StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 506 Your doctor sister is here

On this night without any moonlight or starlight, the sky was covered with strong winds and heavy rain. In the darkness, only the dim lights of the Freeport were scattered.

Thousands of monsters wrapped in exposed tendrils, tumors, ligaments, and mucous membranes stumbled through the streets of Freeport like wriggling shadows. Their rotting vocal cords emit a lot of wails, and their miserable souls are mourning in the imprisonment and slavery of the will of the swarm.

They wander around like lonely ghosts, tapping the windows of Freeport residents with their huge claws, or extending their fangs and claws at any living person in sight.

Fortunately, no one in Freeport could sleep because of what happened today, and every household retained the weapons they needed to make a living in the edge systems. Suddenly gunfire broke out, and many people used burning forks and gas cans.

Although these infected humans are extremely frightening and can make the bravest souls scream, they are not actually very fast and strong hunters, and their carapace and exoskeleton are not very strong, but they are infinitely better. .

The mayor, Nicholas, let out a miserable howl and tried desperately to get into his house, but he was grabbed tightly by the old miner: "It seems there is no need for us to notify the people in the town."

"Has the Tyranid Empire responded? Freeport can't last long, and a real army is needed to deal with this monster." Bren shouted to Nicholas, never expecting the arrival of the Tyranid Empire like this in his heart.

In this town, only Nikolai still tinkered with the outdated communication equipment, and Beka Luo had not been in contact with other worlds for many years.

"I think it should be soon." Nikolai was scared and embarrassed, like a primary school student making a self-examination in public: "An operator told me that the Imperial Air Force will arrive in one minute at the latest, and their military airport is about 30 kilometers away from here. It’s not far.”

"No matter what, I just hope that these imperial troops will not burn down Freeport when clearing out the zerg." The old miner kept loading the shotgun while chattering:

"You are young people. You don't know what the Terran Federation did back then. Cholera broke out on a planet, and they killed everyone on it."

"...I can't control that much anymore." Intuition told Bren that what the old miner said was probably true. If the zerg infection is truly incurable, then destroying the entire Freeport along with these monsters is indeed the most correct choice.

The operator didn't lie to Nikolai. The Terran Empire's fighter planes came through the storm from the north of Freeport in less than a minute, like three flying stars rising from the horizon, followed by another row of blue flames. A huge iron bird seemed to fly with wings like flames.

Only then did Bren and the others clearly see the Vagoray frigate above their heads, which was completely covered with tendons and tissues. They saw the cracks in its bilge spitting out a large number of infected people, like dumping garbage and waste. Garbage boat.

There are more than a dozen such terrifying spaceships in the sky above Freeport. In the deepest part of the clouds, a huge shadow was still moving slowly.

They appear to be giant flying creatures that are alive, flying by growing nitrogen bladders, weird sail-like flight fins and jet tubes instead of engines. And although these infected ships may no longer have operators, it can still use weapons and active tentacles that have been integrated into the cabin to attack those brave Tyranid Empire Wraith fighter pilots.

As the two Wraith fighter jets climbed up, they locked onto the infected Vagory frigate above Bren's head. Multiple Gemini air-to-air missiles ejected and hit accurately. The light produced by the explosion was unusually bright.

This fleet composed entirely of infected human spacecraft was not escorted by the most common flying units in the Zerg air force, such as mutalisks and mosquitoes. As soon as they encountered the Tyranid Empire's fighter group, they quickly climbed to altitude and Away from Freeport.

At the same time, more than dozens of heavy APOD-33 and G-226 transport ships landed in the free port. At this time, the ground was full of infected people, and every transport ship was crushed when it landed.

One of the transport ships landed near Nikolai's mayor's cabin. ——This mayor is an extremely smart guy. He planted the only Terran Empire flag in the town on his house because he heard that the trained professional soldiers would rather die than let the flag be defiled.

After the transport ship landed safely, the landing gear and ramps immediately popped up on both sides. The first ones who opened the way were Firebat troops wearing heavy red power armor. The badges on their shoulder armors showed that they were Blue Devil Firebats. It sounded like the naming style of Brigadier General Harnak Hank of the Tyranid Empire Marines.

