StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 496 Tosh’s Insect Swarm

Terrador No. IX, Sunset Palm Hotel on the Emerald Coast.

The Sunset Palm Hotel is the property of the founding family of Tarsonis, and is only open to nobles and celebrities who can join this class. This means that even wealthy federal businessmen, entrepreneurs and financiers with assets will be shut out if they do not have this status.

The Sunset Palm Hotel in the city of Elsecaro is located on the beautiful Emerald Coast, next to the golden Elsecaro Beach. The private dock is filled with luxury yachts and sailboats. The luxurious stairwell of the main staircase has extraordinary decorative lines like flowing water patterns.

As a symbol of the power and wealth of the founding family of Tarsonis, the Sunset Palm Hotel is a glass and steel building that coexists with beauty and grandeur, whether it is the large blue glass between the bronze iron frame, the majestic white marble walls or its interior The huge glass dome like a greenhouse and the undulating fish-scale stairs like waves all reflect the wealth and power of the founding family.

Take a look at the majestic and gorgeous wealthy district buildings, resorts and ultra-modern art-style train stations, bus stations and interstellar ports on the coastline of Escarol, which are also examples of Tarsonis-style buildings.

The Sunset Palm Hotel in Acecarol City has a large infinity swimming pool located on its top floor that seems to be above the clouds. Gravity technology makes the pool appear to be floating in the sky, with its edges seemingly non-existent.

The swimming pool is very lively at the moment, with cheerful laughter and noise everywhere. Many young men and women in swimsuits are either wearing sunglasses to enjoy the perfect sunbathing in Ethecaro, or are taking a dip and playing in the pool. .

Although the Tyranid Federation has fallen apart, these descendants of the founding family of Tarsonis still live in the past, a generous and carefree life, without being affected by the war or in any way affected.

Even during the four years of the Kailian War, the Age of Rebellion, and Total War, the children of the Creation Family lived an enviable life of luxury. Compared with the fringe world that was destroyed by the zerg and protoss, it was a paradise and a hell.

In contrast, the prepared expressions of the security personnel and FSB agents in black suits and tights around the swimming pool were much more real.

This is not to say that the children of the Creation Family are hopeless playboys.

They're just a bunch of spoiled kids.

In order to guard against the killers of the rebels, these children were locked up here by their parents. There was really nothing to do except enjoy a comfortable life and relieve their nervous emotions.

"It's great to be on vacation in Terrador, but when can we go back to Tarsonis? We can't have a good party." Morgan Calabas was lying on a beach lounger, while He said as he grabbed a handful of berries from the fruit bowl at hand.

Morgan is the heir to House Carabas, his father is Arturro Carabas, one of the most powerful men ever in Tarsonis. But after the UED expeditionary force invaded the throne world of the Tyranid Federation, even such characters had to flee in a hurry.

He has shiny black hair and black eyes, exactly like his father.

About a month ago, Morgan, like other children of the Creation Family, was sent to Terrador IX by their parents to escape the UED's attack on Tarsonis.

"Tarsonis now is either an Earthling or a Korhal rebel, and you still want to go back." Antonia Tygore sat on an exquisite sun lounger with a leaf-shaped pattern and applied sunscreen to herself.

Like every young man and woman in the Sunset Palm Hotel, Antonia also has a prominent identity, and the famous Andrea Tagore is Antonia's grandmother.

Antonia inherited the beauty of the women in her family and was undoubtedly naturally beautiful. Even though she was not yet fifteen, she was already stunningly beautiful. The long crimson hair hangs down from Antonia's slender white back to her plump buttocks. A pair of toned and plump legs are dotted on the slippery three-color tiles. Her small and beautiful feet are like exquisite works of art.

"Didn't Marshal Arthur Duke say that the government forces will soon launch a general offensive to retake Tarsonis?" Morgan leaned back in his chair and stuffed a whole bunch of crystal clear grapes into his mouth.

"The last time he swore so confidently that Tarsonis would never fall, the Federation fleet couldn't even survive until the third day." Antonia pursed her plump lips and said.

