StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 498 Tyran Empire

Kehal IV, the imperial capital.

Augustgrad Palace.

In the original plan of the imperial capital, the palace built for the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire was located in the center of the city, occupying more than ten square miles of land. In addition to the main giant pyramid-shaped palace building, behind the towering walls and gates of the palace there are large courtyards, nurseries and gardens, and office buildings for the cabinet and other administrative departments.

Although the emperor himself saw the plan, he waved his hand and cut off this expensive plan again and again, and changed three-quarters of the original area to build a large citizen park, the Augustusgrad City Hall, The Imperial Senate and the Imperial Marine Corps Combat Center, but the main palace and a small part of the courtyard were retained under the advice of Defense Minister Arcturus and others.

In addition, there are travertine marble statues of Revolutionary Army Marines and a 500-foot-tall Battle of Korhal Monument. Soldiers who died in the past to protect Korhal will also be moved here to be buried.

The palace is not only a symbol of the power of the Emperor of the Tyran Empire, but also the center of politics, so it cannot be too shabby.

Even so, this is undoubtedly a large-scale project. At least 3,000 construction workers were engaged in the construction of the Augustgrad Palace from the beginning, and the resources and large equipment mobilized were an astonishing number. .

The entire Augustgrad is under construction in full swing, and the Royal Palace is just a microcosm of it. This was Emperor Augustus's contribution to the land of his birth, and Korhal IV, a world reborn from the ashes, would surely replace Tarsonis, where the powerful and powerful were deeply entrenched, as the center of the Tyranid Empire.

The current Augustgrad Palace is just a fine steel frame built by countless cranes, pile drivers, concrete and towering scaffolding. The outermost palace walls have begun to take shape, and every construction site faces the wind from many sides. The fluttering gold and red flag of the Tyranid Empire.

The half-mile-long high wall is only the outermost layer of the palace's defense facilities. On top of multiple layers of thickened reinforced concrete is a four-foot-thick mesh of Presteel, μ-alloy, and superconducting. The air and water inside are sieved to the molecular level, able to withstand the impact of electronic pulses and charged particle radiation. Giant cannons of astonishing caliber are mounted on the palace walls, guarded by the Royal Guards who were once the Marshal's Guards.

From the design and construction of the palace to the guards and staff, it is those who are most loyal to the Mengsk family. Everyone must accept the Supreme Supervision and the police department OGB agents before actually coming into contact with the royal family. Mind-reading censorship by psykers, and the Augustgrad Imperial Security Forces were responsible for security outside the palace.

In terms of artistic value, the magnificent Augustus Grad should also be an unprecedented example in the history of New Empire architecture. There were more than 30 former Tyran Federation architects, sculptors, painters and other artists present at the scene. , the architectural plan of the palace was decided upon after extremely fierce debate.

The Augustgrad Palace completely breaks away from the limitations of classical architecture. It is a stunning steel block and glass building. It is expected to use tens of millions of tons of steel, marble and flat glass, alloy steel columns, beams, and longitudinal beams. Together with the glass sparkling in the sun, it forms a towering super steel pyramid and will be a well-deserved landmark building in the city.

Augustus knew how the civil opposition figures and former supporters of the Terran Federation would slander him. Of course, they would seize this opportunity with bright eyes and call the new king of the Terran Empire a man who had just ascended the throne. The tyrant who built a large palace and was obsessed with personal luxury as soon as he came to power was a consistent shortcoming of the leader of the peasant rebel army.

This emperor was so arrogant that he named the capital of the empire after himself, so what ridiculous things could he not do?

As long as Augustus sat in that position, both malicious slander and praise would continue.

The Augustgrad Palace is not an exquisite and elegant palace and castle, but more like an unparalleled steel fortress, which symbolizes the indestructible determination and skill of the Emperor of the Tyranids.

But that would be five to six years later at the earliest, unless Augustus was willing to order more workers to build the palace through a larger budget.

At present, the Augustgrad Palace only has a vague prototype. Before the palace was put into use, Augustus lived in a high-rise building that had been built, about twenty stories high. The building is condensed with various departments of the new empire, including dozens of different departments such as the newly formed Tyran Empire's Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Health and Public Security, etc.

Ruling a galaxy-spanning interstellar empire would require an equally vast administration, with tens of thousands of people working on it.

With the increasing number of people, these important officials of the empire who were personally appointed by the emperor would have to move out sooner or later.