Then there are the fully armed Marines, standard Imperial Red paint, equipped with M93 explosion-proof shields, using 25mm bonded carbide with anti-corrosion plating on the outside, specially designed to resist the acid of the Zerg.

There is even a giant bipedal walking mecha that is twenty-four feet tall (the Wolf Warrior prototype is over seven meters), which is almost the same as a two-story building. Perhaps only the Super Gloria armed robot of the United Earth Council can Compare it to that.

At this time, the Wolf Warrior has been iteratively improved through multiple generations of trial production models, and is very close to the official Wolf Warrior mecha. Several super-giant Wolf Warriors specially built for special missions can even exceed thirty feet (9 meters). Like a true giant. The Imperial Wolf Warrior is equipped with shoulder-mounted missile launch bays, arm-mounted rocket launchers and railguns, and composite ceramite armor is spread all over the body.

The Wolf Warrior's operating servo system is even more advanced with each passing day. It uses a more advanced neural emission control system. The driver uses numerous internal parallel neural interfaces to control the movement of the limbs and the use of weapons. In other words, they are one with the armor. They don't have to waste their energy on controlling the mecha. They only need to focus on one thing - destroying the enemies of the Tyranids.

This is inseparable from the unremitting efforts of an entire group of scientific and technological research and development and military engineers. The past ten years since the Kailian War have been a decade of rapid technological development for the Terran Federation and even the other two human regimes. New technological innovations are launched almost every day. There are more patents for new weapons than there have been in the past century combined.

"It's only been thirty years. How come the equipment used by the army today is completely different from when I was young." The old miner Rustin is one of the few first-generation residents of Bekaa Luo who is still alive today. Compared with here, As a native of Bren, he was even more shocked.

Thirty years ago, the Terran Federation's army was still using exoskeleton armor, and power armor was a completely new and futuristic concept. But it was just exoskeleton armor, which was completely sufficient to deal with internal rebellions. At that time, the relationship between the Tyranid Federation and the surrounding human regimes was not as tense as it is now.

Powered armor, large mechas, even the medical staff wore heavy armor, and even carried rocket launchers on their shoulders. How did the world become like this? What kind of enemies do humans face?

"Fire! Ensure the safety of civilians!" an imperial officer ordered:

"Give these poor people some relief. Fire! Fire!"

Once present, the Imperial forces gained overwhelming firepower and advanced steadily through the Freeport, rescuing trapped townspeople in their homes and placing them aboard transport ships. All of this seems to have been practiced many times and seems to be done with ease.

Bren and others were immediately encouraged. The residents of Freeport also spontaneously approached the landing transport ship, and those who couldn't make it also shouted for help.

There's nothing more exciting than watching a torrent of human steel beat up an alien monster.

The Tyranid Empire has sent troops to many worlds like Bekaro that are being invaded or facing difficulties. No one knows the specific number of troops, but what is obvious is that this number is always changing.

The Empire recruits soldiers from every world they visit, and the combat effectiveness and fighting style of these soldiers are partly determined by the environment in which they have lived in the past.

"All I know is that Freeport can be saved," Brun said.

"This is what the children of today should learn, and those concepts of the past should be thrown into the trash heap." said Kirsten, the only teacher in Freeport.

"I am Colonel Lisa Kesidi, commander of the Tyranid Empire army of Becca Law." A warrior wearing silver-gray power armor stepped off the transport ship, followed by Imperial soldiers with the same decoration.

Silver-gray power armor, winged hooded skulls, the famous Heavenly Demon Troops, only a relatively small number of Tyranid Empire troops will use such emblems. However, it is impossible to get to know the Beka Luo people who live in a remote and remote area and have not interacted with the outside world for thirty years.

The Demonic Medical Soldiers of Heaven don't look like the kind of people who save lives and heal the wounded.

The Tyranid Empire's medical soldiers are trained in full accordance with the standards of the United Earth Council. Even the equipment is almost the same, because the equipment originally belonged to the UED expeditionary force, and even the people inside have not necessarily been replaced.

