StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 521 His Majesty said he would give you a little red flower

Prince of Blades Tosh is imprisoned by the Leviathan-class battlecruiser Merrimack, which is parked alone in the geostationary orbit of the planet. She is one of the few remaining battleships of this class.

The old-fashioned Leviathan class should have been retired long ago. Only the captains and sailors who used to sail the Merrimac to conquer the star sea can recall her past glorious days. As the years of service continued to extend, the Merrimac's aging hull and outdated armor could no longer adapt to the increasingly severe war.

When the Imperial Army captured Tarsonis, the decommissioned Merrimac was anchored in Alexandria, waiting for her fate to be either dismantled or transformed into a large transport ship.

Even in the Imperial fleet, the Merrimack was relegated from a capital ship to a border patrol ship. Although the various weapon systems of the Leviathan class have become outdated, they are still capable of dealing with third-rate pirates and bandits who commit evil aboard orbiting spacecraft. (Orbital spacecraft is smaller than a shuttle and is a low-Earth orbit passenger aircraft that can reach escape velocity)

Now, the prison ship where Tosh is being held, the Merrimac has had its jump gear and main engines removed and non-combatants evacuated, leaving only the crew to maintain the necessary survival facilities.

The Empire knows very little about Tosh's past as a human, other than that he comes from the Haiji Voodoo sect. It is obvious that Tosh is now an extremely powerful and dangerous psychic entity, and all the prisons so far have failed to ensure that he can be trapped without fail.

Once Tosh loses control, Merrimack is where he'll be buried.

When Lieutenant General William Wachowski and his adjutant, Colonel Matt Horner, flew to the docking bay of the Merrimack in a military shuttle, heavily armed Imperial Marines were guarding the aisles, wearing eagles. Officers with wolf badges patrolled all decks, and there was a tense atmosphere everywhere.

"General, the prisoner is emotionally stable and the situation is under control." A naval command staff officer led several officers to greet Wachowski and Horner who came down the shuttle ramp.

"If he wants to make some noise, then give him anesthesia - the amount of anesthesia for a Behemoth." Like all the Imperial soldiers here, Lieutenant General Wachowski wears a CMC power armor.

Today's armor is constantly evolving, and with iterative updates it is becoming more reliable and more popular.

"We have prepared seven emergency plans. The cabin where Tosh is held is independent and can be ejected to outer space at any time. If necessary, the air can be drained and filled with liquid nitrogen." The staff officer was tall and had a A head of meticulously groomed blond hair. He had previously worked in the headquarters of Emperor Augustus, and at that time he was the person who responded to calls from various lower headquarters.

Wachowski knew that his name was Otto Anderberth, a reformist aristocrat from Kohal with a well-established background. His family had been a staunch supporter of the Mengsk family. There is nothing wrong with Otto's resume, and his future is bright.

"To deal with the zerg, you have to use fire." Wachowski commented.

"You can also inject equal amounts of plasma, and everyone is equal before the hot melt," Otto said.

"Add one more thing. Once he is ejected from the cabin, he will be executed with a Yamato cannon." Wachowski said lightly, turning to the other side. He was the only person present who was not wearing power armor.

"Professor Helek Branamoor, honorary professor at Umoyan National University, expert on alien biology, Royal Scientific Advisor, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world." the staff officer introduced to the lieutenant general .

Professor Branammore was short, with very little flesh on his face, and looked serious and silent. He shouldn't look that old, but the hair on his head has obviously gone away.

A Umoyang person, this is a somewhat sensitive identity at the moment.

The Umoyans were Korhal's steadfast friends. They spared no effort to promote and assist Korhal's independence movement, although the deeper reason was to weaken the power of the overly powerful Terran Federation.

Emperor Augustus would certainly not forget this kindness. As soon as he established the Tyran Empire, he established diplomatic relations with Umoyan, and restored large-scale trade and construction aid projects between the Tyran and Umoyan worlds that had been interrupted for a time.

But leaders on both sides knew that this balance would not last long.

The current Emperor of the Tyran Empire is an enlightened and powerful monarch. Under his rule, the Federation world, which was mired in civil war, finally ushered in unification. Under its so-called enlightened self-governance, an era of strength and confidence was coming.

