StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 525 Taming the zerg and pacifying the protoss

"We will be promoted in battle and loyal to the Blade of Niang!"

The Tal'darin protoss warriors in the ruins of the temple launched a final desperate charge amidst the soul-stirring screams of their hearts. Their strong cloven-hoofed feet burst out at thunderous speeds with the assistance of charging devices.

This is the most desperate counterattack, a desperate fight in rage. There were only a dozen of Tal'darin's chosen ones left, but they faced hundreds of Tyranid Empire marines and the 120mm plasma cannons behind them.

The mental roar contained in the war cries of the Tal'darins was enough to make humans, a mentally weak race, burst into tears, but what responded to them was not fearful mood swings and screams, but bullets and explosions.

First, tracer bullets shot into the air one after another, and then the spread of artillery fire turned everything on the landing point into powder bullets. Flames shot into the sky and debris flew everywhere. Gauss rifles crackled, spike bullets, depleted uranium rounds, and rifle grenades poured out like chains of light.

The intensive barrage of the Imperial army first shattered the Tal'darin protoss at the front into pieces. The latter immediately retaliated, using their equipped ray guns, phase weapons and plasma weapons to beat many Imperial Marines into a molten metal flesh compound. and molecular state, making them melt like red candles.

This caused clearly visible fluctuations in the emotional turmoil among the human troops, showing that they were not ignorant of fear, but firm will and hatred of the protoss prevailed.

Then came more intense firepower, the ground trembled in the gunfire, and the hot shrapnel instantly burned the air red. The protoss has a powerful shield, but it is not indestructible.

The dying Tal'darin protoss was quickly depleted. The last powerful Tal'darin high-level ascendant released a terrifying psychic lightning chain from the four gray fingers, clearing a huge field among the advancing imperial soldiers. Empty. But he was then hit directly by a Punisher grenade from the Marauder, knocking him to the ground.

The high-level Tal'darin initiate who fell to the ground was not dead for a moment. He was still trying to stand up again amidst the light of the uncontrollable bloody psychic energy pouring out of his body.

An Imperial Marauder strode towards him, his giant-like steel body moving like a mountain falling apart. He has iron-black alloy armor with a conspicuous golden badge on it.

"Those who desecrate the altar will be punished by God. You will not be free for too long." This high-level initiate of Tal'darin who was still struggling to death never thought that he would die in the hands of humans. Not long ago, they were just It's a bug in his eye.

"Not only will I smash these rags to pieces, but I will also stand on them and pee. But now I am still standing here, where is your god?"

The Imperial Marauder strode forward, stepped on the Tal'darin Ascendant's chest, and aimed the Punisher grenade at his thin and slender gray face:


The forty-pound grenade cut off the head of the initiate, and his fallen body disappeared into smoke and turned into a rising red light.

"Ha tui! For God's sake, these baldheads are really pests in the galaxy. Command, I am Sergeant Major Isaac White. All the Tal'darim in the temple have been cleared. ." Sergeant Major White looked at the ruined walls that collapsed under the gunfire and reported to his commander.

Isaac White was a veteran who had served the Confederacy as a bomb disposal officer at the Battle of Kelley. White had to retire from the Army early due to some accidents that he never wanted to mention.

After the fall of the Federation, White joined Emperor Augustus Mengsk's Imperial Army and went through many layers of selection to become a raider. Not only do you get double salary, but you also face double risks.

Since then, White has followed the newly formed Warfield Legion to conquer all directions, and has visited eight planets in a few months.

You know, it's not easy to be a raider, not to mention that White is also a glorified kill team. Most of the time, this is an honor reserved for veterans of the Revolutionary Army.

White has his own strengths that make him stand out. He knows explosives and fuses well and is an expert in demolition. At the same time, Emperor Augustus gave preferential treatment to veterans of the Battle of Kailian. This was probably because he had personally experienced the largest civil war in human history.

"Roger that, Sergeant Major White, stop advancing and clean the battlefield. This is Marshal Warfield's order." came his immediate superior, Zach Turner, on the communication channel.

Zach is a good and convincing commander who has helped White a lot in the past, otherwise the stain on his resume is not so easy to erase.

