StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 509 Explode the motherfucker

"The 'Swift' formation is 3.2 miles away from McGatton, and the estimated arrival time is 30 seconds."

The CF/A-17G Wraith fighter piloted by Captain Erik Snabb was descending from an altitude of 7,000 feet like a vigorous falcon, and passed downwards over a large blurry stratocumulus cloud. As the numbers on the radar altimeter kept beating, the large inland swamp forest of the eastern continent of Agria, composed of fern trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, was like a vast green ocean.

A winding road leads directly to the city of Magadun outside the cockpit, like a gray ribbon. Even though this was not the first time he had overlooked the magnificent scenery of Agria from a high altitude, Captain Eric couldn't help but admire it in his heart.

The last time Eric saw such a beautiful planet was in the distant sea.

Agria is a treasure given to mankind by the stingy Milky Way. Her unique natural conditions have created a paradise on earth with smooth weather. Those who live in barren lands should be jealous of the Agrians, for they are cradle-born.

"All Swifts, check course setting 3-0-0, altitude 2992. Arrive at low altitude and search for ground targets." Eric felt that his Wraith fighter was approaching its prey like a strong kestrel, and the sky was being swept away. Far behind. And Eric's wingman is nearby, and these steel wings operating in formation are equally impressive.

They were two Tyranid Empire-standard Wraith fighters with beautiful golden-red paintwork. Of course they were perfect in the eyes of the pilots. In fact, the Wraith fighter was once the best stealth fighter of the Revolutionary Army, and it is still the same now.

Each Wraith fighter may have a different origin and come from different planets and starports, but the modular casting process allows them to maintain a consistent aesthetic.

The radar scan showed the positions of other fighters in the Swift Squadron, and behind them were more than 400 Grizzly bombers and Banshee bombers. The unstoppable King of the Sky was rapidly approaching the city of Megaton in the forest mist.

The Tyranid Empire is no longer the revolutionary army that still has to rely on transport ships to modify bombers. The new Banshee fighter is a new generation of stealth bombers, and it is the well-deserved king of the battlefield.

However, even so, the Wraith Fighter is still not lagging behind at this time, after all, it has not been around for many years. New optical trackers and stealth modules give the Wraith the sharpness of a ghostly, stealthy eagle. Anti-aircraft artillery in the past was as ridiculous to the Wraith as a child with a slingshot.

"Received in Swift on the 3rd."

"Received on Swift 4th."

everything is normal.

On the head-up display, the beautiful Megaton becomes clearer and clearer. Two months ago, Eric didn't even know how to spell the word, but now he knows it by heart.

Magadon is the second largest immigrant city in Agria. Its population exceeded one million twenty years ago. It is the largest industrial and port cargo center on the planet. This is an unimaginably prosperous world on the edge. In the past, many of Eric's comrades-in-arms he knew had gone to the Military Training Center in Magadon for treatment. The beautiful scenery there was a good medicine for healing the wounds in human hearts.

That's all in the past.

Eric thought silently in his heart: It's all in the past.

Today's Megaton has become an unavoidable nightmare. Tens of thousands of high-rise buildings have collapsed and been reduced to ruins. Countless prosperity and glory have disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It took humans many years to build the current Megaton, two generations of time and effort, but it only took two days for the swarm to destroy it.

Whether it is a paradise like Agria or a barren red desert like Antiga, there is no difference in the eyes of the zerg. So this is the reason why Eric fights for it. There is no reason to talk to this kind of monster. The truth is only within the range. If you want to reason with the bugs, it can only be a dead bug.

"Inspect weapons and prepare for battle. The sky above Magadon is a free engagement zone. Fire on all unidentified ground and air units." An order from the command came through Eric's communication channel.

He immediately responded: "Onward, headquarters."

The Swift Squadron and the other two Wraith Fighter Squadrons perform the task of escorting the bomber formation, in other words, they are nannies.

