StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 512 Narud, the Light of Humanity

"The Alexander has reached Agria's escape velocity and is calculated to open a one-way wormhole in 30 seconds."

The cold female synthesized voice of the mechanical adjutant reminded Augustus that the Alexander had abandoned the infected fleet and was speeding away from the battlefield: "Marking the position."

"It's really unbelievable. Most of the things in the Alexander have been turned into scrap metal, and there are no more jump technicians to maintain it. Could it be that she now relies on psychic jumps?" Kerrigan was wearing an ordinary Imperial Navy officer's uniform and a tight belt. The golden wolf on the buckle indicates her status related to the royal family.

At this moment, the overloaded brilliance of the solar core engine caused the entire Hyperion to be shrouded in a shield filled with solar energy. As it climbed to altitude, it seemed to be bathed in bright golden light, and multiple Imperial battlecruisers followed closely. thereafter.

"I'm afraid that's the case." Dr. Narud walked to the star chart table and called up the supercomputer analysis report from the control terminal: "The Alexander has become a thing of the past, and the current ship was only created by Carlos with the help of its wreckage. Behemoth, an Avenger reborn from his corpse.”

"If the Alexander is allowed to escape, the empire will still live in the shadow of Carlos." At this point, the doctor was worried, as if he was beating his chest for the fate of mankind:

"Only we can stop her!"

"Adjutant, what are the chances of successfully stopping Alexander before she completes the jump." Augustus glanced at Narud, thinking that the Xel'Naga's righteousness was enough to put many humans to shame.

"34%, commander." The mechanical adjutant said: "The main gun has been charged and can fire at any time."

The jump disruption force field technology has not yet come out, and it cannot prevent the escape of the spacecraft carrying the warp engine. Especially for a flagship like the Alexander that can open space-time channels and lead the fleet to jump together, it is even more difficult to counter its method of escaping from the battlefield through jumps.

The routine operation of the Federation Navy is to approach and stick close to the enemy warships that are preparing to jump, and block their jump path. This is an extremely risky but effective method.

When plundering trade caravans, interstellar pirates are good at this business, and Edmund Duke also used this method to force the flagship of the high-ranking Protoss executive Tassadar to stop, this iron-headed boy. Such behavior was soon proved to be useless by the protoss.

The Alexander crashed on Char only because she was overrun by the zerg in less than two minutes, and even the best warp drives had to be prepared hours in advance.

After being infected by the zerg, Alexander's transition method also changed fundamentally. Extremely rare psychic organs grew in her body, allowing her to jump like the Behemoths and Leviathans of the insect swarm.

"The Alexander has opened a small wormhole and is jumping into it," the mechanical adjutant said.

After breaking away from Agria's gravity field, the Alexander opened a small wormhole glowing with blue light, with colorful oily ripples rippling in it. Its size is far smaller than the one opened by the Swarm Overlord, but it is enough to support a battlecruiser without collapsing before it passes.

At the critical moment, the Hyperion can choose to follow the Alexander into the wormhole and jump together, but no one knows what will happen after that. After that, it is likely to be a wormhole or a collapsing neutron star. The huge gravity is enough to tear apart any battleship.

But even so, other battleships could not keep up with Hyperion.

"Abandon the pursuit, and the fleet will return to port and stand by." In a fraction of a second, Augustus made a decision.

Augustus was quite confident in the performance of the Hyperion. Two years ago, he might have followed it, but he would not do that now. Even if the emperor's whereabouts are only unknown, the newly established Terran Empire will soon fall apart.

"Don't chase the poor criminals." Dr. Narud said immediately.

Narud is an old fox. He fires from both ends when he should fire. When he should pretend to be a turtle, he shrinks into his shell. His timing is perfect. For Eamon’s big plan, it was really difficult for him.

"This is an obvious trap. The Alexander suddenly appeared and pretended to retreat to attract enemy pursuit. The zerg also use tactics. They are another advanced civilization, and the wisdom of the main hive mind is no less than that of humans." Kerrigan said nervously Then he said:

"This trick works well against Edmund Duke, but it's a pity that it doesn't work against humans with brains."

