StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 499 We are the mobile boundary monument of the empire

In the process of making short jumps to Terrador VIII and Terrador IX again and again, the light from celestial bodies and nebulae outside the bridge of Fury, the flagship of the Fourth Fleet of the Tyranid Empire, was gradually replaced by Terrador Overshadowed by the brilliance of the stars of the Dole Galaxy.

The Terrador system is only a few dozen parsecs (astronomical units, 1 parsec equals 3.26 light-years) from the Korhal galaxy, and Korhal IV can be reached in a few days by the fastest galaxy hopper. This also means that the geographical location of the Terrador system has become extremely important to the Tyranid Empire, which has just established its capital on Korhal IV and moved its political and economic center to the Korhal system.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of Tarsonis, but closer to Korhal.

When the Terrador system was invaded by the Zerg, it was Korhal IV who was the first to respond to the Knights of Terrador's request for help.

"General William Warchovsky, the fleet has jumped into the Terrador system and is executing tactical jump instructions to the predetermined assembly point."

Colonel Matt Horner, who is only eighteen years old, is already the captain of the Fury. He has held important positions in many important departments such as the General Staff of the Revolutionary Army and the Naval Command of the Revolutionary Army. He also worked at the grassroots level in his early military career. Accumulate rich experience in navigation battles and command battles.

Now, Matt is serving as captain of a capital ship for the first time.

"Yeah." Lieutenant General William Wachowski was a lean and strong general of the Revolutionary Army. The straight uniform of the Imperial Navy general stuck tightly to his body, and there was no gap or undulation to be found.

Wachowski has a bald head, and there is always no expression on his thin face. He is as serious and rigid as those inspectors general and political commissars who insist on military regulations and disciplines. They only act in accordance with military regulations and never show any mercy. It is said that even the zerg would be ashamed of this man's ruthlessness.

He has a well-known nickname, Tug (Tug), and he is also called William Tug Wachowski, which just like those nicknames such as Stonewall and Big Wheel, highlights this person's character. and style of doing things.

Lieutenant General William Wachowski was born into humble beginnings. His parents were shoemakers from the fringe world. Affected by local education and economy, Wachowski only entered the Umoyan Naval Academy to receive systematic military education after becoming an officer in the Revolutionary Army.

Like many generals who were promoted for their merits in battle, Wachowski started as a reserve officer and participated in the battles from Korhal, Mar Sara, Antiga to Ayr and Char. He was a member of the Revolutionary Navy. The first officers at the time of formation.

Wachowski is an excellent military commander who loves learning and is good at thinking and summarizing. In the middle and late stages of the Uprising War, Wachowski wrote many reports on military theoretical research during his military service, and many of them were incorporated into the Revolutionary Army's combat manuals for new recruits or used as teaching materials for soldiers and new officers.

The teaching materials that used General Edmund Duke as a counterexample were written by Wachowski and his comrades. Therefore, the relationship between Wachowski and Duke has never been good.

This is not uncommon in the Revolutionary Army. The first Revolutionary Army officers who followed Augustus and were civilians did not like the federal noble officers who joined later. Today, this has formed two different factions in the revolutionary army, and the conflicts during this period are second only to the dispute between the Navy and the Marine Corps.

As a general who was promoted step by step from the grassroots level, Wachowski is also an imperial general who will be recorded in history after being formally awarded a general by the Tyran Empire. He is a man who can stand on the same level as generals such as Warfield, Lundstein and Kidd. A standing hero.

Only Warfield, Raynor, and Lundstein received the rank of Tyranid Admiral. Jim Raynor, who was stationed in Char, also returned to Korhal to be awarded the title, becoming the only three generals in the Tyranid Empire.

Lieutenant General Wachowski participated in the compilation of the Terran Empire's military armed force training and combat doctrines. These doctrines were finally adopted after the Emperor reviewed and revised them, and were quickly promoted among all adapted Imperial armies as a classic model for training and combat. .

At this time, neither Wachowski nor Matt Horner said anything, they just stared at the star map on the bridge console and the various indices and parameters that were constantly beating on the display screen.

At a certain moment, the Fury completed its last jump, and the two accompanying planets Terrador VIII and IX appeared on the tactical screen.

