StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 493 Augustgrad

Korhal IV, the Radiated Wastes.

Desolate and dead. Desert after desert, there is no grass growing. All you can see is gray dust full of radioactive substances, blowing in the wind, and the sky is filled with gray mist. The daylight was dim, and everything was gray, like purgatory.

Not only is this place desolate and lonely, it is also an absolute forbidden area for humans. Even more than four years later, the soil and atmosphere on Korhal IV are still filled with deadly radioactive dust.

"In the past, this was a small town far away from the city, next to a ribbon-like river with abundant water plants. On a cool summer night, with a small lamp, the Stillling fireflies would dance around you. It was Long skirt and ribbon with neon green shimmer.”

Wearing a radiation protection suit, Arcturus Mengsk stood next to a deep ditch collecting rainwater, pointing to the land he measured with his feet: "Our grandfathers said: What is life - that is When the sun is about to set and darkness comes, a small firefly leaves behind."

".Luckily he won't see what Korhal IV looks like now."

The deep ditch that collected rainwater was once the center of a small town, where there was a primary school. When the nuclear explosion occurred, everyone had been forcibly evacuated by the revolutionary army at the time, but the beautiful town that could be seen on postcards was left with only ashes.

Arcturus, a strong man with a gray beard, made no secret of his sadness and loss. He loved his family and hometown, so he only had his first child in his life when the Terran Federation used an apocalypse-class nuclear bomb to incinerate Korhal IV. Once in a rage.

No wonder Arcturus fell into madness. In the past, Korhal IV was a beautiful planet, with dense rivers among silver cities, and dense forests extending into the distance along undulating mountains. The forest in Keha is colorful, mostly red, orange and purple. When the large clouds are connected with the forest, he will never forget the dreamlike scene.

Therefore, Arcturus and the Korhal seek revenge. The Terran Federation wants to burn down their home and kill everyone. This is a blood feud.

"Even he will cry." In Augustus's memory, his grandfather has become a vague shadow, and the lost memory can only be found from the images of the past.

"Korhal, our mother, we are back."

A huge shadow came from afar and enveloped Augustus. There were multiple flying command centers, star ports and heavy industry sites. A fleet of transport aircraft roared past from the other side of the sky, and the sound of the air vibrating came.

Equipment such as radiation-proof armored vehicle transporters, space construction vehicles and planetary cranes also landed in depressions a few miles away. Thousands of workers and soldiers in yellow and blue protective suits were landing from the Zeus-class landing ship (Zeus). Another type of ship, Lander Hercules transport ship, ejection landing) filed out.

In the desert, which is considered a forbidden land for humans, hundreds of construction camps stand in the wind of Kohal radiation that people avoid. The first to be built were fortified residential stations, supply depots and sentry automatic cannons to guard against mutant beasts, followed by nuclear radiation detection and removal equipment.

On the thick lead-containing reinforced concrete foundation poured, countless bronze-colored alloy steel frames are rising from the ground. The modular building panels delivered to the surface of Keha are piled high in mountains, just waiting to be welded and erected.

As the signal lights flicker on and off, the train tracks across the rivers, mountains, and radiation deserts are expanding every night. Global power stations, space plantations, food processing plants, and crystal ore smelting and manufacturing industrial bases span the blue ocean covered with radiation dust. .

On the ruins of Korhal, a great metropolis was about to rise across the world.

"How many people want to sign up to build Korhal?" Augustus took a deep breath and held a control panel from his thick radiation protection suit, with a blueprint for the construction of a city on it.

"There are 20 million people. This is the data from the Imperial Statistics Department and the Immigration Department. One-third of them are the Korhal people living in Umoyan, and then there are people from other planets, including people from Antiga. At most." Although Augustus has not announced to the outside world that he will establish a new government to replace the former Terran Federation, backbones of the revolutionary army like Arcturus have begun to call this new Koprulu human regime the Terran Empire. and their homeland.

Of course, the two words of the Tyranid Empire are not directly related to the empire. Its more precise meaning should be - the territory of the Tyranid humans, the Tyranid Dominion, a place dominated and ruled by the Tyranids.

But this did not prevent the fanatics among the sons of Korhal from beginning to call their motherland the empire and Augustus the emperor. With Arcturus and other generals deliberately adding fuel to the flames, this idea soon became the mainstream among the revolutionary army.

If someone tells them that a secular emperor will parachute above your heads to rule you and restrain you, the sturdy Tyranids will not recognize it, but if that person is Augustus Mengsk, it will only be him. honorific title.

