StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 522: The Great Emperor of Tai Lun and Deng Deng, both civil and military heroes.

History, planet surface. Drill site 3

Drilling site No. 3 is located in a concave flat lowland between canyons and is connected to the mine pit that goes deep underground. The place is desolate and monotonous, and everything you see is dim and hazy dark yellow. Riddled with destruction and pollution from mining, drilling rigs and silver-grey modular buildings dominate half of the world.

Although they can avoid being hunted by the Imperial Army in the mines deep underground, the descendants of the Creation Family, headed by Morgan Calabas, can only live in workers' dormitories. Hundreds of feet or even deeper underground is another world, where the air is murky and the environment is oppressive. Except for the roar of the mine carts crossing the tracks, it is eerily silent.

There was an oasis a few miles away, but here it was just sand and stone. This mining world is still almost virgin land, and the living conditions are harsh and far from the good life of Tarsonis. People like Morgan had to settle for canned and synthetic foods, sometimes even none of them.

The wandering and frightened escape is not a pleasant journey to the pastoral world and the tourist world. The pursuers who may arrive at any time are like souls seeking their lives.

In the past few days, Morgan and his companions, who had just arrived on this planet, had hardly slept well, and were becoming increasingly thinner due to fear and the harsh environment.

Every day, all kinds of news come from channels that are still loyal to the Tyranid Federation and the Creation Family. Every day is worse than the day before, and all the good news sounds like chattering self-consolation and blindly confident boasts.

First, Augustus Mengsk proclaimed himself emperor in Korhal, and the newly established imperial government non-stop arrested government officials and members of the Creation Family who were accused of persecuting the Revolutionaries. All the conflicts between the federal government and the Creation Family... All the proceeds from righteousness are also taken as national property.

The news of Augustus's accession to the throne shocked the founding families. They could attack the uprising as an imperial autocracy hidden under the guise of revolution, but they must admit that the balance of strength between the Federation and the Revolutionary Army has undergone earth-shaking changes. Their identities are also completely reversed.

Shameless kleptocrat, Koprulu warlord, world destroyer. No matter how the supporters of the Federation curse the emperor of the new empire, no matter how they deny this fact. In the lands controlled by the Empire, the Empire is the government, and the former masters of the Federation have become rebels.

In many Imperial worlds, the emperor, who always wears military uniform or a golden and red cloak, is also known as Augustus the Eternal, the Conqueror, the Korhal Wolf Lord, and the King of the Tyranids.

And Morgan and his friends have gone from being the heirs of a high-ranking family in the past to being the political leaders and financial giants of the Tyranid Federation in the future, to being wanted criminals. Ironically, the amount was no different from the bounty the Federation had offered in the past for killing members of the Mengsk family and important leaders of the rebellion.

In the territory of the Tyran Empire, no matter the drug addicts, homeless people and gangsters in the slums, or the former federal officers and officials who took advantage of the change of regime to engage in military speculation, there was no one who did not want to use them to soar into the sky and become the emperor. favor, huge wealth and prominent status.

In the federal era, the power to dominate the federation belonged to the many founding families behind the Federal Parliament, and even these founding families were constantly fighting and uniting overtly and covertly due to differences and interests. In the age of Augustus Mengsk's empire, all you had to do was please one person, and power and fame would come one after another.

Now, Morgan, who had just been stable for a few days, was once again pulled out of his sleep. Morgan and his companions gathered in the central control room inside the No. 3 drilling site and looked at each other nervously, waiting nervously for the latest news to find out whether this was just a common false alarm or whether they had to leave for the next refuge immediately.

As time passed, more and more people walked into the control center, and there was no one who didn't have a livid face and a frown on his face.

"The shuttle that took off from Mining Station Alpha was shot down by an unknown weapon before it entered the stratosphere. Master Morgan, Shi is likely to have been surrounded. We are under enemy surveillance." A former Confederate Marine officer in blue power armor walked in, followed by several others.

"It must be the rebels. All communication signals sent to the outside world have been intercepted. This cannot be just a failure of a certain communication base station."

