StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 492 Victory Day

With an earth-shattering bang, the Tyron Federal Senate Building collapsed. The bronze-colored steel structure and shining red copper-colored glass collapsed in an instant. The dust kicked up by the collapsed council building covered almost the entire central city of Tarsonis, blocking the sun's rays.

The collapsed grand building also buried the unparalleled and gorgeous buildings around it, such as Tutankhamen Theater, Tarsonis New Gettysburg Railway Station, and Hult Hotel Chain

These world-famous landmarks were once one of the many glorious symbols of Tarsonis. They used luxurious rare craftsmanship and new era construction techniques. They are the greatest architects, designers and modern art in the history of Tarsonis. A precious legacy left by the founder to future generations.

The "Hall of Reason" under the Parliament Building, the Nagfa Hall, was not spared. Its golden marble facade was once known as the Wall of Gold. Each piece was shipped from distant Moria, and it is now in ruins. . It is crammed with Chasala mahogany door frames, crystal chandeliers and expensively installed faux solar panels to demonstrate energy-saving policies.

"The Hall of Reason is the symbol of the Federal Parliament. It has led and represented an entire era-" Augustus walked up to the place where the stairs of the Nagfa Hall once belonged and stood on top of the ruins. High in the sky, several holographic projection cameras are capturing the scene.

"And now, that era has passed."

Multiple UNN Universe News Network camera crews are wearing their new uniforms and are busy filming every move of Marshal Augustus and recording every word he says. A Revolutionary Army colonel named Matt Horner rushed into the UNN headquarters building under a hail of bullets with Revolutionary Army soldiers whose armors were covered with bullet marks and blood, and temporarily ordered a film crew from the stunned UNN employees. team.

In general, these UNN employees were not only surprised, but also as ecstatic as if they had won a lottery. They soon realized that they were about to become witnesses of history.

Under the camera, Augustus and his generals stood on the ruins of the Nagfa Hall. From left to right were General Arcturus Mengsk, General Horace Warfield and Einstein. General Demon Duke, Lieutenant Kerrigan and Marshal Guard Captain Faraday were commanding the surrounding guard soldiers.

Citizens of the Terran Federation who have followed UNN military and political news should know General Warfield. He was a federal officer who later devoted himself to the revolutionary cause and was the earliest supporter of Augustus. Warfield is second only to members of the Mengsk family on the federal government's wanted list.

As for Arcturus Mengsk, he is a Revolutionary Army general who has only recently appeared in public, but was already known as the leader of a terrorist organization. Arcturus is considered more of a dirty work figure by vitriolic Commonwealth commentators and is generally rumored to be a darker terrorist.

However, Arcturus doesn't care what others think of him. For a man like him who is extremely controlling, he prefers that people who know him fear him and fear him, so that he can punish those who betrayed the Mengsk family on behalf of Augustus.

Arcturus is a brother-supporting demon, and he also knows that once Augustus ascends to the throne, he will definitely stand at the top of the entire Koprulu sector.

General Edmund Duke was an old acquaintance. He had been a prisoner of Augustus when the rebellion was gaining momentum, and then simply defected to the enemy. Although Duke had lost all his family, he did not return to Tarsonis today as a loser.

General Duke flew here from another city on a fighter jet just to catch up with Augustus when he announced his victory declaration, and for this he brought all his medals with him. On this day, Duke knew that he would be honored, even if that was only because the man next to him was so glorious.

Augustus wore the dark gray cloak he wore during the Mar Sara period, with the iconic coat of arms of House Mengsk beside the double row of brass buttons. The red flag behind him will be reflected in the eyes of Terran humans and humans in other worlds in the years to come. In the eyes of the next generation of children who grow up under this flag, the red and blue flags of the Federation have become history. .

The bright red flag is like a burning flame. On the two white V-shaped stripes, a golden strong arm is surrounding a whip, with a five-pointed star engraved on it. There are many interpretations of the pattern of this flag. Some people think that it symbolizes unity and dominance, but has nothing to do with freedom. But Augustus, who designed this pattern, just borrowed the idea from his brother Arcturus and didn't have much thought.

