StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 520 Capturing the Male King Alive

The gorgeous celestial phenomena reverse the whirlpool of time and space.

Like a heavy hammer, crimson battlecruisers emerged from multiple cracks in deep space. Each of them is a majestic and majestic ship, and each one is a symbol of human courage and strength. The fleet is the final order of the Terran Empire standing in this star sea.

Even in this great era when mankind has moved towards the stars, jump navigation still requires the most sophisticated equipment and the most accurate calculations. Those who sail in the universe have always been the warriors among mankind.

As time and space stabilized, more capital ships were lined up in an area thousands of miles wide, and a standard Imperial fleet was ready to emerge. The number of battlecruisers has reached sixteen, and they are all of the main Behemoth class. There are twice as many destroyers in the fleet. As for the even larger Mammoth class transport carriers, they are fully loaded with supplies, soldiers and women. Demon tanks and other weapons.

Its size is already equivalent to a strengthened Federation naval squadron, and the Terran Empire's warships are more advanced than those in the Federation era, and the tactics used are increasingly suitable for large-scale fleet battles.

No human world can resist this military force, and there are at least three such fleet empires.

With a blinding flash of light, the approaching imperial fleet opened fire. In the deadly jungle of bright orange laser barrages, Wraith fighter jets ejected one after another from the dock of the battlecruiser, their fiery red tail flames flying back and forth in the intense flash of the roar of Yamato cannons.

Thirty miles away, an insect swarm Behemoth's back covered with thick exoskeletons and sharp thorns withstood the fierce baptism of artillery fire. The psychic scream from this giant beast suddenly and uncontrollably echoed in the hearts of all crew members. rang in my mind.

In the universe, this distance cannot be called a distance at all. The enraged insect swarms quickly swarmed out. The living explosive mosquitoes that can automatically search for the enemy, the strong acid liquid fired like a cannon, and the splashing corrosive spores are like explosions. It splashed out like bouquets of flowers, hitting the energy shield and solid armor of the Imperial warship.

They are very fast, as fast and agile as fish swimming in water in space, and cannot be avoided through ordinary maneuvers.

"All fleets, all weapons with full firepower." This was not the first time Lieutenant General Wachowski had a head-on confrontation with Tosh's insect swarm, and he knew how powerful and cunning this insect swarm was.

Tosh's insect swarms generally possess weak spiritual energy, which is manifested in an imperceptible red light on their body surface, which gives them faster speed and endurance. The voodoo swarm originated from Haiji's ignorant and cruel voodoo sect, and their threat level is not inferior to any old group.

Scholars from the Terran Empire did not find psychic organs during the dissection process, which shows that the psychic powers of the witch bug swarm do not come from evolution, which is unusual. Human psychic energy comes from a certain area in the brain, from human impulses to express emotions and brain nerve electrical signals that transmit emotions, and this is the result of slow evolution.

In an instant, the angry swarm of sorcery bugs rushed towards their enemy, and thousands of blasting mosquitoes rushed towards the Fury, like fireflies with fluorescent green light swaying at their tails. Fury's laser cannon team shot down hundreds of them in a few minutes, but more mosquitoes still hit the bow and port shields of the ship, and violent explosions soon tore apart the shields. A battleship's shield field.

Then there are large groups of mutalisks with dark red hard carapace and their variants, insect devourers and insect guardians. Enraged by rising hormones and the will of the swarm, these large flying zerg quickly surrounded the Fury, using their astonishingly powerful biochemical weapons and fangs and claws to tear apart the steel armor that could withstand the gunfire of the battlecruiser. First.

The fleet flagship Fury led the way and was the first to bear the wrath of the zerg.

"The Fury is under attack. The No. 7 ship frame and the No. 4 deck are damaged, the hull is cracked, and the gas in the cabin is leaking." Colonel Horner said: "The zerg has entered the battery compartment and the relay compartment, and is exchanging fierce fire with the garrison soldiers. .”

"Sir, once a large-scale explosion occurs in the battery compartment, the energy supply will be seriously insufficient."

"The more serious consequences are obvious, that will blow us all up into the sky." Lieutenant General Wachowski ordered: "Assemble the emergency tactical team, drive away the zerg and block the cracked bulkhead. We must get rid of it through a short jump. Zerg clinging to the body.”