"Yes, sir." As White said, two Reapers equipped with turboprops flew over, and he immediately gave a military salute.

Then White moved his heavy body to the side and quietly waited for the Marines behind him to pass behind him. Medics in white power armor came to the injured soldiers and treated the injured as quickly as possible.

Tal'darin's particle weapons are extremely powerful. Even a small amount of them can kill half of their lives. Some of the remains even have only a few stumps left. The luckiest soldiers who are still alive will have to face the fate of amputation. .

Most of White's best comrades are no longer alive. He only hopes that the souls of these warriors who died heroically can return to their hometowns.

Like their distant cousins ​​in Aiur and Thagurath, the Tal'darin protoss possess extremely powerful technology and magical psychic abilities, and their war craftsmanship should be outstanding among the three protoss races.

Generally speaking, the Tal'darin Protoss can destroy everything with their psychic powers, but they do not reject the use of powerful weapons and will never care about using any means to win, even if it has nothing to do with glory.

The Tal'darin Protoss are undoubtedly the most bloodthirsty and militant among the protoss. They are extremely powerful and tenacious, and have caused considerable losses to the Imperial Army.

Even so, the Tal'darin must accept their defeat on this planet. They are extremely powerful, but their numbers are far insufficient, and they lack the support of the fleet. The planet would soon change hands as more Imperial forces landed on Sire.

This was not the first planet lost by the Tal'darim protoss in retaliatory strikes by the Imperial forces, nor would it be the last.

More than a month ago, the Tal'darin protoss destroyed three human worlds, and now they themselves have suffered the same revenge. Two Tal'darin planets outside the Koprulu sector have been led by Marshal Horace Warfield. The Imperial fleet was destroyed.

Driven by the will of revenge, the Imperial soldiers fought bravely, eager to take revenge against a hundred enemies. This was also the voice of the civilians in the Imperial world.

In the Federation era, whenever the protoss destroyed the human world, the Federation fleet could only withdraw to the core world in despair. Since the establishment of the empire, it has never flinched when foreign wars broke out.

This empire born in the war is not afraid of war and does not care about losses. They are the saviors and protectors of all downtrodden humans.

Thinking of this, White could not help but feel proud. He initially joined the army not to deal with aliens and the Federation, but just to have a war to fight.

However, even a war madman like him is proud of his status as an imperial soldier. On more than one occasion, White received a warm welcome as an Imperial Sergeant Major in the colonies he visited, because they came as a savior rather than an oppressor.

When the Union Army came, all they got was rotten eggs and shit.

The Imperial Army is no longer as pure as it was in the Revolutionary Army era. Most of them are soldiers from the Federal Army in the past, but their combat effectiveness is countless times stronger than in the past.

At this time, the artillery fire in the distance gradually subsided, and arc light tanks and Sidewinder tanks rumbled past the ruins that were almost razed to the ground.

Before the war broke out it was a lost alien city surrounding a Xel'Naga temple. The ones who built the Xel'Naga temple may not be the same species as those who built the city. Countless tall and straight giant buildings formed a giant maze that spread for two hundred miles.

The Xel'Naga are an extremely ancient civilization. They may have existed billions of years ago and are wandering around the universe.

Not far away is the magnificent Xel'Naga Temple, which looks like a pointed cone-shaped mountain standing on the horizon. The Tal'darin protoss seem to regard the Xel'Naga as a god, and they also have great respect for these temples.

The city belongs to an ancient civilization that may have been extinct for millions of years if they had not developed into the interstellar age. The entire planet and the species on it seemed to have died overnight, and the truth of Sil's destruction had long been buried in the long history of the past.

No matter what, Sir has now become a barren desert world with many mountains, covered with magnificent temples and abandoned megacities, with only sporadic surface water nourishing precious oases.

Countless ancient civilization relics are still waiting to be excavated by human archaeologists. Perhaps the truth about the destruction of the Sil civilization can bring some future enlightenment to Tyranid humans, and if the lost technology is properly utilized, it will also It is of great benefit to the development of science and technology.

But this is all the work of archaeologists and experts. As an imperial soldier who carries a gun and eats imperial food, White is not yet interested in these so-called alien civilizations, nor does he care about completely sweeping these ruins into the trash heap of history.

