StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 523: Mortals suffer when gods fight

"The workers here are under strict control at all levels. There will be no problems." The federal officer took off his helmet and looked around:

"Besides, no one would betray Calabasas any more than a child would betray his biological father."

"What if there is something wrong with the supervisors? The underground parties and spies of the Revolutionary Party in the Federal Era are also pervasive." Morgan is not a suspicious person, but the current situation and experience do not allow him to be suspicious. They narrowly escaped death many times, but the enemy always followed close behind and never stayed away.

"And now, Augustus Mengsk has an empire."

"This empire is still young," the officer said.

"But he is still an empire." Morgan said: "Recognize this, it means that we have thousands of enemies, but our friends will only become fewer and fewer. If Mengsk is a real emperor, he will definitely Cut the grass and root it out.”

"And if he happens to be the tyrant we imagined, it would be even worse." Key shrugged: "To be honest, I don't care about this. The situation will never get better just because of looking forward and fearing."

"Mengsk has faced all this before," Roderick reminded the leader of the group of exiles, "and he always saved the day and won in all wars."

"And I heard that in addition to winning the battle of Mar Sara with Edmund Duke, Augustus Mengsk has been beaten by the brave and fearless Federation warriors until he lost his armor and fled. Even he The eventual victory over the UED expeditionary force was considered a fluke." Dhupal had been listening without saying a word.

"It's so different from anything I've ever known," Roderick said.

"When the earth and rebels occupied Tarsonis one after another and drove us all out of our homes, I realized that the federal army was completely defeated." Dupar has auburn curly hair and a tall and strong figure.

"Crazy people take their illusions seriously," he said. "I wish I could have strangled Augustus Mengsk with my own hands at that ball four years ago instead of waiting until now."

All members of the noble Dupar family died on the day Tarsonis fell. It was the Earth Expeditionary Force that captured Tarsonis, but the person who killed his parents and siblings was not an Earthling, but a Federation resistance force. The assassin of the organization.

His father was beheaded on the Dupar Sky Tower and dropped from a height of 740 feet along with his wife's head. The young brother also died violently, and the two younger sisters were tortured to death by the mob.

Dupal believed that the Sons of Korhal were responsible for all this.

Like all the children of the Creation Family here, when it was revealed that the Federation Council was going to use a thousand Apocalypse-level nuclear bombs to destroy Korhal IV, he was shocked like all the Federation people and thought that was impossible. Reason.

The contemporary head of the Dupar family also attended that meeting, and refused to sign when the nobles and politicians signed the sentence of death for Korhar, remaining silent from beginning to end.

However, in the eyes of these rebels, silence means acquiescence, and watching indifferently means helping others, or they don't care at all. The Resistance hates all Creation families and blame them for all suffering.

"Augustus Mengsk will definitely take revenge on us because we didn't speak for him in the meeting that decided Korhal's fate." Roderick said: "Think about Terra and the Holt family. Now they His strength remains the same, and he even participated in the rebuilding of Korhal.”

"We just remain silent and in their eyes we are supporters."

"I'm not good at putting myself in other people's shoes." Dupar looked at Roderick and said, "The Dupar family is neither apolitical nor express any opinions."

"Before that meeting was held, the outcome was already determined, and it would not be changed by the opposition of one or two people." He said angrily:

"Now we have also paid the price. We have lost all our property, status and reputation, and our families have been destroyed! Isn't this enough?"

"No, in Mengsk's view, this is not enough. He just wants to drive away all the descendants of the senator's family, because as long as the remnants of the Federation still exist, it may endanger his rule."

"Don't think too highly of yourself, friends, or in other words, don't think too highly of 'us'." Roderick and Dupal were actually close friends who grew up together since childhood, but they could only watch Dupal lose his loved ones. Falling deeper and deeper into pain and self-blame. Once upon a time, the Mengsk family of Korhal had a similar experience, but everything just changed.

