StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 501 This is the Empire

The Tal'darin protoss fleet is heading towards the core of the Gebus star system. Once it reaches the Gebus star, it will immediately open fire to destroy everything without any delay, and then move on to the next target.

Until the High Lord of Tal'darin believed that enough vengeance had been meted out to humanity, or that there was no more to be said for the matter.

The human immigrants of Gebus do not yet know that the shadow of death is hanging over Gebus, but even if they know, the frenzied scramble for seats on the transport ship and the resulting riots will only intensify.

"Those who cause trouble, jump in line, and disobey the boarding regulations, even if you are already on board, for God's sake, I swear I will kick you damn selfish, scum, and cowards with my steel boots. Kicked into a mud pit and thrown to the protoss.”

"Children, women and the elderly come first, then everyone else."

In the largest central square in New Columbia City, the yellow sand was rising and falling, hitting people's bodies with pain. Dozens of modified APOD-33 transport ships, with unique paintings and logos, all represent that they are mercenaries.

Thousands of citizens of New Columbia were lining up to board the ship, while Remi Harris, one of the mercenary leaders, directed his men to maintain order at the scene. The mercenaries, who always emphasize coldness and efficiency, will not look down upon these civilians. Even if they are dissatisfied with the order of boarding, the mercenaries will be angry and insulted. They are accustomed to talking with the spears and bullets in their hands.

The effect of such vigorous and resolute actions is naturally immediate. If you want to leave Gebus, even the mayor has to queue up.

In the sky full of yellow sand, fully loaded transport ships rose into the sky under the expectant eyes of countless people, and then turned into a wisp of cold stars in the sky.

"Graven, if the Terran Empire's fleet doesn't come again, the brothers will have to report here sooner or later." Harris came to Hill's side and whispered to him.

"We are mercenaries, and the largest ship we have is a gunboat modified from a Mammoth-class carrier. Its specifications are comparable to those of a battlecruiser, but its combat effectiveness is far behind."

"What are other ships in the eyes of the protoss, harmless cruising yachts?" he said to his old friend:

"I bet that the emperor of the Tyran Empire does not intend to fight to the death with these vicious protoss in Gebus. If I had just become the emperor, I should have defended the few pieces of land in my hand instead of rushing to attack .”

"So you are not the emperor." Hill shook his eyebrows above his sunglasses.

"You have been just a mercenary all your life."

"Great, this couldn't be better." Harris grinned, completely free of the nervousness of performing a dangerous mission: "Being a mercenary is so fun."

"Boss, those children are awake. We cannot let them stay with us." At this time, a mercenary with a golden mustache came over, holding a little blond girl about ten years old in his hand. .

In the Koprulu sector, mercenaries live with their heads in their belts at all times, and even the most experienced former Federation veterans often make mistakes. Deaths are common, and fighting with children is even more dangerous.

"Are you Delta Ambrose?" This girl's information flashed through Hill's mind.

A new Sydney native, her mother has passed away and her father is an alcoholic and frequently violent. Delta had to work in a factory to make ends meet at a very young age. Apparently, those Chimera pirates found Delta and brought her to Gebus's shipping transfer station, preparing to take her to the core world and sell her for a good price.

"I'm Delta." The girl's expression was numb and cold, surprisingly calm, and everyone was reflected in her beautiful blue eyes.

Level 7 psychics are extremely rare. Such psykers already have more advanced abilities besides telepathic energy, such as transfiguration or creating fire out of thin air.

Hill thought that if he had such an old daughter, he would not be willing to let her suffer such injustice.

"Child, we will send you and your companions to the spaceship right away. At that time, people from the Tyran Empire will come to pick you up." Hill has always been patient with everyone:

"I heard that people in the Empire are pretty good to people with telepathic abilities. The Queen of the Terran Empire is a psyker."

"Thank you." Delta clutched her collar tightly.

"You are much better than those New Colombians who only know how to be grateful to the emperor." Hill smiled and urged the mercenary next to him to send Delta and the other two children onto the ship.

And when Hill glanced past the citizens of New Columbia who were lining up to board the transport ship, he suddenly heard a violent roar.

A transport ship that was accelerating suddenly caught fire and after a moment of trembling, it fell apart and turned into countless balls of fire.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, multiple Tal'darin protoss fighter jets were like black swords piercing the hazy clouds. Like ghosts passing through the fog, these protoss fighters with a strong war aesthetic combine exquisite elegance and aggressiveness. Their tails are shrouded in blood-red light. They seem to disappear in a flash while flying, and appear in front of everyone in the blink of an eye. in front of.

