StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 500 Today you are all members of the Empire

Gohbus, the landing point of the colonists.

Three billion years ago, Gebus once had vast waters, a dense atmosphere, a moderate climate, and a satellite that could provide stable tidal force. Fossils collected by colonial scientists show that there were also fantastic of alien species.

In the recent geological time period, Gebus has undergone earth-shaking changes. The magnetic field of its planet has begun to weaken until it almost disappears, and the frequent volcanic eruptions have also dropped off a cliff. This brought disastrous consequences. Gebus's atmosphere began to escape in large quantities, and the ocean was quickly evaporated. Life on it was exposed to strong ultraviolet rays, and was as fragile as a piece of paper before the power of nature.

Even though Gebus' environment is now too harsh for humans and their crops and livestock, colonization of the planet is on the agenda. This is a huge Earth-like planet, rich in resources, and located at the hub of important interstellar shipping routes.

Through a series of terraforming processes such as detonating volcanic movements to release carbon dioxide and water vapor, rebuilding the planet's magnetic field and replenishing the atmosphere, Gebus will once again become a beautiful world suitable for human survival.

At present, Gebus's terraforming has begun to bear fruit, and colonists have begun to settle on the surface of the planet. It's a risk-and-reward venture, as the surface of Gerbus remains dangerous.

New Columbia is the largest settlement in Gebus, built primarily around the massive Adeen crystal mines. The purity of the crystal ore here is very high, and it can be directly melted and cast into metal without refining. There are even reserves of gold deposits in it that have not yet been truly discovered.

The people living here are miners and skilled workers, and due to its proximity to the most prosperous interstellar shipping routes from Tarsonis to Korhal to Terrador, New Columbia's tertiary industry is also very developed and has a large number of interstellar ports. , commercial centers, bars, underground black markets, greedily earning credit coins from ocean crews, interstellar travelers, mercenaries and even pirates.

At the same time, New Columbia maintains a militia force with extremely high combat literacy and equipment levels, absorbing many retired soldiers and local youth. The people of New Columbia fear no one except the largest pirate groups.

But this time, it was the Star Spirits who came.

"Throw those damn kids away, they're not worth the price of escaping from this damn place." A group of people wearing gray windbreakers or jackets were driving a Vulture car through the streets of New Columbia City. It was as if I was really trying to escape from something extremely terrifying.

There were about seven or eight people in this group, all capable men and women armed with firearms, and several of them had hoods on their heads. Only a world like Gebus with an imperfect legal system could allow these wanted criminals to take advantage of loopholes. None of these people had a criminal record, and it was perfectly normal for them to be wanted by multiple colonies at the same time.

The city of New Columbia is built on a high mine, and the terrain is undulating. The height difference between different blocks can reach up to 450 feet. The buildings here are all modular alloy buildings, and other building materials are also sourced locally.

Affected by the local climate, the streets are always filled with lingering gray-red sand. The sunlight is also hazy in the sand and dust, and the street lights on both sides are on and off.

In addition to this gang, there are many panicked citizens of New Columbia on the streets, either hiding in their homes to await disaster, or simply trying to indulge themselves as much as possible before they die.

The protoss had just destroyed Braxis and Attica, and by the way, they had not spared the space stations in those galaxies, and the one closest to these butchers was Gebus.

There are about 100,000 people living in New Columbia, and this is only the number of permanent residents.

At this moment, not only New Columbia, but also the Gebus people are crazy about escaping from this planet. Millions of people are frantically scrambling for tickets to escape to other worlds, and it is hard to find them.

Poor people can't buy tickets at all.

"What are you afraid of? There are a lot of people who want to buy them. Many people are willing to pay high prices. As long as they are taken out, they will not worry about sales." Among this group of people, a tall man wearing a gray cloak is their leader:

"We can't install more people by losing these three children, and our month's work won't be wasted just to earn a few tickets. When it comes to money, robbing banks now will not make money faster. "

These pirates do dirty work like kidnapping and selling children, but they have a clear purpose. This small gang mainly collects children with psychic talents for the Tyranid Federation's Ghost Project in places such as edge world refugee camps. Sometimes these criminals also buy low prices from other human traffickers and sell them at high prices. If the profit is far away If the risk is too high, they even force their way into other people's homes and snatch their children away.

