StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 491 Conquering Tarsonis

The fighting continued until dawn the next day, and there was still no sign of ending.

The city of Tarsonis inevitably became a battlefield. The birthplace of Tyranid history and culture, the political and economic center of the Federation, and the capital of fashion and elegance were severely damaged. The prosperous business district was burned beyond recognition by the war, and some urban areas were even completely destroyed. reduced to ruins.

Although the UED expeditionary force in Tarsonis City resisted extremely tenaciously, it still could not change the fact that other cities fell rapidly.

Elsewhere on the planet, millions of Tyranid defenders surrendered to the Revolutionary forces, so many that during the latter half of the war the Revolutionary soldiers had to scramble to round up the large numbers of captives who had left their armor unprotected. Since there were not enough prisons in the occupied territories to accommodate prisoners, Marshal Augustus' command ordered the distribution of tools and modular building materials to the surrendered enemy soldiers so that they could build their own prisons.

When Augustus arrived at New Gettysburg, the central city of Tarsonis, by transport ship, three-quarters of the area had been airborne by the 11th to 13th Sons of Korhal commanded by Arcturus. division, but the remaining former federal government seats are still under intense fighting.

A series of electromagnetic acceleration shells fired by the Sons of Kankhar artillery roared over New Gettysburg, creating a bright flash of explosion on the enemy Atlas Wing's position.

The Air Force bomber formation of Alpha Squadron had just withdrawn from the battlefield of the Holyktown Air Force Base. The unique terrifying roar of the Grizzly bomber group's engines lifted the spirits of the Revolutionary Army soldiers who had been fighting for a day and night.

"Who is the commander opposite?" Augustus asked as soon as he entered Arcturus' headquarters in New Gettysburg:

"The captain who stood next to Stukov during the last negotiation on Redstone Star, he is now in charge of commanding the UED Atlas Wing." Arcturus was bending down to look at the holographic combat map at this time when he heard Augustus' voice immediately raised his head to look at him.

"Even after being besieged for so long, with our orbital firepower and air force nearly razing the center of Tarsonis to rubble, they still fought."

"I have some impression of that guy." Tychus was also in Arcturus' headquarters, smoking and fishing.

No wonder Tychus had some impression of the UED officer. The man's expression didn't change even as he watched a naked man posing. He had already known that this man was extraordinary.

"Don't he know that Stukov's headquarters has been captured by us? Except for New Gettysburg, Tarsonis has actually been lost." Kerrigan followed Augustus all the time.

Due to the sudden disappearance of the supreme commander, and because most of the UED defenders on Tarsonis were forcibly recruited local soldiers, they were completely defeated in one blow when facing the revolutionary army.

It was an army forged in the cruel war of blood and fire with the protoss and zerg. How could it be resisted by a group of soldiers who had not even completed complete recruit training?

As soon as the revolutionary army's landing force began to advance, or even just a few paratroopers appeared, these soldiers who had no fighting will and were frightened by the earth-shattering bombing surrendered one after another.

Although he didn't have the courage to fight with the revolutionary army, he still had the courage to shoot their UED officers in the back.

"These Earthlings would rather die with honor than become our prisoners. How stubborn." Arcturus put his stylus on the table.

Arcturus's gray eyes were bloodshot. He had been up all night, as were the officers at the Sons of Korhal's headquarters.

Although he has been retired for many years, Arcturus is still no stranger to commanding operations. In the Kailian War, Arcturus was quickly promoted based on his merits and talents rather than his family background. He is a bold and careful general, extremely calm. He liked to take risks when he was young, but now he is more and more Calm.

"Fortunately, the setback in the attack on the local battlefield was not enough to affect the war situation. How could the soldiers recruited by Stukov from Tarsonis be willing to die for the invaders." Arcturus openly admitted that he was in Xinge Augustus would never blame him for the defeat at Fortsburg.

After all, the Sons of Korhal were a recently formed force, mostly veterans leading new recruits, and had never participated in any major battles. This unit emphasizes loyalty above all else, and soldiers consider death to make up for their lack of combat experience.

