StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 475 Recapture Char

Over the past few nightmare days on the surface of Char, the Revolutionary Army led by Jim Raynor had killed thousands of zerg - far more cockroaches than they had ever trampled to death in their lifetimes.

At the last moment, they not only fought with the Protoss' "Templar Manager" Archon Fenix, but also worked back to back with the UED landing force on the surface of Char to resist the endless zerg swarming into the wormhole. .

It wasn't until the psychic disruptor came into play again and the fleet of Tassadar, the high-ranking executive of the Durham Protoss, arrived to support that the protoss and humans trapped in the insect sea turned out to be safe.

Then, what neither humans nor protoss expected was that after the Overlord left, the Zerg completely gave up on Char.

The wormhole opened by the Overlord only lasted less than two Char rotations before it collapsed, but it still supported the passage of dozens of billions of zerg. For a time, the zerg's distribution in Char was greatly reduced, and countless nests were abandoned.

Protoss Executor Tassadar immediately ordered the fleet to occupy the empty high-altitude orbit of Char, and decisively carried out a comprehensive orbital bombardment of the zerg main nest. While this triggered a super volcano eruption of unprecedented scale, it also significantly reduced the number of zerg on the planet.

Afterwards, Raynor was able to successfully claim to recapture Char in the name of the Human Revolutionary Army.

However, they did pay a high price for this.

Taking the revolutionary army led by Reno as an example, the field hospitals of some Marine divisions treated more than 5,000 wounded soldiers. The battalion and brigade were destroyed by the Zerg formation. There was an elite heavy infantry battalion mainly composed of Firebats and heavily armored raiders. In the end, only more than 30 people led by Corporal "Blazer" Miles Lewis remained. people.

As for the protoss, although humans cannot count the number of protoss casualties based on corpses, they can feel their sorrow in an abstract and three-dimensional way.

So many protoss returned to Kara at the same time on Char that the protoss protectors in the fleet, who were dedicated to recording the memories of the dead, went crazy because they had to feel the pain of each clan member before their death.

The UED expeditionary force seemed to be the biggest loser in this war. They lost a huge fleet and the number of dead and missing combined exceeded 1 million.

After the fleet was completely lost, there were less than 100,000 people left on the surface of Char. Under Tassadar's pressure, the UED's demoralized remnants were forced to surrender to the enraged protoss and hand over their few remaining hybrids.

Eventually, the Protoss handed over their captives to Raynor, on the grounds that they did not carry any food for Earthlings to eat - humans obviously could not survive on sunlight alone.

"Char is ours. This planet was synonymous with death and nightmares during the Total War. It made every Tyranid change his mind when they heard its name." Major General Charles, Chief of Staff of the Expeditionary Force, was wearing a crimson jacket. Powered armor walked on the surface of Char covered in ash and toxic smoke, beside the expeditionary force's commander Renault and several staff officers, adjutants and guards.

"But at what cost? Jim."

"With the lives of countless warriors." Renault sighed.

In his report to the Augustus Marshal Command, Renault attributed the tragedies of countless families to his impatience and recklessness. He believed that he had made a big mistake that was absolutely unforgivable and hoped that the Marshal Command would relieve him of his duties.

Despite this, Marshal Augustus Mengsk sent a letter to the headquarters of the Char Expeditionary Force imploring Raynor to continue serving as commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force.

Renault knew that people could not be resurrected after death, but seeing so many fresh lives passing away in front of them, only people like Duke would feel it didn't matter.

Some generals will be saddened by the deaths of soldiers, while others only regard them as means and numbers to achieve victory. Jim Raynor and Mira Han are considered the former. Raynor treats his soldiers as good brothers, while Mira has the stinginess of a gangster.

Edmund Duke and Omega Squadron's Gregory Rexon are obviously the latter, and it's hard to say which one is more suitable to lead the army.

Renault had secretly determined to remember everyone's name, but the Revolutionary Army was not a militia organization in the fringe world.

"Yes, so many good brothers have died." Charles also sighed: "Before the expedition, I asked the soldiers to write letters home - just like a long time ago, they were real letters instead of electronic messages. In the email, the words on it are so powerful that they shine through the back of the paper, and the words are sincere and you can feel the warmth."

