Agria, the surface.

Skylark Ferry Refugee Camp.

The semicircular metal spire house exudes silver and red rules in the early morning sun, which is a laser welded modular building. There are hundreds of identical houses nearby or larger warehouses and military depots of similar style and materials, as well as fortification walls and towering sentry towers surrounding the entire refugee camp. The gold and red flags flying on them are unmistakable. The ownership of these buildings is clearly defined.

Before the sun rises, people in the Yunque Ferry refugee camp walk out of their safe metal homes and go to designated medical monitoring points to test for worm infections. Next, water and heated food are served, a poor-looking mush that provides necessary calories and protein, and the children are given the occasional candy.

Then, if the test results are normal, these people will go to the film and television theater to watch the news and pay attention to the latest news from the Tyran Empire. Of course, masks and maintaining a safe distance are essential.

It is worth mentioning that the most popular program in the refugee camp, apart from news about the refugee rescue work in the edge world of the Tyranid Empire, is the talk show hosted by Domi Vermillion. In the program, the host usually quotes a quotation from Emperor Augustus before starting.

Secondly, the Imperial Rangers Kick the Worker Bee competition organized by Jim Raynor, Marshal of the Tyranid Empire's Char, was also very popular. In Reno's Wilderness Survival column, you will also see the distinguished General Reno teaching you how to cook the wings of an allosaur with 200-degree Celsius sand in a desperate situation and how to cook it deliciously.

This triggered the popularity of the Allosaurus Grilled Wings in the Empire, making the New Orleans Allosaurus Grilled Wings at the Interstellar BBQ Restaurant a hot seller both inside and outside the star region.

The increased employment has provided a rare opportunity for the unemployed and refugees, although there is evidence that these Allosaurus grilled wings are not real.

There are approximately 70,000 people living in the Skylark Ferry Refugee Camp, which is home to a Terran Empire Nova Squadron's Task Force Expeditionary Marine Battalion, along with numerous support staff, administrative staff, and medical workers.

These Imperial soldiers have participated in many famous battles, but in the past they fought against tangible Federation forces, protoss, and zerg. Now they must face invisible diseases and infections.

There is a large river dozens of leagues long near the refugee camp. Its source is the majestic Yalta Glacier. The river water is clear and sweet, but the people nearby have stopped getting water from here for a long time.

In the past, the river was like a blue strip of light with a golden edge in the sun. Dense underwater ribbons of algae grew on the bottom of the river, which was so beautiful. Today, it is more like a rotten, smelly ditch, and corpses are often seen floating down the river.

The other side of the river was once a beautiful forest, but now it has become a wasteland covered with thick fungi, and the dry tree trunks are silent tombstones. Every time darkness falls, the wails of ghosts and wolves will be heard, and infected people are wandering everywhere, like hordes of zombies.

When daylight comes, they will retreat back to the dark underground, and they will come out to wander on cloudy days.

Not all of these monsters are extremely scary, and some can't even defeat a little girl with a shotgun, but there are many mutated individuals carrying saturated acid in their bodies. Once they explode, people within a few dozen yards of the radius will be killed by the shock wave of the explosion, and people further away will die in excruciating pain.

On this day, Bernard Hansen, the chairman of Agria, stayed up all night and was handling the scheduling and transfer of refugees in a small separate room in the refugee camp.

Bernard had been working continuously for sixteen hours, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose were covered with bloodshot eyes. His body told him that he was very tired, but the beloved chairman showed no signs of stopping to rest. .

Agria's loss was too great.

By the time Antiga's imperial navy arrived in Agria, this once agricultural settlement with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate had lost nearly one million people, equivalent to one-tenth of the total population.

This is only one aspect. The agriculture that Agria relies on for development is also tending to collapse due to the spread of bacteria carpet. Unprecedented diseases have begun to spread in major crops such as wheat and corn. The flourishing native plant populations have greatly increased. die.

Agria's atmosphere is filled with deadly zerg plague spores, further poisoning rivers and oceans through rainfall. The terrible Griffin tribe and their leader Carlos defeated the Agria settlement without even a single soldier. The invisible fear was more frightening than the teeth and claws.

At the beginning, the Agria people were driven out of their homes by disease and fear. During their exile alone, more than 100,000 people died of illness or went missing.

Black emotions such as depression, despair, and fear continue to spread among those who are still alive, and destroy the fighting spirit of some of them, making them feel that it would be better to die. The Agrians thought they were abandoned until the first Imperial reinforcements arrived.

"Father, the Emperor's flagship Hyperion has arrived at Skylark Ferry Starport." Ariel Hansen, Bernard's daughter, opened the door and walked in, followed by two Argos wearing gray and white CMC-200 power armor. Rhea militia, the red and white cross on the armor indicates that this army mainly performs medical auxiliary tasks.

The daughter of Bernard Hanson and Talis Kogan, Ariel is already a tall and graceful girl. She has just interrupted her studies at Tarsonis University and returned home to help her father govern Agria.

Ariel has shiny black hair, wears a knee-length white coat, and holds a book in her hand. She is full of the intellectual beauty of a literary girl.

"Emperor Augustus has always been punctual." Bernard recalled the first time he saw Augustus Mengsk. At that time, he had already concluded that he was a young genius.

"Tell my secretary to find a shuttle. I'm going to see the Emperor right away. I hope he won't turn me away."

"The emperor is preparing to come to see you." Ariel said, "If everything goes well, he will be there in a few minutes."

". I hope he is here to ask questions. This will also make me feel better." Bernard sighed deeply. These days, self-blame has almost defeated this once strong man: "As the Immigration Committee Chairman, I am not qualified for my job. Maybe the officials sent by the emperor will do a better job than me. After all, I am not qualified to do this in the first place."