"Bring Stukov in." Augustus walked to Arcturus and said to the marshal's guards behind him.

"Hey, General Stukov, rare visitor." Tychus said.

Not long after, Stukov, whose hands were bound by metal shackles, was brought in.

"I will leave on my own." Stukov's face was gray, his face was bruised and swollen, and he thought he had not received any benefit from Jackson Holler.

When the ghost agents of the Revolutionary Army subdued Stukov, they used a combination of fists and showed no mercy. There was some personal grudge in this. Because the Earth's cruel methods of persecuting psykers are even worse than those of the Federation.

It took Holler's ghost agents less than two seconds to dispatch Stukov's men, and their speed far exceeded the limits of human ability.

When more than a dozen ghost agents of the Revolutionary Army appeared in front of him, Stukov's first reaction was to end his life quickly, but how could he be the opponent of those psychics.

"Lieutenant General, you must already know that you will definitely lose." Augustus said to Stukov: "It doesn't matter that you are eager to die, but the UED soldiers who follow you cannot die in vain."

"In the past fifty or so hours, so many young and fresh lives have passed away, right in front of you and me." He said: "These people still have their families, and there are people waiting for them to go home."

"Order your men to surrender so they can all live!"

"Will you allow them to go home?" One of Stukov's eyes was so red and swollen that he couldn't open it, and he didn't know which ghost agent did it.

"Of course it's impossible." Augustus would not deceive Stukov: "But I promise that the surrendered soldiers will definitely be treated fairly."

It was impossible for Augustus to let any of the UED expeditionary soldiers return to Earth and let them bring back useful information.

"You also said that they still have families." Stukov just showed a subtle expression: "But you will not let them go home. Even if they surrender, UED soldiers will live under strict surveillance for the rest of their lives. Life."

"That's why they didn't surrender."

"You are just a prisoner and a loser. Stukov, you are not qualified to bargain with us." Arcturus's expression seemed to be sneering, full of villainy: "No matter what, you have no choice. Right. Ghost agents will use their telepathic abilities to control your expressions and speak with your voice."

"Just do it." Augustus didn't have much patience. He had ordered to stop attacking the central city of Tarsonis, and instead mobilized a large number of Wolf Warriors and Goliath robots, preparing to use artillery shells to defeat Atla, who was still resisting. United.

"Lock him up!"

"The Protoss have joined the fight, and they are dealing with Tarsonis' UED hybrids," Kerrigan said to Augustus at this time.

Stukov did create many hybrids in Tarsonis's laboratory, most of which were controlled by UED scientists. These hybrids caused tragic casualties to the Revolutionary Army that landed on Tarsonis, far more than the UED soldiers.

There are actually only a handful of hybrids who obey Dr. Narud's orders, and according to him, he has no means of effectively controlling these monsters. The UED drives the hybrids through anesthetics and neural modification.

Despite this, Dr. Narud sent his own hybrids against the UED without any communication with Augustus, causing some commotion on the battlefield inside Tarsonis. In the end, the revolutionary army officers could only order that there was no need to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and that hybrids should be eliminated immediately when encountering them.

When faced with Augustus' questioning, Dr. Narud innocently stated that he had done bad things with good intentions.

"Hybrid" Augustus was silent for a moment: "All hybrids must be eliminated and the laboratories where they are produced must be destroyed. This evil monster must be eradicated."

Augustus's move was not only intended to further express his attitude and position towards the hybrids to the protoss, but also to distance himself from the relationship between the revolutionary army and the hybrids.

In any case, it was impossible for Augustus to view the hybrid as a controllable weapon, because he knew that no one except Narud and Amon could truly control them.