This is easy to judge. For more than a month, they have been closely followed by either zerg or rebel pursuers. The rebels use human methods, the zerg use zerg methods.

The rebels may be polite before attacking, but the zerg are unreasonable.

After the federal officer finished speaking, the control room immediately fell silent. There was no complaining, crying or screaming. The people standing here have experienced too many such scenes before, and even if they had tears, they have all dried up now.

They were still ignorant of the war that was breaking out in the system. They didn't know that the protoss and human alliances were already fighting with the Prince of Blades, Gabriel Tosh, above their heads.

"The shuttle we are traveling on is very likely to be discovered and shot down. We should find other ways to leave Shi." Roderick was beside Morgan.

This is a handsome young man wearing a fashionable cardigan. He has auburn hair and fair skin. He is elegant in manner and quick in thought. He is always thinking when silent and clear and decisive when acting.

And Roderick is the kind of action person who thinks carefully and takes immediate action when necessary. Among this group of aristocratic scions who are either rich or noble, he is often the one who makes suggestions.

He may be the last Rodrik still on the run, as the rest of the family either perished during the fall of Tarsonis or were held prisoner.

The Roderick family was also one of the first members to found the Tyranid Federation. However, this family held seats in the Federation Parliament but had never been involved in politics. The Roderick family has been in business for generations, and their trade extends throughout the federal territories.

By this generation, Roderick's family was still prosperous, but much more low-key than the Tagore and Karabas families.

"It's impossible for them to monitor the entire planet, they just located the α mining station." Key wore a black knitted hat and a black jacket and leaned against the alloy steel wall:

"In that case, let's start from the secret underground launch port and start the jump engine below the stratosphere."

Just like other young people here, Ji is also a descendant of the founding family. His family is not only an interstellar merchant, but also an adventurer and a soldier. At the same time, he was also the first among these panicked young people to regain his composure.

Not all nobles are playboys. In fact, family heirs who receive strict education can be called elites. Most of the nobles who did evil in Tarsonis were those who lacked ability and were not loved by their parents.

Those who can be arranged to take refuge in Terrador are young talents and heirs of various families, the proud ones who have high hopes.

"It's not difficult to leave Shi. It's hard to decide where the next destination should be. I know a few federal military bases where a lot of resistance forces gather, but they may have been exposed now." Morgan nodded in approval at first, and then Then he said: "Without Shi, we have fewer choices. The Calabasas family has many such planets, but since it is not safe here, the same goes for other places."

"Augustus Mengsk's fleet set out from Korhal, Tarsonis, and Daela IV, marching towards those worlds that were still loyal to the Federation. My father was also avoiding pursuers, unless he fled to the Koprulu sector. The edge, otherwise there will be no stable and safe place.”

Morgan Carabas is now the leader among these people, not because his abilities are recognized by everyone, but because everyone else needs to rely on Carabas more or less.

A month ago, when Morgan and others gathered in Terrador to enjoy the holiday, there were twenty or thirty people. Now there are only nine people in this control center.

Although Tarsonis has fallen, all the founding families except the Terra family have suffered heavy losses. Many founding families still have some strength left. Of course, they immediately sent out family armed forces to pick up the scattered and fleeing family heirs. Otherwise, if something happens to this team, they will have no choice but to choose another successor.

For those families with few heirs and a small population, they must be cautious.

For example, Antonia Tagore and the twins Bess and Coulombs of the Kucinis family have left. In other words, these people are now children without parents, unless they are willing to go to the ghastly place. Everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers in the new Folsom Prison.

For example, the Roderick family was all sent to the terrible New Folsom Prison, and their lives and deaths are unknown, while the Key family all died on the day Tarsonis fell, and were massacred by crazy UED assassins.

Even the Tagore family, which had ruled Tarsonis for nearly a century, split within the Tagore family after the death of their grandmother Andrea Tagore. One faction tried hard to resist, while the other wanted to surrender to the emperor and offer their wealth and dignity to pray for forgiveness.

Such changes made the children present grow up a lot in a short period of time. The frivolous young people also became silent and steady, hiding all their hatred in their hearts and waiting for revenge.

