StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 524 No one can escape

Morgan, Roderick, Dupar and others immediately followed Major Carter and left the No. 3 mining site. They had almost no luggage and were accompanied by servants and mercenaries.

Workers in the mining fields are still working as usual. Even if the sky falls, they still won't get paid if they don't work. Even if they knew that these delicate eldest young masters and eldest ladies were leaving in a hurry, they would only give them cold looks and make some sarcastic remarks, but that was all.

Although Tarsonis had fallen, the Creation family was in decline. The entire planet is still the property of the Calabas family, including the mountains, rivers, every plant and tree.

Everyone here is an employee of Morgan's father Arturo Calabas. The meaning of everyone's existence is to work hard to accumulate gold and jade for the Calabas family's wealth, and Arturo's wealth is even Just one ten millionth of it is enough to make an ordinary worker rich and prosperous for a lifetime.

However, even if the leaders of these founding families wear suits starting with two thousand credit coins and travel in luxury cars and luxury yachts, they will not give half a penny to the poor who are about to starve to death. Their wealth is built on generations of capital accumulation and layers of exploitation, and slave owners are determined not to allow slaves to be equal to them.

Since the outbreak of the war, working hours have increased day by day, but wages have not increased in five years. The workers of the Calabasas family do not sympathize with the displaced young masters and ladies.

The colonial and mining worlds in the pioneering period had a relatively closed and single economic system, which was far less prosperous than the core world. However, they were also affected by economic fluctuations and skyrocketing prices. The workers here are not permanent residents of the planet, and their wages have to be sent to their wives and children at home to support the elderly.

Eight years have passed since the Guild War, but the war has never subsided. The war made the founding families of Tarsonis a lot of money, and they became increasingly greedy and corrupt in the constant struggle for wealth and power.

In Tarsonis, the power center of the Terran Confederacy, politics is money and money is politics. The relationship between the Founding Family and the federal government is complicated and difficult to distinguish.

The oligarchic group under the name of the founding family needs preferential trade and tax policies designated by the federal government, and politicians must use the power and funds behind these families to continue to gain a foothold in the dirty, dirty, corrupt and dangerous federal political arena. Even further.

The gradual widening of the gap between rich and poor and the entrenched class solidification have further aroused the dissatisfaction of people on various planets, and rebellions have also emerged one after another. The hereditary ancient families have long lost the noble qualities of their ancestors who led the Tyranids to overcome obstacles, and their methods of suppressing opponents have become increasingly cruel.

Nowadays, the lives of the people at the bottom are becoming increasingly difficult, and their tolerance for the decline in living standards has reached its limit. Most importantly, people living under federal rule have no hope for the future at all.

But in those companies that originally belonged to the Founding Family and were now state-owned by the Tyran Empire, workers' wages and quality of life improved immediately.

At this time, Morgan, who had just walked out of the No. 3 mining site and entered the surface canyon, just wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. Even the workers who worked for his family here made Morgan fearful.

Morgan has never cared about the lives of these people and has no interest in them. He has compassion for those who are struggling to survive, but he has never thought about changing the system that allows the Creation Family to rule everything.

Children born on the Sky Tower can see Tarsonis under the clouds and mist when they open their eyes, while children in the slums can only live in artificial light sources and sewage, and rarely see sunlight throughout their lives.

The three-party fleets of the Tyranid Empire, Zerg and Protoss are fighting in Shi's outer space orbit. As expected, Shi will be destroyed in the melee. However, the arriving federal fleet did not lend a helping hand to the workers on the planet.

In the past, the Federation fleet would definitely send troops to protect the property of the Calabasas family, because the private property of the Founding family was inviolable.

As soon as he reached the ground, Morgan smelled the smell of burning ozone. This is a dry basin in the middle of the canyon. The ground is covered with deep pits, shafts, shafts, cranes, slopes and horizontal pits. The giant laser drill silo stands in the center like a giant sword, and whenever it is turned on, the entire earth will tremble violently in the dazzling red light.

A thousand yards away are three Federation Navy APOD-33 transport ships. The Federation logo on them is not disguised at all, and the air is filled with blue crystal dust.

The workers on the ground had already been evacuated, otherwise they would have seen the haggard young master and young lady fleeing in a hurry with dozens of black-clad servants and mercenaries.

Surrounded by stewards and federal soldiers, Morgan ran the distance from himself to the transport ship. While running, he had to keep his eyes on the sky for fear of enemies falling from the sky.

