StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 505 Plague Watcher

The heavy rain gradually subsided and the wind direction began to change. But then it started to snow, followed by fist-sized hail, and the roads began to freeze and become extremely slippery. The clouds completely obscured the starlight, and the lights on every house were the only source of light in the Freeport.

Bekaa Luo is definitely a bad place. The climate is harsh and the soil is barren. Most of the land is ridges that have been repeatedly washed by rain. The terrain is winding and winding, and it is so bare that it cannot accommodate any vegetation.

Although frequent lightning strikes on the planet can generate a large amount of nitrogen dioxide and nitric acid, providing sufficient nitrogen fertilizer for the growth of crops, Becca Luo's lightning strikes are too frequent. She is just a gray stone planet. There may be ten million such planets in the galaxy, but it is the place where Brun's ancestors decided to take root by accident.

Not all worlds are blessed with Tarsonis, Korhal, and Terrador, but humans are a tenacious race, able to adapt to nearly every treacherous environment in the galaxy.

Bren climbed aboard the family's robo-harvester and felt his health deteriorating. When he started the engine, he was almost coughing up blood. Every cell in his body seemed to be wailing, and severe pain roared from his heart and lungs.

He knew that he might not be able to hold on much longer, and it would not be long before he would turn into one of those alienated monsters in the weather station, with faces covered with tumors and tentacles. Regret, pain and fear left Bren breathless. For a long time, he sat almost motionless in the driving seat of the harvester.

Fortunately, this zerg virus has not yet invaded the controlled Brun's brain. All infected humans will eventually become slaves of the main hive mind, a fate worse than death.

Fortunately, Bren doesn't know that yet.

Bren is reinvigorated by his love and sense of duty to his family and to Freeport as a whole, if the town is ultimately engulfed by this horrific infection and the people he loves most will also die there.

Bren was only the second-generation immigrant born and raised by Becca Rowe naturally. His understanding of the world was limited to Freeport, and his vision was only the canyon behind the pass and the cultivated land after that.

In the past, Bren had dreamed of becoming a starship soldier because he loved travel and adventure, and starships often traveled through various galaxies, quadrants and galaxies. Becca Luo does not have this condition at all. Not to mention interstellar battleships, even spacecraft that can fly out of the atmosphere are either left to rust in warehouses, or are dismantled and used as valuable building materials.

He was once the most adventurous and curious person in Freeport, and his keen intuition for machinery also allowed him to repair damaged agricultural watering equipment and harvesting facilities with ease. Bren had a chance to take the next step, but there was no one here to teach him.

Later, he had to accept the reality he had to face. Like everyone else in Freeport, he got married early and had children, trying his best to fill himself and his family's stomachs. Such unrealistic things as dreams can only be left aside and allowed to slowly fade away.

A gust of wind blew by, raising the snow like white fog, and the rolled hail clanked on the windshield and roof of the harvester. Outside the car window, which was pockmarked by hail, the Freeport, which had just turned on the lights, was crumbling, groaning, and trembling in the storm.

Originally, at this time, the four members of the Bren family should be sitting happily on the dining table covered with blue plaid cloth, eating the simplest dinner, which was mostly simple bread, bacon, and some warm barley tea. When there was thunder, it was storming outside, but the home was warm and cozy, and his daughter Octavia Bren would sit on his lap and giggle.

People in poor places throughout the galaxy probably live like this. Bren heard that the central world of the Tyranid Federation was extremely prosperous, but he didn't have much idea in his mind.

Thinking of the smiles of his wife and children, Brun still endured the pain and inner fear and started the harvester to drive onto the cement road in Freeport, passing through the hail of the howling wind.

Becca Luo taught the people here how to fight against nature, taught them what it means to be patient and endure the suffering and pain in life. On the edge of the Koprulu Sector, only the hardiest survive.

Not a single car could be seen on the main street of Freeport in the storm. Every household was sitting in their homes and facing the storm calmly. Where there are lights and flames, that is where human civilization sprouts.