Not all parents - in fact, a large number of them have listened to the federation's lies and believe that they can get ahead by handing their children over to the federation. At this time, someone must do such a thing.

"Who the hell wants these supernatural kids besides the psychopaths from the Ghost Project?" asked another woman, also wearing a cloak.

"The Tyranid Federation was finished a month ago. The people on Tarsonis are now in control of Tarsonis. They will not pay high prices for these children."

This is a woman wearing a black leather jacket and pants. She has an incredible figure, and it can be seen that it is the result of plastic surgery. She wears earrings and a nose ring, and her bare chest, neck and thighs are all tattooed with some kind of beast pattern, which is a monster with a lion's head, a sheep's body and a snake's tail, which is the symbol of the notorious Chimera pirates.

In terms of notoriety, only the Pirates of New Trinidad can rival the Chimera, but the former's evil deeds are more concerned with harassing interstellar shipping.

The vulture car on which the woman was sitting was a bald man who was eight feet tall. He was so strong that he could kill a bear-toothed beast leader with one punch. His shabby jacket was stuffed with small packets of drugs and injection needles, and he obviously couldn't live without them for a moment.

Each of the following Vultures had a child between four and ten years old tied to the back seat. At this time, they were all falling asleep due to the effects of the medicine.

"I said, don't worry about the buyer - if it doesn't work, just sell it to the Yumoyang people." The tall man said and suddenly stopped his Vulture car, and the cars behind him also stopped:

"Jo, you idiot, where the hell is the boat? If she was anywhere near here, the sensor in my pocket would be beeping.

"Boss, I don't know anything at all. We used to stop here."

"Damn it, if you can't find that ship before the protoss burns this place to ashes, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" the tall man roared.

Everyone in the Koprulu Sector knows what a cruel race the protoss is. They can burn a planet into glass crystals with a snap of their fingers, and everyone on it will be burned to ashes.

The Protoss are a group of warlike aliens, crazy space Roman gladiators, and the largest group of arsonists in history. From what is known to mankind, protoss can only bring destruction.

"Want a ride? Brother, the price is easy to negotiate and absolutely fair." At this moment, several long shadows appeared on the streets of New Columbia.

They wear blue or blue-gray power armor. The armor is all old-fashioned CMC-200, but it has been modified beyond recognition by various additional weapon units and batteries roughly embedded in it. The weapons carried by the mercenaries are also various, but none of them is a large-caliber weapon that is enough to explode a human head.

"I am Graven Hill, an easy-to-talk mercenary." The leading man quickly introduced to the pirates: "Here is my business card. I will definitely have a lot of business to discuss in the future."

"As long as the price is right."

"Thanks, brother, there's no need for today. We're in a hurry to go for a ride." The tall man put one hand on the electromagnetic pistol under his windbreaker. He knew that these mercenaries wearing power armor were definitely not two or three kittens like him. Can be dealt with.

He started the vulture car and prepared to leave, but more mercenaries came out, occupying almost the entire street and blocking the way of these pirates.

People who make a living in the edge world also have a food chain. Mercenaries and pirates usually hang out in various gray areas, with cooperation and conflict. But when the benefits are sufficient, they don't mind killing each other.

"You stopped us, are you trying to stir up trouble?" The tall man said but looked around, preparing to run away at the wrong time.

"Someone paid me to come here to clean up the mess. Of course, it's more accurate to save lives and heal the wounded. To be honest, I don't care much about the identity of mercenaries in various incidents. Mercenaries are always used to talking about money." Hiring. Soldier boss Hill said slowly:

"To put it simply, someone hired me to come to Gebus to maintain order and evacuate the refugees here as much as possible. They may not have enough manpower now, and there are wars everywhere in the galaxy. This is great - but as long as If you have enough money, it will be the same even if you ask me to kill the people here."

