StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 513 Mobius Legion

"If you really succeed, it will save hundreds of millions of people. Narud, you are the savior of mankind."

"It is my duty." Narud bowed like a proper Tarsonian gentleman, the gray beard on his lips rising higher.

"The sense of mission to save mankind drives me to move forward. Nothing makes a scientific researcher more excited than seeing new technologies applied to people's livelihood and practical operations to achieve great achievements."

In an instant, Dr. Narud's face seemed to be filled with golden light. The light pierced Tychus's eyes, making the tough guy wearing the bright red uniform of the Royal Guards with gold tassel epaulettes curl his lips.

Narud's reputation is by no means bad in the Tyranid Empire. He is the chief academician of the Imperial Royal Academy of Sciences, the first doctor of alien physiology, the greatest xel'naga scholar in mankind, and has even attracted the attention of the Dark Templar.

Unparalleled national scholar!

In fact, Narud has always been acclaimed. He is definitely a genius scientist and has the diligence to match. Narud was often able to work without sleep for three or four days, with little to no entertainment or hobbies. He is more like a great scientist who has no desires and desires and devotes himself to science.

In the words of Augustus, our Dr. Narud is simply busier than the donkeys in the production team, and he is a model worker among model workers.

Dr. Francos, the best zerg biologist under Augustus in the past, bluntly said that Narud has the most powerful brain known to mankind, and his status in the fields of genetic engineering and xel'naga technology is unmatched by anyone. . In the next fifty years, all human technology will be a parody of Emil Narud.

Of course, that's just high praise.

No one except Augustus knew that Narud had ceased to be a human being long ago.

Tychus just didn't like Narud. He always claimed that his intuition was accurate, but this never allowed him to escape the pursuit of the military police.

"If Tychus' ideological awareness can be compared to half of your toes, I won't have to lock him up every three days." Augustus nodded.

"Very good, I need someone to contradict him."

"Sergeant Tychus is just outspoken. I have no dispute with him." Dr. Narud quickly said that he disdained being familiar with such a rough man and had always kept a respectful distance from him. A gentleman stayed away from Tychus.

Narud is a person who pays great attention to appearance, manners and etiquette. He frowned when he saw Tychus' rude appearance. It seems that this is the reason why he always avoids contact with people in the military.

At this time, the Imperial Army's drones had begun spraying nano-serum in Seth's atmosphere. This powerful antidote will soon be sprinkled throughout Seth, and then the landing fleet will descend to the surface with the support of orbital firepower and air power to fight against the mutant corpses infected by the Griffin swarm.

In fact, there are not many living people left in Seth, and now there is only a military shelter established by the Antiga Imperial Army. The ecology of this planet has been destroyed by the zerg virus that is constantly regenerating, mutating, and accelerating its spread, and it is no longer suitable for human habitation.

No matter how desperate the people on Seth were, they had to leave.

"Your Majesty, Major Mortier from the planet Formica sent an email saying that the Alexander appeared in the system and that the settlement is in danger. Requesting support from the main fleet." Augustus' adjutant came over.

"Sending time?" Augustus' eyes moved:

"Play on home screen."

"Four days ago, there was no communication base station in this star area, and transportation and communications were very backward. This is a common problem in edge worlds. Here, messages from a planet are always quite lagging behind." The adjutant replied, and then respected Ogu Stu ordered to switch to the main screen.

"I am Mortier, and Formiga was attacked by the Griffin swarm. Before I sent this message for help, one million zerg had landed, and the infected UED flagship Alexander was also found in the swarm. "

A young man wearing an Imperial Marine camouflage windproof suit and goggles on his forehead was standing in a green forest clearing. Behind him stood a huge Imperial Goliath armed robot, with the Imperial flag fluttering in the wind.

After that, dozens of local lumberjacks wearing orange overalls, led by imperial officers, were cutting down trees in the forest to set up blocking fortifications. This is a vast forest sea, with ancient trees and lush branches and leaves that even block the sunlight.

