StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 502 Hymn of Humanity

"Hahaha, you better be kidding~"

The fourth ascended Tal'darin sits on the Commander's Iron Throne, where blood and thorns stand out like swords. His pair of glowing scarlet eyes stares harshly in all directions:

"Just use that moving primitive mouth of yours - tell your emperor how I won."

Extremely pragmatic, cruel and cunning, smart, confident, cold, ruthless, and deadly. No matter what words Alarak's men used to describe him, they were not exaggerations.

Alarak, the Fourth Ascendent, viewed the Chain of Ascension as a game of power intertwined with loyalty and betrayal, and used all his cunning to concoct conspiracies until he became the final winner of the game. Looking at the entire Ascension chain, only Alarak is famous for cultivating and controlling allies, while other Ascendants who are good at manipulating people's hearts have all been defeated by the current fourth Ascendant.

Alarak may not be the strongest person in the chain of promotion, but he must have the most outstanding, cunning, selfish, and vicious brain among them.

"My response is only artillery fire." Warfield has seen many protoss, and this is not the first time he has fought against the Tal'darin protoss. Many people think that the protoss are invincible, but that does not mean that he is also such a person. .

The Emperor of the Terran Empire had great trust in Warfield and appointed him as the head of the Empire's three generals. And Warfield wanted to prove to everyone that he was worthy of the emperor's trust.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

"The entire Tyran Empire stands behind us, and the country's gate is at our feet. There is no way out." Warfield completely sounded the clarion call for the Tyran Empire's fleet to attack.

"Activate all reserve forces and concentrate the firepower of the artillery team forward. Today, we are burning the boat."

The confrontation and tense situation between the Tyranid Empire fleet and the Tal'darin fleet immediately evolved into a direct and frontal military conflict. By this time, the number of battlecruisers that had jumped into the Gebus system alone had reached sixty, which was equivalent to more than one-half of the entire empire's battleships.

In terms of paper strength, Gebus's imperial fleet did not fall behind when facing this Tal'darin fleet.

Although according to the Tal'darin protoss themselves, their death fleet is extremely powerful and invincible, Gebus's fleet is by no means the main force of the death fleet, or even only a small part.

In fact, although it arrived with a terrifying momentum, this fleet only had one Tal'darin Mother Fleet and more than twenty aircraft carriers, hundreds of reconnaissance planes, shuttles and more blade-like weapons. spaceship.

Even so, such a fleet is undoubtedly more than enough to destroy several human colonies, and it is also a waste of time.

But the arrogant Sreentadarin protoss finally met their opponent in the Gebus system and hit the iron plate. These Imperial humans are different from the humans on the Federation planet destroyed by the Tal'darim. They have high fighting spirit and fearlessness. This stems from their sense of belonging and confidence in their own identities.

Having gone through numerous difficulties and dangers, and countless wars large and small, the Kohal Revolutionary Army, which has experienced hundreds of battles, has become the largest human armed force in the Koprulu sector. Due to the comprehensive officer promotion system and military discipline system established at the beginning of their establishment, they have completed the transformation from a revolutionary army to an imperial regular army at an astonishing speed.

At this moment, rows of Imperial battlecruisers opened fire together at Marshal Warfield's order, laser cannons and electromagnetic cannons igniting the entire sky.

From the perspective of the people on the ground, this may be the largest fleet battle they have ever seen. Large swaths of orange-red barrages spread from one end of the sky to the other, brilliant and dazzling, illuminating the entire world.

Located in the atmosphere, the roar of dozens of battlecruisers' Yamato cannons when their main guns are charged and fired at the same time is really shocking, as if the mountains are collapsing and the sky is about to fall. Anyone who has heard this sound will never forget the classic buzz of the Yamato cannon.

Dozens of smaller suns suddenly appeared in the sky, and then dazzling flames shot out. The Tal'darin protoss mothership at the front bore the brunt of the attack. The compressed nuclear explosions sputtered on its wide plasma shield wall, and the aftermath turned into flowing flames.

Yamato cannons landed on the Tal'darin mothership's shields one after another, triggering a nuclear explosion capable of destroying thirty New Columbia cities.

Originally, the scarlet mothership withstood all attacks generously, as if mocking the weakness of human weapons, but its shield soon reached its limit. Until a focused nuclear blast shattered the energy curtain wall, causing its hull to burn and leaving charred black scars.