It is true that the sons of the Creation Family who have not yet come into contact with the true control of the Creation Family and enter the decision-making level are not responsible for Korhal's downfall, and the same is true for most of the Genesis Family members. There are even many of them who are kind-hearted, brave and upright people, but no one can stay away from the destruction of the Creation Family.

"It's too late to say this now." Morgan shook his head: "Since Mengsk has been crowned emperor, he lives in a palace guarded by soldiers and rules the empire in the name of the monarch. In this case, he is the emperor."

"He's just claiming it," Dupal retorted.

"Almost every core world has a creation family, and the Mengsk family of Korhal is just a rising star among all the creation families. When our ancestors single-handedly established the federal system, the Mengsk family was just a commoner."

"Kings are not respected by blood, but blood is honored by kings." Roderick said: "And I think that there should be only one thing that humans are born with, and that is congenital dementia."

"After all enemies have been eradicated, the only founding family in the Terran Empire is the Mengsk family. Do you really think that Angus Mengsk is a pure revolutionary? I think he just thinks he doesn't have enough power. ."He said:

"And those in the Federal Parliament are not aristocrats, they are just hypocritical and dirty political and interest alliances, building alliances, executing strategies, cutting costs, and increasing profits. The war has made people's lives worse, but the companies that produce military supplies have made a fortune. .”

"Don't forget that you are also one of them." Morgan reminded him: "Rodrick Group is the one who made a fortune."

"Many fringe worlds are starving. The population of the garbage dump in Port of the Dead has increased more than ten times in a few years, all because the number of refugees flowing into it has increased continuously. The Federal Congress should have understood long ago that when the people at the bottom cannot survive, When the time comes, they will definitely rise up.”

"Don't the Calabasas family make profits from it? As far as I know, military materials such as military uniforms, military rations, and bullets are all produced by the Calabasas Group." Roderick retorted.

"Don't forget whose charity you relied on to survive until now." Morgan said coldly.

"Oh, really? Then how should I thank you, my benefactor, Lord Morgan Carabas, who stayed with rats in the gutter and showed off his power like a king?" Roderick

"Now is not the time for internal strife." Ji was still leaning against the cold metal wall: "Everyone, before you are busy arguing about who is the culprit and wishing to bring order to your family, but Don’t forget that the Imperial fleet may be right above our heads.”

"Even if I want to kneel down in front of Mengsk and repent, now is not the time. What's more, I don't think we have committed any crime." He was obviously very tired of this quarrel:

"I have not killed anyone, and there are absolutely no innocents among the millions of dead souls under Augustus Mengsk."

"Don't worry, Marshal Gather Duke's fleet should be arriving soon. Calculating the time, it should be soon." Morgan looked at the time on the console and showed a confident attitude.

"What? You knew about this earlier, but you asked us to give you advice and suggestions." Roderick frowned: "Since you left Aaron, you haven't told us any news. That's it. Don’t you trust other people? In the past few days, you have been either constantly denying yourself or staring at the star map randomly.”

"If this is the case, Gasser must have assembled a huge fleet, otherwise he would not dare to fight the empire with his cautious and indecisive style."

Although a small number of the remaining Federation fleets have turned into pirates, doing evil in the fringe worlds far away from the Tyranid Empire's sphere of influence. The Terran Federation still has a sizable military force. Although the number of battleships cannot be compared with the current empire, it is enough to intimidate everyone in the world.

The period when all the imperial fleets are heading to the border is the best time for the Federation to regain its old territory. Of course, Gather Duke, who has always been arrogant and cowardly, will not let go of this opportunity.

The defeat of the Imperial fleet chasing Morgan and others was the first victory brought by the great Marshal Gather to the New Federation. He did not seem to have considered directly attacking Korhal or Tower when the Empire did not know the strength of its fleet. Of course, it's possible that Sannis did it because he didn't dare.

The Federation's most incompetent senior generals and the commanders who could really turn the tide all died at the hands of the Earth Expeditionary Force when Tarsonis fell, and most of the rest were loyal to Augustus, the new king of the Tyranids.

The Imperial Army, which was based on the Revolutionary Army, was able to expand to its current size in a very short period of time, largely due to the surrender of the Federal Army. In fact, most of the current Imperial Army are Federation soldiers.