At this time, the witchcraft insect swarm was in close contact with the imperial fleet. Although the Imperial fleet was astonishingly powerful and the brave and fearless Imperial Navy warriors launched the attack without hesitation, they did not have all the advantages.

In the war against the Zerg, humans have never been the dominant side. The swarms are a true natural disaster, and fighting them requires courage, determination, and a disregard for death.

Outside the Fury, the Behemoth, which was being dragged downstream by the imperial fleet's painless blow, was rapidly approaching.

The swarm Behemoth comes from a kind of space behemoth that wanders in the universe. After being transformed by the Overlord, it became part of the zerg race.

Each Behemoth is equivalent to a huge fleet of insect swarms. They themselves have almost no combat effectiveness or ability to fight back. What is truly terrifying are the terrifying creatures residing in the chambers and vesicles of their bodies. They are like a combination of acanthus and baleen whales, small floating satellites, and mobile platforms for insect swarms to invade.

The length of this swarm behemoth was over 5 miles, and the width of its massive head was nearly 1.4 miles. Its body shape cannot be called slender, and the battlecruiser is not worth mentioning in front of it.

If it weren't for Behemoth's aggressiveness being far inferior to that of Leviathan, it could tear apart human battleships.

"Why haven't the protoss come yet? Their fleet is just a few parsecs away (approximately 3.26 light years, a larger astronomical unit)." Vice Admiral Wachowski realized that the Tosh bug appeared this time. The group's strength was much stronger than he had expected.

"It's weird, they're always on time." Matt also felt uneasy, and would get flustered if anything exceeded his expectations. After all, in the eyes of Renault and others, this young imperial general is no different from an immature child.

By activating the ancient xel'naga temple on Thagurath, and drawing on the infinite energy within it, the protoss have cleared away the zerg invasion of their homeland.

Now, in order to save their beloved archbishop and patriarch. The Dallam Protoss fielded a sizable fleet, perhaps more powerful than any expeditionary force the Protoss Empire had ever cruised across the galaxy in the past.

At this time, they had already assembled near the star system where Shi was located, and the leader of this fleet was Commander Yuerlan of the Protoss Empire, who was also a respectable fleet commander.

It is said that before humans set foot in the Koprulu sector, Yurlan was already the leader of the Origa tribe.

Not long ago, Matt followed Lieutenant General Wachowski and just met the protoss general. Yurlan is a hard-line militant who strives to regain Ayr and is eager to avenge his shame to achieve this great goal.

When they first met, Yurlan behaved no differently from other protoss. He was neither close to nor alienated from humans. The only one he remembered to name was Augustus Mengsk, the emperor of the Terran Empire. Most of the protoss in the past were arrogant, but Yurlan seemed to be easy-going, but when it came to the zerg, he became extremely angry.

After waiting for a moment, a beam from the main gun of the Protoss aircraft carrier hit the Behemoth's brain, which has a large amount of central nervous system, and beat the beast to pieces. The plasma spattered, and the spilled tissue and blood even spattered Fury. The ship's gunboat boarded the ship, and then was burned dry by the scorching laser.

Multiple golden-blue protoss carriers emerged from the invisible force field, and then two majestic protoss carriers emerged from the surging time and space. Even by visual estimation, the surging space-time force fields were quite astonishing. There were more than sixty of them in a short period of time. This fleet was even more terrifying than the original Tassadar Expeditionary Force Fleet.

Considering that this was a fleet sent just after the attack on Sagulath, the Dallam protoss would send so many warships. The current Archbishop Tassadar is, after all, an ambitious, courageous and confident leader of the protoss. From a human point of view, Tassadar is undoubtedly a hero.

As the Archbishop of Durham, the supreme leader of the Protoss Empire, he had to assemble his troops.

"Exactly." Matt said while looking at his watch, feeling relieved.

Not to mention dealing with a Tosh, the size of this fleet must be enough even for an expedition to Ayr. The Protoss Empire's fighting style is as gorgeous and elegant as their warships, but when dealing with the Zerg, it has always been a killing blow.

"This is different from what was promised." Wachowski frowned: "That Juerlan did not follow our plan at all. They are asking for help."

However, Wachowski had no way to complain to the emperor. The protoss actually only needs humans to provide detailed intelligence and coordinates, and then their allies only need to call the fleet with one click.