"It's not your fault." Ariel said:

"Agria is the first settlement to be attacked by the Griffin swarm and still persist to this day. Our soldiers are brave and tenacious, and the people's fighting spirit is also maintained at a high level." She said:

"The surrounding settlements that have declared to join the Terran Empire have also given Agria more or less support in terms of resources or manpower. As long as they persist, Agria will definitely be able to hold on until the moment of final victory."

"The emperor has arrived." At this time, there was a sudden noise outside. Before long, several Royal Guard soldiers who had opened the way were already standing at the door of Bernard's office. Their bright crimson power armor and the golden wolf logo on it were almost impossible to ignore.

When Bernard stood up, he felt dizzy and almost fainted. After all, he was too exhausted.

"Bernard Hansen, I will come to you as soon as I arrive in Agria." The emperor of the Tyran Empire had not yet arrived, but the voice had already arrived.

Two ghost agents wearing blue and white pseudo-light combat uniforms walked in first, carrying a chilling cold wind with them. Bernard didn't know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that there were more eyes in the dark. Staring at myself.

Bernard suddenly remembered the messages circulating, saying that Emperor Augustus Mengsk trusted psykers more and asked his red-haired Ghost Queen for her opinion on everything. This is certainly not true, but psykers can be seen in both the political review department and the recruitment department of the Tyranid Empire, and they can hold far more positions than during the Tyranids Federation era.

So far, the Emperor has not allowed psykers to hold important government positions, but it is said that General Horler of Nova Squadron is also a psyker.

Times have changed.

Augustus wore the blue-black navy uniform of the empire and a large red cloak with a large golden brochure and bronze buttons. The emperor of the Tyran Empire has a cage-shaped sword and an electromagnetic pistol on his waist, as if he is still a general of the empire.

His eyes were calm and determined, and he stood like the rock of Char and the rising pine of Blackxis.

When the emperor walked into the office door, the guards at the door, Bernard and Ariel couldn't help but lower their heads.

Bernard was horrified. He couldn't remember when he regarded Augustus Mengsk as an unquestionable authority. This is completely different from his original intention of establishing the Agria settlement. The settlement itself should exist independently of any human regime.

"Emperor Augustus, Chairman of the Agria Immigration Committee salutes you." Bernard didn't know what etiquette should be followed when facing an emperor, so he just bowed and saluted.

Augustus held Bernard's hand, his gray eyes gleaming: "I have learned about Agria's current situation, Mr. Bernard, and this will change soon."

"I have betrayed your trust in me," Bernard said. "You should hire someone else."

"And then send an imperial governor? Well, Mr. Bernard, my Chairman of Agria, I don't need to use this method to control this planet." Augustus just smiled, as if with a glance I saw through Bernard’s little thoughts:

“If my great grandfather were still here, he would tell me that the Restoration Lord will rule his people with fear and strict laws, but a good king only needs to be loved.

"As the old saying goes, water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it."

"To make a long story short, I bring good news. The Imperial fleet is about to launch a counterattack to completely drive out the zerg from Agria." Augustus said.

This information was not communicated to Agria via radio communication, this was a military operation, and there is now evidence that Carlos, the brainworm of the Griffin Swarm, has even learned to steal military secrets by infecting communication troops.

"We are about to start a decisive battle near Agria - use psychic launchers to attract the zerg, and then destroy them in one go." Augustus believed that he needed to tell the leader of the Agria colony Explain this.

“After that, it’s time to really fight back.”

"This is great." Bernard knew that he finally had the opportunity to regain Agria.

"At that time, Agria will be rebuilt." Augustus' words immediately reassured Bernard: "The empire will not give up Agria. The food output here can feed at least twenty frontiers." world."

"Agria has long been a transfusion of blood to worlds like Antiga. Agria's support of the Empire will not be forgotten."

"Clearing the infection in Agria is not a problem. The key is that if the Griffin swarm invades here once, there will be another time." At this time, a white-haired old man wearing an Imperial Navy uniform walked in, his expression Ruddy and vigorous, he looks like he has another fifty years to live.

"I suggest that you establish an alien biological laboratory in Agria to study the effects of zerg viruses on humans. Well, to study the effects of zerg viruses on humans. In this way, we may be able to do the opposite. , use this virus to deal with the zerg." Narud looked at Bernard Hansen.

"Oh, I'm Dr. Narud, a biology expert hired by the Emperor. Hello, Dr. Bernard, I heard that your former wife is now in Tarsonis, working on a new project for the Tyranid Empire."

"Hello." Bernard shook hands with Dr. Narud, feeling that the other person's seemingly skinny hand was surprisingly strong.

The Protoss have developed a nano-antidote for the Griffin Swarm Virus. Antiga's pharmaceutical factory production lines are also in full production, and once the potion is released on Agria and other invaded worlds, the crisis will be half solved.

At least, the current drugs are still extremely effective against the zerg virus. In exchange for providing resources to help the protoss build a golden fleet, Augustus hired biological experts from the Duram protoss and ordered them to participate in the research of the zerg virus.

At the same time, the knowledge brought by these protoss will also greatly improve the medical level of the Tyranids. This is a sure-profit deal for the empire.

The person behind Dr. Narud should be Augustus Mengsk's queen. She has beautiful red hair, eyes like cold green emeralds, and the wind is blowing under her feet when she walks, and she has a heroic appearance.

Sarah Kerrigan was just a commoner before and had little to do with the nobles of Tarsonis, let alone the princes and nobles of the Mengsk family.

After Emperor Augustus proclaimed Sarah Louise Kerrigan the undisputed Queen of the Terran Empire on the day he ascended the throne, she was the most noble woman in the Terran Empire. If anything happens to the Emperor, Kerrigan will undoubtedly be the Empress of the Empire.

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