Augustus Mengsk pointed at a location on the map of Korhal IV and did not move. The architects, bankers, and shareholder representatives of the construction group gathered in Tarsonis rushed to say that we will build a city for you. .

When Augustus didn't say anything, they changed their story and said they were building the city for all the Tyranids.

"I can't believe that we really did it." Augustus felt a burst of pride, proud of his warriors and those who inspired to rebuild Korhal:

"In Korhal, we want to realize the revival of the Tyranid people so that the people of the Empire no longer have to face the threat of zerg and protoss."

"Yes, yes, Augustus, without you, we will never be able to do it." The excitement drove away the sadness in Arcturus's heart. In addition to overthrowing the Tyranid Federation and leaving the Tarsonis Creation Family with bloodshed, In addition to blood repayment, his long-cherished wish is to return Korhal IV to its past appearance——

Even if that is impossible, this beautiful planet that gave birth to the Korhal people should be inhabited.

Korhal can be rebuilt and used as the new capital of the Tyranid Empire. There are many obstacles in the Throne World of all Tyranid humans. Not everyone loved Korhal as much as Arcturus did, but fortunately his brother kept his word. If you promise to rebuild Korhal, then keep your promise.

This comforted Arcturston that he was his biological brother after all, and that Korhal was the land of their birth.

Judging from the blueprint, this will be a city far larger than the former capital of Korhal, Stillling. The foundation is dug one mile deep, and the entire city must be built on steel and concrete. All the soil cultivated in the city comes from another Earth-like planet eight light years away to remove and isolate nuclear pollution and ensure the future. Children born in Kehal IV will not be troubled by problems such as deformity and premature death.

The planning of this city is majestic. Designers started from the center to build government administrative buildings, and then went on to rows of skyscrapers, light-powered trolley buses surrounding the city, and green parks and green spaces.

A city of miracles made of alloy steel and glass, the center of humanity in a barren land. It will be a super city that is not inferior to the city of Tarsonis. The so-called great achievements of mankind are nothing more than this.

As early as when Korhal had just been destroyed, Augustus summoned architects from all Korhal IV and some Umoyan to construct a plan to rebuild Korhal, but it has been at a standstill. After retaking Tarsonis from Stukov, Augustus planned to form a new government and restarted the plan to rebuild Korhal.

According to the plan of a master architect, Augustus planned to build a brand new building one thousand two hundred miles north of the ruins of Stirring, the former capital city of Korhal IV, his birthplace. The city served as the political, economic and cultural center of the future Terran Empire government.

This decision of course put a lot of pressure on Augustus, because Korhal was not the only one he chose. Although Tarsonis had suffered huge damage during the war, with more than hundreds of billions of Federation credits lost in just one night, it was still the absolute center.

Why do we have to build our homes in ruins? Such problems are common. However, it was necessary to move the center of the Tyranid Empire from Tarsonis, the former Terran Confederacy, to Korhal.

But Augustus still insisted on defying all opinions. He wanted to shape the dignity and honor of Tyranids in Korhal and reshape the soul of this nation. The planets Augustus was determined to build vigorously were Antiga Prime and Korhal IV. He wanted the people of the Tyranids to be proud when they mentioned these places.

"In just four to five years, by 2498 and 99, this new city will be built. By then, it will be able to accept immigrants from other worlds." Augustus said:

"We must formulate a positive policy to encourage immigration. In addition to rebuilding the cutting-edge technology industries that Korhal IV relied on in the past, we must also transfer economic industries from Tarsonis. Those industries left by the founding family of Tarsonis will all be transferred to the empire. Accept.”

Building an empire and running it well were very different things, and Augustus had little experience with them.

"Taking over the business of the Founding Family makes other entrepreneurs and inter-galactic companies tremble with fear. Those high-ranking financial giants in the past also bowed their heads to you." Arcturus was happy.

"If the fled Tarsonis nobles still have any objections to this matter, then they can come to Korhal to find me." Augustus paused:

"I welcome you—"

Augustus left here amidst Arcturus' hearty laughter and headed to a scientific research station not far away for monitoring radiation values. It was mainly staffed by scientists from the Alpha Squadron science ship Amerigo. They build.

There were more than twenty former Federation science ships in the Revolutionary Army, and later the Antiga Starport of the Revolutionary Army also built some of its own. Science ships are originally scientific research ships and research ships used by the Tyranid Federation to explore outer systems. Compared with their military status, traditional science ships undoubtedly play a greater role in improving people's livelihood.

