StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 511 What is the Imperial Flagship?

"Exchanging fire with the enemy!"

"Attack formation."

"The attack height is twelve thousand."

About one hundred and thirty CF/A-17G Wraith fighters from the 12th and 14th Imperial Aviation Regiments participated in the siege of the Alexander. This altitude was above the floating clouds, and the sun seemed like a halo above.

Hundreds of golden-red Wraith fighter planes rose from under the clouds, approaching fiercely. The enemy also flew out more than 60 Wraith fighter planes covered with tendons, tentacles and tumor-like hyperplasia tissue, equivalent to the number of a full UED Expeditionary Force fighter air wing.

The Imperial fleet is invisible, but they are still exposed to the Alexander's detection system. The battle reached a climax while engaging the enemy. Almost in the first minute, the formations of both sides experienced attrition.

A fleet of Imperial Wraith aircraft approached the port side of the Alexander with wonderful flying skills, flying almost closely. The commander of the squadron took the lead in sending two double-star missiles into the exposed bridge of the Alexander, then raised the nose of the aircraft to a height, and used the laser cannon mounted on the fighter plane to bombard the broad upper sampan closely.

The Wraith fighters that followed followed suit, leaving multiple wounds on the Alexander's rusty hull.

In response to these attacks, multiple flesh-colored tentacles surged from the Alexander's cracked armor and shattered portholes, swaying like spider threads in the wind. A tentacle whipped towards the leading Wraith fighter like a whip with roaring wind, but it was dodged by it with its amazing reaction speed and maneuverability. However, it hit the one directly behind and turned it into scattered bright fireworks. .

Another Wraith was pierced through the cabin cover, directly nailing the pilot to the high-speed fighter. Then, the fighter plane was dragged by the tentacle and continued flying, like Alexander's puppet.

"All fleets, follow my instructions. Lock the target and fire freely."

Underneath the Tyran Empire's flagship Hyperion, Augustus had a panoramic view of the fierce battlefield. Several unparalleled giant steel ships approached Magadon, and the radio channels immediately became denser.

The brave Imperial Wraith fighter formation immediately received powerful fire support from the fleet. Large fireballs rose from the fleet and hit the target accurately. More fighters took off from the battlecruiser's hangar, and the shipyards were ready to repair damaged fighters.

The Imperial fleet quickly surrounded the emerging Alexander and launched a fierce attack. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In the past, this former UED flagship disappeared into the vast universe like a ghost, spreading plague and disaster in areas beyond the reach of the empire.

The Alexander must be found and destroyed, otherwise the Terran Empire will really have trouble sleeping and eating.

Augustus looked at the Alexander outside the bridge window and couldn't help sighing, realizing that he could no longer see the majestic UED flagship from what it once looked like. However, speaking of it, the current appearance looks more familiar to him.

"She wasn't that big before. Our fighter planes are still much inferior in comparison. Only heavier and more powerful missiles can hurt this steel behemoth." He said.

Augustus left his elder brother, Prince Arcturus, to sit in the palace at Korhal, and entrusted him with all the government affairs, telling him to govern the empire in his absence, while he personally led the fleet to resist the enemy.

Prince Arcturus knew government affairs well, and he quickly figured out what to do. His methods may not be as gentle as Augustus's, but during this special period, they were able to calm the restless forces in the new empire.

It would be difficult for Augustus's men to find a politician as capable and absolutely loyal as Arcturus. If you let Reno become prime minister, it would be better to let him die.

"The Alexander was Dugar's flagship and was originally a large battleship. Your Majesty, it is obvious that Carlos's organic transformation transformed it into the life form of the Zerg. In other words, the Alexander is now 'alive' ." As the royal alien biologist and Xel'Naga research expert who has been increasingly favored by Emperor Augustus recently, Dr. Narud has been very proud of himself recently.

Narud had no intention of being around Augustus, but only by doing so could he dispel the suspicion of the suspicious emperor. It must be said that this young emperor is one of the most difficult humans Narud has ever encountered.