"Augustus has recaptured Tarsonis from the people on Earth. Doesn't that mean that the rebels are a hundred times more powerful than the government forces."

"Then who can we count on?" Morgan is not a child who is inexperienced in the world. He has received a systematic aristocratic education. He has followed his parents in the upper-class social circles of Tarsonis since he was a child. He is familiar with the complex relationships between many families. The system and interest entanglements are well understood: "Do you expect Augustus Mengsk to let us go home like this?"

"I'm afraid he won't." Antonia had already applied sunscreen and lay down on the chair.

After the descendants of these founding families came to Terrador, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First, the devastating news came that the UED expeditionary force had captured Tarsonis. The Terran Federal Government and the Federation Council also blocked the door and kicked them. The dignitaries of Tarsonis fled like bereaved dogs.

Although federal officials and several senators who escaped from Tarsonis formed a fugitive government, the Terran Confederacy has effectively lost the absolute military power it once intimidated and oppressed the Federation territories. Each territory declared independence one after another, and the once powerful federation fell apart in an instant.

Then, a few days ago, Augustus Mengsk issued a declaration of victory in Tarsonis that made the Federation MPs furious. This was tantamount to concluding the demise of the Tyranid Federation and driving a few more nails into the coffin.

But this does not prevent the descendants of the Creation Family who came to Terrador to take refuge in continuing their life of spending money freely. After all, the war has always been far away from them. During the war, the Terran federal government first encouraged patriotic and aspiring young people to join the army, and then forcibly recruited citizens born over the years. However, the heirs of the founding family were entitled to immunity from military service.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to stay in Terrador much longer." Antonia and Morgan may be the only two children in this group who are still discussing the UED and Korhal's rebels. In a group of people who just want to forget their unhappiness and indulge in fun It was not a rule of noble society to talk about such things among children.

What's more, the recent news also proves that the fledgling government of the Tyranid Federation is gathering the fleets that were scattered by the UED expeditionary force with the help of various founding families, and gathering the naval squadrons that were unable to return in time because they were cruising in extremely remote star fields. Prepare to regain your old ways.

The Tagore family members behind Antonia basically escaped from Tarsonis safely and went to other planet members under their family names or to the mining planets owned by them.

"Now that Augustus Mengsk has control of Tarsonis, he will soon be free to deal with us."

Moreover, if the sky falls, their parents and family will still be there to support them.

Although the fall of Tarsonis caused the founding families to lose countless real estate and other capital, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was a strain on their muscles and bones. But the wealth accumulated over hundreds of years is not enough for the members of the founding family to live a life of poverty.

"Can't our family reconcile with Augustus Mengsk? I don't understand." Morgan had already eaten all the fruits on the fruit plate and put on his coat to get some more:

"With the support of his family, Augustus can become the master of Tarsonis."

"The people of Korhal will never forget the hatred of Korhal IV." Antonia said: "When Korhal was razed to the ground, Amelie Tygore knew that the relationship between him and Augustus was over. ”

"They have no chance." Morgan quickly came back with a new fruit plate and sneered at Antonia's words:

"That Augustus Mengsk is a dangerous man. I heard that he has a cruel ghost girlfriend, and he has many ghost girlfriends like that."

"Wow," Antonia exclaimed.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside, and the security personnel around the swimming pool immediately became nervous.

"Gentlemen and ladies, you must leave here immediately. The servants have already packed up and saluted." A man in a black suit walked to the edge of the pool and said loudly:

"Hurry, there is no time to delay."

The young men and women in the swimming pool immediately looked at the man with dissatisfaction, and some continued to swim in as if they had not heard him.

"What? How can this be done?"

"Where are we going again? I've had enough."

"When the hell are we going to get back to Tarsonis, I'm going to get my mother to talk to you idiots!"

"What happened? Mr. Dehlin," Bess asked nervously, combing her wet blond hair. Her twin brother Rockham stood next to her.

"Are the rebels here?"

"It's Zerg, kid." The man with a thick mustache waved his hand and urged the children of the Creation Family who were still having fun to leave the swimming pool.