New Folsom was once a man-made prison used by the Terran Confederacy to hold political prisoners, felons, revolutionaries, and rebels. It was also the final resting place for those who opposed the Creation Family. It can only be said that the Federation just created a torture instrument that was ultimately used on itself.

"The risk is still very high. I suspect that the rebels know our trajectory well, and it is very likely that it has been exposed here." Morgan Karabas looked at the people around him, hinting that there might be a traitor among them: "Just escape from this planet. Planet, the rebels will still follow us closely."

The people here are loyal servants of the Carabas family, but that was when the Creation family still ruled the Terran Federation.

When Tarsonis fell, the Federation was completely defeated, losing almost all its troops, and everyone in the government became prisoners. Currently, the Terran Empire established by Augustus Mengsk controls two-thirds of the territory of the original Terran Federation, and its powerful imperial fleet has repeatedly won foreign wars.

If things go on like this, fewer and fewer people will miss the past of the Terran Federation.

Perhaps the servants and hired federal professional soldiers here are loyal, but the mining and smelting workers in the mining station are hard to say. They were originally just workers recruited by the companies affiliated to Calabasas. They could only earn the pitiful salary by working hard, and it was impossible for them to work hard for entrepreneurs and bosses.

The emperor of the Tyran Empire was a wise monarch. Internally, he rewrote and established a new legal system based on the laws of the Federation and Korhal. He appointed talents, reduced the size of the bloated government, and severely punished corruption. Economically , he promoted the policy of developing science and technology and establishing new industries as the first priority, opening the door to capable talents, and also encouraged the re-establishment of trade with the other two brotherly regimes, the Kemorian Federation and the United States of Umoyan.

Externally, Emperor Augustus tamed the zerg and pacified the protoss...

The emperor cared about people's livelihood and always put the interests of the common people first. He listened carefully and took the people's opinions into consideration. The new policies he formulated were more designed to protect workers, farmers and other proletarians rather than aristocrats and monopoly businessmen. Benefit.

Since Emperor Augustus wiped out the nobility and monopoly companies in major core worlds such as Tarsonis and suppressed all disobedients with ruthless iron-blooded methods, the people at the bottom have found that they now work much less time than in the past and earn less. But more.

The new policies and their swift and decisive implementation brought about huge changes in a short period of time, changes that left every politician, economist, and mainstream newspaper writer with a pessimistic view of the empire on their lips with gnashing of disappointment.

After the establishment of the empire, a series of measures such as a relatively stable social order, new currency, and government intervention in the prices of daily necessities also made people's lives generally much better than before, and they were able to spend more money on high-end electronic products and other products. In terms of technological products, since they have improved the overall happiness index of the empire’s citizens, they have also boosted other industries.

In fact, most of the policies of Emperor Augustus followed the democratic system of Korhal IV. For a modern democratic system, it can only be said to be well-behaved. A large part of it was enacted by his father, former Korhal Senator Angus Mengsk, and his staff. The person who promulgated these laws was actually Prince Arcturus, who was in power during the emperor's personal campaign.

All I can say is that the federal government is too indifferent and corrupt to the core. Without comparison, there is no harm.

The Tyran Empire is a highly centralized monarchy, and its enemies are bound to be drowned in the vast sea of ​​people and imperial troops.

Based on this change, every time they fled to a new place, Morgan Carabas and his friends would be surprised to find that the reputation of the Tyran Empire and Emperor Augustus would be better, so good that some people expected to move there. Augustgrad lived in Korkha.

Then, when compared with the empire's policies to protect workers' rights and interests, the workers under the founding family business became even more dissatisfied. After all, it is not just one or two worlds, not just the core worlds such as Korhal, Tarsonis and Viridia, but also the huge empire territory.

When he heard the people at Drilling Site 3 talking about him when they saw him, Morgan would regard it as a plot to get someone else's head. Morgan also respected and feared the unfamiliar emperor, but he couldn't say he hated him.

The Founding Family, which had ruled the Tyranid people for more than two hundred years, had fallen to this level, all because of Korhal and that Augustus Mengsk.

Yesterday was indeed delayed by a nap. How sleepy am I that I sleep from 1pm to 9pm?

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