In past wars with the Zerg, it was difficult for humans to gain air superiority. One of the most critical issues is that the zerg also have their own "fighters" and bombers, many more and better than the humans. Just like making popcorn, a few insect eggs can turn into dozens of alien dragons and blasting mosquitoes, and then these monsters will further mutate into other more terrifying flying monsters.

Every human fighter pilot who takes off in the Zerg War must be prepared to die with generosity, compared to the task of driving away pirates on the edge world is just a leisurely stroll in his own garden.

Without air superiority, superior fire coverage is out of the question. But the Griffin swarm is very special. They mostly use infected humans and other creatures as weapons, and they do not have the huge aerial power of the Leviathan swarm and the Jormungandr swarm. This means that the Griffin swarm is very special. Fen Swarm will have a hard time gaining air superiority.

Eric only encountered some king insects in Agria, and his comrades would refer to dealing with these flying creatures with giant air bags as poking balloons.

Each Cerebrate has a different personality and tendency, and their tribe naturally inherits this. The advantages will be obviously magnified, but it does not mean that the brainworms are not aware of the weaknesses of their own clan.

But when fighting against the Griffin tribe, the pressure on the human air force was much less.

"Ground troops found below, west of Highway 5." A Wraith fighter pilot said on the channel:

"Friendly force, repeat, friendly force. It's the 45th Marine Brigade."

"Damn it, for God's sake, don't be surprised, you bitch." Another pilot muttered: "I almost dropped something."

"Tie you to your seat, coward, or you'll eject yourself," someone shouted back.

"You are tighter than mom."

They are both members of the Swift Squadron and are Eric's two wingmen. Aviation terminology must be precise enough, but pilots who are frightened by their teammates are not prohibited from swearing.

Just like all the Tyranid Empire's ace fighter squadrons, the Swift Squadron is composed of experienced veterans, and there are no unlucky recruits.

In the past, Swift Squadron was part of the Korhal Revolutionary Army. Eric still remembered that when he first joined the Revolutionary Army, there were only four Wraiths in the hangar of the Hyperion, and the ammunition weighed less than a few pounds per person on average.

To expand the hangar, one has to rely on buying, borrowing or even robbing. As for pilots, the revolutionary army has no shortage of them. In some worlds where spacecraft have become popular, children from rich families can fly planes.

Now, Swift is a registered Tyranid Empire air force squadron, and the former rebels have turned into government forces. Good times seem to be coming. If Eric and his comrades perform well, they may become flying heroes famous in the imperial world.

Eric had had such a dream more than once, and was awarded the Heroic Medal by Emperor Augustus himself under the Tower of Korhar. After defeating the protoss and bugs and becoming famous, Eric can return to his hometown and get married.

I heard that many nobles in Tarsonis are now in despair, and many noble ladies and viscountesses have committed themselves to imperial officers.

This era belongs to the Terran Empire, where the former revolutionaries have become the current rulers.

"Unidentified flying units were discovered, two Avenger Spitfires, traveling at 400 knots per hour, they are coming towards us!"

"I'm locked in!"

"Shoot them down!" Eric ordered:

"The one in front belongs to me, and you guys divide the rest. Don't let the people from Airenor Squadron take it away."

Swift Squadron's motto, no matter what, I have to shoot one down.

Even though he had only joined the Revolutionary Army for two years, Eric was already a veteran, having flown 57 missions in Agria alone. Eric may not be the best Wraith fighter pilot, but he is definitely the one who is most suitable for the fighter among them.

He is a ghost.

Every Wraith pilot believes they are the best ace, an arrogance born of the loyalty and excellence of this unit. The wraiths of the Tyranid Empire once competed with the zerg and protoss in the sky, leaving their footprints all over the planet's environment and the dangerous and desolate universe.

Wraith fighter pilots have the bravest souls in the fleet. They are the most bohemian aerial cowboys in the entire universe. Those captains who shout to abandon ship when a piece of paint falls off the side of the ship are not worthy of carrying their shoes.

