StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 514 Psychic Crusher

Formica galaxy, the assembly point of the imperial fleet.

"Captain Frederick requests boarding."

The door of Port F of the Hyperion was opened by the hydraulic turbine. A G-226 transport ship spray-painted with blue and white optical camouflage landed on the flight deck under the command of the landing commander. Several security guards in orange uniforms Inspectors immediately went up to inspect the damage to the spacecraft.

"I want to see His Majesty!" Captain Frederick is an imperial officer stationed in Formiga. He was sent by Major Mortier, the supreme commander of the place, to report on the current situation of the planet.

Affected by the Zerg invasion, Formica's communications were temporarily interrupted.

When he walked down the gangway, Frederick was still wearing power armor, and there was still mud and condensed white ammonia nitrogen on his spiked boots. He was not wearing a helmet, and his square, obelisk-like face was upright and solemn.

When there were not enough experienced noncommissioned officers, Frederick served as an instructor in the Marine Corps recruit battalion. He was a stern but patient teacher to the Imperial soldiers he took through the boot camp. He was a powerful Korhal warrior with a lion's head of loose blond hair and a broad nose.

The troops sent to the fringe world during the Zerg invasion were all the mainstays of the Imperial Army, not new recruits. Only the army that had been tempered by war could withstand the pressure of going deep into the fringe world alone and possibly being surrounded by the Zerg.

"Welcome back, Captain." Not far away, Commander Faraday of the Royal Guard had been waiting with his people for a long time.

The royal supervisor was wearing the uniform of a guard commander, with his hands behind his back. The guard soldiers on the left and right wearing gold and red heavy armor were all the best among the best.

Faraday immediately came up to shake hands with Frederick and led him to the ship's vertical elevator: "His Majesty has sent reinforcements to Formiga, and the situation is still under our control."

"I'm afraid that no matter how many troops are invested, we won't be able to recapture Formiga. Sir, you don't understand what's going on down there." Frederick followed Faraday into the elevator and said as he walked.

"The Griffin Swarm has deployed thousands of main hives, hatcheries, and venomophages on Formiga, and millions of infected humans are flocking to the last stronghold. Carlos's pack has a large number of The unclean scorpions spread the plague virus that there is no cure for yet!" He said:

"We have done everything we can to save the world. The last option is to evacuate everyone and use nuclear bombs to cleanse Formiga."

Frederick didn't know much about the royal director, except that he was an excellent commander and that the safety of the emperor and the palace depended on him. No matter how you look at it, he is at least a general.

"Evacuate?" Faraday shook his head: "The emperor has ordered a decisive battle in Formiga. The empire will not abandon this planet."

"The main fleet has arrived?" Frederick lit a cigarette, and his bloodshot blue eyes seemed to light up.

"New weapons." Faraday shrugged.

"What new weapon can be worth a thousand troops?" Frederick's spirit perked up.

New weapons are enough to change the future of war, and psionic launchers and psionic disruptors came into being under the background of the times.

However, the Zerg also has its own unique technological route. Through continuous improvement, it makes up for its shortcomings and becomes stronger and stronger with every war. After the king insects of the insect swarm generally evolved more powerful psychic organs, the current psychic disruptors are no longer of much use.

"You'll be surprised soon." Faraday didn't mind telling the truth, because he didn't know much about psychic crushers.

"I hope it wasn't a scare. However, His Majesty has never deceived us." Frederick did not pursue and fight fiercely. Emperor Augustus must have been confident before giving the order.

Frederick was also an old revolutionary, having been an officer since Augustus had risen in Korhal. It took him a long time to change the title of Marshal Augustus to His Majesty, but many people in the army still used the previous title.

After arriving on the upper deck, Frederick and Faraday met several engineers with suitcases as soon as they stepped out of the staircase. On the wide bridge with scattered stars, Emperor Augustus, wearing a golden and red cloak, was seen in front of him. Looking out the porthole to the planet Formiga.