"There are seven million miners, lumberjacks, metallurgists, and furniture factory workers and their families in Formica, but there are only half a Marine brigade of less than 3,000 people. Any Imperial troops who hear this distress call, please Help Formica.”

"Find the coordinates of Formica on the star map." Augustus continued.

An Earth-like planet with 80% of its surface covered in green. Various data show that Formiga is very suitable for the survival and reproduction of life. The evergreen forests spread across various continents provide this planet with extremely high-quality wood resources. , and the woodland accumulated with humus is also an excellent land for growing crops.

The name Formiga was familiar to Augustus, and not just because he personally signed the order to send relief troops to the area.

Formica's high-quality wooden furniture and other products are sold all over the world and are also popular among aristocrats and middle- and upper-class families.

The main population of this settlement is lumberjacks and factory workers. The output of this resource alone makes Formiga a quite famous and wealthy settlement. It is located between the edge world and the middle world, and can be regarded as the boundary of the civilized world.

In Augustus' impression, after the fall of the Federation, Formiga quickly formed a highly autonomous self-government and sought a political status similar to an autonomous city-state, so he was not in a hurry to send troops to reclaim the world.

When the Griffin swarm invaded, Formiga had no choice but to seek protection from the Tyranids like other worlds, and voluntarily shouldered the expenses of the empire's garrison.

But in general, Formica never thought of opposing Augustus and the Tyranid Empire. When the zerg invaded, the Federation failed to help Formiga, and they did not have much expectations for the Federation's successor, the Terran Empire.

However, there is one thing that the Empire can rely on. They will respond to almost every request, and they will really come when there is trouble. However, even if the Imperial Army has expanded to six million men, it is still not enough to maintain its control over the vast territory.

Today is different from the past. It is no longer the time when an ordinary Marine company can suppress a rebellion on a planet.

For the Tyran Empire just established by Augustus, this war came at the right time. Without the threat of external enemies, each world would inevitably have its own evil intentions. At the same time, war can also effectively divert internal conflicts and facilitate the transition and handover of power.

People in the various colonies of the Tyranid Federation, especially those planets in the central and even more remote areas of the Koprulu Sector, are extremely disappointed with the federal government and its politicians and nobles who are extravagant and lustful.

In peaceful times, well-developed industries and cutting-edge electronic products have caused a huge trade deficit between the core world and the peripheral world. Cheap crystal minerals, high-energy gas, wood, stone, and rare metals produced in the edge world are constantly flowing into the core world, and then made into products and sold to them at high prices.

This not only brought huge profits to the monopoly controlled by the nobles of the Creation Family, but also made the entire Tyran Federation territory a cornucopia of wealth for them to mine.

In peacetime, people's dissatisfaction is not enough to shake the government's rule. But once the central government's dominance weakens, many want to leave.

When the war came, the people were generally able to accept the drastic reduction in living standards during the war, and their calls for a strong government that could lead them to victory became louder and louder.

"I hope Formiga can hold on until we arrive." Kerrigan frowned.

Normally, half a brigade of Imperial Marines would be enough to defend an ordinary colony world, but Formiga had apparently encountered the main force of the Griffin Swarm. And Augustus could not ignore it.

"Do Carlos and Dugar want to fight us head-on on Formiga? But they don't have to do that. The invisible zerg virus is the most terrifying weapon." Augustus on the bridge of the Hyperion He walked around and said.

"Maybe the application of nano-serum made Carlos unable to sit still. He is not a guy who can stay calm," Kerrigan said.

"If Her Majesty the Queen guessed correctly, then Carlos should be eager to challenge us. Formiga is likely to be the main battlefield. It is the best time for the new psychic crusher to be put into actual combat. Various experimental data and preparations Everything has been perfected." Dr. Narud said in a timely manner:

"The research on the zerg hive mind and unique psychic connections has made breakthrough progress. The new psionic crusher can counterattack the psychic links between zerg, allowing their minds and bodies to be restored in a very short time. They are collapsing simultaneously in time and are much more powerful than the psychic disruptors of the past.”