An aristocratic lady broke off her high heels in panic. Without waiting for help from others, she took her shoes and ran barefoot in the rock-strewn mine. For the heirs of the family, they must be resolute and courageous. Practicing etiquette and being proficient in using a shotgun are also compulsory courses.

"Carter, where is my father now?" Morgan boarded one of the transport ships, feeling calm and quickly asked his cousin, Major Slade Carter.

"Like you, he also traveled around the star region and never stayed in one place for too long." Carter said to Morgan while ordering the pilot to take off.

"Nowhere is safe now, whether it is a peaceful pastoral world or a desolate rocky planet, people's minds are changing." He said:

"Even in those worlds still under our control, mobs attacking federal officials and burning down the properties of major families are increasing, and more governors have been beheaded than can be counted on two hands. Augustus Mengsk has proven The federal authority is not unshakable, and that’s the scariest thing.”

The authority of the Tyranid Federation was based on the intimidation of the huge fleet and brutal suppression methods. Once its dynasty collapsed, the world that was already dissatisfied with the Federation immediately changed its banner.

Two centuries ago, the colonies with close ties to Tarsonis would have raised their flags in support, but now the entire Federation world has become divided and fragmented.

"When will we be old?" Morgan felt like a lost dog, and the so-called family honor and noble dignity had become a joke. And unless the Terran Federation is restored, he may have to spend the rest of his life on the run in panic.

"Hurry up!" He stood by the gangway of the transport ship and urged the people following him:

"Don't let the rebels catch up to us."

In the distance, behind the rift valleys and mountains, a tropical storm is approaching, and the clouds in the sky are billowing like white foam in the ocean. Storms are common on planets with dense atmospheres, and storms are particularly strong.

Morgan seemed to see an endless swarm of insects coming after the storm, and he suspected that this was just an illusion caused by his exhaustion.

It occurred to him that he knew nothing about the zerg tracking them and was just running blindly. Those Confederate soldiers must know more, but they always avoid mentioning the zerg and protoss.

Fear caused Morgan to tighten his grip on the pistol at his waist, hoping that the gun would be able to protect him.

That's a P220 pistol that never jams and is always reliable. More advanced and powerful weapons are emerging one after another, but the Marines have never trusted them as much as they trust the P220.

Morgan knew this pistol as well as he knew himself, and the target bullets were accurate, but he had never killed anyone with this gun.

But the gun can't protect Morgan, its purpose is to kill.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in Morgan's ears, accompanied by explosions and people's miserable and desperate screams. A federal military transport ship was rolling in flames, and the molten metal fell apart, swallowing those who were about to board the plane.

Multiple Tyranid Empire Wraith fighter jets approached the federal transport ship parked on the ground in a stealth state and bombed it with laser cannons. They were indeed terrifying ghosts. Unseen enemies could awaken the fear in human hearts.

The running Federation Marines were hit by red laser beams and were immediately burned to ashes.

Morgan immediately held his breath, and many of the heirs of the Creation Family around him turned pale with fear.

Several tall figures appeared on the ground, their red armor and golden badges clearly indicating their identities. These warriors in red armor represent the most representative armed force of the Tyranid Empire, the Imperial Marines.

The Tyranids had already discovered these three federal transport ships and immediately mobilized their troops. They might have arrived a long time ago. The reason why they had not shot down the transport ships in advance was to lure Morgan out of the mining site.

"Pull up the gangway, Captain." Major Carter shouted, "Take off now!"

Forced takeoff might turn into a disaster, but staying on the ground would be waiting for death. Fortunately, a squadron of about a dozen Federal Wraith fighter planes also came to support, which was better than nothing. Several gangs of transport ships taking off attracted a lot of firepower.

The military transport ship was far less comfortable than the private yacht of the Founding Family, and it was extremely crowded and stuffy because it carried too many people. The military never considered the crew's feelings, otherwise they wouldn't be buckling down for a few thermostats.

The APOD-33 transport ship proved to all federal soldiers that anything with a large engine can fly - no matter what it is.

Amidst the huge roar of the engine, the transport ship was extremely lucky to avoid the missiles and cannons of the imperial fighter planes, and finally successfully took off and began to climb. Morgan believed that it was just because the Empire wanted to capture him alive so that he could threaten his parents.

Morgan and cousin Carter crowded near the cab, while Roderick, Dupal and others followed closely behind.

This transport ship is quite old, and even the baffle between the cockpit and the crew compartment is unknown. It may have been dismantled by a restless Federation officer sometime after the fall of Tarsonis and pawned to buy alcohol. .

"Sir, there are at least five Imperial Wraith fighter jets following us." The pilot said to Major Carter: "And most of ours have been shot down."

