StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 495 I want to see if the enemy dares to mess with Tal'darin!

Border world, Blackheath.

Bolalis, the capital of Braxis, stood silently in the snowstorm, with only the dim lights of the fusion power station and the magnet train still visible.

From the geothermal greenhouses on the outskirts of the city to the towering city government buildings, everything is covered with thick snow. This vast white world is cold and monotonous. Even at the equator, it is a vast, barren and cold tundra, and the coldness of the long night Enough to take away human life.

The developed mining industry and heavy industry are the main pillar industries of Blackxis, and they are also the main source of work and economy for the residents here. Blackxis has always exported high-purity crystal mines, ore raw materials, and precious metals to other worlds in the Tyranid Federation in exchange for scarce resources on the planet.

In the past, Blackxis belonged to the alliance world under the rule of the Tyranid Federation, and because of its sparse population, it had not evolved a founding family like other planets. A few months ago, the UED expeditionary force arrived and declared Blackxis the first planet they captured.

Now, with the collapse of the UED expeditionary force, the Blacksians have also launched a riot against the UED rulers. A large-scale bloody conflict broke out between the locals and the UED expeditionary force remaining in Blackheath. Under the decisive and resolute suppression of the garrison commander, the rioters suffered thousands of casualties in just a few days.

This did not dampen the fighting spirit of the Blacksith, because they had already contacted a fleet of the Korhal Revolutionary Army.

The planet is falling into large-scale riots. Even Polaris is in riots at this moment. All daily activities and production have come to a standstill. Revolutionaries have rushed into the city, and the streets and alleys are filled with cries of uprising.

However, this is only the beginning of disaster.

An unparalleled and magnificent ship was suspended in the rushing high-altitude cold air of Black Sith, and the unfolded shield flashed with blood-like scarlet flashes. It is very similar to El's Celestial Mother Ship, but the gorgeous golden blue ship is dark black and bright red, and the position that originally belonged to the Kedarin crystal kinetic energy matrix was replaced by a blood crystal like blood crystal.

Sharp giant black spikes stand in rows on the towering ship like swords. The sharp and ferocious beauty is extremely impactful.

More black and red battleships and spaceships of the same style were passing through the extremely cold atmosphere of Blackxis, and countless shining blood-colored crystals dyed the sky red.

The Tal'darim, another branch of the protoss, are very different from their distant relatives on Aiur and Thagulath. These advanced intelligent beings are cruel and bloodthirsty. While possessing highly developed war technology, the internal system remains a kind of slave society.

Fanatic, cold, cunning, ruthless.

"What a pathetic race. Only the weak and incompetent people place their hope in the so-called belief in freedom. The way to win is to make progress while conquering the superior." The fifth seat of Tal'darin's Ascension Chain, the great Ascended One Jinara He was sitting on the high throne in the center of the flagship bridge of this mothership, immersed in this wonderful feeling of power and life and death.

Jinara is a powerful Tal'darim protoss with a muscular and attractive figure. Her bumpy body was completely covered in black and red battle robes and battle armor. She even wore a tightly fitting helmet on her head, and her eyes were hidden under the blood-colored helmet visor.

This makes people think that if Jinara takes off her helmet, she will not be so charming.

It is rare to see female members among the templars of the El Protoss, but now there are two women in the top five seats in the Tal'darin Chain of Ascension.

The Chain of Ascension dominates all Tal'darin protoss, and each Tal'darin is subject to this ruthless ranking system, sorted by rank number. The strong enslave the weak, and the stronger enslave the strong. Using absolute power or conspiracy, the lowest Tal'darin also has the opportunity to become the master.

Tal'darin only has strength first. As long as he is strong enough, there is no need to fight for status and rights. Unlike the El Protoss whose class is completely solidified, the Tal'darin Protoss does not care about birth. As long as you are cunning, cunning, bloodthirsty and cruel, you can climb up the chain of promotion step by step.

There is no so-called brotherhood at all. In the ruthless Tal'darin protoss society, strength is supreme and the chain of promotion is eternal.