"It seems that you are already confident." Augustus looked at Narud with a satisfied smile.

Augustus had known that as long as Narud thought, as long as he took out a little bit of the knowledge that Xel'Naga had stored in the universe after countless reincarnations, it would benefit mankind endlessly.

The creator of the Overlord is Emon, and as Emon's most loyal and only surviving servant, Narud's understanding of the zerg and the hive mind may be far inferior to Emon, but it is unmatched by anyone in this universe. .

As long as Narud, the donkey, is still pretending to work tirelessly and is complacent about playing with humans and teasing the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire.

Both parties are happy, win-win.

There was no way Narud would have thought that he would be exposed in front of Augustus by using the two pseudonyms of Duran and Narud, and the latter would have to cooperate with him to complete the play and do everything possible.

"If a large number of psychic crushers can be deployed in the edge world, the empire can gain at least five years of time to recuperate and develop its military!" Dr. Narud's eyes were sharp when he spoke:

"When the zerg evolve again and improve the flaws in their psychic connection, what awaits them will be an unprecedentedly powerful Tyranid Empire!"

So far, the Overmind and most of the Cerebrates have left the Koprulu Sector. The Griffin Swarm is the Tyranid Empire's biggest enemy, and the threat from the Protoss has been greatly reduced.

Although war has many drawbacks, a long and protracted war is enough to bring down any powerful regime.

Augustus did require a relatively peaceful transition to 2499-2500 as he sought to consolidate the empire's rule and revive its economy. During this period, combating the Griffin Swarm and maintaining the diplomatic peace of the Protoss Empire became the main tasks.

"Good words - I have high hopes for the psychic crusher." Augustus looked at Narud and said, "Doctor, I hope you didn't lie to me."

"Practice is the best teacher." After all, Narud is a leader in reincarnation, and his words are definitely worthy of scrutiny:

"Just try it, Your Majesty, and you will know the value of the Psionic Crusher."

"Very good. Very good." Augustus said two very good words in a row, as if it was difficult to control his excitement:

"Just do this, use the psychic disruptor and the psychic crusher at the same time, and you will definitely get miraculous results."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Dr. Narud smiled and clapped his fingers: "Can you please reconsider the funding for the Moebius Project? In addition, I also want at least this number of biologists, Material scientists, fleet engineers..."

Project Moebius is a plan proposed by Dr. Narud, which mainly aims to develop new military technology and build warships through research on Xel'Naga technology. At the same time, Moebius technology will also be used to build the next generation of the Imperial Army.

Emperor Augustus immediately agreed after seeing it, and he finalized the name of the plan, but the actual funding was always delayed. However, although the current Tyran Empire has recovered most of the assets of the founding families that controlled the empire, it is in urgent need of money in all aspects.

Like all scientists and inventors who pride themselves on their talents, Narud inevitably asks for funding, laboratories, space, and manpower from the imperial government. After all, he cannot change money or people.

Narud has always been proving to Augustus that the hybrid technology is absolutely controllable - the materials and data he provided are always faultless, but they just can't pass. Because this stupid emperor is always worried about the attitude of the protoss, thinking that it will trigger a war between humans and protoss, and Narud must prove that his scientific research results can ensure that the Tyranids do not have to fear the protoss empire.

The hybrid was unable to deal with the Protoss' galactic fleet, and the Emperor hoped that Narud could develop human warships through his research on Xel'Naga spacecraft technology. Only then will he consider developing hybrids.

"Okay." Emperor Augustus looked very happy and was willing to give Narud some more gifts:

"In order to ensure that this plan can be implemented in a secretive manner and to protect the safety of the participants, I must also dispatch a professionally trained military force for protection."

"In that case, let's call it the Moebius Legion."

Moebius Corp

"No need, Your Majesty Augustus." Narud was stunned:

"No one should be able"

"That's it." Augustus said:

"This is a fixed procedure, Umoyan agents are pervasive."

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