Emperor Augustus treated the surrendered soldiers of the UED expedition very well, at least not in the true sense of killing them all.

"Everyone in Freeport must evacuate immediately. This is an order from the Korhal Palace Marine Corps Headquarters." Colonel Lisa did not open her helmet, her tone was stern and unquestionable, and her voice sounded like an angel.

"Sir, I think I must remind you that this place does not belong to the Tyranid Empire, and we do not need to obey the Empire's orders." The old miner emphasized suspiciously:

"This is our home. My friends and I spent thirty years building this small village. We would rather die than leave her!"

"Yes, you are right." The colonel looked up at the flag fluttering in the wind next to him:

"But as the Imperial Constitution stipulates, it is the responsibility of all Imperial soldiers to protect the citizens of the Tyranid Empire from the threat of Zerg and Protoss alien forces, and the reason why I want to save these lice, fleas and bedbugs is also based on the doctor moral code and not because you dumb ass happen to be human." she yelled:

"The answer I want is immediately, immediately, immediately!"

"Sir, this is not a boot camp." A medic reminded: "You should not insult a civilian."

"I always wait until I get back before I apologize." Lisa has little patience with stubborn and rigid people like the old miner:

"Now you still have any doubts. If Freeport had agreed to the imperial garrison earlier, there would be no need for so many people to die. But this is your request. In any case, the empire never forces their people to make decisions."

"What you have to do now is to board the ship immediately to the military base of Beqa Luo. You may be registered as war refugees, but it does not matter, this situation will soon improve. In other words, even if you are refugees , is also a refugee from the Tyran Empire, protected by the law, and blessed by the grace of Emperor Augustus.”

"Hurry, otherwise Carlos' army of infected people will soon overwhelm this place."

"This old guy is crazy. His mind is not right. He can't even say thank you." At this time, Mayor Nicholas had the courage to pull the old miner aside and tactfully apologized. It can only be said that such a person is suitable to be a politician, but putting him in such a place would be a sign of humiliation.

"Colonel, I must tell you that we have all been infected by the Zerg virus." Brun hesitated for a moment, as if he had finished speaking, and what was waiting for him was the opponent's bullet: "So, we cannot ride with others. Ship batch."

".I understand, Lieutenant Morales, give them injections." Colonel Lisa looked at Brun and nodded.

"This is the latest nano-serum, which can eradicate the current zerg virus. It has been certified by the Imperial Food and Drug Administration and the Protoss Empire. It is worth thousands of dollars. But the emperor paid the money for you."

"Thank you, thank you." Bren burst into tears of gratitude.

This immediately made Brun feel relieved, which showed that the zerg infection could be cured. He couldn't help but be very curious about the emperor mentioned by the imperial soldiers: "What kind of person is the emperor?"

"My views regarding the Emperor have been kept confidential." Unexpectedly, Colonel Lisa answered:

"If you ask me what I think of the Queen, I would like to say that he has a very good taste in women."

"It's just blind."

"." Bren was at a loss.

"Where does it hurt? Relax, honey, it's just a mosquito bite." The medic named Morales and several other medics, her voice was very sweet, and the injection needles and nails on her arms lit up. The gun makes people shudder: "No need to take off your pants."

With the assistance of the power armor, Moralis easily caught Nikolai, and then stabbed him directly in the neck, making the young man almost faint from fear. That action was far from gentle, it looked murderous.

Bren also received an injection in his neck, and the injection wound was quickly sutured with a laser. Whether it was a psychological effect or not, he really felt a lot better.

"Sir, how does this infection spread? I mean, my wife was also staying with me." Bren said imploringly: "My family is still trapped at home. If you can save They want me to do whatever they want!"

"The current zerg viruses are evolving rapidly, and it is impossible to determine whether they have evolved new transmission routes." Lisa said:

"Don't worry, everyone will get a chance for treatment, as long as they swear to become imperial citizens-"

As more Tyranid Imperial transports landed, Bren was convinced that his father's ideas were becoming outdated.

Maybe being a Terran Empire citizen wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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