays. Leave them alone. Retreat! Retreat!"

"Come on, for the earth, for humanity! Ah——"

The communication station of the Revolutionary Army intercepted part of the UED fleet's communication flow on the full frequency band. These shouts and screams from the Earth's soldiers will inevitably hurt Renault and other figures.

Following the super cyclone formed by the wormhole created by the master, the swarm of insects swallowed up everything except them in the sky. They were as numerous as the sand in the river, covering the sky and closing the sun. There is no Milky Way to be seen here. Many long brown-gray rivers made up of thousands of countless Zerg just hang in the gloomy sky of Char, like ribbons connecting the horizon, from one end of the North Pole to the other. to the other end.

Like a colony of ants swarming over molasses, tens of thousands of alien dragons swarmed over those majestic ships that could easily reach several thousand feet, tearing apart the composite steel armor bit by bit.

The cries for help issued by the people on earth before they died were just the last lamentations of this magnificent fleet.

In just a few minutes, the last few UED spacecraft that were still narrowly avoiding the attack were shot down and turned into a falling fireball.

A short burst of debris rained down from the high-altitude orbit, formed by the remains of the fleet. In an instant, only the flying alien dragons and other ferocious flying monsters were left above people's heads.

"The people of Earth are finished, and so is Gerald Dugar. I hope this old guy can repent for what he has done before he dies." Renault tried to contact the battleships, but it was of no avail until all the channels were silent.

The arrogant UED fleet could not hold out for long in front of the zerg swarm. They were able to penetrate deep into Char only because the zerg focused all their attention on Tassadar's Dallam protoss fleet.

When Renault looked up, Gerard Dugar's flagship Alexander was nowhere to be seen. If they were lucky enough, these UED battlecruisers would have the opportunity to initiate an emergency non-directional coordinate jump to escape from here, but no traces of the space jump were found.

To be fair, although Dugar is a cunning opponent, he is undoubtedly a respectable human being. Not all human generals have the courage and determination to sail their flagship to the Zerg's main hive world, Char.

"The warrior soul deserves praise." Phoenix also said: "They will meet again in the Temple of Valor among humans on Earth."

Compared to Renault, as a protoss with extremely keen telepathic abilities, Phoenix can even receive what these earthlings were thinking at the end of their lives.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of ordinary UED soldiers joined the expeditionary force only because of the declaration made by the United Earth Council to defend the earth after discovering the existence of zerg and protoss. So they shouldered such a mission and set off - so that their families could live in a safe world.

"Great, it's the bugs that kill them, not us." Renault's heart was complicated. Originally, they were bound to become enemies.

But if the main force of the UED expeditionary force is lost in Char, then the remaining earthlings will be much easier to deal with.

"The Overlord has escaped." Compared to the people on Earth, Charles, Reno's chief of staff, cares more about the Overlord. He was so shocked now that he stared at the suddenly appeared wormhole for several seconds before confirming this fact:

"but why?"

"Yes, something is wrong. The number of bugs is absolutely dominant, and it is a home game. It can take some time to completely destroy us." Renault agreed with Charles's view. In fact, he was not surprised at all. less.

"Could it be that it was really frightened by the Dark Templars of Dark Priest Azma? I bet you everything in my pocket, Charles, that's not the case."

"But what's left in there, mud or ashes? Or the bottle of No. 8 whiskey the marshal gave you." Charles sneered.

As we all know, General Jim Raynor is a pauper. He never takes advantage of his power to gain any benefit from the Revolutionary Army system, and all his salary is sent to his family. This is very different from Tychus Finley.

Because Reno's parents taught him to be an upright and useful person to others. After entering the army, Augustus also had a profound influence on Reno. Even though Raynor and Tychus were very close, they were not affected by the latter.

Reynolds has a Colt military revolver, which is an antique from hundreds of years ago. Each bullet is specially made, which is rare and expensive.

Therefore, Renault would rather use a modern electromagnetic pistol than use this revolver, but he will still carry this revolver without firing a shot to show his outdated taste. The euphemistic saying is that it will always come in handy, but it is just that his head has not yet entered the target.

"Didn't the protoss say that this new swarm master was formed by the fusion of cerebrates? Char's cerebrates were so killed by the Dark Templar that they dared not show their faces."

Charles continued: "Besides, when that master woke up, there were really a few dark templars sharpening their swords next to him. Even I would wet my pants."

