StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 519 Encirclement and Suppression of the Male King

Shi (shi), geostationary orbit.

From the tactical console on the bridge of the Fury, the flagship of the Tyranid Empire's 4th Fleet, this mining world with a dense atmosphere is just a tiny dot of light emitting a blue shimmer, in the vast stardust of the Milky Way. Unremarkable in the lens.

This galaxy has more than ten planets, all following different trajectories around the red star, and the integration of all trajectories can be seen as an inverted cone, which is an invisible curved surface formed by the star's gravity field.

Each planet in the galaxy is unique. Some are icy blue due to the methane in the atmosphere, while others are red like Dunhuang scrolls due to the iron oxide that covers their rocky surfaces. But only history has a breathable atmosphere, and only history's resources make greedy humans flock to it.

Lieutenant Colonel Matt Horner knows this sophisticated and complex equipment very well, just like every corner of this glorious Behemoth-class battlecruiser. Every battlecruiser had multiple compartments and thousands of different compartments, but Matt knew it better than home.

Even at just 19 years old, Matt is already an outstanding naval commander. Because he is still relatively junior and has no experience in commanding a battleship alone, Lieutenant Colonel Matt also serves as the tactical advisor to Lieutenant General William Wachowski, commander of the 4th Fleet.

Years of war have trained thousands of outstanding naval warriors and officers for the current Imperial Navy. Not only are they brave and fearless warriors, many are also outstanding starship engineers. In the years when they started from scratch, the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army were not only able to hold rifles, but also had to be good at using the wrenches in their hands.

"Sir, the frequency of Shi's radio communication has increased several times in 5 minutes. The intercepted intelligence shows that members of the Creation Family above are trying to call another secret channel through an encrypted channel." Matt stared at the tactical console. Words and numbers popped up on the screen, speaking to Lieutenant General William Wachowski, who was wearing a blue-black general uniform next to him.

"They were not supposed to find that the Imperial fleet was watching them. All orbiting satellites and space stations had been silently taken down by Ghost agents. But soon, they would notice that all their calls were in vain."

"It's enough for us to deal with Gabriel Tosh." Lieutenant General William Wachowski is a formidable imperial soldier. He has always been unsmiling, like a silent stone.

History is a marked mining world. Like many planets, it has either become a colony or the private property of a founding family.

This planet belongs to the famous Calabas family. All the power, wealth and honor imaginable in the world once belonged to this family. They were the de facto rulers of many colonial worlds, and any politician or businessman who wanted to advance further on the stage of Tarsonis wanted to fawn over them.

But that was in the past—less than three months ago.

Now, this is the hiding place of the last descendants of the Creation Family. In the past few weeks, these pampered young nobles and their bodyguards ran back and forth across multiple worlds, trying their best to avoid the life-seeking ghosts following behind them.

These spoiled children spent many days in terror, and they may still not understand why the zerg kept following them. Shi is just one of the worlds where these members of the Creation Family have temporarily paused, and she won't be the last.

The worlds they are hiding in either originally belonged to the Creation Family, or they secretly supported the old Terran Federation. Thanks to them, all these worlds are in a state of chaos.

Based on his hatred for the Federation, Prince of Blades Gabriel Tosh has been tracking the children of the Creation Family like a blood-sniffing shark and a hunting dog, and the Tyranid Empire fleet has always followed closely behind.

The so-called Prince of Blades, Lord of the Swarm, and Hand of the Goddess of Death, Gabriel Tosh, also behaves in a very strange way. He does not have much compassion for humans, but he just has his own set of standards for right and wrong.

Tosh only attacks those who work for the Federation and those who prevent him from achieving the above-mentioned goals. No matter what, the ending of these people will not be better than the mice that Tosh nailed to the branches in the past.

At the same time, he is also extremely cunning and sharp, and can always escape before the imperial fleet arrives. The psychic power that has been modified and strengthened by the zerg has more than just the ability to catch wind and shadows. Scholars who study psychic powers believe that Tosh can predict the future, otherwise he would not be able to escape every time.