The transport ship leaving Gebus immediately became the target of the Tal'darin Protoss fighter planes, and every human spacecraft became prey.

At this time, mercenary fighter planes that seemed to be made of a bunch of junk also appeared. First, there were five Federation Avenger fighters from the Kailian War, and then more and more advanced Phantom fighters. In the blink of an eye, the sky turned into A battlefield where pilots from both sides fight to the death.

"They are attacking civilian ships, they are simply not human!" Harris cursed angrily. Although he thought he was not a good person, he could not do such a thing.

"Continue to board the ship, don't stop, staying on the ground will only lead to death." Hill shouted and asked his men to send the frightened citizens onto the spacecraft:

"The Protoss only sent a few ships. They were of no use except to scare people."

And at the next moment, a circular battleship with three red rotors jumped into the sky above New Columbia. Even the rotors on its edge were much larger than the mercenary transport ship.

The Tal'darim Mother Ship, the Blood Throne of the Death Fleet.

As early as when the protoss of Aiur's protoss empire placed the flagship mothership of the once invincible fleet in a museum for admiration and lost their enterprising spirit and motivation for technological progress, their distant relatives the Tal'darin protoss left the protoss empire in the past. These warships were dug up from abandoned colonies and lost worlds across the galaxy and used for their own purposes.

The purpose of deploying the mothership is to gain control of the battlefield. It is like a throne hanging above the enemy's head, and the energy dome projected by the triangular rotor flows with blood-like light. As soon as it appeared, the humans below had already fallen into extreme panic.

As long as the Tal'darin commander on the mothership gives the order to activate the main guns, the city of New Columbia will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

"Shit—" Hill's face twisted: "How come it's so fast?"

"I should make the beak of your iron rooster gold." Harris also stared closely at the behemoth in the sky. In front of it, the spaceship that the mercenaries were proud of was just a small yacht. .

"The Protoss Fleet did not directly blast the planet to rubble, but sailed into the atmosphere to show off its power. Why..." He had no time to maintain the order around him that was almost collapsing.

The transport ships in the sky are being shot down one by one, and the New Columbians have just experienced the great pain of going from being about to raise hope to quickly falling into the abyss.

"Graven, what on earth do these protoss want to do——"

Several Tal'darin Protoss shuttles quickly left the fleet and flew to the ground. Then, large numbers of Tal'darin Protoss warriors wearing black armor and red robes appeared in the city of New Columbia, heading straight for the mercenaries.

"The facts are obvious. They think they have a guaranteed victory. Now it's game time." Hill cursed secretly.


Even if they don't deliberately appear in front of humans, the protoss fleet can destroy everything in high altitude orbit. The Tal'darim protoss undoubtedly seek to unleash fear and temper their warriors with battle.

The battle is about to break out.

Even if these Tal'darin protoss are just running on the ground, their speed is comparable to human chariots. Each of them is equipped with a single plasma shield, which can completely ignore the firepower of electromagnetic rifles when charging.

Human shield technology can currently only be applied to fortress and battlecruiser-level battleships, which use huge energy to supply shields. However, lightweight and miniaturized individual shields have never achieved a technological breakthrough.

The Taldarin Protoss on Gebus did not only use sharp blades, they also used a large number of plasma light cannons and phase tear cannons that jumped to the surface. As long as the dazzling scarlet light group falls on the mercenaries, no matter how indestructible their armor is and how many reinforcement processes it has gone through, it will melt like broken jelly without exception.

When the sharp blades of the Tal'darin protoss warriors followed closely, these elite mercenaries were cut into pieces with almost no resistance.

The Tal'darin protoss in Slaine are undoubtedly more powerful than the Tal'darin that once appeared in Byshel, and they understand war and massacre better, instead of losing their minds due to fanaticism under the influence of terrazine.

The war in New Columbia was one-sided, and Hill's mercenaries had little power to fight back. Blood quickly dyed the streets red, and even the wind and sand were filled with the smell of blood.

"Why haven't the damn Imperial Army come yet?" Hill asked people to lead the citizens of New Columbia to escape from the air raid shelter, and at the same time led the remaining people to resist the fierce offensive of the Tal'darin Protoss. The AGR rifle in his hand even penetrated a The protoss' shield takes half a minute.

He couldn't help but feel weak. When the Tal'darin protoss jumped into the middle of the mercenaries with the bloody blade, it was like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, and they could only use grenades and rockets to fight against these protoss.