"So you are not the master." Renault pursed his lips.

"The Shadow Guards led by Dark Priest Azma have hundreds of powerful Dark Templar masters. They have only one purpose in Char, and that is to kill a Cerebrate or Overlord. That is the only one who can join Archbishop Rashagar's guard. Demand,” Phoenix said.

"This doesn't sound easy - I'm just talking nonsense." Renault could probably understand the pressure and fear that the newborn master felt, but he was a little unsure, always thinking that a dignified master would never be defeated. A group of protoss dark templar warriors were so scared that they were pissed off when they went straight in.

"Where does the wormhole opened by the Dominator 2 lead to? If it is the center of the Koprulu sector, it would be terrible." He stared at the rotating black hole in the sky.

Zerg are truly the most incredible race in the universe. They do not need any technological power to open a space-time channel connecting two points with their organic bodies, and can cross the void with their bodies.

"Without clear coordinates, the Overlord cannot open the wormhole. Even if there is a slight deviation, the final destination may be thousands of miles away." Phoenix's voice came from the other end of the holographic projector:

"Then this location should be one that the insect swarm has visited before, or it should be a coordinate that is clearly known."

"Is there any research to prove that a reborn master inherits memories from its predecessor?" Raynor asked.

"Our Karai scientists can't figure it out either." Phoenix seemed to have consulted other protoss in the psychic network Kara:

"Research shows that the zerg will program the instinct to fight into their genes, and the reborn cerebrate will also acquire the memory before being killed to ensure that each neuron in the brain, their position and the order in which nerve impulses are transmitted are consistent with It turns out they are the same.”

Phoenix explained to Renault: "But this Overmind is not the one that died on Aiur, this is a new - unique individual. We are not sure whether it still remembers Aiur and other planets, maybe it is Where the swarm first set out. For Char, the zerg are also a recent invader."

"I probably understand. I really hope this wormhole can kick this monster to the most remote corner of the universe." Renault thought he understood: "In short, it's best to throw some 'souvenirs' in it now to figure out what it is." Where have you gone?"

"Not to mention how to send tracking and positioning equipment over such a distance, the other end of the wormhole may be tens of thousands of light-years away from Koprulu, and the existing technology has not been withdrawn at all." Charles said.

"Don't worry, I ordered some of the detectors to follow the swarm into the wormhole. At the same time, Dark Priest Azma and his Dark Templar have also stepped into it." Phoenix said.

"There is no place where the warriors of the Protoss clan dare not set foot." Charles praised.

"Okay, okay, I can't worry about that much." Renault noticed the sudden increase in red dots in the radar scan and life signal detection map.

As early as when the Overlord awakened, the psychic wind it brought greatly limited the effect of the psychic disruptor. The zerg signals around the Revolutionary Army positions began to multiply. They were constantly passing through the wormholes at the call of the swarm master, without any hesitation or hesitation.

These zerg just want to enter the wormhole and have no time to care about their enemies. Even so, the Revolutionary Army, UED landing forces, and Protoss forces in its path were the first to bear the brunt.

A large number of tunnel worms broke out of the ground and smashed the originally impregnable position to pieces. The hydralisk warriors of tiamat, unique to the Tiamat swarm, swarmed in like a tide and ruthlessly harvested the lives of humans and protoss.

The only good news is that it's only one part that attacks.

"After the Overlord entered the wormhole, the influence of its powerful psychic energy on the mental connection of the swarm's main hive is fading. It is expected that the 'Big Bill' psychic disruptor will take effect again in 20 minutes." Charles told Renault .

"No matter what, we must persist until then."

"Although it's just an afterthought, if it had been two days earlier, I would have suggested to my past self not to stand in the way of the insect swarm, and to give way to them as soon as possible." Renault said:

"Phoenix, I need your support. The less land we have to defend, the stronger our defenses will be. The Revolutionary Army and the Protoss must unite."

"It's an honor," Phoenix said. "I'll crush them like a bug."

"Try to contact the UED people still on the ground in Char and find their highest-ranking commander." Renault said: "Even if poor old Gerald is still alive, he probably won't be able to command his troops anymore. If Those people on Earth are willing to work with us to deal with the Zerg, and after this they won’t even have a spaceship to leave Char.”