They themselves were forcibly recruited by the Federation, or they were extremely disappointed with the Federation's military leaders.

Otherwise, it would not be Gather Duke's turn to hold great power in the current federal army, not to mention that his nephew Edmund Duke is already a general under the Emperor of the Tyranids. If it weren't for the fact that Gasser's hatred of Augustus came from the bottom of his heart, we would really suspect that he was already ready to surrender to the empire.

"That's why I'm anxious because of the communication interruption. If the empire intercepts even this, it will be over." Morgan's voice suddenly rose: "If it weren't for the zerg and protoss fighting the main force of the empire's fleet in the edge world. If we fight, then I bet Augustus will send a fleet of more than ten battlecruisers to hunt us down."

"Why don't you understand? As I said, we are being followed, and there may be more than one traitor among us. They are between you and me, or they may not be there." He fell into a state of anxiety:

"Think about who we are facing. They are the ruthless people who defeated the Federation fleet, brought down the UED, and dealt heavy blows to the Zerg and Protoss. This little trick is not worth mentioning in the eyes of these people. No matter what, they could have caught us long ago. And maybe we can get lucky and escape many times by chance, which is also part of their plan."

"They want to catch him alive," Key said.

"No, what they want is for us to die here in obscurity. This is the most correct approach." Dupar said.

"I don't think you need to worry so much. The main force of the rebels is on the border planet." At this time, the federal officer spoke:

"I know better than anyone else the embarrassment of the now glorious empire. They used to be just a bunch of homeless thugs, gangsters, political prisoners and deserters, all tied together by their leaders. Faith is the strongest Big weapons, and the Federation doesn’t have them.”

"But even if they do come, they will not be a match for Marshal Duke. All loyal worlds and autonomous territories that are still loyal to the Federation will provide support. When Augustus Mengsk returns to Korhal, he will understand the foundation of the Federation still."

At this time, a federal soldier pushed the door open and said: "Three transport ships have just landed south of the mining site. They claim to be the subordinates of Marshal Gather Duke."

"At this time?" Roderick did not show any joy: "If the Empire intercepts the communication between Morgan and Gasser, then it may be a disguise by the Imperial Army."

"Can't let them in."

"If they really came to rescue us, the delay would be enough for the real federal army to surround the No. 3 mining site." Key said.

"The federal officer asked to see Morgan Carabas by name. He said his name was Slade Carter," the federal soldier said.

"It's Carter, I know him!" Morgan said immediately: "Where is he?"

Slade Carter was a federal officer guarding New Gettysburg. He was from a branch of the Calabasas family, and he was also Morgan's cousin.

"Just outside the mining site, with only two privates," the soldier replied.

A few minutes later, a blond federal officer walked into the control center. As soon as he entered, he called to Morgan: "Calabas, get out of here quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late. Marshal Gasser's fleet will also be here immediately." Retreat, quickly!”

"The imperial army used the electromagnetic interference equipment they obtained from the people on earth to block our communication with this place, so I can only bring people to pick you up personally."

"Major Carter, you said the fleet is going to retreat?" Morgan asked with some joy: "The marshal has defeated the imperial fleet that pursued us."

Marshal Gasser mobilized his troops and gathered a large number of troops to defeat the empire here and win back the face of the Federation, which was smashed to the ground.

"I really hope so." The major looked at him with blue eyes: "You must not know that this small star system is already filled with zerg, empire and protoss fleets!"

"Star Spirit?!" Morgan, Roderick and others were stunned.

Protoss! The only thing that humans currently know about this race is that they will burn an entire planet when they arrive, and that is definitely the case.

"There are more than a hundred protoss warships, and each one can burn Marshal Gasser's new flagship, the Pride of the Federation, to ashes." The major waved his hand.

"It's still too late to run away now." He couldn't help but gloated:

"Let Mengsk deal with this huge protoss fleet. Some of them will be easier for him."

Thanks for the vote, returning to the old time can be considered another kind of stability.

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