For the Tyranid Empire, it is inevitable to move beyond the Koprulu sector and promote further expansion. Although the relationship between the Tyran Empire and the United States of Umoyan is that of brothers with the same origin, the current emperor of the empire also implements a tolerant policy towards Umoyan. No matter whether this empire is short-lived or long-term, no one knows what the successor of this empire will be in the future. What attitude to adopt.

The Emperor has no children yet, and since his wife is an extremely powerful psyker, it may be difficult for him to have another. So, for the Umoyan people, they prefer Valerian, the son of Prince Arcturus with Umoyan blood, to become the crown prince.

Of course, this is some kind of biased misunderstanding.

But neither the emperor nor the royal family wanted outsiders to interfere in this matter. In addition, the Umoyan people were still unwilling to give up their espionage activities, which caused a lot of unpleasantness.

Of course, the loyalty of Professor Umoyan, who can become a consultant to the royal family, can definitely withstand torture.

"Nice to meet you, Professor, I have read your works." The Lieutenant General immediately shook hands with Professor Branamour and complimented him saying that he had been friends with him for a long time.

"Oh, which one is it?" Professor Branammore asked inappropriately.

"The appropriate temperature for roasting larvae." Wachowski stretched out his hand to guide the professor: "Let me see the imprisoned beast."

"Of course, but you must wear anti-psionic equipment." The professor showed a wizened smile: "Even though there is a steel plate ten feet behind, Tosh can still smash the human brain with his will. This level of psychic power can control The will of others is also easy.”

"What kind of anti-psychic equipment is useful?" Wachowski said as he walked: "I have heard about the abilities of ghost agents. It is said that they can"

"Being able to control other people's bladders, letting them put one leg up against the wall to pee like a dog, or dance the tango backwards," Professor Branammore said:

"He may even have the ability to control thoughts, although mind control is only temporary and extremely difficult to achieve. Those with this talent are extremely talented and extremely rare."

The Merrimack's closed cabins lead in all directions. The equipment here is old and the wall lamps are dim. Only the deck is shiny and clean, and even the gray carpet has been washed again and again. Traces of pragmatism can be seen in everything.

There are not many soldiers in the cabin, but they are all elite troops. The battlefield porcupines, hellhounds and stilling strikers are the best of the best.

Wachowski walked through the corridors inside the ship, and the soldiers saluted him one after another. The closer he got to the cabin where Tosh was held, the more the number of these imperial soldiers became, and there were also a large number of intelligent black widow spiders. Lei is scattered in hidden corners. Even the cell of the current head of the Tagore family does not receive such treatment.

The various corridors are like a maze, running parallel to each other and almost identical except for the signs and instructions. After walking through the last cabin and opening the air pressure door, the heavily guarded cell was already in sight.

Two heavily armored soldiers wearing Marauder power armor were guarding the gate. The heavy full-body armor made them look much stronger than ordinary Marines. When they saw Wachowski, they immediately saluted.

"This loyalty is dedicated to the Emperor."

Marauder power armor is much more expensive than regular CMC, can only be worn by elite troops, and is not open to criminals and resocialized soldiers, all veterans of the Revolutionary Army era.

One of them, Wachowski, was acquainted with him. This young man, less than twenty-four years old, came from the agricultural immigrant town of Helserne. His family was an authentic farmer, and he relied on hard work to earn money from the barren land to support his family. This person is dull and dull, and he is completely stubborn when it comes to speaking, but he has great trust in the commander and regards the revolution as his faith without reservation.

Nowadays, their treatment and salary are very good, and their families have been taken to Augustgrad in Korkha, and they have become a decent and respected class.

These soldiers are the backbone of the Imperial Army, loyal, brave, and almost unstoppable in their admiration for their general and emperor.

"This loyalty is dedicated to the Emperor."

Wachowski responded with a military salute and said, "Open the door."

The guard immediately complied, and the airlock door that opened there was a cell with layers of alloy steel walls and three layers of glass.

A man with green wrinkled skin was sitting on a chair, facing Wachowski and others who walked in from the door.