As the sound of artillery fire subsided, more fraternal troops passed by, on foot or in various armored vehicles and maglev chariots, with flags fluttering in the wind.

There were many Tal'darin Protoss prisoners in the team, and they pulled several entire carts. White didn't know what fate awaited these dejected aliens, but he wanted to laugh every time he saw such a scene. Others carry Tal'darin protoss weapons - weapons that humans can neither make nor use, but not necessarily.

"New orders, Sergeant Major, the protective engineers are clearing out a landing zone." The next order came from White's communication channel, but it did not come from Commander Zach, but from a female voice.

Carolina Davis, White's boss's boss. She was a heroic female commander who had already reached the rank of colonel at a young age. Major Davis was of noble birth, but she seldom mentioned it.

"As you command, Commander."

White didn't think much about it. As a soldier, he never had to ask the reason of every order. All he had to do was to execute it to the letter. If you ask why every time, then it's not called the army, it's called a kindergarten.

But White soon discovered that the troops assembled here were a bit too many. Even the Imperial Shield Guards, Warfield's direct unit, came, and this battle was rare.

Ten minutes later, a transport ship protected by multiple fighter planes landed in the landing zone. White was stunned by a figure that came out: Emperor Augustus, the hero of the people.

Two years ago, he was the most wanted criminal in the sector.

The Emperor was surrounded by high-ranking military commanders, including the famous Red Queen Sarah Kerrigan. The queen has beautiful fiery red curly hair, sexy lips, and jade-green eyes as bright as gems.

She was a benevolent queen who lived by her example and often traveled with the emperor to various places to care for the people. Emperor Augustus may have married a commoner to break the tradition of aristocratic power in the old federal system, or to win the support of psychics.

Emperor Augustus no longer had to obtain the support of the federal nobles through marriage, because they had basically been killed.

White didn't have time to think about why the emperor came to Siel. Not long ago, the emperor was fighting against the Zerg in the Agria Star Province.

As the emperor passed White, he immediately saluted like the other soldiers. If it weren't for the military prohibition on kneeling to the emperor, and the servo system of the Marauder armor was not flexible enough to allow White to do so, White believed that he would have knelt down on one knee at this moment.

"Sergeant Isaac White salutes you, Your Majesty." White said his name.

White was not a fanatical believer in Emperor Augustus, but it was inevitable that his heart would surge when such a figure stood in front of him. The emperor had a personal charm that no one could match.

Tame the insects and pacify the star spirits; the mighty empire will last forever.

"Hail, sergeant," Emperor Augustus said as he passed White.

The emperor nodded to White and stood not far from him, looking toward the Xel'Naga Temple in the distance with the entourage behind him.

"Since there is a Xel'Naga Temple, there may be a Xel'Naga portal here." The emperor said:

"If this portal can be found, it will closely connect the world where Sil is located with other imperial worlds. The protoss also used these portals along with their huge protoss empire, but in our era they have retreated to Al.”

"Your Majesty, there are advantages and disadvantages to using the Xel'Naga portal. If the portal is used to attack the empire, it will be doomed." The speaker was an old man with a gray beard wearing work clothes.

"Only the Protoss and my engineers know how to use this kind of portal." Augustus always kept his eyes on the Xel'Naga Temple.

"That is indeed the case if the protoss do not betray the Imperium," Dr. Narud said.

"The protoss will never betray the empire." The emperor said firmly.

Then, he asked: "How is the excavation of the Xel'Naga artifact fragments in the temple going?"

"Soon, Your Majesty," one of Warfield's naval captains replied.

"In this way, counting the piece of Monles, we already have three Xel'Naga artifact fragments in our hands." Dr. Narud suggested to the emperor:

"Although I don't know how many such fragments there are, according to my research, once all the fragments are collected and reassembled, there may be unexpected effects."

"It could be an extremely powerful weapon."

"Is this really true?" Of course the emperor didn't know the true value of the Xel'Naga artifact, but he still showed his absolute trust in Dr. Narud:

"In this way, the work of collecting artifact fragments cannot be left behind. The Xel'Naga artifact may be used to deal with the Zerg."

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