"Come and see Alexander now, Lieutenant General Stukov, let's take a look." Augustus turned his head and looked back, his eyes skipping over Kerrigan with a serious expression and Tychus who was scratching his butt in boredom. Falling behind was Alexei Stokov, the former commander of the UED expeditionary force.

The Alexander's air-to-air broadsides have been covered by exoskeleton carapace or wriggling organs and insect eyes. That does not mean that her nearside firepower is very weak and unable to expel the flexible Wraith fighters. At the same time, this ship is completely covered by The warships corrupted by the zerg have weapons that they did not have in the past.

What was ejected from the rusty muzzle was not metal ammunition and lasers, but explosive infected bodies with deadly acid stored in their stomachs and giant tentacles that could break fighter planes.

Thousands of humans with deformed bodies were ejected from the Alexander. These humans with deformed bodies were continuously thrown towards the incoming Imperial fighter planes. If they missed, they would fall from the sky tens of thousands of feet high. Once these living bombs fall, they will cause terrible damage and pollution to the environment and water sources on the ground that are difficult to eradicate. Both the military and facilities will also suffer a devastating blow.

Countless tentacles danced, like stinging sea anemones or my own octopus. It was a weird mixture of steel deck cannon and biological tissue. Even the most absurd fantasy novel writers could not describe this scene that made people feel chilled all over.

Stukov's thin cheeks looked even shriveled, and his cheeks were fluttering as if he were holding something in his mouth. He was a man of strong will, even when the ghost agents of Nova Squadron threatened to knock out his entire mind.

But now, Stukov really looked like he was about to cry.

When it set off from Tarsonis, there were about 8,000 people on board the Alexander, who came from many colonies on Earth, but they all believed that they were fighting for humanity. Perhaps the United Earth Council's claim to defend the earth and mankind is just an excuse for them to achieve hegemony, but it is undeniable that these soldiers have lofty ideals.

However, by the time Stukov saw them, these soldiers had turned into twisted monsters, retaining their humanity only deep in their hearts enslaved by the mind of the swarm master hive.

So many people died and became part of the zerg. This is the way of the swarm, either be devoured and become a part of them, or perish.

"It's my fault, it was my plan that led to this tragic defeat. For Dugar and those soldiers, death may be just the beginning of the tragedy." Stukov was still wearing his dark brown military coat, But his hands and feet were not tied.

Under the watchful eye of the royal guards, even Stukov, no matter how talented he was, could not hurt the emperor or run away.

His unwillingness to surrender to Augustus was only a small part of the reason why Stukov remained imprisoned to this day. In fact, Augustus respected principled enemy officers and commanders, but Stukov deliberately provoked conflict between the Tal'darim and the Terran humans and activated the psychic emitter.

This means that even if Stukov finds favorable evidence and arguments to excuse his actions, he must be responsible for the destruction of those planets.

He is a hero of the Earth people, but he is also just a war criminal of the Tyranids.

Of course, Stukov didn't care at all. At the last moment, he could only choose to fight to the death, sacrificing some Tyranid people to save the earth and the wider world after that. He could only choose one of the two. It was indeed difficult to make up his mind. After all, he was not a cold-blooded person.

Stukov never thought that a powerful Tyranid regime might become a barrier to the earth.

"This is retribution, you know?" The beautiful uniform of the deputy captain of the Royal Guard, embroidered with gold thread, looked out of place on Tychus, making him look like a bear and a blowfly in a formal dress.

"God knows what you did."

However, in Tychus's own opinion, his current appearance is naturally suave. He was doing really well during this period, driving the big thing out for a ride every day. The Wolf Warrior and the Drakken laser tank were just exhibits in Tychus's garage.

Augustus also accidentally mentioned that Tychus would be able to drive bigger things in the future. Regardless, Tychus was looking forward to it.

"Can you get a communication link with the Alexander?" Augustus asked his adjutant.

"Your Majesty, the reactor of that ship may have stopped spinning a long time ago. Now, what drives it is no longer electricity but the bioenergy of the movement of the Zerg tissue." The adjutant was a young man with blond hair. Those who can work on the Hyperion are the best people in the Imperial Navy, and they are not like some civilians who will bow to Augustus when they see him.

