StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 497 Emperor Augustus

"Insert an emergency news. Terrador VIII and Terrador IX discovered zerg, and many places were attacked. Evacuation work has been started, but the situation is still serious. Paul, the Grand Master of the Knights of Terrador, immediately made it public Seeking military assistance from any world that can hear their cry for help."

"Heavy casualties!"

"Welcome back to Doni Vermilion's live broadcast room. The latest news, since the Protoss fleet attacked the border planet Blackxis on Korhal IV Augustgrad at 4 pm on October 17th. We are going to Harold, the frontline reporter in Blackxis, received the sad news that the search and rescue team sent by the Korhal Revolutionary Army’s Second Fleet and the Angel Shipping Group did not find even a single survivor on the surface of Blackxis.”

"This sensational news sparked widespread and heated discussion among the Tyranid communities in both the core world and the fringe world."

"This is the early morning of October 24th, Korhal time in the Eastern Time Zone. The Augustgrad Capital Information Office announced that Marshal of the Revolutionary Army Augustus Mengsk will deliver an important speech two standard times later."

"UNN emergency news, a terrible plague is spreading rapidly on multiple planets in Agria, Meinhof, Altheon, Bountiful, and Pike's Peak. The hospitals are overcrowded and the medical system is Already on the verge of collapse”

'This has triggered a serious humanitarian crisis'

"The people there are fighting for their survival and they need help."

"The Umoyan Protectorate Army sent a military hospital ship to rescue Fenfeng. This world with a long history is suffering from illness."

"The Kemorian Consortium of Legal Persons regretfully stated that they could not do anything about the tragedy that was taking place in Meinhof, which triggered a sharp fall in the share prices of many listed professional guilds in Moria."

"This is UNN Koprulu today, and I am Mike Liberty. At 7 a.m. Augustgrad time on the 24th, Major General Arcturus Mengsk of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, as the official spokesman of the army, responded to reporters' questions Answers and commitments have been made to the most popular hot topics at the moment. The main station will broadcast it below: "

"Oh - the Revolutionary Army will not evacuate Tarsonis and ignore the people there. Anyone who has such ridiculous ideas is creating unreasonable panic and chaos. I want to tell you, they are in the middle of the day. Don’t act like a hooligan.”

"The Tyranid Federation has become history. Facts have proved that neither the Federation's government nor the military can protect their people in the face of alien enemies. The Federation's abandonment of armor under the offensive of the Zerg and Protoss is a heroic act of the Revolutionary Army. The Earth has fought against enemies from aliens. The Federation has fled with its tail between its legs in front of the Earthlings, are you still expecting their hopeless government to return?"

"Yes, Marshal Augustus is about to form a new Tyranid government, and all Terran human lands will be united under the new flag and royal authority. I assure you, that will be the continuation of the past for this nation and this country. The beginning of a golden age of pioneering enterprise.”

"unity is strength."

"The rule of law is our lifeblood."

"Is there any doubt? All Tyran lands will be placed under the protection of the new Augustan government and the Revolutionary Army, and we will do our best to defend the people's dignity, property, and everything they hold dear. "

"You ask me who the Tyranids should seek for asylum? I will say the same thing ten thousand years from now: I promise you that we will restore the glory of the Tyranids and will never bow to any alien force!"

"In the face of alien forces, whether they are greedy zerg, mysterious protoss or massacres of the Earth Federation, the Tyranid army will never take a step back and give up every inch of the motherland. !”

“There are only Tyranids who died in battle, not those who knelt!

"Well, this is not sensational. The zerg and protoss have never left, and the dark clouds of the past still hang over humanity. Although the earthlings have been defeated, I can be sure that the United Earth Council is still planning a comeback. In In the face of the disaster that destroys the country and destroys the family, no one can stay away."

"It is difficult to walk with one foot, and it is difficult to sing with the palm of a hand. Everyone knows this simple truth. In the face of the threat of invasion by powerful foreign enemies, the various alliance worlds of the old Tyranid Federation must reunite. Only a strong and powerful central government of Terran human beings can be realized The rejuvenation of the race allows the ethnic group to stand on the sea of ​​stars again."