"This is a compliment to Duke, that venomous snake. This bastard is so evil." Tychus added.

Now Tychus is also a veteran among veterans. He is usually skinless but he also knows who is not to be trifled with. In addition, he is an old subordinate of the emperor and has connections like the Demons of Heaven. He can do anything if he really can't. Get through.

Although he is only a captain, no matter where he is in the Tyranid Empire, old Tychus should not be given a thumbs-down. Moreover, the revolutionary army represented by the Demon of Heaven and the generals who surrendered from the Federation have never dealt with them.

Warfield didn't like to quarrel with others, and Renault, Harnack, and Tychus would not give face to the former federal generals of Duke, Holler, and Gregory. The former mocked the latter for being a defeated general, while the latter despised the other for not receiving military education. And when the Navy and Marine Corps asked for military expenses, the scene became even more lively.

"Duke is still very loyal." Augustus shook his head: "Although he is still as stubborn as before, he has learned some lessons and should think about whether he has enough people before taking action."

It won't be long before Augustus's words will reach Duke's ears, which will definitely make this guy who is so happy with his achievements feel complacent.

Duke's reputation in the Imperial Army is not very good. He is considered a competent commander. Although he does not use his brains to fight, his advantage is that he is full of courage.

Even if this person only has a stone in his hand, he will fight to the death and never reason with the enemy. It has to be said that not everyone can withstand Alpha Squadron's rapid offensive.

Moreover, Duke surrendered to Augustus early, and now he is also the vice-admiral commander of the Alpha Legion of the Imperial Navy. Returning to Tarsonis can be said to be a feeling of elation.

In the past, everyone in the Duke family was devastated by Edmund Duke's betrayal, and they all drew a line at him, saying that he was simply given a spirit-distorting potion. Now, these people will only say that Edmund, you did a good job with the medicine.

Of the founding families in the past, only Terra, Holt, Bennett, Duke and dozens of other small families remain. This is all because they stood up in time or had children in the family who were killed in the Imperial Army. Take a high position.

"Can we still locate the coordinates of the Alexander?" Augustus asked after a moment of silence.

"The Alexander has completely disappeared from positioning." The mechanical adjutant replied quickly.

If there were positioning devices or spies on the Alexander, it wouldn't take long for Augustus to obtain the opponent's location, but this was unlikely to be possible now.

"This is the first time the Alexander has appeared. Since it happened this time, there will be another time soon." Dr. Narud chuckled:

"No matter what, you have won the victory, and Agria has returned to His Majesty's hands again."

"There is no need to say more flattery, Narud." Augustus waved his hand: "Turn off the overload state and start the conventional reactor."

"Order the fleet to return to high-altitude orbit, and the aviation regiment that performed the bombing mission will return to port for repairs. The Battle of Agria is over, just as smooth as I expected."

"Order Commodore Harnack to send ground troops to further clear out the infection." He did not show much regret for losing the Alexander, and then said: "Tell Bernard Hansen that the empire's Agraria reconstruction plan is the first One billion credit coins have arrived. Before I leave here, I must start the construction of a new city."

Although the work of replacing a new currency has been put on the agenda, it does not happen overnight. At present, the Tyran Empire still uses federal credit coins, and coins using the portraits of royal members such as Augustus's grandfather are still being produced.

No new incidents occurred, and the Hyperion safely returned to the high-altitude orbit of Agria.

That night, Augustus attended a brief press conference, mentioning the victory in Agria.

At the same time, Augustus also brought more good news. After the arrival of the imperial fleet, the red witch swarm that invaded Terrador and their leader, Prince of Blades Tosh, left there not long after.

Although more worlds still under the control of the Federation's founding families were visited by Tosh, the Imperial fleet was doing its best to provide support.

In addition, the Tal'darin Protoss fleet, which had destroyed three human worlds, also retreated hastily under the attack of the fleet led by Marshal Warfield. Immediately afterwards, in response to the Tal'darin invasion, the Imperial Marshal immediately launched a counterattack against the protoss in Monlath, Sil, Typhon, and the Sigma Quadrant and won successive victories, greatly boosting the morale of the empire.

