StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 526 The Third Xel'Naga Fragment

Of all the planets Augustus visited, Sir's majestic mountains and remnants of lost cities were unique.

The mountains in Sheir are surprisingly huge and high, often more than ten miles high, and the land they occupy is extremely vast. Thousands of these high mountains form a high wall like a moat, which reaches up to the sky and reaches deep into the clouds.

On the plains between the mountains lies the city of the ancient civilization of Sil. There are countless tall and dense tower-like buildings in the city. Each building complex is connected by surrounding ramps, towers and bridges, converging into a complex in the distance. Tangled webs like spider webs.

These cities that are so huge that it is difficult to see the beginning and end must have had an extremely glorious history. The races that created these great ruins in ancient times are still walking on this land. At that time, it was still long before the first human being looked up at the stars.

That time has been millions of years ago. No matter how magnificent and prosperous these lost cities were, all the colors have been erased by the world and the never-ending wind and sand. In the deserted cities Thousands of gray and black buildings are like silent tombstones of this civilization.

Augustus looked at this dead world from the stone steps of the Xel'Naga temple in the center of the city, imagining its former prosperity and the azure rivers and green and brown forests and grasslands that flowed here.

But now this place is extremely desolate. Many, many centuries before the arrival of humans, the strong winds of Shire have blown away the last vegetation that has taken root here, exposing ugly dark brown ledges. The huge bright spot was once part of a giant lake or ocean.

Strong winds swept across tens of thousands of miles of land, carrying away countless tons of yellow sand and gravel.

No matter what kind of magnificent and mysterious life this planet once gave birth to, it has now become the tomb of this species.

"This civilization is inextricably linked to the Xel'Naga. According to preliminary investigations, they may have worshiped the Xel'Naga extremely fanatically and regarded them as gods." Dr. Narud is no longer as connected as he was when he first came here. I was amazed, but still immersed in shock.

"So, just like the Star Spirits, Sil's intelligent life has also received tips and teachings from the Xel'Naga?" Augustus asked in his heart, should you be a part of this Xel'Naga?

"This requires further archaeological excavation and research on the social structure and culture of ancient civilizations. It is also possible that the Xel'Naga never appeared in front of this civilization. But before the species on this planet evolved wisdom and developed civilization, those Xel'ar Nagas The Naga temple already exists." Dr. Narud pondered for a moment.

"So, the higher the level of development of this civilization, the more it can understand that the Xel'Naga Temple cannot be copied, and the more it will be in awe, until it develops religious worship."

"Among the Xel'Naga ruins that have been excavated, the architectural history can be traced back to the beginning of the chaos of the universe and the stars were just taking shape." The doctor said:

"The Xel'Naga, what a great and mysterious race."

"Do you think they are gods?" Augustus was silent for a while.

"The God who is omnipresent, omniscient, omniscient and omnipotent." The emperor gave an analogy: "For example, if I mutter a few words here, will they look over?"

"There's no way to prove it." Dr. Narud looked at Augustus, opened his mouth, and said nothing more. He knew that the emperor was an atheist, but was very interested in mysterious phenomena such as this.

"Are all Xel'Naga's predictions true?" Augustus asked again.

"So far, humans are still unable to interpret the Xel'Naga prophecy." The doctor sighed and emphasized: "The difficulty is equivalent to that of an unenlightened ape analyzing equations, and it is difficult to reach the sky. Even the stars cannot do it. "

"If the Xel'Naga is really a high-dimensional existence that humans cannot understand at all, then indeed, their movements are miracles, and their prophecies are the destined trajectory." Augustus put his hands behind his back.

"If the Xel'Naga return and become enemies of humans, how can we kill them?"

"Your Majesty." Dr. Narud was obviously overwhelmed by the emperor's question. He felt embarrassed and almost said that you, a human being, are worthy of being an enemy of Eamon: "After all, I am just a Xel'Naga scholar with some success and a low-level person. biologist."

"When I was little, I always liked these far-fetched and fantastic ideas. What should I do if one day I have to be an enemy of the gods?" Augustus told his beloved not to panic, I was just talking casually.