"Lord Jinara, the detector has confirmed that UED humans are in this city." A high-level Tal'darin protoss wearing a red robe humbly lowered his head to the fifth ascendant Jinara and said. obey.

Tal'darin protoss are accustomed to hiding their thoughts, and the spiritual links inherited from their ancient ancestors have long since ceased to exist due to the necrosis of nerve bundles. Although the lower Tal'darim at this time expressed their sincere submission, they never thought about killing their superiors and replacing them.

Killing each other outside of the Rak'shir rituals would undoubtedly plunge the Death Fleet into chaos, incurring the wrath of Amon, the Dark God.

"Then why do you have any hesitation?" Jinara's voice was not so eerie. It might even sound unexpectedly sweet to humans, and the ethereal psychic energy echoed in the bridge. But in the language of the Tal'darin protoss, all words related to stability and happiness mean absolute weakness.

"We are here to destroy these humans."

"Everything is as you wish, sir. Prepare to activate the main guns to destroy this human colony." The high-level upgrader immediately replied.

"These humans are really fragile. Crushing them to death like bugs is worthless." On the three-dimensional screen of the bridge, which is made up of countless lights and shadows, it was the detector that captured the picture from Bolalis, the capital of Blackxis. picture.

On the streets covered with thick white snow in the city of Polaris, citizens wearing thick fur clothes are gathering to attack the police controlled by the Blackxis UED government. Both sides held a large number of weapons and even kinetic armor, and people lying dead or injured and frozen were lying everywhere on the ground.

At this time, the UED expeditionary force stationed in Blackxis was nowhere to be seen. It seems that they had already evacuated the planet after Tarsonis was breached by the revolutionary army.

In any case, the Braxis who gathered to take back their homeland were completely unaware that a protoss mothership and a huge fleet the size of a city were hovering above their heads.

"It's a pity, they will die soon." Jinara has little interest in humans. It is sad that these primitive creatures with mouths are limited to their short life span.

"Who told them to seek their own death? I was really surprised when I heard that the outpost was attacked by humans."

"The bugs are happily tinkering with their little rags, oh~" At this time, Alarak dragged his magnetic long voice with cold-blooded black humor from behind Jinara, and his eyes swept across the human interaction on the screen. During the battle scene, the muscles on his face shrank, showing an expression of contempt.

"Hopefully they had fun before they died."

"Lord Alarak, the fourth ascendant." Jinara immediately stood up from the throne and bowed her head to Alarak like the previous high-level ascendant who was extremely respectful to her.

"Following your orders, I will destroy this human colony immediately."

There is only one seat between the fifth seat and the fourth seat, but the gap between this one seat is as big as clouds of mud. Alarak could knock Ginaela to the ground with ease, slicing open her soft breasts and abdomen with his psychic blade with grace and brutality.

"You were very interested in watching the circus performance of primitive animals. If your ability in this area can be compared with fighting, I will be very satisfied." Alarak walked directly to Jinara and sat on her seat Sat down.

Today's Fourth Ascended Alarak appears irritable and impatient. This is partly because he has not been able to draw enough of the Creator's Breath from the terrazine gas springs of his home planet Slaine at sunrise as he did in the past.

It doesn't matter that this cold, dirty little broken ball has a more cruel environment than the dry Slane, but Blackhess not only has no terrazine, but also has very little high-energy gas.

"I" Jinara wanted to explain to the boss she hated so much that she was just appreciating human fear, but Alarak immediately interrupted her.

"You don't have to rush to explain that I don't care at all." Alarak seemed not to care about the war in Blackxis at all, and turned to ask Jinara another question.

"Jinara, do you know why Nuloca didn't personally command the army of Blackxis, but let us foot soldiers come here? Humph——"

"I don't know," Genara replied resignedly.

"No, you know, I order you to answer -" Alarak's voice had nothing to do with cruelty and coldness, but it was always filled with cold irony.

"Amon, the God of Darkness, is becoming more and more irritable today. His anger is spreading in the void, and it has also affected Slane's Terrazine. Nuloka, the first person to be promoted, must deal with this matter." Jinara said:

"No one knows what has happened to the Dark God recently. He has never been so angry as he is now."