The Emperor was flanked by familiar figures, Queen Sarah Louise Kerrigan, the Emperor's hyena Tychus Finlay and an artificial-looking old man with a gray beard.

"Captain Frederick, thank you for your hard work." Emperor Augustus turned around, and Frederick immediately held on to the reinforced armor on his knees, put his hand on his right chest and knelt down on one knee.

"Fight for the Empire," Captain Frederick said to Augustus:

"Your Majesty, in compliance with your order, the 147th Marine Brigade of the former Korhal Corps has held Formica for two standard weeks and successfully evacuated more than 4.7 million civilians." He said:

"As long as you give the order again, the 147th Marine Brigade can still hold on to the last soldier."

The 147th Marine Brigade is also a force with a long history. In the Battle of Tarsonis, this army lost most of its soldiers and almost had its designation revoked. It was not until the eve of the Battle of Aiur that it was replenished and reorganized.

The brigade's emblem is a golden-crowned Korhal eagle, an extinct prehistoric creature that has long since become a mythical monster.

"The Imperial 4th Army will take over the front line, and the 147th Marine Brigade will shift to support and evacuation tasks." Augustus motioned to Frederick to stand up: "I have received reports that the Griffin swarm has evolved a new variant. To understand these terrifying monsters, it’s not enough to read reports. Tell us, what do they look like on the battlefield?”

The 4th Legion was part of the original Port of the Dead Legion, and to this day, the city located on the garbage dump is still the main recruitment site for the Legion.

The order in the Port of the Dead is even worse than that part of the fringe world controlled by pirates. There are more gangsters, drug dealers, outlaws and other scum of all religions than there are rats. It is also one of the poorest worlds. .

In order to earn a salary, make a name for themselves, or simply escape from hell, the people of Port of the Dead are willing to serve as soldiers.

"The main mutations come from the Queens and Defilers, which appear in the Griffin Swarm. Not only do the Queens abnormally abandon their nest-guarding nature and appear on the battlefield, but they also become smarter and more deadly. Griffin Queens will Deadly parasite eggs are injected into the victim's body. Once they mature, the parasites will break out of the body." Frederick seemed to be still recalling the horrific scenes on the battlefield.

"Griffin scorpions are not only larger, have more toxins and are more deadly, but they also have very high intelligence. Moreover, we have discovered a monster that is even more terrifying than them."

"Infected person." Dr. Narud said for Frederick:

"They should not be variants of scorpions, but come from another species that carries deadly germs. Currently there are only sighting reports, and there are no samples of this species that can be used for research." He said:

"The known characteristic is that infected people can release a terrible and vicious infectious fluid, and also have the habit of storing infected humans in huge abdominal pouches in the body - which can be vomited out when necessary."

"Carlos is an expert in infection. As long as he is alive, new variants will emerge in endlessly." Augustus nodded, looked at Frederick and asked:

"Do the soldiers and people on the ground still have the determination to fight the Zerg to the death, and what about their morale?"

"After learning that you personally led the fleet to Formica, the soldiers were very motivated." Frederick had given up the idea of ​​persuading Augustus to withdraw his troops. He could see that the emperor did not want to give up Formica. .

Formica is indeed a rare Feng Shui treasure land with a beautiful environment and rich resources, and wood is by no means the only resource here. She is the only planet in this galaxy, and the majority of the mass of this galaxy comes from the stars and the huge icy and rocky asteroid belt at the edge of the galaxy.

In these small star belts, all the planets that once belonged to the Formica galaxy were scattered in the form of giant asteroids and gases. It is estimated that the resources here can be mined for fifty years, equivalent to the total reserves of the Red Stone Star, and are easy to mine with lower risks.

Although the Formica system held great value, Frederick had no idea how much it would cost the Empire to keep it.

"Very good." Augustus wanted to ask some questions, but his eyes were immediately attracted by the bright light outside the porthole.

At this time, the Hyperion's radar detector scanned a Zerg fleet attacking from Formica. The Griffin Swarm and the Jörmungandr Swarm have similar purple carapace, but the color is darker. They can be distinguished by the proportion of scorpions among them.