Some people say that the new king of the Tyran Empire is extravagant. In fact, Augustus' office is just a small elegantly decorated room, which is much simpler than the private palaces of wealthy businessmen.

As the emperor of the Tyran Empire, Augustus didn't have time to go on vacation. After all, he still had an empire to build.

Augustus almost had to start from scratch to build various departments of the imperial government and establish a new legislative, judicial and administrative system to further determine what policies the Tyran Empire would implement in the future and what kind of people would be responsible for it. Assist the emperor in governing this struggling new empire.

On top of the ruins and ashes of the Tyranid Federation, the new Tyranid Empire faced a mess, with various territories falling apart. The raging war even caused the economy of some colonies to regress for half a century. Civilizations there showed signs of decline amid long periods of anarchy, famine, and chaos.

At the same time, internal opponents also continued one after another. The Terran Federation was originally a political system controlled by a large number of wealthy nobles, chaebols, and large group capital. If Augustus wanted to take over the Tyran Federation's rule over the federal territory, he could not avoid it. them.

Outside, the zerg and protoss still threaten the borders of the Tyranid Empire, and the war never ceases.

In this way, it would be impossible for Augustus to recruit these local nobles into the Senate like the old federation, let alone delegate power to the soon-to-be-formed Imperial Parliament. Now is not the time for broader democracy.

If the Tyran Empire itself is a government with a declining economy and a weak military, and cannot even protect itself, there will be no time to discuss republican democracy, and the power of the country will be given to clowns who can only yell in the parliament.

Emperor Augustus, the de facto president and prime minister of the Terran Empire, enjoyed the rights of both and was the supreme leader of the empire and government, the Führer. In fact, this is another kind of autocratic monarchy, with all the power of the country concentrated in the hands of Augustus.

If you are not careful, the Terran Empire will be defeated by enemies everywhere just after it is established.

The people of this empire urgently needed time to recuperate, but the enemies of the empire would not give Augustus a chance.

Current events create heroes.

"Your Majesty (your name in the game), your speech has caused a sensation in many places. Whether it is from the public's reaction or public opinion, the situation is very favorable to you." Sarah Kerrigan at Augustus' table Put down a cup of black tea in front of me.

"Mayor Hadrian of Tarsonis also organized children in the city to write to you."

"Oh, show me." Augustus put down the draft on reorganizing the Korhal Revolutionary Army and forming the Imperial Army. Another document next to it was about establishing the first higher military academy in the empire. suggestions.

There are too many things to do and I can’t finish them all.

These letters were all electronic files. Augustus quickly found these letters on his personal computer connected to the communication system of the entire planet. Those childish but admiring words immediately made the Emperor of the Terran Empire, who had been working hard for many days, read them. My heart smiles.

"This Hadrian Rodrigues is the original mayor of Tarsonis, I think. I remember this person." Augustus read a few letters carefully, compiled a folder of replies, and said to Kai next to him. Regan said:

"I hope he can achieve results during his term, but I don't need the federal methods in the past. He is a shrewd and capable person, and he is also very smart, but smart people can also be self-defeating."

"I understand." Kerrigan lowered her head and said, "Your Majesty."

"You can just call me Augustus, at least in private situations." Augustus looked at Kerrigan for a while, pointing to the old Revolutionary Navy uniform on her body and said:

"You know what I'm thinking, so I won't advise you." He said: "I told Cavell (son of Charles, the old butler of the Mengsk family, and now the butler of the Augustgrad Palace), you I need some dresses for public occasions.”

"The ones I have in my closet are just fine," Kerrigan said.

"You are my future wife, do you understand? The people of the Terran Empire also hope that their queen will be an elegant and dignified woman." Augustus looked at Kerrigan and said.

"Who said the queen can't wear military uniforms?" Kerrigan said this, but such a straightforward person suddenly turned her head away, and the corners of her mouth kept rising uncontrollably.

No federal noble or government official had ever married a psyker before, let alone the Queen of the Empire. Only on this matter did Augustus not want anyone under his command to question him.

"Kerrigan is right." At this time, Arcturus Mengsk, wearing a gold and red royal guard uniform, walked into the emperor's office.

"Mom would also say she shouldn't dress too shabby, our family could afford a few clothes."

"You are here, Prince Arcturus, Grand Duke Tarsonis, Earl Wolfric, Earl Stirling" Augustus looked up at Arcturus and read out a long list of titles.

"That's enough, you don't need to bury me anymore." When Augustus proclaimed himself emperor, Arcturus made up a long list of titles for himself, and now even he sounds embarrassed.