Eric is a leader among the Wraith fighter pilots. He was once one of those young people who dreamed of flying into the sky. When the revolutionary army came to Eric's hometown, he also drove his father's small aircraft to provide rescue services to the children of traveling dignitaries. An Air Force major came to Eric and asked him if he wanted to try a more interesting job.

No matter what, Eric never regretted his decision. In the revolutionary army, he met many enthusiastic young people and made many friends. ——Although many of them left Eric forever, including his first love girlfriend.

A streamlined fighter plane appeared at the edge of Eric's field of vision and accelerated closer. It was an old-fashioned Avenger, used by the local militia. Speaking of which, only a wealthy place like Agria can support the air force.

In other words, in a small place, any yacht can be used as a battleship if it is equipped with a small-caliber gun, so you have to compare items.

But this Avenger is different from anything Eric has ever seen. Its silver-white fuselage is covered with a thick layer of organic matter and a hard brown carapace. The engine air inlet and exhaust port have been blocked by pipes. replace.

The miserable pilot was being restrained in the driver's seat by countless nerves. His head might have been opened, and the proliferated cranial nerves extended from it, integrating with the entire cockpit, like the brain of a living thing.

Even though it still maintains the appearance of a human fighter plane, the internal structure of this Avenger is completely different. This kind of fighter infected by the zerg does not need to be refueled. It can directly swallow high-energy gas.

Eric turned on the main weapon safety switch and looked up at the prompts on the HUD display. Adjust the speed and aiming position, pull the trigger decisively, and the two dual-star air-to-air missiles eject.

At the same time, the Avengers fighter jet on the opposite side also activated its cannon and opened fire violently in the turbulence of the air. But its speed is completely inferior to that of the Wraith fighter, and its accuracy is inferior to that of laser-guided missiles.

Such infected fighters are usually no match for human pilots with thinking and judgment skills, but they have other attack methods, such as closing the distance to self-destruct or exchanging lives for lives.

The Griffin Swarm is a strange flower among the various clans of the Swarm. They even created bombers full of explosive infected bodies, and the effect was surprisingly good.

When the Avenger fighter jet was hit and exploded into millions of sparks and fragments, Eric's spirit had already drawn an arc as far as several miles away, and he was unable to appreciate the spectacular explosion scene.

Another sad soul saved.

After seeing an infected person enslaved by the swarm, even the most hard-hearted person will say that they need to be freed.

"The target has been destroyed, it is mine." The pilot of Swift 4 said loudly.

"It's indeed yours," Eric said.

At this time, the city of Megaton was directly below Eric. The city seemed to be in a brown haze, covered with an ugly carpet of bacteria.

Among them, only a few skyscrapers are still standing, but there are still beating veins wrapped around them. Some buildings are quickly marked and zoomed in on the display

"Dive to a thousand feet and attack all ground anti-aircraft firepower." Eric continued to order:

"Repeat, dive and fire."

The ugly ruins of Megaton seemed close at hand, like a piece of rotten and smelly grapefruit peel. Some small gray dots appeared on the display, and the information indicated that they were zerg spore crawlers. This weird creature was able to knock down anything in the sky with a "gulp of spit", even a battlecruiser.

True, Megaton was once a beautiful city, but it has now been transformed into a zerg hatchery. The horrific Griffon swarm has taken over Megaton, turning it into a source of disease-spreading infection.

Humanity has only one choice, burn it down and build a new one.

Eric noticed that there were some even larger zerg buildings in the city of Megaton, shaped like huge green water bladders, like giant Antiga mushrooms with green heads.

From their open nozzles, large clumps of green slime are being sprayed tens of thousands of feet into the air, capable of even threatening fleets in high-altitude orbits. It’s hard to imagine what kind of organ plays a role in this process, but all in all, no pilot wants his fighter plane to be scratched.

"What is that?" Iris has never seen it.

"Uh, bile, I guess, sir," one Swift replied.

"No matter what, blow it up." Eric said:

This young Swift offered a wise saying, which benefited him a lot in his limited life.

That's a fucking blast.

"Swifts call in bomber formations to refuel our old friends."

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