Of course, Korhal IV only had four science ships, and the rest left with the revolutionary fleets sent to other areas of the Koprulu sector.

"Marshal Augustus, the last time we met -" At this time, Dr. Narud, who was leading several researchers, walked over to Augustus.

Now Dr. Narud has been hired by Augustus as the chief alien biologist of the Tyranid Empire, and he has been assigned a heavy-duty military handler and even a national laboratory stationed in the Protoss. It is absolutely safe and without hidden dangers, and no one who holds a grudge against Narud will be allowed. Germany's former UED expeditionary force soldiers had the opportunity to murder him.

Dr. Narud is already an academic leader in this subject, but he recently told Augustus that he also has some research on architecture, and he has a set of experiments using biodegradation technology to remove nuclear pollution, but he lacks funds.

Augustus was happy to keep this person in his sight, so he asked Narud to follow him. Even if Narud didn't say so, Augustus would still find a way to get him to come over.

For now, Narud does no harm, but can greatly help the Tyranid humans to improve their technology.

This guy was happily playing his role as an anthropologist, hoping that Augustus would reuse him to further implement his plan. Unexpectedly, the other party regarded him as a monkey.

Even without the use of psychic shielding equipment, Augustus has developed the ability to fabricate and conceal his thoughts in front of psychics. In addition, Narud himself despises humans and has never thought of the possibility that Augustus already knows his full plan. , he also thought that he could play with this human being as he did in the past.

"It's the same as last time." Augustus' words choked Narud. When dealing with people like Narud, you must not fall into his traps and traps when talking to him.

"Haha, you are so funny." Dr. Narud showed an awkward smile, acting like an embarrassed little old man.

"I heard that you are somewhat dissatisfied with my decision to destroy all UED laboratories. Is this true?" Augustus asked him.

"No, no, what I mean is that if these hybrids can be used to deal with the enemies invading the Koprulu sector, it is better to die on the battlefield than to be destroyed in vain." Narud knew Augustus's feelings for the hybrids. He has a tough attitude, but judging from some of the words revealed by the other party, he does not completely disagree with the value of the hybrid.

In other words, Narud was being intrigued by Augustus, thinking that there was still a big improvement in this matter.

"Yeah, but the mixture is uncontrollable, that's what you said." The worry on Augustus's face was genuine.

Now in the Koprulu sector, taking over those former Federation planets and clearing them of possible remnants of the old Federation is the first problem Augustus faces. This meant that Augustus was unlikely to stay in Korhal for long.

This new government, which has not yet announced its existence to the world, is bound to face many difficulties at the beginning of its precarious establishment, not to mention the sudden and massive invasion by foreign enemies not long ago.

Based solely on the information returned from the fringe worlds, the re-emergence of hostile protoss forces is likely to be even greater than during the Contact War or even Total War. Augustus could confirm that they were Tal'darim, and they were probably not a branch, but the orthodox Tal'darim from Slayn (Slayn Tal'darin language, meaning massacre).

Because Augustus is too familiar with the face of our high-ranking lord Rua Nak in that image. Of course, this future high-ranking Lord of Tal'darin may still be an ascendant. He may be caught in an internal power struggle in the first, fourth, or even lower seat of the Tal'darin promotion chain. He was kicked out and used as a gunman.

And the fleet sent by Stukov somehow provoked them.

As for the zerg, although their numbers are not as large as before, the swarm has obviously changed its strategy for dealing with humans. The new and terrifying viruses are becoming more and more contagious, difficult to prevent, and cause far more deaths than in the past.

Internal and external troubles.

The people of the former Terran Confederation lands were in desperate need of their savior, a leader to turn the tide against their own fall.

"Okay, okay, but" Narud sighed again:

"I don't mind warning you that I have nothing to say."

"Augustus, the Minister of Empire Construction asked me to confirm to you the name of the new imperial capital - Augustgrad." Arcturus said to Augustus at this time:

"Sounds like that's your name."

"Not after my name, but after our grandfather's," said Augustus, shaking his head.

It will be the future center of military politics, scientific and technological research, trade and production of the Tyran Empire, and the undisputed birthplace of mankind.



There is a flower bed built in a radiation-proof energy shield in front of it, with young buds sprouting and tender leaves green.

The soil in the flower bed was gathered from a cup of soil that the Keha people took away from their hometown before they evacuated, including Augustus's share, which was soaked in the tears of this troubled nation.

This is the end of my discussion of the merits and demerits of political systems, I would like to write about them for a few more years.

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