"Start the jump engine and take off immediately. This is the last chance." Major Carter has experienced previous wars. Even though he has faced more critical scenes than this, he can't help but feel shaken by the violent vibrations of the transport ship in high-speed flight. Out of breath.

"The instruments are working normally and are calibrating the jump coordinates," the driver said.

In interstellar navigation, the most critical common sense is that the coordinates must be confirmed repeatedly through precise calculations before jumping. Otherwise, it will lead to extremely terrible consequences, either death or being thrown to the other side of the universe, or both at the same time. occur.

"Federal spacecraft, make an emergency landing at the designated location immediately, otherwise we will fire immediately." Intermittent warnings from the Imperial fighter pilots came from the communication channel.

"Ignore them." Carter knew the empire's plan well: "Take off!"

In fact, when Marshal Gasser of the Federation Fleet learned that a protoss fleet that was far larger than his own had appeared in Shi's galaxy, he had no intention of waiting to rescue Morgan and others before retreating, but he could not do without Carabas. Waiting for the support of the founding family.

At the very least, he must prove that he tried his best.

"Unable to take off, sir." The pilot's voice was trembling.

"What a stupid joke are you kidding!" the major yelled.

"I should have known that this broken ship was unreliable!" Master Dupar wailed.

"Unable to take off." The pilot replied: "I think the channel is locked. Sir, the spacecraft cannot enter the hyperspace channel."

"This has never happened." Carter seemed to have lost all his strength.

"But now it's happened, when we least expected it to happen." Roderick pointedly pointed out: "This is a sudden disaster."

Just when Morgan realized they were doomed, a battlecruiser belonging to the Tyranid Empire appeared on the radar scan. More Wraith fighter planes were approaching from all directions, but Gather Duke's fleet was nowhere to be found.

"This is a death trap," Roderick said when Major Carter ordered the surrender. "We were caught in the net from the beginning."

The transport ship had to land in the dock of one of the Imperial battlecruisers as required. Morgan and others were disarmed as soon as they stepped off the gangway.

The empty deck was filled with Imperial soldiers wearing red power armor, some of them wearing even larger armor, like giants.

Those were the Marauders, the Empire's elite heavy infantry, humanoid tanks and mobile turrets. It is said that the Marauder armor uses a steel frame and an exoskeleton nervous system, and may also be equipped with a personal shield force field. Union soldiers had to make exponential sacrifices to injure or even kill a raider.

Every raider is an elite member of the Imperial Army, having experienced countless wars and killed countless enemies.

"Honestly confess the crime and strive for a lighter punishment." After going through many levels, Morgan met a senior imperial officer who called himself Matt Horner.

"It won't be long before your family is reunited on Korhal."

"I didn't commit any crime," Morgan said.

“No one is born guilty, but let’s say this to those who are exploited, oppressed, and enslaved like cattle. Morgan Calabas, the greedy and despicable Calabasas family business that has profited for two centuries The huge wealth is as abundant as the water in the ocean and the sand in the desert, and there is nothing in it that is not stained with the blood of the people." Matt said:

"Your trial must be fair. The laws of the Tyran Empire will not wrong any good person, nor let any bad person go."

"No matter how much you torture me, I will never plead guilty," Morgan said.

"Augustus became the emperor when he came to the throne. He was a benevolent king. Sometimes people can tell the truth without torture." Matt pointed out that Augustus the Great was not cruel.

"The Federation will not let you go." Morgan finally did not say that I was going to find my father.

But Morgan still trembled when he thought of what he was about to face: being taken to the prison world of New Folsom, followed by brain removal, memory tampering, and organ transplant surgery. Then, he would implant absolutely loyal memories, and then they would be together for life. The Terran Empire labored until death.

"When we joined the revolution with our leaders, we didn't expect the federation to let us go." Matt nodded.

"But the reverse is also true."

Now I feel that I can set a schedule to go to bed and wake up on time. It's just that my schedule was too chaotic before and I often stayed up late. It just takes some time to get straight. Thank you all for your concern and ideas. So there’s nothing much to say, so let’s just update.

Regarding the first generation of the Federation, the introduction of Tarsonis on the official website has made it very clear:

The hereditary ruling families of Tarsonis became increasingly greedy and corrupt in their constant struggle for wealth and power. As the gap between rich and poor widens, dissatisfaction and even open rebellion are common across planets ruled by the Federation. The ruling family used more brutal violent suppression to maintain their rule over the colonies. When Korhal IV tried to break away from the Federation, the Federation even used nuclear weapons to carry out a massacre, which also marked the peak of the Federation's tyranny.

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