"I don't like people on Earth, and I don't trust them - it would be better if they all died here." Charles shook his head: "But no matter what, sometimes the living are more useful than the dead. If you don't understand the people on Earth, how should you deal with them? them."

Then, Renault opened the channels of all troops. Under the influence of the loudspeaker equipment, even the nearby UED positions could hear it.

"Brothers, now is not the time to determine defeat."

"Char is very important. Char must be controlled by humans. Keep Char and resist the insect swarms here, and other worlds like paradise will not be devastated."

"If the Federation can't do it, then it's up to us, the Revolutionary Army." Renault said:

"Marshal Augustus Mengsk has entrusted this mission to us - his most heroic warriors. Do not let him down."

"In the dark universe, humans can only survive by supporting each other. This is our mission: to use blood and sweat to defend the last hope of Terran humanity." He said:

"Even if it costs your life."

"Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!"

"Where are my feet? Where are they?"

"Help me! Help me! Ah-ah-"

Such a wailing that deeply pleases Carlos the Brainworm comes from humans, a race that interests him extremely. This group is not the only hive to use viruses and infections as weapons, but they are most interested in infecting humans.

Members of Carlos' pack were wandering the corridors and cabins of the Alexander, the flagship of the UED expeditionary force fleet, searching for survivors on the dark gray carpeted decks.

This super-giant ship that once demonstrated the power of the earth has fallen and is crawling helplessly in the acid swamp filled with acidic liquid to the west of Char's main nest area. Her majestic and tall bridge and even the steel ship were torn apart as they hit the surface, and most of the ship's hull was in flames.

There are still some survivors on the Alexander, and they may still have hope of "surviving".

But yes, the great Lord of the Kalos Swarm will keep them alive, but it may be very different from the human definition of the word.

At this moment, Carlos is controlling his group members deep in the depths of his insect nest to penetrate deep into the interior of the Alexander, hunting for the nutrients of the insect swarm and the experimental subjects of its infection plan.

If these fragile humans think that death is the final outcome, they are far from the truth.

Death is not a complete relief. Carlos will pull them all up from the grave and rebuild their bodies and wills with the virus.

Even the dead must serve the swarm.

The swarm learns from its enemy, the swarm will adapt, the swarm will evolve. Until then, it will never stop.

"Turn left at hatch 112. There is a shuttle equipped with a warp engine. The shuttle has the coordinates of the earth on it. You can leave this purgatory by driving it." A voice attracted a springtail from the Carlos tribe. attention, and Carlos dedicated a ray of his own will to control the squeaky little monster.


"I'm going to die. We failed. Remember, the Council's greatest loss was the loss of Gerald Dugar, not us. If you feel guilty, take this back to Proxima Centauri, there."

Without mercy, Carlos's Zerglings tore apart the two Earthlings before turning into another collapsed chamber.

During the digging, a man covered in blood and wearing a general's uniform was dragged out by Carlos' springtails. Even if the thin face was dripping with blood, the glare in his eyes could still silence his former subordinates.

Gerald Dugar.

Human hands.

"A human leader with great vision and strategic vision, your death is a loss for your tribe, but it benefits the swarm." Carlos said silently to the dead Dugar with the power of his mind:

"The leader of mankind is unique and full of wisdom. He orders the group to not disobey, just like the brainworm. Your experience, your wisdom, and your strategy will all belong to the group of insects."

"You are dead, but I can regenerate your tissue. I will infect you and make you part of the swarm."

"And you are just the beginning. Before all humans are infected, I will fulfill my mission." Carlos said quietly.

Amid the wailing, mourning, crying and roaring of the people on earth, dark purple fungi and silk-like hyphae are spreading on the surface and inside of the Alexander. Crazy meridians and twisted proliferating bones are joining the cracked armor of the battleship. together.

The location where the sensor originally belonged was filled with terrifying rotating insect eyes, and countless ugly tumors and umbilical hernias leaking pus emerged. Huge psychic organs grew out of the engine room, and what were originally propellers became jet nozzles larger than those of the Valkyrie frigate. The stacked exoskeletons reshaped the Alexander's armor and her The magnificent island and bridge of the past.

"Gerald Dugar, you will be the leader of my army of infected people, a creature far more powerful than humanity's poor genetics."

"Now, you will see this battleship with your own eyes, and you will become -" the Alexander takes off again.

"Hand of the Swarm."

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