It is carnage, and the Tal'darim protoss have made carnage an art form.

"They should have been here a long time ago!" Harris was so heartbroken that he could hardly speak as he watched these brothers who had followed him through life and death being chopped down to the ground in pieces.

The loss was enough to keep Harris wailing for weeks.

The remains of dead mercenaries were everywhere, and many New Columbia citizens were lying in the corners of the street. Most of them had fainted from fright, while those lying limp on the ground could not stop shivering.

Just when the mercenaries' front line had been completely torn apart, blue and purple light from space fluctuations suddenly appeared in the sky of Gebus. One after another, the Terran Empire battlecruisers jumped out, and more than forty ships appeared in less than a minute.

The Imperial fleet was facing off against the Tal'darin Protoss fleet over New Columbia, possibly several leagues away. But from the perspective of people on the ground, the Tyranid Empire's flagship and the Tal'darin Protoss Mothership were extremely close.

The classic hammerhead bow design of the battlecruiser couldn't be more conspicuous. This is the first head-to-head battle between the Tyranid Empire's steel fleet and the Tal'darin protoss death fleet.

The New Colombians on the ground were so shocked that they even forgot to exclaim, but some burst into tears in a daze. They never thought that the Terran Empire, which they had never seen before, would dispatch such a huge fleet for a sparsely populated colony.

In the past, the fleets of the Tyranid Federation may have been larger than this, but they never dared to confront the protoss or zerg.

The Tal'darin protoss on the ground also stopped attacking because of this incident. The mercenaries immediately reduced their defense lines and dragged back their injured comrades.

"Here is the Iron Justice, the flagship of the Revolutionary Army fleet. I am Admiral Horace Warfield, Marshal of the Tyranid Empire. Tal'darin Protoss Fleet, you have entered Imperial airspace. Stop attacking immediately and surrender." A deep voice came from New Columbia. The city also came out on functioning announcers and radio stations.

"Repeat, this is the Empire!"

"Okay, I know what your slow ass is called, General Warfield." Harris was furious, but both he and Hill noticed that a large number of fighter jets and transport aircraft were leaving the Imperial fleet. .

"I hope you know how to win battles."

Hill has seen that new model of transport ship, the G-226, which is a new model developed by the Tyranids. The G-226 has a larger carrying capacity than the old APOD-33, and is also equipped with an aerial nano-medical station, making it a medical transport ship that makes mercenaries drool.

"Okay, gather the rest of the people." Hill ordered:

"We have reinforcements."

"In this core world far away from civilization, the cruel side of the dark universe has begun to emerge."

On the Iron Justice, Admiral Horace Hofield, who was staring at the Tal'darin fleet on the screen, said to Artanis, the protoss executive next to him: "The Tal'darin protoss believe in a wise saying, that is, they have guns, you No."

"The Tal'darin Protoss, the eldest son of God has never seen them since the catastrophe of the ages. At that time, the glory of Kara had not yet enlightened that ignorant and sad era." Hearing the news that the Tal'darin Protoss appeared again and attacked the human world Later, Artanis, who was originally going to return to Sagulas to fight against Orega, stayed back.

"The Tal'darim has returned. This is not a good sign."

"I am Artanis, the Executor of Duram Protoss." At this time, the communication between the Iron Justice and the Tal'darin mothership was connected, and a tall Tal'darin Protoss appeared in front of Artanis and Warfield.

"Tal'darin Protoss, stop your brutal behavior immediately, you have violated the law Dawu."

Compared with the efforts made by the Dallam protoss to change their image, Tal'darin's behavior is simply pouring dirty water on the protoss as a race. For example, the current Gebus people don't have the time to figure out the difference between the Dalam Protoss and the Tal'darin Protoss.

"Oh~ Artanis~ I'll scare you by saying my name!" The Tal'darin commander on the other side interrupted Artanis unceremoniously: "I am the fourth person in Tal'darin's promotion, Alarak. !”

"The Tal'darim don't care - Davu - oh - are you trying to drown me in your spit? Templar."

"If you don't want to die, just retreat. Of course, I don't care about your life or death~"

"I don't want to wield a knife against my former compatriots-" Artanis said this, but still ignited his blue psychic blade.

"Well, I'm going to tell you what humans would do. Executive." Warfield said:

"Imperial fleet, fire immediately!"

I didn't finish it when I posted it, so I'll add a few more paragraphs if I refresh it.

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