"The new government will be committed to developing people's livelihood and economy, encouraging industry and trade, ensuring that the rights and interests of people in the core world are not infringed, helping those poor and backward planets to get out of the shadow of economic recession, and allowing everyone on the Tyranese land to eat to ensure every child has enough to eat and defend every child’s right to education.”

"It is certain that the cabinet and parliament will be reorganized, but I am not in a position to reveal more."

"I certainly can't tell you who will be appointed as the first prime minister of the new government, but he will be the right one."

"Self-denial and dedication to public service, integrity and honesty. I am for the people, and the people are for me."

"Dedicate yourself to the end of your life and die."


"Welcome to UNN's evening program Focus on Korhal, where former Federation Council member Westyn MacMasters reveals to our reporters the dealings and ugly inside story between the former Terran Federation Federation Council and the Creation Family. .”

"Congressman McMaster said that the reason why the Federation Council decided to abandon the edge world is because according to calculations, and based on factors such as cost and per capita, it is obviously cheaper to protect the densely populated core world."

"In addition, he also revealed that he will participate in the election of the Senate of the new government."

"This is Max Speer with the latest news for you."

"Mr. Toom, the well-known philanthropist and entrepreneur, Kal-Bryant Mining Group General Manager of the Pride Planet of Lingshui, issued a warning to the public: If anarchy continues, the Territory It will be further divided, order will no longer exist, and morals will decline. For the Tyranid nation in the Koprulu sector, that means a catastrophe."

The center of the habitable range of the Koprulu Sector, the former federal territory of New Trinidad.

New Trinidad is a hot, dry, ash world. In its earliest history, it served as a prison planet for the Tyranid Federation to exile prisoners, and most of its population lived on space stations orbiting the planet.

Around these vast settlements, the war between New Trinidad pirates and local settler militias never ceased. According to rumors, here, children must be able to hold a gun when they are born, otherwise their parents will throw them into the cold space.

At this time, people from all walks of life, including local residents, mercenaries, and pirates carrying rifle bullets, were sitting around in a dome bar of the 1180 space station. They were smoking and drinking while staring at the three-dimensional projection screen in the center of the bar.

Between the flashing lecture table and the red background curtain, a gray-haired man wearing a gold-red cloak and a medal walked up to the stage.

"I dare say something big is going to happen today."

Rimworld New Sydney. Red mesa, federal police station.

Sheriff Wilkes Butler sat at his desk. Dozens of his sweaty subordinates were crowded into the small and shabby office and stared at the man in front of them. That old LED screen.

The majestic gray-haired man just stood there, and everyone's eyes turned to him unconsciously.

"I don't care what kind of person this Augustus Mengsk was before, whether he was cruel or kind. As long as he can save New Sydney, the people here will listen to him." Sheriff Butt said this.

Nephor II, federal weapons factory.

One magnificent heavy factory is connected to another, extending to the limit of the workers' sight and there is no end.

Right here, countless steel gantry and giant chimneys stretch straight into the cloudy sky. Huge hanging towers are putting tons of crystal minerals into the furnaces. Workers must wear industrial earmuffs to avoid falling asleep. Hearing is affected by the roar of lathes, rivet guns and the click of conveyor belts.

In the area where the huge Nafu No. 2 factory is located, it rains almost all the time and never stops throughout the year. There is no way to dry clothes in the sun. The pollution from the industrial area has also poisoned the atmosphere of Nafu II, and acid rain has turned the once dense forests into a barren wasteland.

"Work hard, no chatting, any reading material related to the rebels will be destroyed immediately upon discovery, and all workshops must implement a joint sitting system."

The sounds on the radio and the harsh punishments could not stop the workers from gathering to pay homage to the hero who might save them.

"We can hear him!"


When the saffron-colored sunset shone down from the side of the Asteria Grand Canyon, the mayor of Dante Town called all the townspeople together and told them that he had something important to announce.

A name that was once unknown is about to be spread throughout the planet.