At the same time, the red numbers representing the life signals of the zerg kept beating, and there were also a lot of displays about the psychic energy index. This is a huge swarm, their number may be as many as millions, so much so that a large red cloud shining with dark red light is formed in the orbit of Terrador IX.

This scene was already familiar to Wachowski and Matt, who had experienced battles in the field, but they were still puzzled by the information displayed above.

"General, only the eighth and ninth planets in the Terrador system were attacked by the zerg, while the other two planets, III and Zerg has always certified that Zerg will not let go of anyone they see, they want all human beings to be destroyed!" Matt frowned:

Terrador III is also a heavily colonized planet with complete and advanced scientific research facilities, while the orbiting space station of Planet X is home to many gas collectors and employees of mining companies.

But not even a single zerg was seen on these two planets. In the previous large-scale invasion of zerg, they would without exception devour all life in a system.

"They came with a clear purpose. There must be something on these two stars that attracted these insects." He said: "There can be no more hesitation. The people there are suffering from the poison of the insect swarm."

Terrador IX is the hometown of Matt Horner. His family still lives on this planet, and Matt cannot tolerate being anxious.

"All fleets, prepare to launch an attack." Wachowski did not hesitate at all. He immediately issued orders to each capital ship and subsidiary fleet ships through the fleet-wide channel.

Since the Tyran Empire had just been established, it was plagued by internal and external troubles and contradictions, and there were many powerful enemies on its side.

Admiral Jim Raynor guards the Zerg's Throne Brood World, fighting against the Overlord Swarm that may return to the Koprulu Sector at any time. Lundstein led a large army to stay on Korhal and the core world to deal with the remnants of the Federation and other anti-imperial forces that were about to return.

General Horace Warfidel served as the Imperial Marshal and led the Empire's 2nd Fleet, Alpha Squadron, Delta Squadron and Omega Squadron, a huge fleet, to face the Tal'darin Protoss fleet.

The responsibility of leading the army to support the Terrador system fell on Wachowski. His important task was not only to defeat the zerg that invaded Terrador, but also to make the people of the Terrador system recognize the Tyranids. empire.

Because those territories may not recognize the Tyranid Empire, there are many former Tyranid Federation system governors who took advantage of the collapse of the Tarsonis federal government to proclaim themselves kings. Even on those planets that have overthrown the federal government, the people there are not willing to hand over their fate to a government that does not understand it and pay taxes again.

"Eject the fighter, activate the air-to-air laser battery, and preheat the main gun of the Yamato gun. Once within range, fire immediately and maintain fire suppression." Wachowski said, lifting the mechanical watch on his wrist to check the time. Habitual actions before giving an order:

"Landing troops are beginning to board the ships, and the real fighting is on the surface."

"We are the only fleet that can save the people there, and that means we are the hope for hundreds of millions of people."

Although Wachowski seems to be a man of few words, he actually likes to deliver long and impassioned speeches when mobilizing troops for battle.

"Once upon a time, we were just what the Federal Army called a rabble, a group of idealists destined to fail. They never dreamed that we would be the final victors. We have smashed the shackles of the Federation, swept away the corruption of the old family, and established A new Tyranid country."

"Now, we are the honorable Terran Imperial Army, the guardians of this sector and of Terran humanity. Because of our heroic battles and sacrifices, billions of Imperial citizens can sleep soundly, and your families and friends can In it.”

"Fight, with fire and sword, with your nails and teeth, fight to the last moment, and offer your loyalty to the Emperor!"

"Long live Korhal! We are the moving monument of the empire! Our feet are the gate to the country!"

"Long live Korhal!" Matt Horner couldn't help but repeat Wachowski's words. He believed that the Imperial Navy soldiers in the 4th Fleet did the same.

As Wachowski said, the Revolutionary Army now has a new identity, the Imperial Army, the legitimate military force of the legitimate Terran human regime. At the same time, the remnants of the former Federation were also beaten into subversive elements and rebels by the Emperor of the Tyranids.

"For the Emperor of the Tyranids!"

This is a fleet temporarily formed due to the Battle of Terrador System. There are approximately twenty-eight battlecruisers, most of which are behemoths in active service. Among them, for example, Cerberus and Sovereignty are new battlecruisers launched into service this year.