Although the enemy is coming fiercely, the fleet of the new empire is a battle-hardened force after all, and it also has the support of the protoss allies. The past battles at Char and Ayr gave Augustus a brave and capable army, which he relied on to look down on Koprulu.

For Augustus, as long as Carlos's Griffin swarm is completely defeated or even destroyed, he can return to the imperial court.

Three days later, Augustus left Agria leaving behind two full marine divisions with more than 50,000 men, thousands of tanks, armored personnel carriers, railguns, and two battlecruisers.

Because there are still more than ten worlds under attack by the Griffin swarm, Augustus was the first to rush to Agria. In addition to being the first planet to be invaded, he also considered that this world had the most important role in the empire. position in the territory.

For eight of them, Augustus had already sent reinforcements. The infection there was still in its early stages and it was not that difficult to deal with.

The next world Augustus arrived at was Thys, an almost primitive alien world, a world where most of the land was surrounded by ocean, with tropical palm trees and tailor-made for surfing enthusiasts. Big waves are one of Seth's specialties.

Of course, the local residents are mainly workers working in high-energy gas plants. However, unlike other areas, Seth's high-energy gas extraction factory belongs to the colonists here rather than to the monopoly of the Tyranid Federation.

This also means that Seth does not welcome the arrival of the Tyranid Empire because they are worried that the empire's intervention will destroy the balance of the local mining guild.

And when the Zerg invades the world, the Seth people won't be able to control that much. As long as they can save them, they will listen to whoever orders them.

On December 12, Augustus' fleet arrived at Ses.

On the home screen of the Hyperion, Seth seemed to be a strange sphere intertwined with dim yellow and blue, and the islands separated by the ocean were dotted with dots of green.

The global resources of Seth are unexploited, and the intermittent civil colonization activities are not enough to form a large-scale human gathering here, although the location of the zerg invasion can be determined by the dark black spots on the surface of Seth on the star map.

Computer analysis shows that the number of zerg in Seth is not large. What really makes the locals feel desperate is the incurable disease.

"Dr. Narud, is it time for me to see your new technology?" Augustus looked at Narud standing beside him and said, while Kerrigan and Tychus were always beside the emperor. .

As for after the Battle of Agria, Lieutenant General Stukov has been locked in the small cell of the Hyperion, which is usually used to imprison soldiers who violate military regulations, such as Tychus. The latter often gets into trouble after drinking a little wine.

But Tychus was not happy for long, as Augustus immediately found someone to build him an iron cage.

Stukov has not spoken a word since seeing the tragic situation of the Alexander after being infected. For a period of time, he even wanted to commit suicide through a hunger strike, but his hatred of the zerg kept him alive.

With hatred for the zerg, Stukov even decided to join the Imperial Army, but he never received a reply from Augustus.

Maybe the emperor didn't trust this earthling, maybe he just wanted the other person to understand that there was only one chance to surrender.

"It's not really an invention. Anyone can think of this method."

Narud said with a smile: "By simulating the method of spreading virus spores by zerg, and spraying a large amount of antidote serum into the planet's atmosphere through battleships and drones, the zerg infection can be effectively eradicated."

"Under the action of the detoxification serum, the activities of surface zerg will also be affected to a certain extent. After overcoming the bottleneck of large-scale production of the serum, this is the most effective method."

"I have a question, what if the zerg covers its nose?" Tychus smiled.

"Captain Tychus, the zerg doesn't cover its nose." Narud showed anger, but did not dare to provoke Tychus.

"Very well," said Augustus.

Several transport ships left the fleet and entered Seth's atmosphere to spread the processed antidote serum.

"How is your experiment going? I mean the projects on the main hive mind simulator and psychic crusher. I heard that you have made another major breakthrough." Augustus thought of something again and said: "You are The most authoritative zerg physiologist in the Empire."

"If you really succeed, it will save hundreds of millions of people. Narud, you are the savior of mankind."

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