(In the unit introduction of Star II Prophet, the Dark Templar piloted is dedicated to understanding and mastering the nature of time. He can gain an advantage on the battlefield by manipulating time and space to obtain future information.

Therefore, the Dark Templar is not entirely a god, and predicting the future does exist in the interstellar worldview. Although they capture only hazy visions in the ripples of time, the prophecies may be true to a certain extent. )

"It's a good way to lure the snake out of its hole." Matt Horner put his hands behind his back: "With them here, Tosh is likely to appear again. This time, we must not give him a chance to escape."

The Terran Empire and the Prince of Blades share a common enemy. But for a long, long time, humans and zerg have always been mortal enemies.

The Empire and Tosh don't have any hatred. Tosh may still remember Augustus Mengsk sticking a nuclear bomb in his face. This incident is unforgettable no matter what.

The Mengsk family are all ruthless people.

Tosh did help a lot with the situation. If it hadn't been for him, the Empire would have probably lost the spaceship full of the children of the Creation Family, and those worlds that had been attacked by the Zerg would not have asked to join the Empire and were asked to send garrisons.

At least twenty worlds that were originally swaying or siding with the Federation panicked and cried out for the emperor's forgiveness because of Tosh's commotion in the core world.

Never before has such a huge swarm of insects penetrated deep into the core world, and each world has absolutely no chance of resisting it with its own strength.

But this is by no means a reason for the Imperial Fleet to let Tosh wreak havoc in the Imperial territory unscrupulously. Even if Tosh did not deliberately go on a rampage of killing, the casualties caused by his invasion were also numerous.

After all, Tosh is still a member of the zerg. He has not many human emotions anymore, only the absolute calmness of the swarm master serving the pack. He is still cruel and has no sympathy, mercy or sense of responsibility.

What Tosh was doing was different from how the rest of the swarm usually attacked, but that didn't mean he would always be like this.

The Empire will take back all the assets in the hands of the Founding Family and punish those worlds that are still stubbornly loyal to the Federation, but there is no need to borrow Tosh's hands.

"His Majesty has ordered us to help the protoss fleet rescue their clan leader. But with or without them, the final result is the same." Lieutenant General William Wachowski finally spoke, his voice sounded like his mouth Holding hot iron. If this was not an order from the Emperor, Wachowski would never obey it.

There are not many people who can afford to offend the protoss, and Tosh is definitely one of them.

Since the departure of the 4th Fleet, although Vice Admiral Wachowski has easily solved the siege of the Terrador system, Tosh has not just stopped. In this way, Wachowski, who believed that he had lost His Majesty's trust, naturally pursued him.

"Mobilize heavy troops and be ready. From this point of view, Tosh can't fly even if he has wings." At Matt's age, what he lacks most should be self-confidence, but he still does not change his cautious and conservative personality. This It takes time to hone.

"But every time we think about it, he slips away before our eyes." He told Wachowski: "A more compromise plan and better preparation are absolutely necessary. If there is help from the protoss , of course it couldn’t be better.”

At first glance, Shi's geostationary orbit contained only three Imperial battlecruisers, including the flagship Fury, but once Tosh entered the system, an entire Imperial fleet would warp in within minutes.

At the same time, multiple protoss beacons were deployed outside about twenty astronomical units to gather troops.

In other words, Wachowski can summon multiple huge fleets at any time with one click. Tosh only had three to five Swarm Behemoths in his hands, and that was no advantage when facing the angry protoss.

"Sir, satellite scans show that the founding family on the planet has launched a galaxy hopper and seems to be preparing to leave here." Matt looked at the green screen on the console and said:

"Obviously, they were frightened."