This harvester has been in Bren's family for some years. It is older than the two children. It has been passed down from generation to generation and is just like a family member.

This highly automated and integrated harvester can be seen in almost any world in the Tyranid Federation, with functions such as plowing, gravel and seeding, and can be equipped with a solid gasoline flamethrower if necessary. According to the Kaimorians' approach, a harvester can be used as a tank by welding a few steel plates on it. They can even convert a super giant planetary excavator into an electromagnetic acceleration road-based fighter launch port.

The combine harvester is the most loyal and reliable partner of the immigrants, and Brun just hopes that it will not fall off the chain today.

Bren's destination was the home of Jacob Nikolai, who may have also been infected, and his home was located near Freeport's largest and only radio broadcaster. Even though the old equipment was thirty or forty years old, the parts were all rusty and it was doubtful whether it could still be used.

Suddenly, a beam of light came from the fork in the street, shining directly into his eyes. Bren recognized it immediately. It was the car of Freeport teacher Kirsten Warner. It was an old four-wheeled car. When Kirsten's father bought the car from a used car dealer, The Terra family of Tarsonis has not yet entered the maglev car industry.

This car is a treasure in a rural place like Freeport. After all, in a circle of harvesters, a sedan always stands out.

And this is also a good car that Kirsten is proud of, just like his unique greasy middle parting that goes with it, but this does not prevent him from being a good, serious and responsible teacher and a warm-hearted person.

"You've been tricked too? Kirsten." The harvester's communicator broke two years ago, and no one has been able to repair it since then. Bren could only talk to Kirsten using a walkie-talkie.

Kirsten also followed Nicholas and Bren to check the missing weather station, along with old Rustin and the only biologist in the town, Gradley. If nothing else, they may have been infected, and carpet is one of the most basic infection routes for spreading zerg viruses.

Thinking about it now, the Terran Empire's army should have been notified at that time, but the people in Freeport only believed in their own people. People are like this, they will never believe what they are facing until disaster strikes.

"For God's sake, I used up my last bit of strength to climb into the car. The only people who can save this town now are the people of the Terran Empire. If there is no cure for this disease, old Bren, then you You and I will each give each other a shot, and don't save it to harm others." Kirsten's tone was still very calm, he has always been such a person. In other words, crying now has no effect.

Most of the people living in this town are raising their families. They have gone through all kinds of hardships, including natural disasters and man-made disasters, but they have not defeated the people of Beka Luo.

"Go to Nikolai's house. This sneaky guy took advantage of this crisis to approve the appointment of the first mayor at the citizens' assembly. Since this is the case, he should take responsibility." Brun said.

There is no time to communicate about the condition now. If they transform into such monsters now, everyone in the town will suffer.

"The devil is here! These imperial people brought devils, and I knew they would not bring good news. I saw through the true colors of these people forty years ago! This strange disease may be caused by them, no, Bet on my four gas extraction facilities, they must have done it!" Soon, the old miner Rustin's harvester jumped on Bren's rearview mirror, and his unique loud voice roared and chattered:

"This is not the end. As long as I am alive, even if I can still breathe, I will definitely beat these imperial bastards!"

Rustin's home is a few miles away from Freeport, but after seeing the tragic situation at the weather station, even an old tough guy like Rustin who had been in Koprulu for many years did not dare to stay outside anymore.

Finally, biologist Gradley also managed to get in touch with Brun, who was also infected by the virus. After briefly understanding the situation, this biologist, who had already made many contributions to the genetic improvement of Freeport livestock with a noble and selfless spirit, decided to shut himself up at home and conduct experiments on his own body to find an antidote.

Even though Beka Luo is not a livable paradise, the people here are no longer those who are full of resentment towards the Federation. They also love the land under their feet.

"Say a few words, Rustin, while we are still alive." Bren throttled the throttle and drove the harvester out of a sports car, and the teacher and the miner's car followed closely behind: "The town must be warned. people!"

