Chapter 6 Turasis II

"This is Turasis II, a hell on earth, a place abandoned by God, and the worst war ruins in the entire Koprulu sector. But bad boys, if you like fighting, then congratulations, you have come to the right place. place."

In a frontline fortress called "Turasis-Main Force" in the northern hemisphere of Turasis II, Augustus was standing on the fixed platform of the fortress's huge underground hangar, and others who had just walked towards the Peace Dove were transported The ship's new recruits are reviewed and lectured together by a petty officer.

About two hundred recruits stood in line in front of the sergeant with their feet spread wide and their hands behind their backs, looking forward motionless. As new recruits, the reason why they could still stand so neatly was because the sergeant was constantly using his steel-hard elbows and pointed leather boot toes to "gently" help them correct their posture.

At the same time, there were still transport planes landing on the runway, one after another, almost without interruption. The underground hangar was wider than any 21st century airport Augustus had ever seen. At the end of the steel platform were densely packed dome buildings scattered at the end of the field of vision like a colony of ants.

All buildings are square and square, with precise edges and corners, and are in the standard Federal Marine architectural style.

The construction materials of the building come from a monopolistic interstellar construction company. The modular assembly line building modules can be extremely efficiently air-dropped to the front line via large low-Earth orbit transport ships, and then the space construction vehicles of the Airborne Engineer Corps rigorously assemble the modules. Together.

In just one day, a planetary fortress, with miles of attached industrial buildings and high-energy gas refineries, could be erected under the eyes of the Kaimorians.

"Take a break and look up!"

The sergeant was a short woman with a serious expression and short, dry brown hair. She was only about five and a half feet tall, only a little taller than Peter, the shortest member of the temporary training company. No one dared to despise this noncommissioned officer, and the soldiers clenched their butts as she walked past them.

Augustus had already put on the issued training uniform like other soldiers at this time. This dark brown camouflage vest designed for the sandy terrain of Turasis is known for its reliability and wear resistance. Soldiers were required to tuck themselves neatly into Tarsonian paratrooper trousers held up by a nylon belt. The recruits wore matching sand-brown combat boots and long-brimmed flat caps.

Augustus was the only recruit who was not severely scolded and beaten by the sergeants. This is probably due to his standard stance like a benchmark from beginning to end and his natural military aura. He seemed born to be a soldier.

At the same time, everyone also received an M1 backpack, two electromagnetic grenades, Gauss grenades, a PIG handheld personal information collection system terminal, a water bottle, and Marine Corps rations—including energy bars and energy bars that can provide a large amount of energy and protein in a short period of time. Gooey liquids like mashed potatoes, and other easy-to-keep cookies and "pies."

These dozens of kilograms of equipment were hung tightly on the soldiers' bodies and in the large B2 backpacks. Augustus believed that their first training event after the non-commissioned officers completed their training was a ten-kilometer cross-country run.

The recruit sergeant is not responsible for their recruit training. Her task is only to temporarily gather these recruits who are running around like headless flies as soon as they are freed from their restraints during this period, and tell them everything they are about to face.

After this, the recruits from Korhal IV will be reorganized and mixed with those from Tarsonis, Antiga, Shiloh, Terrador III, VIII, IX, Mar Sara, etc. Local recruits receive training together.

Even though the Terran Confederacy was still accepting Korhal's soldiers due to Korhal's growing rebellion, they were careful not to group all Korhal soldiers into the same battalion or even into companies and platoons, lest they form independent group.

The Terran Federation Marine Security Department has always believed that the Korhal revolutionaries are, or have already penetrated, into the great Federation Marine combat order, although they have never received tangible evidence.

"The Terran Federation Marine Corps has always been synonymous with bravery. Major Mabeika, who is in charge of recruit training, believes that we should build the recruit training camp on the front line to adapt to this special period. We also believe that completing it here The soldiers who graduate will be better than those from other training camps."

Although it was hard to hold back, no one made any inappropriate questions or sneered.

"Twelve weeks of military training can train you to be the best warriors in the entire Tyranid Federation. Here, you must learn how to use your guns and armor, otherwise the Camorians will use it for you. "

"You must also memorize every rule and regulation of the Federal Marine Corps and implement it meticulously. Remember the authority of the commander. If you cannot, then you should at least remember the whistle of the military police." The sergeant said.

The recruits laughed, but the laughter stopped like a duck being strangled under the sergeant's frozen expression.

"The Kaimorians are destroying our planet. Their galactic mining machines are plundering all the resources on it and transporting them back to their home planet of Moria. The Kaimorians are the most notorious mineral locusts in this galaxy. They are despicable and The greedy and corrupt guild government intends to seize every resource in sight in the Koprulu sector." The sergeant looked back and forth at each man's face as if they had a dozen lice on their heads.

"I know that on your planet, food rationing and fuel rationing have become the norm, and it's all the fault of those Kaimorian bastards. I think it is necessary for you to know that once the Federation Marines are defeated, what will happen to Moria The Guild Government will ride on the heads of all Tyranids, and your parents and children will become laborers in the mines and personal slaves of the guild overlords," she said.

"The Kaimorian people respect blood and are obsessed with following ancient traditions in an almost rigid way. Under the rule of the Kaimorian Federation, the Tyranid people will undoubtedly be reduced to low-level fourth-class citizens."

Augustus noticed an uneasy restlessness coming from around him. At least in the eyes of many Tyranids, the looming lack of resources, deflation and high unemployment within the Tyranid Federation are now attributed to Kemerian. The gift does not lie with the initiators of the war and the nobles and plutocrats who suck the blood of the giant of the Tyrannic Federation.

Just as the recruits were filled with indignation, a group of dejected recruits walked past Augustus, about thirty of them, two of whom were carrying a stretcher dripping with blood.

The soldier on the stretcher was obviously a new recruit. He had not finished changing his clothes and was still wearing the clothes he had before joining the army. The medic covered the recruit's face with a white blanket. Seeing all this, the recruit suddenly realized sadly that someone died on the first day of joining the army.

"The spacecraft that carried them to land encountered a formation of three Kaimorian Cerberus. In the eyes of those wolves in the sky, even a transport ship with strong armor is just a piece of fat."

These recruits did not have the courage to ask why the Federation's Avenger fighters did not escort the transport ship. Even though these fighters were about to be replaced by the latest Phantom fighters, they still had considerable maneuverability and firepower advantages over the Kaimorian Cerberus they faced.

Augustus noticed one of the young men with black hair. Among the low-morale recruits, the young man did not stand out in appearance or figure, but he was still a recruit who had not received the title, but he was vaguely aware of it. He has the appearance of a leader - the recruits follow him instead of the corporal who leads the way.

They looked at each other quickly, and both looked away at the same speed.

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