On the screen is a small launch port, located between mountains and forests. This mountain just blocks the moist airflow from the ocean, so one side of the mountain has plenty of rain while the other side is dry and sandy. Although most of the planet is a barren land with no vegetation and an endless ocean of death, the area near the equator is a warm place with spring-like weather all year round.

The planet is orbiting a small, gentle star. It is close enough, with sufficient sunlight and the right atmosphere for the planet to maintain a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius in the equatorial region. Lush forests and vegetation separate the blue ocean along the The mountains that came were growing vigorously.

The heirs of the founding family live there, surrounded by countless crystal mines, laser drills and cranes in the mining area's factories.

As for those high latitudes far away from the equator, they generally appear cold and desolate. The dry Gobi desert and rugged canyons and ravines extend to the poles of the planet, shaped like a pitted gray carpet.

Only areas near the equator are suitable for human habitation, while the land closer to the poles becomes drier and colder.

But these barren lands are actually full of gold. High-quality open-pit crystal deposits are accumulated into mountains. The crystals stand like shining forests. The proven mineral reserves are extremely staggering, and only Moria, the home planet of the Kemorian Federation, and a few other worlds may be able to exceed it.

Smelted crystal ores are high-quality alloys and steels that can be hard, dense, or soft, making them excellent materials for casting cars, spaceships, and cities. As for the Tyranid Empire, mining worlds like Shi's are extremely powerful battleships and steel fleets that shock the Koprulu sector.

Resources are war.

"If it weren't for the fact that they had made contact with the remaining military forces of the Federation, these aristocratic young men and ladies should have gone to New Folsom a week ago to keep company with their disgusting relatives." Wachowski said calmly He looked at the shuttle waiting to take off on the screen.

"Without them, how would we know where their parents are. No need to stop them, but these people have to stay here until Tosh takes the bait."

"Prince Arcturus said that if they actively expose their parents, they can be given a lighter sentence, or at least avoid prison." Matt sighed. Of course, he would not pity his enemies. However, a significant number of members of the Creation family fled Tarsonis.

If these people were willing to live anonymously in some remote world, it would be really hard to find them.

The Tyran Empire of Augustus was merciless to the fleeing Founding Family. All arrested members of the Founding Family and members of the Federal Assembly were sent to New Folsom Prison without exception, waiting for them. The punishment will be trial and execution, and the lowest level will be imprisonment and prison.

Anyone who signed Korhal's life and death verdict five years ago, or even expressed a favorable opinion, will pay the price with death. Emperor Augustus announced that he would punish the culprits who committed crimes against humanity with the most cruel criminal laws, and that was considered to be an ingenuity among human beings' whimsical ideas of torturing their own kind.

For those young nobles who knew nothing about the family's crimes, they could only spend their entire lives in New Folsom Prison. If not for Emperor Augustus' veto, Prince Arcturus would have fed them all to the zerg.

Although the emperor does not regard the descendants of the founding family as a threat, and he can be called a benevolent emperor, he is still ruthless in eradicating the roots.

Only Houses Terra and Hort still occupy a place in Tarsonis, and their family members can even enter the Palace of Korhal.

The former Bennett family also succumbed to the authority of Emperor Augustus, and all their shipyards, shipyards, and interstellar ports would also serve the empire. The reason why the Bennett family has not been directly wiped out like other founding families remaining in Tarsonis is because the Imperial General Rick Kidd, also known as Jako Bennett in the past, was once a member of this family. .

Bennett Sr. never acknowledged Rick Kidd as his son, only that he was dead. But now, he can only be thankful that he is still alive only because he gave birth to a good son.

All the founding families were wiped out, and Tarsonis' intricate web of power lost its axis. Korhal is now the center of the Tyranid Empire.

At this time, the radar scan lighted up again, and three insect swarm Behemoths appeared from the irises at the exit of the hyperspace channel. Tens of thousands of flying insect creatures emerged from the Behemoths into large sacs hundreds of feet wide. Flying out of the bubble.

"Call the fleet, Colonel Horner," Wachowski said.

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