The protoss fleet had an absolute advantage as soon as it appeared. Their extremely gorgeous warships tilted their firepower at the Behemoths of the witch swarm from all directions. High-speed fighter planes jumped out of the hyperspace channel, as if they were unsheathed. Thousands of sharp swords.

Countless zerg were torn to pieces by the protoss' dazzling plasma beams. Even Behemoth shivered like a torn rag under the unparalleled firepower of the mothership.

"It's really a big show off, but I can win the battle even without them." The lieutenant general has always been tough-talking.

"." Matt shrugged, hoping that his harsh superior did not see this scene.

"Now we have to figure out whether Tosh is here, and if he is, where is he now?" Wachowski just whined.

"It may be on the surface of the planet, or it may be in a certain Behemoth." Matt replied:

"If he didn't come at all, I'm afraid it would have been all in vain."

"Tosh has always been hands-on and never strayed too far from his swarm," Wachowski said.

They had long seen that Tosh had a deep hatred for the rulers and soldiers of the Terran Federation. As for where this hatred comes from, it is no longer clear.

But Tosh doesn't seem to be bent on revenge, and the Empire believes he has more than that.

In less than an hour, Tosh's witchcraft insect swarm was retreating steadily. The two Behemoths were almost burned to ashes by the Protoss's plasma main cannon, and the remaining body fragments slowly froze in the dark deep space. The larger part was several times the size of the Fury.

The last Behemoth was also resisting under the protection of numerous zerg. A large number of Protoss Templar and Dark Templar warriors jumped directly into its interior through the jump force field, and the entire Behemoth became A cruel battlefield.

It seems they have confirmed that Tosh is on this Behemoth.

After a short jump, the Fury has escaped the pursuit of the Zerg, and the damage control team and engineers are urgently repairing the damaged cabin. Fury was not a battlecruiser built to flagship standards, and her shields and armor were also slightly behind. New upgrades could not be implemented until she returned to Korhal's Port Bennett.

"The communication is coming in, sir, it is unmarked." On the command deck, Matt looked at the console and said to Wachowski beside him:

"It's Gabriel Tosh."

"That's enough, I surrender, I surrender." Tosh's livid face appeared on the screen, as green as if a bucket of green paint had just been poured on it. His skin was full of spots like the skin of a spotted seal, and he looked like a ghost.

Tosh kept waving his hands, looking completely defeated.

"But before surrendering, I have one more condition." This is real-time communication, and Tosh may have also made contact with the protoss at the same time.

"I don't need to agree to your terms." Wachowski said:

"You are certain to fail."

"Say it." From the other end came the psychic language translated by Commander Youerlan: "As long as you can ensure the safety of the clan leader."

"I can surrender, but the target can only be humans and not protoss. Otherwise, I will kill your patriarch before being arrested." Behind Tosh is the central nervous chamber of Behemoth, which is filled with Huge nerves and powerful tentacles wrapped in fleshy tentacles, and the matriarch Rashagar is bound by dozens of tentacles.

"I don't believe in the protoss, and at least there is a way to survive in the hands of humans."

"It doesn't make any difference." Commander Yuerlan was very calm.

Although the Tyranid Empire and the Durham Protoss have not yet worn the same pants, their relationship is pretty good.

"I agree." Wachowski was originally going to refuse, but this went a little too smoothly. But after hearing what Yurlan said, I agreed.

The Tyran Empire has already raised a lazy brainworm, and it will be no problem to provide food and accommodation.

"He surrendered too quickly, and that's not right. If we accept the surrender, Your Majesty," Matt whispered to Wachowski.

This time, Tosh really has no way out, he is in a desperate situation, and there is no master to save him.

Without any back-up, without any desperate struggle or resistance, Tosh surrendered. In the past, Tosh would never give in even if the odds were against him.

Falling into human hands would, at the very least, mean endless captivity, torture, and experiments.

The protoss will most likely burn Tosh as firewood, but humans will not let him go. There is no cure for this level of infection, and it cannot be cured by any antidote.

He should know his destiny.

"I will send out the landing craft soon, and what awaits you will be the trial of the imperial law." Wachowski glanced at Matt, with the meaning of coaxing him to surrender first, and talking about it later.

In any case, there is no reason not to accept it.

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