"In addition, Warfield's army is ordered to continue to advance towards Hohunt and the Tarsonis air port. The Omega Squadron's next target is the Tyranid Federation's UED large launch port outside the city of New Alsace in the southern hemisphere of Tarsonis." Arcturus walked around the command post several times, and Augustus continued to order:

"The Nova Squadron, Alpha Squadron, Delta Squadron and Rundstein Group Army will send more troops to take over the towns near the captured city. The Pryor Assault Army will continue to go south, press Duduo to Bologna, and seize "Gistin Starport"

Currently, the Revolutionary Army has gained a huge advantage on the battlefield of Tarsonis. In many remote cities on Tarsonis Prime, the flames of war were far away from the people there, and the revolutionary army dismembered the garrison there without any effort.

Now the main work of the Revolutionary Army is to appease the frightened Tarsonis people and rebuild the railway to transport supplies to the city of Tarsonis where the fighting is fiercest. The Revolutionary Army fleet blocked the entire Tarsonis system, and any UED ships that wanted to escape would be shot down as soon as they appeared.

In addition, this was also to prepare for the possible appearance of the federal fleet, but the enemy Augustus expected did not appear.

The Supreme Command of the Tyranid Federation was destroyed by the UED expeditionary force, and the commander of their remaining fleet seemed to have no intention of entering the battlefield while the Revolutionary Army and the UED were fighting.

The federal army's intelligence still lags too far behind, and they may not be able to figure out what happened in Char until now.

"Ask Matt Horner to clean up the UNN broadcast building and repair the broadcast tower. I will give a victory speech in two hours." Augustus said:

"I have been waiting for this moment for too long."

"Declaring that the Tyranid Empire is from now on the only legitimate human government in the Koprulu Sector. This government, reborn on the remains of the Tyranid Federation and the Creation Family, will unite all humans for the safety and security of their people. I am devoted to my well-being." Arcturus smiled:

"This is the day when the Tyranids regained their freedom, and it will be remembered by hundreds of millions of Tyranids as the birth anniversary of the new empire." He said:

"Build an empire and be crowned emperor. You have conquered the throne world of Tarsonis and hundreds of other worlds. In order for your race to stand on the top of the star sea, you must become the emperor of the Tyranids."

"Emperor. It's no longer ancient times." Augustus said.

At this moment, the Sons of Korhal under Arcturus once again launched an attack on the UED defenders in the center of Tarsonis city.

First came the textbook artillery preparation, then the coordinated advancement of mechas and tanks, and then the infantry responsible for the finishing touch.

The Atlas Alliance is one of the toughest and bravest human armies the Revolutionary Army has ever seen. Both sides are ready to decide the outcome with bayonets and blood at the last moment.

"There are no priests and scented oils here, let alone palaces and crowns. But it doesn't matter, there is no time to call Angus over, you have to crown yourself." Arcturus said to Augustus:

"Augustus, you have to watch them from the throne, and those little guys will know who is unquestionable." He said: "Establish authority and order, set rules and laws, and let the people of Koprulu and Their descendants followed it henceforth.”

"The achievements you have made cannot be erased, but for a person who is about to usher in a new era, it is not enough."

"If you still have doubts, I dare say that the Tyranids will choose their emperor themselves."

"Emperor, head of state, macho man, as long as it's something to bluff, you can call it whatever you want," Tychus said.

"You always have your reasons, Tychus." Augustus said to Arcturus:

"Arctorus, you are right, of course I will do that. I will build the Tyranid Empire, but not on Tarsonis, but on Korhal."

Augustus has been convinced by Arcturus. This is not something he cannot accept. He is by no means a noble revolutionary. In the Koprulu sector, it would not work to return freedom to the people and leave after overthrowing the Federation. It would only be a disaster.

Arcturus is right about one thing, that is, there must be a government stronger than the Terran Federation in order to end internal disputes and fight against the threat of foreign enemies.

"Sarah, tell Matt to make sure that my voice can be heard throughout the Terran Federation." Augustus shook his head and said to Arcturus and the people around him: "Arcturus , the UED has been defeated, but the remnants of the Terran Federation have not yet been eliminated."

"Those nobles are the next enemies we must deal with, but in fact they are not to be feared at all. Do these people with blue blood still have the courage and courage of their ancestors?" Arcturus said:

"I know what you mean—it must be eradicated."

I haven't been feeling energetic lately...

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