"In Tarsonis, I am standing on top of the fallen Terran Federation. Now, the shadow of the Federation will no longer be able to oppress everyone in its territory." Augustus stood beside several fallen white stone pillars. , in the past, this location should have housed the historic mahogany lecture table of the Federal Parliament.

"We have overthrown the rule of the Tyranid Federation, defeated the invaders from the UED, and made those despicable shameless nobles and greedy earthlings kneel down and beg for mercy. This is the power of the unity of the Tyranids, and the power imposed on the Tyranid people The shackles and shackles on our body have become a phantom of yesterday - we have won." He said:

"Now, people in the old lands of the Tyranids can choose their own way to live freely. The Federation can no longer plunder wealth as it did in the past and leave the people it promised to protect aside. Freedom, this human and Rights that are inherent and legally inalienable belong to all Tyranids."

The majestic circular dome of Nagfa Hall has been torn apart, and the gorgeous vaulted aluminum leaf ceiling exudes silver luster in the sun. Only a few white marble columns that are still stunning even now are standing alone. Even the red and blue stars and stripes were buried beneath it, replaced by the flags of the Revolutionary Army and Korhal.

Opposite where Augustus stood was the King's Avenue in the center of Tarsonis. On both sides of the avenue stood gleaming skyscrapers. The edges of metal and glass outlined sharp right angles on the horizon. Beautiful silver Leaf patterns and large glass walls shine.

These magnificent and gorgeous buildings are the product of the last century, when the increasingly wealthy Tarsonis accumulated too much frivolous wealth and arrogance, and also indulged themselves in the pursuit of magnificence and elegance.

"The sacrifices of countless warriors and the efforts of many revolutionaries overthrew the tyranny of the Terran federal government. They are the ones who hold the torch high for mankind in the long cold night. They are the heroes of this new era." And Augustus swore that the people in front of him would All this will be history forever.

"Here, they fell in the last moments before dawn." Augustus said: "And we will always remember them, just like those in Aiel, Char, Sara, Antiga and Just like the warriors who died in many other worlds."

"Whether they are soldiers of the Revolutionary Army or the Terran Federation, as long as they sacrifice their lives while resisting alien invasion, their achievements will be immortal." He said:

"To this end, we will use a day to commemorate this victory and commemorate the soldiers who have sacrificed since the beginning of total war. On this day, October 15, 2493 AD, we defeated the UED expeditionary force and retaken Tyran Tarsonis, the home planet of mankind." Augustus said: "This day is Victory Day, and it will become an eternal legal holiday in the constitution."

"All you people in the Terran lands, you can gather with your friends and celebrate to your heart's content, for this is Victory Day."

After saying that, Augustus walked towards the ruins of Nagfa Hall in the reassuring light, which meant that the victory speech had come to an end.

"Augustus, this is the right time. You can take advantage of the opportunity to recapture Tarsonis and declare the establishment of the Tyranid Empire. You are just taking advantage of the situation." Arcturus followed Augustus closely.

"I know, but it's nothing to rush about, and there's not much preparation for it." Augustus said to Arcturus: "There's no rush, Arcturus."

"When the people of the Terran Federation in the past discovered that they had to have a strong government to lead them and protect their rights, they would think of calling us." Augustus said:

"And, as you know, I am not planning to make Tarsonis the capital of the New Tyranid Empire."

"Yes, your prestige among the Tyranids has been rising rapidly. Everyone thinks that you will establish a new government after defeating the UED and retaking Tarsonis. You are even convinced that it will be today." Aktur Sri Lanka said this: "If this new regime is going to have a ruler, it can only be you."

"As long as people begin to urgently need a strong ruler, you can comply with public opinion and ascend to the throne of God without hindrance. But if it takes too long, I worry that the fringe world will seek independence."