The damaged Tal'darin mothership quickly retreated below its own fleet through a short jump. At that time, the Tal'darin fleet had already opened fire in response to the Imperial fleet's offensive. Scarlet particle rays subdivided the sky into multiple parts. The fragments bombarded the green shield matrix raised by the battlecruiser.

Hundreds of protoss and human battleships opened fire at the same time. Ten times as many small and medium-sized battleships and fighter planes shuttled between the gunfire. Battleships were constantly shattered in a round of concentrated fire. Molten metal fell from the sky like rain. The gunfire and The light released by the explosion illuminated the entire world as bright as day. Wraith fighter planes and transport ships continued to take off from the dock of the battlecruiser. This largest fleet battle in the history of mankind against the protoss reached its climax as soon as it broke out.

It was like a doomsday scene, with countless flames falling from the sky, and the falling battleship released endless light and heat at the moment of crash.

In the hands of the communication screen that was still disconnected, Warfield and Artanis could see that the body of Alarak, the fourth ascendant on the Tal'darin mothership, trembled, but the light shone on his purple-gray face. Then it was stretched and pulled away.

"The famous human fusion weapon~ Hehe, such an ancient weapon. We humans like to play with fire and burn ourselves, but in the end we don't even know how to burn ourselves." The fourth ascendant still showed a calm attitude, as if he had a chance to win.

But the situation on the frontal battlefield is not like this. Tal'darin's warships are capable of overwhelming human warships in terms of shields and weapons, but they are not without losses.

After completing a series of upgrades such as Titan reactors, capacitors, and energy transmission pipelines, the Terran Empire's warships already have enough energy to install Yamato cannons and energy shields. Both firepower and armor levels are no longer the same as they were four years ago. And words.

Beyond that, their strongest weapon is their determination to put their lives at risk. The protoss can even feel this unified belief with the help of their powerful telepathy, which is rare in the human race.

"You butcher, just one outpost was attacked, and you will kill all the people on three planets." The imperial cap emblem on Warfield's blue and black wide-brimmed military cap shone brightly under the artillery fire, and the grip in the shield emblem The whip ring and the golden five-star on it have become the symbol of the Tyranid Empire.

While Warfield was speaking, the Altera on the port side of the fleet flagship Iron Justice was being hit head-on by the phaser main gun of the Tal'darin Protoss Mothership. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the bow of the ship was almost completely cut open, and large-scale explosions spread across its surface.

This is a Behemoth-class battlecruiser built in 2492 and launched the following year. It was built by the Aurora Shipyard on Antiga Prime. Strictly speaking, the Altera and her sister ship Martell are transition ships between the Behemoth class and the new Minotaur (Minotaur) class. They are larger than the previous Behemoth class and have Yamato cannons. Upgrades have also been made.

But this magnificent battleship built under the emperor's order could not even last two minutes. Unfortunately, she became the first target of the Tal'darin fleet's fire.

Immediately, the rest of the Imperial warships avenged the Altera. They surrounded a scarred Tal'darin aircraft carrier, tearing apart its already shaky shields with just one powerful and cannon shot. Another round A single salvo destroyed it completely.

In the brutal battle, even the scientific ships responsible for escort and maintenance support joined the battle. Battleships fell every minute and thousands of people died.

At the same time, operations to rescue refugees on the surface of the planet Gebus are also underway, and large-scale battles are also breaking out there. Only the ground forces of the Tyranid Empire and Tal'darin are investing in mechas in the vast desert of Gebus. There are tens of thousands of aircraft and fighter planes.

Gebus was originally just a little-known colony, but the Battle of Gebus will surely become a milestone in mankind's fight against alien invaders. From then on, any historian who wrote about this period of history could not avoid this battle, and wrote about this period of history when the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire ordered Marshal Horace Hofield to fight the protoss in a bloody battle with Gebus.

Whether they are officers or soldiers, the sacrifices of countless people will eventually leave only words and words.

In the past four years, there has never been a direct confrontation between the human fleet and the protoss.

"From your human perspective, this is indeed the case." Alarak said:

"Why should I have mercy on humans? Even if the other Tal'darin pisses me off, he will suffer the same fate. This is the Tal'darin, and these are our rules."

The Tyranid Empire's fleet cheered up Alarak, and he began to devote himself to command. Even the arrogant Alarak had to admit that even the scraps of human beings were not helpless.