"I made a mistake - one I regret forever."

Charles was in pain, and so was his expression: "I heard that those letters are now being squeezed in the port of Altera and cannot be delivered in time due to the war."

"Holy Mother, the death notice arrived faster than these letters."

Renault and Charles continued to move forward in silence along the ash-covered mountain path, stepping onto a steel cable bridge built between two mountains, and under the swaying bridge deck was flowing lava.

This place is located on the fault mountain range formed by geological collision and extrusion in the Intrepid Highlands. The surface is mainly volcanic rock composed of solidified lava, huge black granite and layers of extruded ash.

A long river of magma that runs through the entire Arctic flows in a deep chasm between two parallel mountains. When it passes through the low and gentle banks, it will form dotted lakes due to geological movements such as earthquakes.

The fortress built by the Revolutionary Army's Char Expeditionary Force was built on the dangerous ridge of the Fearless Highlands, overlooking the raging lava rivers and rolling crimson lakes below.

The Dauntless Fortress is a symbol of humanity's victory over the Zerg and its retaking of Char.

The entire fortress seems to be built on flames. It is extremely hot here and the choking sulfur-containing compounds in the air are toxic. Therefore, revolutionary soldiers who are exposed to the harsh sunlight and deadly gases must wear protective clothing and carry oxygen tubes. and respiratory masks.

Sometimes rocks from the mountains fall into the lava river below with a heart-wrenching crunching sound, and the deafening roar of volcanic eruptions in the distance is like thunder in the horizon.

On the other side of the bridge is the Fearless Highland Fortress under construction. The entire steel fortress is built on a platform dug deep into the rock walls. A military camp will be set up inside, as will plasma cannons and anti-aircraft missile towers. The complete ecological environment cabin can plant green plants that are not available in Char, providing a more comfortable environment and green plants.

This project has only just begun, so most of the areas on the Fearless Highlands are still black rocks.

Because both manpower and time are quite limited, even building materials can only be collected and smelted from the crystal ore clusters in Char, and fuel can be extracted from the high-energy gas extraction plant at the foot of the mountain.

Some protoss and their golden-blue machinery can also be seen among the construction workers. The anti-gravity technology and superb construction technology they brought have greatly accelerated the construction process of the Fearless Fortress.

The harsh natural environment and extremely unstable geological structure also make the construction project extremely difficult. As a result, the kind-hearted Tassadar sent some Kalai phase technicians to help the revolutionary army gain a foothold in Char, but they would not build a new city for humans.

Tassadar, the high-ranking executive of the Dalam Protoss, believes that excessive interference in the development of mankind is not a good thing. The core of Dawu's teachings is laissez-faire.

Tassadar promised to help Augustus rebuild Korhal, but humans are not vassals of the protoss. They have their own civilization, and both Augustus and Tassadar know this.

The Revolutionary Army will rely on this fortress to firmly control Char, providing a solid military base for the soldiers stationed on the planet.

Although Augustus did not intend to continue directional colonization of Char, he would still establish enough mines on it. In the future, Char's population will mainly consist of soldiers and miners.

Even if the swarm had left, Augustus believed that any possibility of their return must be guarded against. If the Overlord returns again, its chosen landing point will definitely be Char.

Across the rickety bridge is the entrance to the Dauntless Highland Fortress. The steel wall is 20 feet high and has a heavy gate. The sign next to the gate is engraved with these words.

——In the name of humans, the revolutionary army, and Marshal Augustus Mengsk, we recaptured Char from the hands of the Overlord. This proves that the zerg are not invincible!

"General Reynold, General Charles, we are still holding on!" Two sentries stationed at the gate saluted immediately after seeing Reynold and Charles.

"Thank you for your hard work, continue on duty." Renault responded with a military salute. The general's majesty must never be let down.

Augustus made it clear to Renault that he was the brother-in-law of his general, Humilius, and was ready to hand over more troops to Renault.

This put a lot of pressure on Renault, and turned him into a self-disciplined and dignified general instead of a chic Masala cowboy.

Renault knew that he had experienced too few hardships and setbacks. Ever since he joined the Federation Marine Corps, he had had a smooth life. Later, he met the love of his life in Mar Sara.