After speaking, Augustus walked along the huge steps towards the interior of the Xel'Naga Temple, and Narud and others behind him followed suit.

The Xel'Naga Temple in Sil is different from the ones in El and Sagulath, but the beautiful spiral dome and huge hexagonal stone pillars are exactly the same.

This Xel'Naga Temple is indeed the center of the city, or in other words, all other buildings and layouts are built based on it. Each architectural style complements the elegance and beauty of the Xel'Naga Temple.

Two stone steps that seemed to be built for giants converged toward the top of the temple along the trapezoidal altar and the angular columns, and finally converged at the temple gate in front of Augustus.

The temple gates were two hundred feet high and forty feet wide, twice as thick as the walls of Augustgrad's palace. The door seemed to be made up of dozens of different but perfectly fitting geometric fragments, with dark green light flowing continuously along the grooves between them.

Augustus originally planned to use the Draken laser drill to blast open the door, but unexpectedly Dr. Narud unexpectedly found a way to open it. The emperor was overjoyed. If he could open the first one, he could open the second one.

Behind the gate is the majestic temple hall, which is larger than any known human structure, dwarfing them, so that the wall opposite the gate is like a cliff in the distance, looking both like a wall and like a cliff. ceiling. The flowing crystal lights are like dark green waterfalls of light spreading from the four walls, making the whole world feel like being in a garden.

Dark green is the basic color of life, and is the leafy forest, jungle and grassland. In Xel'Naga's creation, everything is perfectly integrated with the beauty of nature and the vitality of all things.

The number and strength of the pillars supporting the dome in the hall were obviously not enough to support such a huge building, but the temple still stood due to its miraculous structural and material strength. There aren't any windows here, so it doesn't feel dark even though there's no sunlight.

Augustus had before him many gigantic creations, as if prepared for their equals.

"Xel'Naga once sat here." Emperor Augustus couldn't help but said after sighing: "I can't imagine what a grand occasion it was back then."

"Yeah, it's a pity that we will never see each other again." Dr. Narud's regret didn't seem to be fake, but it didn't seem to be just regret.

There are hundreds of imperial soldiers in the temple hall, including many archaeologists and text scholars, who are carefully excavating the ruins.

In the Koprulu sector, archaeologists are mainly responsible for excavating rare alien relics. After all, the Terran Federation has only two or three centuries of history and there is really nothing to excavate.

Augustus found many unknown archaeologists from Tarsonis and hired them to excavate alien ruins for him. It is worth mentioning that Augustus’ ten-year-old nephew Valerian Mengsk also wanted to participate in archaeological excavations, but his father shouted him back.

Taking into account the preciousness of many ancient ruins and the important geographical location of Sir, Augustus also decided to establish several outposts and scientific research stations here. Sil's natural resources are also quite rich. In the future, colonization plans may be put on the agenda and several smaller settlements established to strengthen the empire's control here.

"That should be the Xel'Naga artifact fragment of Sil." Dr. Narud pointed to the center of the temple hall. There was a black polyhedron on the rising hexagonal column, with smooth cuts lingering in the blue. Colored fluorescence.

According to the Doctor, it is part of an extraordinary xel'naga creation.

"Is this what the Taldarin Protoss is protecting?" Augustus walked towards the Xel'Naga artifact fragment. Imperial soldiers and scholars along the way paid tribute to him: "Even they themselves can't figure out what the use of this is."

"Since the Tal'darin protoss attaches so much importance to it, it must have its value." Dr. Narud said.

At this time, Narud did not have the funds to hire the Renault Rangers in the game to find the artifact for himself. He could only try his best to convince the emperor that this object was absolutely extraordinary.

And he would never have imagined that Augustus had already seen through his thoughts. It's just that the other party still can't figure out what Narud will use the artifact at this time.

The Xel'Naga artifact is indeed crucial. It can be used to absorb energy to resurrect the god of darkness, Emon, and bring him back to the real universe. It is also the key to finding Urna and entering the void, and even creating the next generation of Xel'Naga.

Under the instructions of Augustus, this Xel'Naga artifact was carefully packed into a black metal lockbox and transported back to the fleet by a dedicated plane.