"Are Angus and mother here?" Augustus didn't laugh at him.

"Arrived, Faraday has picked them up at Augustgrad Airport. Dorothy is here too, what a surprise." For Arcturus, this was indeed a surprise.

"I am going to appoint Angus as Minister of Finance and form a cabinet around him. Do you think this is appropriate?" Augustus asked his brother: "It is inevitable that some people will say that I am nepotistic."

"Angus is the person least likely to take advantage of his position to gain power through corruption and bribery, and you would not choose someone from among officers like Tychus." Arcturus shrugged.

"That's really a mouse that fell into the oil tank." Augustus gave a rare smile: "I heard that this old boy has been having trouble in Tarsonis recently, but he has learned to restrain himself."

"Arctors, have all the directors, faculty and students of the Federal Ghost Academy who were imprisoned by Stukov been found?" he asked again.

"I found it. Those people on Earth who hate genetic mutants actually didn't execute these people. There are about 600 active ghost agents, about 2,000 faculty members and more than 700 students in school." This is also Aker. The reason why Turs came here:

"According to your order, the ghost instructor who trained Kerrigan has been found. His name is indeed Rum. It was this man who indirectly killed Kerrigan's father and trained her into an efficient ghost agent. "

"Dad committed suicide." Kerrigan's emotions were greatly affected, but he did regard this ruthless Federation instructor as an enemy.

"Now, it's up to you what to do with him, Sarah." Augustus said softly to Kerrigan:

"I said, I will help you get revenge." His voice sounded very soft: "Or if you don't bother to do it yourself, then I will teach someone to sink him into the lake."

"No, let me kill him myself and pay with blood." Kerrigan was still smiling just now, but now her face turned cold. The training methods of the early Ghost Academy brought great pain to the psykers, not just Kerrigan. Without the function of the psionic suppressor to force obedience, the ghost agents of the Revolutionary Army would almost kill their instructors.

After saying that, Kerrigan walked out of the office resolutely, with a look that really wanted to kill someone.

This matter must be settled.

"What a cruel woman, listen to me, how about the daughter of the Bennett family?" Arcturus still did not give up his plan to squeeze Kerrigan away: "Or, Annabelle Terra's How is your little daughter?"

"Don't you like psykers?"

"Why don't you dare say that in front of her?" Augustus shook his head: "No matter what, I will always only have this queen."

"And, did you spread this rumor?"

"Your Majesty, your loyal subjects will never spread baseless things and call a deer a horse, unless it is true." Arcturus smacked his lips.

"Okay, how are the preparations for the Imperial Senate?" Augustus didn't have time to argue with his stupid brother:

"Imperial Senate - It is different from the Federation era. Each planet has to send representatives instead of dividing seats based on population and economy. In the past, the fringe worlds could not even say anything in the Federation Parliament."

"This cannot be completed in a few days. You must know that about half of the former federal territories have not been reclaimed by us. There are also many immigration areas established by immigrants themselves outside the federal immigration plan." Turs replied.

"We must send out a fleet as soon as possible to make them recognize the Terran Empire's sovereignty over their homeland."

"I know, but there are really no more fleets that can be mobilized. The zerg in Terrador and the Tal'darin protoss in Attica both require powerful fleets to deal with." Augustus had no good solution:

"Fortunately, there is a solution to the plague in Agria and other places."

Artanis, the Protoss Executor who came to help the Revolutionary forces against the hybrids, remained on Korhal and even participated in the formation of the Tyranid Empire. Due to the mission, Artanis has many protoss biological scientists who study hybrids under his command.

In this way, Augustus commissioned the Protoss Empire scientists under Artanis to develop an antidote to the zerg virus.

The reason why the protoss had not conducted such research before was because they did not have to worry about the zerg infection, and they would not waste time and energy on saving humans. But in fact, Protoss fully possesses such technological strength.

"Inform the fleet that the protoss has developed a nano-serum that can deal with the virus. The fleet heading to Agria will set off immediately today." Augustus said:

"I also want to go out with the fleet."

"You are the emperor of the Terran Empire. Just let your generals do the expedition." Arcturus objected.

"Didn't I say it?" Augustus just said calmly.

"Wherever I am, there is the Tyran Empire."

During the Battle of Stukov, the Protoss developed a nano-serum that cured Stukov's infection.

Although the protoss later felt angry when they saw the infection, that was what happened to Wings of Freedom four years later.

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