"That's it. The zerg can also communicate with us directly through psychic translation of electronic signals, just like the protoss. I think Admiral Dugar may not be in the mood to accept your questioning right now." Dr. Narud chuckled. , showing a perceptible subtle pity for this former boss.

"If Dugar had remained sane, he would not have destroyed this planet." Stukov shook his head.

"Further research is needed. If Marshal Dugar is willing to come to my laboratory and take a look, that would be easy, wouldn't it?" Narud's words made Stukov furious.

Stukov angrily shouted to Narud: "Traitor, aren't you ashamed of what you have done?"

"Yes, if Narud can betray you today, he can betray us tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow it will be all mankind." Tychus snorted, and his two violent blue eyes did not look at anyone.

Tychus knew that he was an uneducated rough man and a martial artist, but he still had some respect for doctors and scholars.

But Dr. Narud is not welcome here in Tychus.

This poor guy, who has no money for experiments, comes to the empire to beg for food.

"The fish will follow its instinct and jump into deeper water, otherwise it will be scorched to death by the sun on the drying foreshore." Narud smiled. This wily guy couldn't help but compliment Augustus and said that he It’s just that I was born at the wrong time and didn’t meet the Ming Lord, but my heart is still Tai Lun’s heart:

"I once thought that the UED could overthrow the tyranny of the Terran Federation, but later I learned that they were another group of tyrants."

At this moment, the assembled imperial fleet had replaced the group of Wraith aircraft that had been dragging Alexander to perform the main attack mission. Amidst the roar, the bright orange barrage broke through the clouds and mist, beating the enemy ships to pieces.

Amidst the roar of three successive Yamato cannons, the giant fireball tore through the clouds like the rising sun, and the nuclear explosion bound by the magnetic field bombarded the Alexander and the other two ships at the same time.

A battlecruiser on the lower left side of the Alexander was hit by the first fatal salvo. The side that was hit frontally tilted downward at a large angle due to the impact of the explosion and lost its horizontal balance. Large pieces of tentacle limbs and metal fragments sputtered out like blood, like a torn open stomach.

A single blast from the Hyperion's magnetically bound particle cannon spelled the final demise of the infected battlecruiser. With a violent roar, the battlecruiser was split into two from the middle. The burning steel fragments were fluttering like catkins in the wind, and they were clearly visible in the fierce wind in the sky.

And Augustus could see that the interior of the cracked battlecruiser was riddled with holes, like a lung that had been damaged by nicotine for hundreds of years. Thousands of cabins of different sizes on the battlecruiser are filled with all kinds of twisted tissues and organs and rows of eggs. The corpses of the dead are piled in random directions in the cabins and warehouses, and they are also at this moment. The battleship was destroyed and burned to ashes.

This was more like a large zerg being killed than a human steel battleship, and its crew all met a tragic end.

In the enemy fleet line, the Alexander, which had withstood multiple Yamato artillery bombardments, remained impregnable and motionless.

But Alexander seemed to be retreating. She came without warning, and no one knew the reason for her withdrawal.

"Alexander is about to run away. I bet there must be some bigger monster waiting to pick him up." Tychus said.

"Mechanical Adjutant, activate the Hyperion's overload state." Augustus's eyes seemed to have light: "We must catch up with Alexander."

Perhaps, the Tyran Empire historians who will record this battle in the future will use epic words to describe this scene, but they will never be able to guess what Emperor Augustus was thinking at this moment.

"Instructions from whom?"

"Augustus Mengsk," Augustus said.

"Highest authority." The voice of the mechanical adjutant was very cold, and then he changed his tone, but the beautiful mechanical face spit out a rough voice, like ten thousand Swans roaring at the same time in Augustus's ears:

"You're a bad guy, think about it again."

"20% overload." Augustus changed his words.

"Just a little bit of overload."

The huge and majestic hull of the Hyperion is bathed in the radiance of the solar core, like Apollo's golden carriage holding the sun, exuding golden energy and heat, and the brightness and full shield force field are rising steadily.

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