StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 5 Boot Camp

From the perspective of the Augustus nobles, the passenger cabin of this transport ship can only be described as crude. The not-so-large cabin was packed with recruits from all over Korhal.

The young people in the capital city of Steelling always have an indescribable sense of superiority in their every move. The recruits in the ocean city of Aurora have a lingering salty smell. Wolfe relied on the mines to rise. In the industrial city, the men who come out of there are all tall and tall...

Although he was the son of a senator, Augustus did not receive any special treatment in the army. Although Angus Mengsk has great power in Korhal politics and is extremely powerful, the federal government will never let him interfere with military matters. After all, Angus can be said to have single-handedly provoked the Korhal people to rebel and become independent in recent years. enthusiasm.

In this case, Augustus had to worry about whether he would be targeted in the army. As for naked persecution or taking the opportunity to kill Augustus, the federal government will not do so for the time being.

Today, people are talking about Angus Mengsk’s hypocrisy on all major social platforms, as well as at gatherings of old nobles and famous entrepreneurs and salons of ladies.

In public occasions and speeches, Angus complained hoarsely about the corruption of the Terran federal government and called on the Korhal people to resist the brutal rule and exploitation, but secretly sent both of his sons into the federal marines.

People believed that Angus was obviously making two-pronged preparations. On the one hand, he was inciting public sentiment and promoting his company's products to reap astonishing profits. On the other hand, he was showing his loyalty to the Federation and leaving his own escape route.

This is why Angus was furious when Augustus joined the army. His two sons, not to mention wanting to be his successors, not only did not support his career, but instead did some rebellious things that made their blood pressure soar. .

It can be seen from the fact that Arcturus Mengsk, as the eldest son and heir of the Mengsk family, not only was not ostracized but also rose up in the army, the Tyranid federal government was willing to use this as material to attack his father.

After everyone boarded the transport ship, a recruiting sergeant walked into the cabin and boarded the cabin gangway.

"Boys, in Turasis II's boot camp, you will become the bravest warriors in the entire galaxy."

The recruiting sergeant bared his sharp teeth and looked at the excited recruits and reservists.

"The glorious and great military camp is waiting for you!"

"Turasis II? Isn't that a war zone? The recruit training camp should be on an unattacked planet." A decently dressed recruit suddenly screamed.

"Shut your mouth, you piece of shit..." The recruitment sergeant's expression changed, and a bunch of bad words that Augustus thought were extremely vulgar and rude came out of his mouth, including Including many fringe world languages ​​that they don't understand at all.

"Listen, girls." The sergeant pointed at the recruit's freckled nose and said, "The generals in the chain of command agree that actual combat should also be part of training new recruits."

"When you live to retire, run into your mother's arms and sob. The army wants real soldiers, not fucking wimps!"

It seems that the situation on the frontline has reached this point, with serious attrition and insufficient troop resources, which forces the army to send untrained recruits to the war zone in advance to maintain their control over the war zone and deterrence by force.

When the spacecraft's engine made a deafening roar, Augustus thought so as he, like other anxious recruits, tied himself into an uncomfortable accelerator seat with a seat belt to prevent interstellar jumping in the spacecraft. When he hit the bulkhead, he broke his neck.

The last two people to board the plane were two jump engine technicians. The Peace Dove transport ship retracted its spiral staircase, cargo compartment and landing gear. The four downward-facing giant air jets on the side and tail of the ship gushed out hot and bright light, sending the Peace Dove away. Four thousand feet in the air.

The jet then folded and rotated further, facing directly behind, and the troop transport carrying Augustus soon turned into a point of light that penetrated into deep space.

This transport ship capable of deep space travel was manufactured by the Bennett Group's interstellar port. It can carry about three thousand soldiers and matching ordnance and supplies. Now Augustus speculates that at least five people are stuffed on it. Thousands of people, because some unlucky guy was tied to the aisle at his feet.

After a dizzying feeling of weightlessness, the Peace Dove entered a stable sub-jump orbit. After confirming that there were no officers around, Augustus started chatting with the new recruits around him.

During this period, Augustus concealed his aristocratic status very well, and the clothes he wore were only the cheapest in his wardrobe, but others could still tell that his family was either rich or noble through his clothes. Just that pair of brand-name shoes is worth at least 200 credit coins, and this is just the price in the Black Market in Stillling. After being repackaged and repackaged in a slum store, the price will increase several times.

This amount of money is enough for an ordinary slum family to buy food for two weeks. If Augustus wore this and walked on the streets of slums or even ordinary residential areas, some desperate people would knock him unconscious and drag him into the darkness. Deep alley, and not even a pair of underwear would be left for Augustus.

Augustus, who has never been in contact with the civilian class, is still unclear about all this, but he still convinced the surrounding recruits by fabricating a vivid identity. They all believed that Augustus was a man who once had a small amount of wealth but The children of a merchant family that was on the verge of bankruptcy due to war and property taxes.

Augustus's handsome appearance and gentle and humorous conversation soon established a central position in this temporary small circle. He only briefly talked about the opportunity for his enlistment, and everyone talked about their experiences in joining the army and what they knew. Everything is revealed.

Some of them were attracted by recruitment advertisements and the publicity of their respective documentaries, and yearned for life in the military camp. The child of a miner on the edge planet, his parents died at the hands of the Camorians, and this year he just passed the minimum age for joining the army.

Before joining the army, there was a gangster who only lived in the Victoria neighborhood of Stillling by smuggling and selling. Only because his daughter was seriously ill, he enlisted in the army in order to get a federal enlistment bonus of 5,000, a monthly salary and a soldier's allowance.

Before joining the army, this street gang leader who committed all kinds of evil had already written a suicide note.

Since then, Augustus has generally understood what kind of life the civilians of the Terran Federation live. It cannot be said that the people are in dire straits, but at least the lives of most people are still guaranteed. But as the war continued, the federal government increased various taxes and raised rates on excise taxes, income taxes, and other basic tax items.

Corrupt officials and the founding families and large chaebols who secretly control the federal world are exploiting and making huge fortunes in the name of war, while more and more fathers and mothers can only work hard to earn more bread to feed themselves. Their children's bellies.

As for the Federal Marine Corps' generous enlistment bonus and the temptation of fame and fortune, more desperate people choose to join the army.

Next, Augustus played a card game called Golden Flower with other recruits that they had never heard of, and won these unlucky guys a lot of money.

Time passed quietly amidst the hearty laughter of Augustus and the frustrated curses of others. The Peace Dove exited the hyperspace jump orbit at 4 a.m. local time and entered the double orbit of a dark green gas giant planet companion. , landed in the starship port of the Federation Interstellar Supply Station on its seventh satellite.

Before maintenance technicians filled the Peace Dove's fuel tanks and repainted the wings, the "caring" captain and chief petty officer allowed the recruits to spend time in the supply port's bars and restaurants, hoping that they would spend their time there. Spend all the salary you put in your pocket.

Augustus paid back all the money he won, and used part of the 60,000 credit coins his mother gave him before leaving to treat all the recruits in his cabin to a feast.

The status has been changed, rewarders can start (hahaha), the helmsman will update more, and one helmsman will be released and a chapter will be released (after all, I write very slowly, so I can’t save much)

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