StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 7 Recruit Renault

On the first day, the hellish training Augustus imagined did not arrive as scheduled. In fact, their arrival time was already 8pm local time on Turasis II.

At this time, Nuoda's underground hangar was full of spaceships and warships that were rising and landing, and troop transport trucks were carrying hundreds of recruits to the above-ground military camp with an ever-increasing slope.

The Goliath armed robots, which are several people tall, are like steel giants. Even if they are far away from the advancing AVV-5 arc light tank group, the deafening roar can make the recruits' eardrums roar.

Everything is running in an orderly manner amidst the noise.

Before Augustus found his troops, the "considerate" non-commissioned officers made trouble again by asking Augustus and his comrades to "lick the flight deck stained by their new boots" before going to bed. .

When the recruits finally made the sergeants feel that the flight deck was really cleaner than their shiny leather boots that had been polished countless times, Augustus got a detailed schedule of each company in each recruit training camp. Paper list.

At the end of the list, it was specially noted that this was randomly selected by the intelligent adjutant in the Federal Marine Corps Secure Data Network, but it somewhat meant that there was no silver 300 taels here.

But the sons of powerful families or generals didn't need to operate in this area, as their children would never start out as privates and rise through the ranks. Usually, after being gilded at one of Tarsonis's top universities or high-level military schools, aristocratic children will directly receive the rank of second lieutenant. And if the descendants of the founding family of Tarsonis want to join the army, their starting point will undoubtedly be higher.

Many heirs to the great houses of Tarsonis will follow the ancient colonial tradition and enter the Federation Marine Corps to temper the heirs' strong and courageous character.

However, during the era of aggressive explorers, that is, the first fifty or even the first hundred years after the colonial motherships from Earth landed on Tarsonis, this tradition that heirs to nobility must join the military was gradually forgotten. .

Only the original founding families who always thought about flaunting their noble blood still followed this tradition, but the heirs and noble children mostly held clerical jobs that were far away from the front line and dangerous.

The most famous of these is the Dukes of Tarsonis, who have had a general in almost every generation.

Augustus realized that the nobles of Korhal were different from the oldest senatorial families in Tarsonis. They could cover the sky with one hand in Korhal IV, while the old nobles of Tarsonis controlled the thirteen stars of the Federation, including The main worlds including Korhal and many more fringe worlds.

Angus Mengsk's private armed force is no match for the Confederate Marines, and the Marines, a terrifying war machine, will only take orders from the federal government and the Tarsonis elder family he wants to resist and overthrow.

Slogans and political propaganda alone cannot overthrow the corrupt federal government, which may be why Angus ultimately failed.

However, Augustus, who was worried about his situation, was soon attracted by a name on the list: James Eugene Reynolds, 1st Platoon, 2nd Platoon, Company D.

Duplicate name?

Augustus couldn't help but associate this name with the man with many names in the StarCraft game.

It is possible to think about it. It is now 2488, more than ten years before the start of Wings of Liberty. At this time, the protagonist of the game, Jim Raynor, is probably just a young boy.

Fortunately, Augustus didn't need to think wildly, he could tell the authenticity immediately.

After receiving his own bedding, other standard daily necessities including a sonic toothbrush and a sonic razor, and a titanium alloy short-blade saber from the military quarters, Augustus got on a car heading for the combined military camp on the ground. Military bus.

The soldiers' dormitories in the boot camp are incredibly spacious. The walls are made of solid platinum steel alloy plates, and the floors are covered with solid wood texture tiles that have been treated with anti-slip treatment.

The spacious rectangular dormitory is equipped with six camp beds about seven feet long and five feet wide, as well as separate sonic showers, toilets and even holographic projectors.

This is inconsistent with rumors on the Federal News Network, which said that the Union Marines were short of supplies on the front line, and the recruits had to sleep in the stables and cowsheds of local farmers.