Tosh originally lowered his head and was meditating on something, but now he slowly raised it up. The snake hair of Medusa was covered with thorns, while the other parts of the body were made of tendons, muscles and chitin armor. His eyes emitted a dim yellow light, like two dark stars.

"Can you hear it? The whispers among the stars, the galaxies will burn with their arrival, and an unstoppable storm is coming." Tosh looked at Wachowski, his eyes staring at the other person in fear:

"Fate cannot be violated, cannot be changed, and cannot be escaped."

"Are you Gabriel Tosh, Prince of Blades?" Wachowski sat down on the chair opposite Tosh, separated by thick glass and surrounded by psychic shielding facilities, machine guns and railguns.

"Replacement guaranteed."

"Okay, now let's talk about what the talking stars and their damn destiny are." Wachowski said to Tosh: "I only believe in myself. No one can control the destiny of mankind, not even God."

"Haha." Tosh smiled, which was very gentle and incompatible with his scary appearance.

"you're right."

"." Wachowski realized that he couldn't understand this guy at all, but then he thought about it, he didn't have to understand what a madman said.

This tall and mighty body should actually be the soul of a teenage child, but this soul has been reshaped in Char, twisted, and transformed into what the master wants him to be.

The preferred choice for the Lord should have been Sarah Kerrigan, but in the end she had to settle for the next best thing. If it wasn't Tosh, it was probably someone else, like, say, Nova Terra.

"Where is your emperor? I want to talk to him." Tosh paused for a moment.

"You are a prisoner, and I hope you will understand this in the next twenty-four hours." Wachowski said coldly:

"I don't need to agree to any of the prisoner's requests."

Gabriel Tosh was already a prisoner in the hands of the empire, and his last Behemoth was already dying and was pushed to the sun of history by hundreds of tugboats.

The protoss fleet is still anchored at the edge of the galaxy.

The protoss have rescued the matriarch, but are unwilling to leave just yet. After Emperor Augustus learned of the progress, he called specifically to confirm whether the matriarch Rasha Gal had symptoms of infection, parasitism, or other control.

Although it is common knowledge that the zerg cannot infect the protoss, when it comes to the respected matriarch, the protoss dare not ignore it.

Oddly enough, Tosh did not torture the matriarch Raza Gal. Even if you are preached to your anger, you will lose your temper. The zerg transformation made Tosh extremely violent, but he never lost control of his rage.

Now Rashagar is undergoing further examination and treatment to make sure everything is safe.

"Why did you kidnap the Matriarch of the Protoss Dark Templar." Wachowski wanted to use the word kidnap.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Of course Tosh wasn't telling the truth.

"That's not a reason." Wachowski certainly didn't accept it.

"What are Augustus going to do with me?" Tosh asked after a moment of silence.

"I have to tell you good news. The emperor is prepared to spare your life." Wachowski seemed not very satisfied with this order.

"Haha, that's what he should do. He understands all this. Only he understands it." Tosh said that the heroes in the world are only me and Augustus.

"." Wachowski couldn't understand what Tosh was saying at all: "Our benevolent Majesty decided to let his scientists make a last-ditch effort to save you and find a way to eliminate the infection. To this end, he also joined forces with the Stars A spiritual scientist."

As he spoke, Wachowski shook his head, as if the words made him physically uncomfortable.

"This level of infection is unheard of and unheard of in the world." Professor Branammuir added aside: "We are just doing the best we can."

"Save me? There are still people in this world who care about me." Tosh seemed not to have expected Wachowski to say this, and this sentence also touched him:

"After all, I was just a poor, self-pitying person. I only asked the Federation to leave a way for me to survive, but they killed my grandmother. But now I have become a zerg, and when I need help the most, the people around me are... Just trying to push me into the abyss." He said:

"But this is just for experimentation."

"That's why you desperately hunt down federal people." Wachowski said that he probably understood: "Your Majesty asked me to tell you that your actions are worthy of commendation, but you should have avoided hurting innocent people."

"He wants to award me a medal?" Tosh smiled, but his fangs were exposed and looked ferocious.

"Just be honest, it's the Federation's job to dissect you and torture you." Wachowski looked at him: "You seem to have never tortured Rashagar?"

Tosh behaved calmly, not like a prisoner incarcerated at all: "I don't do things I don't like."

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