This is the third Xel'Naga artifact fragment that Augustus got, but he himself is not very enthusiastic about collecting all the artifacts. But since Narud was so interested, Augustus wanted to see what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Since the doctor said this, there must be a reason for the doctor." Ever since Dr. Narud developed the space-time fragmentation device and personal shield based on his research on Xel'Naga technology, the emperor has valued and trusted him more and more.

Having said this, Augustus turned to Faraday, the captain of the royal guard beside him: "Has there been any result in the interrogation of the Siltardarin Stars?"

At this point, the Tal'darin Protoss forces entrenched in Sil have been wiped out by the Imperial Army, leaving only a small number of remaining forces still stubbornly resisting. Soon, news of Sil's victory would spread throughout the Tyranid Empire.

Sil's Tal'darin protoss was not the Tal'darin that attacked the human world, and knew nothing of the destruction of Braxis. They belong to the Tal'darim Expedition led by Executor Neon, who fanatically follow the Xel'Naga and are semi-independent of the mainstream world of Tal'darim protoss.

Now being beaten by the Terran Empire with his head covered, he is completely confused. While the man was still standing there, he somehow took the pot and carried it himself.

However, whether it was Augustus who knew the truth or the people of the empire who couldn't tell the difference at all, there was actually no difference between the two groups of Tal'darins. They were not good people anyway. No matter what, let's settle the grudge first.

Niang's group of Tal'darin Protoss and the Imperial Army are not without disputes. This can be traced back to the bloody conflict that broke out between the two on the jungle planet Byshere during the Revolutionary Army era.

After all, Slane's Tal'darin protoss is far away from the Tyranid Empire, while Nyon's Tal'darin is on the border of the empire. How can one allow others to sleep peacefully under the so-called couch?

As long as Augustus' Tyran Empire continued to expand outwards, sooner or later the two sides would go to war again. Since that's the case, it's better for him to strike first.

Augustus was not worried that destroying this Tal'darim protoss would lead to an outbreak of Slaine. Neon was regarded by his own people as a madman who was poisoned by terrazine. Unless ordered by a high-ranking lord, no Tal'darim lord would risk his own power to avenge Naion.

There is only intrigue and power struggle between Tal'darin, and there is no family affection at all. The current relationship between Tal'darin High Lord Marash and Neon can be considered very bad, let alone helping him avenge-unless it is used as an excuse for a power struggle.

But there is no actual benefit to fighting the Tyranid Empire, and it is likely to affect the plans of the Dark God Amon.

If the high-ranking lords of Tal'darin really come to cause trouble, Augustus will have his own way to deal with it. No matter what, Augustus would never be timid just because he was afraid of a rat, and he would never be soft-spoken when he should be ruthless.

"Although the Tal'darin protoss fight bravely and are extremely tenacious, they are not unyielding." Faraday replied: "Now we have obtained the detailed coordinates of several Tal'darin planets, but we don't know the authenticity."

The Tal'darim are known for their cunning, and they look down upon humans, but will yield to the stronger. Humans can also be strong.

"Have you figured out where Naion's lair is?" Augustus asked.

"In the Sigma Quadrant," Faraday replied.

"Show these coordinates on the map," Augustus said.

Immediately, a three-dimensional holographic map unfolded in front of Augustus. Several planets smaller than the average size appear together with the stars they orbit in the dusty star map, the most important of which is named Typhon. According to the confession of the Tal'darin captives, Typhon also had a piece of the Xel'Naga artifact that they had given away.

The Sigma Quadrant is Naion's home base. The records on the map show that many human ships have disappeared while passing here.

"The exploration team of Arcturus also disappeared in the Sigma Quadrant, but there was no news from the search and rescue team sent after that. After the war broke out, the matter had to be left alone." Augustus remembered something:

"Send multiple scout ships and infiltration forces to these Tal'darim worlds immediately to prepare for the coming war."

Thinking of this, Augustus looked at the planet named Typhon. In Augustus' memory, Typhon's timeline in Wings of Liberty was destroyed in a supernova explosion in 2504, but it was now ten years ago.

"The next world that must be captured is Typhon."

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