"You want to be a hero?" Rustin roared.

"I've burned down all my refineries and kept the last barrel of gas for myself. Is that enough?"

"Rustin, if you had some of your romantic energy, you wouldn't have been a bachelor for so long." Kirsten laughed despite the unbearable pain in his body.

"I hate living with other people," said Rustin. "You should have known I was a lone wolf."

Freeport is not big, and even driving from the edge of the town to the center of the town only takes ten minutes. Soon, the residence of the current mayor of the town, Nicholas, arrived.

As soon as he became the mayor of Freeport, this young man who was smooth but good at public speaking chose the best house in the town as his mansion, which was originally a large warehouse where electronic equipment and other equipment were stored.

It was a tall, double-story steel and red brick house. There were even two marble gargoyles at the door. I don’t know where Nicholas got these old antiques. They should have been on the church. decorate.

In places like Becca Luo, there are still workshops and hired workers, but there is no concept of money, and the class gap is very small.

Bren and Kirsten soon knocked on Nicholas's door, and by this time, the blond young man living alone had disheveled hair and tears streaming down his face. This seemed to be the most normal state. He had known that he was terminally ill, and the severe pain and fear were enough to drive a person crazy.

"Uuuuuuu——" Nicholas cried bitterly:

"It hurts me so much."

"It's been so long and you're just here crying? Where is the broadcast console?" Bren grabbed Nikolai's torn suit, while the old miner jumped up and slapped the young mayor:

"Cry, cry, slug, can crying kill the zerg and virus?"

"I'm going to die." Nicholas cried like a beaten puppy.

"We haven't said there is no rule of law yet, why are you anxious?" Rustin slapped Nicholas again. This ancient old man was always the object of fear among the children in the town. To this day, many people see this weird-tempered man. The old man was even scared to death.

"I'll take you there right now." Nicholas was afraid of death, Rustin said.

After a few seconds, Bren, who was standing outside, suddenly heard the sound of heavy objects falling from the sky - the sound of wind and snow was still heard, but the dull sound of the collision was very clear.

First, a black shadow fell on the house opposite Nicholas's house, making a deep hole on the top of the house. By the light from the house, Bren could see the shadow of a man tumbling from the roof to the ground, flopping down a few hundred yards away.

It was a person, a person whose body was shattered. His limbs and head were twisted at angles that were impossible for normal people. One leg was twisted into a twist by the huge impact.

For a moment, neither Bren nor Kirsten next to him could react. Immediately afterwards, this bloody "person" stood up shakily and staggered towards the wide-eyed people.

The twisted humanoid creature was still wearing electroplated silver-white power armor fragments. Its helmet had been thrown away somewhere, revealing an extremely pale face. Half of the face still retains the texture of its old skin, while the other half is as red and swollen as rosacea and has swollen many times over.

Two vicious eyes glowing dimly yellow were looking out from under the helmet, and tendrils and huge fleshy tumors spilled out of the gaps in the armor.

It is conceivable that he must have been a brave human soldier, and he should be full of pride in his armor and role.

But now, it's just a twisted and horrific monster.

Brun tried hard to identify the golden eagle emblem on the opponent's armor, as if he wanted to figure out its original identity, but he quickly lost his focus.

Immediately afterwards, more monsters like this fell from the sky like rain, hitting various houses with irregular impact sounds and a huge muffled sound. Thousands of twisted shadows squirmed to their feet, eyes glowing yellow or red.

They uttered incomprehensible murmurs and staggered towards the still living and trembling people.

"There's a battleship up there!" Kirsten pointed to the sky. There was a huge interstellar battleship in that direction. It was hovering over Freeport, but there was no light to be seen and no roar of engines to be heard.

That's why no one in the town noticed it.

He didn't know it, but it was an infected UED Va'kyri frigate.

"That's not an Imperial ship!"

The big bell in Freeport rang, and in the town parents took their children out of the gate, and boys and men in felt hats picked up guns.

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