The young man's passion and determination made Renault a leader among young generals. The establishment of a family made him understand what protection and responsibility are.

Some people think that Jim Raynor became a general just because he was lucky enough to become a comrade-in-arms of Marshal Augustus. Although Renaud didn't care at all what these people thought, he also wanted to prove that Augustus's vision was as accurate as ever.

Walking into the gate is the interior of the fortress that is under construction. Roads and suspended train tracks have been built. Steel materials for construction, moving engineering vehicles, roaring heavy cranes, and poles used to nail the cliffs can be seen everywhere on the ground. Heavy machinery for erecting thick steel piles was buzzing with people.

But Renault and Charles were not here to inspect the construction of the construction site. They were here for the six Vagory frigates parked at the fortress airport.

"Six intact Vagorys. It is said that they only suffered minor scratches." When he actually stood under the majestic bow of a Vagory frigate and in the shadow of its magnificent wings, Charles couldn't help but sigh. .

"The Protoss fleet captured the remnants of a group of UED fleets that wanted to escape Char in high-altitude orbit. There were 6 well-preserved Val'kyr frigates inside. Now, Tassadar Executive Officer is preparing to hand over those ships to us."

"Vagre, the missile frigate brought by the UED people. And I have to say that she is another masterpiece in the history of human warship development." Renault also nodded.

The Valkyrie frigate was just one of the trophies obtained by the Revolutionary Army from the ashes of the UED expeditionary fleet, and her value was certainly unquestionable.

The current revolutionary fleet lacks such frigates with extremely thick steel armor to compensate for firepower and flank protection.

The frigate's weapon system is mainly focused on air-to-air combat. Each of its High Altitude Long Operation (H.A.L.O.) cluster rocket launch bays can fire a salvo of 8 rockets at a time. The effect of the swarm of alien dragons is quite astonishing.

"Through reverse engineering technology, we will soon be able to analyze the design principles of Vagre and develop a new generation of frigates." Renault said:

"Moreover, cluster rocket technology can also develop new weapons as mechas and artillery. This depends on our engineering team and scientists." He said:

"In addition, we have also obtained components of the electromagnetic pulse signal interference technology used by UED. As long as this technology is cracked, Augustus' capture of Tarsonis will not be a problem."

In addition to letting Renault continue to serve as the commander of the Char Expeditionary Force, Augustus also highlighted the fact that the main force of the Revolutionary Army was at war with the Earth's army led by Lieutenant General Stukov of UED. This undoubtedly made Renault and others People are inspired.

"We have already started a war with the UED army in the Koprulu sector, and the war has spread across multiple core worlds. Marshal Augustus has launched a general mobilization order in all federal worlds that can still be contacted -" Charles also said:

"He announced that in the new Tyran nation that will be built with the Tyran nation as the main body, any former federal world that has given full support to the revolutionary army in the war against the UED invaders will be given priority for reconstruction. These The world will also receive tax breaks and priority on economic recovery policies, and will be protected by the Revolutionary Army fleet in the event of an alien invasion."

"That was originally the new policy that Augustus was planning to implement. Even though they appear to be relatively close on the star map at first glance, the locations of those planets are far and wide. Who knows if they can come to support before the end of the war? ." Renault said:

"What Augustus wants is just a clear statement from those people. In this hellish place of the Koprulu Sector, there are no fewer people who secretly oppose us than those who support us," he said.

"Our marshals need to know who are friends and who are enemies, who need to be spoken to softly and who need to be beaten with a heavy stick."

"The main fleet of the UED expeditionary force has been buried in Char, and even their highest-ranking commander is missing. What is left are only defeated troops, and it is only a matter of time before the Earthlings are defeated." Charles said.

"It won't be long before we can drive the Earthlings out of the Koprulu sector."

"Don't be too optimistic, Charles, Alexey Stukov may be more difficult to deal with than his boss." Reno reminded his old friend not to take it lightly:

"If Dugar is a lion, then Stukov is a fox. When they work together, they will be as fierce as a lion and as alert as a fox. Losing any one of them will be greatly compromised."

"Fortunately, Augustus is more cunning."

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