In the UNN report, a veteran claimed in an interview that the accommodation conditions of the Federation Marines were only slightly worse than the luxury villas in Tarsonis. Each recruit is assigned a robot servant and lives a regular life, just like clocking in to work every day and only needs to complete a mere two hours of training every day.

Even though he had expected it in his heart, Augustus still doubted whether his father Angus secretly donated money to the Federal Marines of Turasis II in exchange for such preferential treatment, but the Federation's Marine Corps system probably Nor dare to accept a donation from a revolutionary.

Augustus was the last one to arrive at the dormitory. He first dropped his backpack and entered the shower room to wash up and tidy up his appearance before preparing to get to know the comrades he would fight side by side with in the future.

When Augustus walked out of the shower room, the originally noisy recruit dormitory immediately fell silent. Just when Augustus was quite satisfied with this, an inappropriate voice appeared: "Look, a beautiful playboy, I bet the C Company thugs are going to fight over his ass!”

A red-haired recruit who was lying on the bed wearing a pair of slippers yelled loudly and immediately sat up straight as if he was ready to fight.

"But no matter what, when they target you, as a recruit sergeant, I will at least protect your asshole to the death." Augustus stared into the dark blue eyes of the red-haired recruit. Although he is also a new recruit on the first day of entering the camp, Augustus has already served as the squad leader of this recruit class as a recruit sergeant.

This phenomenon was actually not common, and Augustus was not informed until he got the class list. Even if you think about Augustus with your toes, you can guess that this is undoubtedly due to his brother who is the commander of the ground assault division. Arcturus Mengsk can definitely use some means to let the officers in the training camp conduct secret operations. .

Of course, Arcturus himself may not know this. After all, there are many people who are willing to please this talented general with a bright future. The highest-ranking officer in the boot camp is only a major, and now Arcturus is a colonel. Once the war is over and he has accumulated many military merits, he will become a general immediately.

Augustus was able to get the position of acting corporal not because he was handsome, but purely because he had the backing. No matter what Augustus thought before, he thinks it's pretty good now.

Some thorny recruits among the recruits would naturally be dissatisfied that someone was inexplicably a head above them, but compared to the rights Augustus actually received, this was just a small trouble.

"Sergeant Mengsk, don't mind. Hank's way of greeting is different. Ha~ I believe he is just jealous of your 'grand beauty'." Before the atmosphere became worse, another recruit with short black hair said: A round place.

This black-haired recruit has sharp brown eyes and a tall nose. Compared to the fair-skinned Augustus, his skin is darker and drier, but he also does not lack the collagen that a young man should have.

Augustus only estimated that he should be only one or two years older than himself. Judging from the vague smell of engine oil on the recruit's body, he should have been an apprentice in a private mechanical repair shop before joining the army.

Neither of them remembered the momentary glance they had exchanged with each other in the underground hangar.

Many people's earliest impression of this character was the bald man driving a Vulture in the StarCraft 1 era, and even at that time, Jim Raynor was already past middle age.

In contrast, the image of the Ranger leader with wrinkled face and neatly trimmed beard in StarCraft II may be more popular.

Jim Raynor is one of the most impressive and famous racial protagonists in the StarCraft game. His story can be said to connect the eras from StarCraft I to StarCraft II.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jim Raynor, and that asshole is Harnack Hank." Raynor smiled kindly, and then he pointed to the others.

"This is Tom O'Mo, my elementary school classmate. A few of us are from Shiloh. You may not have heard of it, but I dare say Shiloh is damn good."

"Then, it's Conor Ward, Zander Marx, Amy Brandon"

Thanks to Agent Rongrong, Nan Aozi, Luck Hill, One Dream Thousand Years, and commandllche for the rewards. Thanks to Uh-oh Ah Ha Clam Shrimp, Mengxin Rabbit, Agent Rongrong, Luck Hill, and One Dream Thousand Years for their monthly passes. Thanks (some names are a bit hard to type emmmmm)

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