The Imperial fleet immediately entered combat mode. Large dense orange-red barrages swept across the black space, and the light when the shield was raised illuminated the bridge.

"This guy can't sit still," Tychus said.

"Griffin lacks a large air force and fleet, and this shortcoming is even more obvious without the help of other Cerebrate clans." Kerrigan said:

"However, the Griffins have never been a clan accustomed to defeating their enemies on the frontal battlefield. Disease is their weapon."

Griffin has been using viruses to deal with the human fleet. This is also the trick used by Carlos the brainworm - quietly injecting viruses and parasites into the bodies of the human fleet and marines, and then awakening them after they return to the spaceship and battleship. these viruses.

At this point, all the soldiers and battleships became Carlos's possession. Viruses are hard to prevent, so Carlos has tried and tested with success.

The Imperial Army once suffered a big loss. A Behemoth-class battlecruiser named Gray met an extremely tragic end because it took over several friendly transport ships while performing a search and rescue mission.

No one thought that these transport ships, which were fully capable of matching security codes, passwords and genetic locks, were actually filled with infected humans and zerg.

But after Augustus vigorously promoted the production of nano-serum, Carlos' virus became ineffective. The protoss scientists hired by the empire are constantly improving the serum based on zerg virus samples, which can be said to have been of great help to Augustus.

The protoss of Dallam are now led by Tassadar. He is not only a benevolent and enlightened protoss leader, but also a good friend of Augustus.

"No wonder Carlos can't sit still." Augustus said: "Bring up the map of Formica."

A map of Formiga immediately appeared on the tactical console. Using Formiga Fortress as a shield, the 147th Imperial Marine Brigade established a 7-mile-deep defense line to resist the endless army of infected.

More than 3/4 of the residents of Formica took up arms and stood with the Imperial Army to defend their homeland together. Although Augustus could only get a glimpse of the tragedy of Formica's battlefield in the past two weeks through Major Motier's report, and saw Formica's determination to defend its homeland even if it lost one million young and strong labor force, but He could also imagine what those soldiers and suffering people had gone through.

The Swarm does not accept surrender, and they have no human values.

However, Carlos once used this to take over a fringe world with a population of more than 10 million and a large number of militiamen, just a dozen parsecs away from the Formiga system.

The bewildered Federation Governor was so frightened that he surrendered to the Zerg, and Carlos used this to plunge the planet's defenders into civil war and fall apart, defeating the world without any effort.

"Carlos' insect nests are mainly concentrated near the former main city of Formiga, which is more than four hundred miles away from our fortress." Augustus said:

"The cunning Carlos will definitely not stay in such an obvious enemy, but we must also capture this place as a breakthrough to defeat the Griffin swarm.

Now, Formica's former cities have fallen and lost their strategic value.

"Answer Mira Han's communication channel." He said.

"Your Majesty, Mira's raiders are ready." A female general with bright pink short hair appeared on the other end of the communication. One of her eyes has been replaced with a blue Prosthetic mechanical eye, which looks pretty good. Just like ordinary people, some burn marks can be seen in the corners of his eyes.

But this time, Mira replaced her own eyes with mechanical prosthetic eyes, because this eye allowed her to see things that she could not see in the past.

"Take the psychic crusher and set off immediately. Nova Squadron will provide you with fire support."

"Okay, boss, ask Matthew (Matt's name is Matthew "Matt" D. Horner) for me, why he never used the channel codes I gave him to contact me." Mira looked around and saw nothing. The man no longer maintained a serious posture and blew a kiss to Augustus.

"It's really sad."

As we all know, Matt Horner lost to Mira Han in a card game and was forced to marry her. He vowed that he would never touch cards again in his life.

"I will." Augustus glared at her and defended Matt: "Now is not the time for romance."

Then, the emperor looked at his queen: "I have always regarded her as my sister."

"What do you mean?" The queen was confused.

"Okay, boys. Get ready to land, the angels are with us."

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