Alarak's fleet is only a small part of the death fleet. In fact, at this moment, Tal'darin protoss from all over the world are gathering at Slane to participate in the Rakhi of the First Ascendant and High Lord Marash. Ceremony.

Those high-level upgraders who supported the first upgrader were sent to other battlefields away from Slane by High Lord Marash, and because Marash suspected that the fourth upgrader Alarak had secretly joined the first upgrader. He ordered them to deal with humans.

Nonetheless, even if he disobeys his so-called orders, Alarak will surely return to Slane in time for the Rak'shir ceremony to join in the final struggle for power. Dealing with humans was just Alarak's way of passing the time and sharpening his men.

And Alarak was not prepared to start a longer and longer battle with humans, which would make him miss the largest Rak'sir ceremony in Slane in the past century. If he could kill the first three ascendants at the same time, or even Marash, Alarak would be able to become the high-ranking lord of Tal'darin above thousands of people under Amon.

Fighting to the death with humans would not only do Alarak no good, it would also cause him to lose his potential power to fight for power.

"Aranak, it was humans from Earth who attacked your outpost, not humans from the Tyranid Empire." Executor Artanis tried to reason with the other party in another way.

"The purpose of the humans on Earth is to make both Tal'darin and the Tyranid Empire suffer, so that they can take advantage of it! You are trying to hurt both of them here, but you are only allowing the third party to benefit."

"Oh, dear Artanis, you have caught my attention." The fourth ascendant's tone was filled with his superior pride and razor-sharp black humor.

Although retreating now can save a lot of strength, it also means that the reputation of Alarak's fleet will be greatly affected. How could an upgraded person who had suffered a complete defeat in the war with humans still have the face to compete for the position of the first upgraded person or even the high-ranking one? This was exactly what the current high-ranking lord Marash wanted.

But if the enemy gives him a way out, that would be the best.

"I think that besides suffering defeats, what you Templars are best at is preaching nonsense. How can you still say that you can't kill the enemy? Artanis~" Alarak said:

"Your naivety makes me laugh. Artanis, you just happen to be right. No one can take advantage of the Tal'darim."

"So, you are willing to retreat?" Sagulas is still in the war, and Artanis has not brought a fleet. Otherwise, according to what the Emperor of the Tyranids Augustus Mengsk said, he would rather take the enemy Beat him down and then reason.

"Retreat? Tal'darin must pay the price!" Warfield acted blackface without changing his expression.

Even if Alarak's fleet retreats, Warfield won't stop there. Warfield has received the emperor's personal orders to clear out the Taldarin protoss entrenched in Monlath and the Sigma Quadrant, and permanently expel them, repaying tooth for tooth, and giving an explanation to the people of the empire.

"Only when I think there is no need to waste time here!" Alarak snorted.

"I thought that was now—" Artanis shot back.

"Are you angry? Artanis. This makes me a little interested." Alarak tutted: "Dead Apostle, concentrate the firepower of the fragmentation cannon and burn them all to ashes!"

"Our mission is only to burn down this planet - a word of advice to you, don't stand under the mothership. Of course, you are the one who is going to die anyway, not me, Artanis."

After the words fell, the arrogant Tal'darin Ascendant snorted and cut off the communication.

"Oh, this vicious guy. What is he hinting at?" Artanis looked at Warfield: "This arrogant Tal'darin is simply worse than -"

"Simply more arrogant than you." Warfield sighed and said:

"It sounds like he's going to burn Gebus to make things easier for him. Unless I double the number of battleships, there's no way to stop him before he burns the planet, but it shouldn't be a problem to evacuate all civilians before that."

"With all due respect, this looks very similar to the weapons of your Protoss Empire." Warfield said thoughtfully:

"I heard that Tal'darin parted ways with you thousands of years ago and has never been seen again. At that time, the Protoss Empire was still in the tribal era. Then why are your battleships and weapons so similar-"

"I can't deny this, General Warfield." Artanis also fell into deep thought: "Actually, I am also puzzled. This is so strange."

"The Tal'darin mothership is charging their main guns. After that, they will destroy the entire Bugs." Artanis's eyes lit up and he pointed at the Tal'darin mothership on the screen of the Iron Justice. :

"He must be stopped!"

Warfield hummed: "General Medici. Send a few more Vagory frigates."

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