"So, it was the federal government of Gebus that hired you?" The tall man also wanted to say that he was also a refugee. It was not that he was embarrassed, but they looked like human traffickers in their current appearance.

"Times have changed, man, now is the era of the Tyranid Empire. Oh, this is the latest news. The people on Earth have been defeated by Augustus Mengsk. The emperor of the Tyranid Empire is the one speaking in the Koprulu sector. The most trustworthy person."

"We are Chimera pirates, and this matter will never end -" the pirate leader said anxiously: "Listen, man, I don't have time to mess with you, either let us get out of here, or we will die."

They are mercenaries after all, they will be wherever there is money. But the star spirit is coming soon. If you don’t want your life, I still want my life!

"I want you to guess." Hill pulled out his pistol seemingly faster than the sound. He and the pirate leader raised their heads at the same time, and one shot destroyed the other's head, and a cloud of blood mist immediately scattered in the air.

Suddenly, Hill's mercenaries and the Chimera pirates opened fire at the same time. The mercenaries' marksmanship was extremely accurate, and they blew off the pirates' heads with just a few hits.

"The Chimera pirates who were driven all over the star by the peasant rebels of the Revolutionary Army, who don't even dare to let loose a fart, dared to make us look good." Remy Harris, the deputy next to Hill, sighed:

"Bah! What a shame."

"Look at those children." Hill shouted, and several mercenaries immediately went to rescue the children kidnapped by the pirates.

Then, Hill nodded in one direction, that was a former federal ghost agent who was a mercenary.

It is said that this taciturn ghost agent was rescued by Augustus Mengsk's Revolutionary Army. After that, he did not join the Revolutionary Army, but chose another life.

This ghost agent has only one additional requirement for joining Hill's mercenary group, and that is to save children who have gone through the same experience as her.

"What are we going to do with these children?" Harris took a petite blond girl from the hands of a mercenary. At this moment, the cute child was sleeping soundly in his arms.

There was a note in her pocket - Delta. Delta Emblock. New Sydneysiders.

"It doesn't matter if the group has more mouths to eat. The employer of the Tyran Empire may be able to take them in." Hill doesn't like children and has little interest in saving people, but one of the few redeeming qualities of him is that he keeps his promises.

"Citizens of New Columbia, the Emperor of the Terran Empire hired me to rescue you and mobilized many transport ships. Now you can come with us." Hill looked at the child and said loudly through the loudspeaker.

Mercenaries generally do not reveal their employer's name unless this is required by contract.

"We have a spaceship, and the emperor of the empire, Augustus Mengsk, has already advanced the fare for you." He said loudly: "Don't bring anything with you and leave quickly. The emperor asked me to bring you a few words - Regardless of your birth, religion, belief or political leanings, today you are all Imperial citizens."

"Stay alive so you can repay this money!"

As if to prove Hill's words, multiple transport planes appeared from the hazy clouds, and people immediately let out ecstatic exclamations and shouts.

After hearing Hill's words, the citizens hiding in their homes suddenly felt very hesitant. Among them, those who had heard the name of Augustus and his speech on the throne almost immediately packed up and went out. The remaining people saw someone rushing ahead of them and ran out quickly for fear that there would be no seats.

As long as it can save them from this impending destruction of the world, nothing matters.

Suddenly, the streets were filled with people with their families.

When they walked in front of the mercenaries, whether they meant it or not, they were all calling for the Tyran Empire and the Emperor. Some had tears in their eyes, while others were shouting and jumping with joy.

"I suddenly felt that doing good things felt good." Seeing this, Hill opened his armored helmet, revealing his face wearing sunglasses. Said to his good friend Harris next to him.

"That's not like you, you tough guy," Harris said sarcastically.

Although the matte visor of the power armor can completely replace the function of sunglasses, he still has to wear sunglasses, even if he can't see his fingers in the dark.

"Hill, the Taldarin Protoss fleet signal was detected in the Gebus system." A mercenary reported to his regimental leader at this time.

"They're coming."

Hill hummed and looked at the ecstatic people around him:

"It's time to increase the price."

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