"You only know one thing but not the other. You are a complete idiot." Alarak admired the pitiful appearance of his subordinates shivering because of being scolded, which made him feel happy.

"The first ascended Nuloka refused to leave Slane because he was preparing to initiate the Rak'sir ceremony to the high-ranking lord Marash so that he could replace him." He hummed: "Nuloka is already under one person Above ten thousand people, if he wants to go further, the position of high-ranking lord is the last option."

"But Marash is blessed by the dark god Aemon and is powerful. For this reason, Nuloka must win the support of allies."

"He has already looked for you." Ginara wanted to show that she knew nothing about the fact that the first ascended person Nuloka had visited Alarak late at night, but instead she was trying to fool the fourth ascended person Alana. Gram, that will definitely result in severe punishment from the latter.

"Yes, Nuloka asked me to support him as an ally in the Rak'sir ceremony." Alarak said happily:

"Guess what my answer is?"

"I don't know." Jinara didn't hesitate.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk -" Alarak did not embarrass Jinara.

"I didn't answer." He said:

"But the news of the visit of the first ascended person was not hidden from the high-ranking lord Marash, so the high-ranking lord didn't care what my attitude was and kicked me here. Humph~ The high-ranking lord is the most powerful The most cunning of the Tal'darim - at least in a long, long time."

"As a result, Nuloka postponed the plan to launch the Rak'shir ceremony and only waited for our death fleet to return to Slane."

"Anyone who angers Marash will suffer a fate worse than death, and that will be the fate of Naion." Jinara said carefully.

"That madman Naion is not worth mentioning, but he still has value." Alarak said to himself: "Then decide who to support in the duel between the first ascended person and the high-ranking lord?"

"I will not participate in this Rak'sir." Before she finished speaking, Jinara found that her slender neck was easily pinched in the hands of the furious Alarak. Alarak was tall, even in the tower. Darling is like a giant, he can easily hold Jinara in his hand.

Although he was unable to suffocate a protoss, snapping the neck was fatal to the protoss.

This cunning guy will never take sides easily - this is a clear thing. If two of the top ten ascendants in the chain of promotion form an alliance, the other upgraders will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.

"You think you can stay out of it by being a turtle with your head? Well, just hide in your turtle shell and shrink your neck. Poor guy." Alarak slowly put Jinara on the ground and said calmly to her The response felt lackluster.

"I hate betrayers, Jinara, you'd better not anger me." He acted moody, but that was just a way to hide his true thoughts: "You are honest~ I will reward you with a little terazine—— Thank me later."

"Lord Alarak, the mothership's main guns are ready." At this time, a Tal'darin crew member reported to Alarak.

"Very good, you know what to do next." Alarak's lazy and sarcastic voice returned: "This kind of weapon is nothing more than a treasure in the hands of a weak Templar." , they simply don’t understand the joy of killing and conquering.”

"You don't need me to teach you what to do. It's Tal'darin who sees blood on the tip of a knife."

Alarak didn't care how much wrath the human government would bring upon destroying this human colony. The protoss could simply move their fingers and these poor creatures would flee.

He did not deny that even people as weak and short-lived as humans had their respectability, but they were only a very small minority. Even if most of the human race were burned to ashes, Alarak would not feel any pity.

Even if he blows up all the Black Sith, what else can the Lord of Man do to Tal'darin? Alarak wanted to see if he was brave enough to fight Tal'darin.

In a blinding light that could be seen across Bolalis, the Tal'darin death fleet began an all-out bombardment of Braxis.

The terrifying beam brought destructive flames, evaporating the glaciers and oceans of Blackxis, and burning huge scorch marks on the earth that covered a continental area. A large amount of water vapor enters the atmosphere, and then freezes into ice crystals, causing freezing rain and hail all over the world. This extreme weather caused by the impact of the protoss' orbit creates miraculous giants on the scorched land. Ice pick.

Polaris was burned to the ground without any suspense, and all life was wiped out.

This was but the first planet the Tal'darin destroyed.

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