The plague has taken away the lives of millions of Agrians, and almost all of them have lost their relatives and friends in this terrible catastrophe. The air was filled with the stench of burnt corpses. In many areas, the number of cremated corpses could not even keep up with the number of corpses accepted. There were far more dead people than living people, and the living people no longer had the strength to burn the dead.

At Skylark Ferry, people fleeing to Hadestown turned their radios to full volume and listened intently, so that his voice could be heard in all directions.


This planet is just mediocre in the territory of the Tyranid Federation. Its barren soil and dangerous primitive swamps can barely support a million people. Even the zerg have not attacked Ares.

At this time, the citizens of Altikaheim were going crazy, because a Tal'darin protoss fleet had arrived over their city, and only a few of them were holding their own personal terminals to listen to the speech, clinging to it. This is the last straw.

Terrador VIII.

The Zerg are gathering in the orbit of this planet, and the Terrador Planet Defense Force is doing its best to protect its homeland from the Zerg invasion. Railguns and anti-aircraft guns can be seen everywhere.

At this moment, in the capital Gramercy City, hundreds of thousands of people are gathering together to listen to Marshal Augustus Mengsk’s speech.

Only he and his revolutionary army can save the people of the Terrador system.

The pride of Lingshui, the Northern Ocean.

This liquid high-energy gas collection platform built on the sea is like an immovable steel fortress. Amid the roar of the super drilling rig, a brand new golden-red flag is rising.

The workers on the platform all heard a majestic voice from the radio: "Today, the various Tyranid colonies have once again united under the same flag, condensing into a powerful and invincible force. And she should and must Own all the lands, people and legitimate sovereignty of this sector of the Terran Federation."

"All shall be told her name, the Terran Empire."

"She is Empire."

“Let the world hear our voices.”

Baishel, Tal'darin Protoss Temple in the Steppes of War.

"Be careful, that is the last battery. If it breaks down again, we will never be able to contact people in other worlds."

Under the magnificent alien temple, thousands of people are gathering under a holographic screen. They are Korhal immigrants who stayed behind voluntarily under the influence of Byshir's will, obsessed with terrazine and its effects.

Today, the psychic potential of Byshir immigrants is generally higher than the average of Koprulu humans.

Three years have passed since they came to Beisher, and the Keha Revolutionary Army and their compatriots seem to have completely forgotten the people here. Even so, the Byshir settlers maintained their loyalty to Korhal and the Revolutionary Army:

"For the Tyranid Empire!"

Tarsonis, central city.

A huge holographic projection screen is projected on a screen three hundred feet wide and one hundred feet wide. No matter how far away you are, you can clearly see the image above and hear the solemn voice.

People were still very calm at first, at least they just started cheering. When I heard Augustus's last words, I was infected by a certain emotion, and the cheers immediately turned into a roar of mountains and tsunamis:

"In the name of the Empire!"


Antiga Prime.

Ma Sara.


Hundreds of human worlds were thrown into turmoil.

"Emperor Augustus, First Emperor of the Tyranid Empire, Emperor of all the Tyranids, Liberator of the Commonwealth, Defender of all Koprulu, Lord of Korhal, Conqueror of Tarsonis, Governor of Antiga, Cha Governor of Er, Governor of Marsala, Governor of Chasala, Governor of Veridia, Governor of Blackxis, Governor of Bronte, Governor of Terrador, Governor of Altera, Governor of Shiloh..."

Augustus stood in front of the podium of the Augustus Palace, facing countless cameras and flashes of light, and only he knew what he was thinking.

The so-called great deeds of a man, making great contributions and responding to hundreds of calls, is probably like this.

"I declare to all the people of the Terran Empire that my life - no matter how short it is - will be dedicated to serving you and the great empire to which we all belong." He said:

"I am Augustus Mengsk, founder of this new empire, master of Tarsonis, Korhal, Antiga and thousands of other Prime worlds and colonial worlds."

"Now, no need for laurel crown or scepter, I am the unquestionable king in law."

"From now on, I am the Emperor of the Tyran Empire."

"Wherever I am, there is an empire."

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