"Terrador has discovered the main nest of the zerg. This place will soon become the target of the zerg attack. You guys should take the shuttle and leave now without hesitation."

"Okay, but I want to know how long it will take for us like drowned dogs to be chased around by the rebels and the people on earth?" Chromos said as he put on his coat.

"It won't be long. Augustus Mengsk won't stay in his position for long." Delin looked at his watch again, looking very anxious.

"What should the other people in Terrador do?" Morgan Karabas asked Delin:

"There are still many people living here, if we leave"

"Then it's not our business." The solemn-looking butler said sternly:

"My duty is to return you safely to your families. The Zerg are not pirates from the edge system." He said: "You are kind, kid, but we are no match for the Zerg."

Antonia and Morgan looked at each other and shook their heads.

It was the duty of the original founding families to lead and protect their people, which is why they are respected and powerful. But this is no longer the past, and the nobles who control countless wealth cannot take any risks to protect the common people.

Terrador IX high-altitude orbit, Tosh's Behemoth central nervous chamber.

This huge monster that is comparable to a satellite is like a giant whale swimming in the black ocean. The hard skin folds on its back and abdomen are often hundreds of thousands of feet wide. There are huge king insects and other ferocious alien creatures inhabiting the folds. , larger monsters with scarlet eyes were flying around it.

Several brave Knights of Terrador Wraith fighter planes are monitoring the slowly moving Zerg fleet from a distance, paying attention to their every move.

"As long as the Tyranid Federation exists for one day, my revenge will not end." Gabriel Tosh, who has turned into a ferocious green-skinned monster, can no longer remember whether he killed his grandmother with his own hands or those who were still alive. Federal troops shooting at slum dwellers.

But that doesn't matter. The immense anger in Tosh's heart urgently needs an outlet. He must find something to do for himself.

As Tosh spends more time transforming into this monster, what's left of his humanity is slowly being lost. This is not Tosh's fault, the zerg's transformation affects him all the time, and the zerg have no need for pity for the weak and other unimportant emotions.

Revenge actually doesn't matter, at least not to the current Prince of Blades.

"Even if you succeed in revenge, you will not feel any happiness in your heart. You are looking for relief and redemption. In this case, you should seek help from the protoss and humans."

On the other side, a female protoss wrapped in huge tendrils and tentacles spoke to Tosh in her beautiful and majestic spiritual language.

She is none other than Rashagal, the matriarch of the Dark Templar and the current Archbishop of Durham Protoss. But at this moment, half of Rashagar's body was trapped inside the Behemoth's tissue, and its gray-white skin also showed ugly markings due to exhaustion.

"Shut up - Goddess of Death, if you have a mouth." As soon as Tosh saw Rashagal, anger surged in his heart.

Tosh kidnapped Rashagal - one of the tricks of the villains in the Hegee slums, who often kidnapped wealthy city dwellers to extort money - in order to use her command to drive the Dark Templar to kill all the Cerebrates.

Although Tosh was sure that even if he didn't, the protoss would not let go of the new Overmind and Cerebrate, but who knew when they would take action. Once the new master awakens, Tosh will be under control immediately, so he can't delay at all.

As a result, I didn’t expect that I took Rashagar for a walk around Char. Not to mention the Overlord, I didn’t even see a few brainworms.

What the fuck is going on.

Obviously, the master has awakened and does not know where to go, so Tosh's position is very embarrassing. Tosh was the creation of the previous master, and he was unwilling to obey the orders of the new master.

"Attack, my tribe." Tosh became irritated when he thought of this. Now he had no power to use. And recently, Tosh would always inexplicably hear the murmuring sound of someone in the dark, which almost drove him crazy.

"Attack this planet and kill all the Tyranid Federation nobles and troops."

"You must not leave any more blood debt. Incurring the hatred of mankind is not a wise move." Rashagar seemed to still be persuading Tosh to put down the butcher knife.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Tosh was furious, and the tentacles and tendrils that bound Rashagar immediately tightened, causing the matriarch to moan.

"My target is only those federal nobles. The humans here should not stand in my way."

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