After defeating the UED defenders of Tarsonis, Augustus took over Tarsonis's two main orbital shipyards, which contained about thirty battlecruisers in the construction stage, and some had just begun laying keels. Some of them only need to be painted and given a hull number before they can be delivered to the navy.

The Huey Long is an old Leviathan battle cruiser. It was originally used as a training ship to train new recruits, but now it has to be brought to the battlefield.

The Hoosier is a heroic battleship with great military exploits. It was originally a battlecruiser patrolling near Mar Sara. It was almost completely destroyed due to the battle to rescue the system. It was Rory Swann and His field engineers restored the ship.

This fleet also has eight UED Vagory frigates, which are equipped with amazingly powerful cluster rocket launch bays.

Most of the soldiers are veterans of the Revolutionary Army, and they have also absorbed many federal troops from Tarsonis.

Because the establishment of the Tyranid Empire gave a shot in the arm to those Tyranids who were deeply disappointed with the Federation and fearful of alien enemies. In core worlds such as Tarsonis, the number of young people signing up to join the Imperial Army has exceeded that of the Tyranid Federation. Any period after the end of total war.

As Emperor Augustus emphasized, the Terran Empire, she is an empire!

Under the cover of the stars, the Tyranid Empire's 4th Fleet quickly faced the Zerg fleet in Terrador VIII and IX's synchronous orbit. Thousands of fighters ejected from the battlecruisers and motherships. Out, a series of blue tracks with bright tail flames appeared and then quickly disappeared, becoming flickering and gradually disappearing fireflies.

This is a spectacular sight. Each firefly represents an Imperial Navy fighter plane and a pilot. They have to face Zerg that are ten times or a hundred times larger than themselves. Many fighter planes will never be seen again. There is a chance to return.

When the battleships of the fleet opened fire together, the portholes of the Fury were immediately illuminated by orange-red firelight, and the dense barrage destroyed a large number of mutalisks and king insects into dregs in a flash.

This move also angered the zerg.

As if a swarm of violent wasps had been disturbed, the swarm of insects immediately swarmed up like a swarm of mosquitoes in summer. Millions of ferocious bloody mouths rushed towards the face. The entire 4th Fleet seemed to be crumbling in a violent storm.

During the fierce battle, Matt also clung to the railing on the bridge to prevent him from falling as the Fury shuddered from the impact of the Mosquitoes.

The zerg of Terrador were different from all the zerg they had seen in the past. Almost every individual had a faint red light emitting from their bodies. This red light does not come from a special organ, but from the upper cells of the skin.

"General, these zerg are very strange." Matt looked at the data on the combat hologram:

"Analysis shows that the Tyrador swarm seems to be using dirazine instead of the usual high-energy gas as a catalyst for the growth of their body carapace, accelerated growth, secretion of hormones, and mutation of other physiological and chemical reactions." His voice became serious:

"This means that these zerg may have psionic powers, but this level of psionic power should not be used in combat at this time."

"The witchcraft swarm is the swarm of Prince of Blades Tosh." Wachowski immediately thought:

"Although he is evil, he has never attacked a human planet before, or even killed a single person. It seems that monsters are monsters after all."

"General William Wachowski, I must ask you to allow us to join this battle." Suddenly, a Protoss Dark Templar wearing a dark gray shirt appeared between Wachowski and Matt between.

"Oh - damn, when did you, Protoss?" Wachowski's eyelids jumped, his anger showing - he didn't like Protoss.

An unknown number of Protoss Dark Templar warriors live in the battleships of the Imperial fleet. They almost do not exist in normal times. They only appear when foreign enemies invade, like accompanying beneficial fungi.

"Of course." He said in a low voice, silently reciting Emperor Augustus's instructions in his heart.

"I feel the missing matriarch Rashagal in the body of the insect swarm Behemoth. In this case, the son of Rashagal must fight."

"Rashagar?" Wachowski had no impression of this name. He took it for granted that this protoss might have been swallowed by Behemoth and turned into a pile of dung - he only hoped that this protoss had not Eavesdrop on his thoughts.

"No problem, it would be great to have your help."

The dark templar suddenly punched Wachowski, but then he just shook his fist with Wachowski - a human courtesy:

"Fight for Rashagar!"

Wachowski was not intimidated, he was always a man of steel:

"For the Emperor!"

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