Arcturus's worries are not unreasonable. Nearly half of the world within the old Tyranid Federation has not declared allegiance to Augustus. The federal remnants still have considerable power, and no one knows when they will make a comeback.

Although the external threats of zerg and protoss have temporarily receded, who knows which year these terrifying alien creatures will come back again.

"It won't take long." Augustus intended to reassure his brother:

"It's mine, no one else can take it away."

If anyone really thinks that Augustus is a pure and innocent living saint and a revolutionary army dedicated to the people, and that once he overthrows the Terran Federation, he will voluntarily dismiss his post and return all the rights in his hands to the people, that is absolutely impossible.

After all, Augustus also said that people need their masters. Augustus was not Angus, he was not as ambitious and power-hungry as Arcturus, but that did not mean that he was not affected by those temptations. The people only worshiped the image Augustus showed them, and of course there would be gaps.

Augustus was once forced to join the revolution, thinking that after everything was over, he would find a paradise-like planet to retreat to, but now his thoughts have changed. Conquering the world is such a great undertaking. Once you take that step, there is no chance of looking back.

"Hello, Mr. Mike Liberty." Augustus's attitude as he walked past several UNN employees immediately flattered them: "Also, Mr. Max Pierce and Mr. Donny Vermillion, thank you. of silent devotion.”

"He knows me!" Vermilian, with his meticulously styled hair, beamed with joy, immersed in joy, and shouted, "Wuhu - he knows me! He knows me!"

"I am a fan of yours, Marshal Augustus, I"

"Nice to meet you, Marshal Augustus." Liberty and Pierce were seniors from UNN after all, and they seemed much calmer:

"I didn't expect you to know our names."

"It was I who appointed the list of the new UNN company team." Augustus said: "Mike, next, you will be the editor-in-chief of the UNN Universe News Network. Max, you are the main station reporter and have a prime time reporter. programme."

UNN Universe News Network is a company controlled by shareholders, but Augustus obviously will not let such an important media platform fall into the control of others.

"This is great." Vermilion couldn't help but feel sour when he didn't hear his name.

"Of course, Vermillion, you also have a show." Augustus smiled, patted the other party's shoulder and left.

"Do a good job, you know how to speak properly."

Upon hearing this, Vermillion thought that Augustus was talking about the fact that he had scolded the other party. He immediately panicked and vowed in his heart that he would never say anything bad about Marshal Augustus Mengsk again.

"Augustus, the command post of Atlas United has been breached." Kerrigan said to Augustus at this time.

"Where is their commander? That UED captain." Augustus asked:

"I said, keep him alive as much as possible."

"He's dead," Kerrigan said.

"Huh!" Augustus took a deep breath. He was surprised but also felt that it was reasonable. This famous UED player who did not leave any name should have disappeared in the long river of history.

"Did he die painfully?"

"A small piece of shrapnel penetrated his temple. When we found him, he was already pale and his limbs were limp. There was a pistol with only one bullet next to him, which he probably planned to use to kill himself." Kerrigan Also sigh.

"He chose loyalty, what a noble quality." Augustus said:

"Bury him richly."

Arcturus and others also regretted this, but the UED officers themselves had a strong sense of honor belonging to the military and were unyielding.

"Marshal! Marshal!" An adjutant from the marshal's headquarters came running quickly.

"An emergency call comes from Agria, where a terrible infection is spreading. Braxis is attacked by the protoss, and an unknown zerg hive is discovered in Terrador."

Before Augustus could say anything, another officer came over with a data panel, which was playing a drone video repeatedly.

In the ruins of a human command center, a tall protoss dressed in black and red armor was looking at the screen. The pair of towering psychic amplifiers behind him looked like two blades.

"Huo Huo, you are such a short-lived creature, but you are all eager to die?" His psychic signal was translated into a mocking tut by human equipment:

"In that case, let's start a war!"

"Krisol thok aran!" (Tal'darin Protoss, my blade thirsts for blood!)

So cool!

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