StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 527 He is still stealing

Typhon XI

Typhon is considered a remote planet with barren land and sparse minerals. It is not an ideal choice for colonization. Only prospectors and adventurers occasionally visit here, and no one else cares about it.

There is no record of the time when the Tal'darin Protoss occupied Typhon. By the time the Tyranid Empire's detection spacecraft arrived here, protoss altars and temples built of huge rocks had already erected on Typhon's barren plateau and huge cliffs. These fanatical Tal'darim regard Typhon as a holy place and will not tolerate any desecration.

On the eve of Whitsunday, Emperor Augustus Mengsk of the Tyranid Empire ordered an offensive against the Tal'darim protoss of Typhon.

Under the Emperor's orders, up to four Imperial fleets including Sons of Korhal, Antiga Squadron, Nova Squadron and Red Squadron, approximately seventy battlecruisers and affiliated fleets of destroyers, frigates, supply ships, armored transports, etc. Ships of all sizes are approaching the Typhon star system.

(Note: The Destroyer, which appears in the short story Acid Burn, is a large ship equipped with strong firepower but insufficient armor. It has high attack and low defense.)

The battle started from a small-scale friction and exchange of fire between the scout fleets of both sides, and soon turned into a large-scale fleet battle and a brutal battle around the satellite. The Tal'darin and the Empire each invested their main fleets. The shining light of naval gunfire could be seen from Typhon's high-altitude orbit to the near-Earth atmosphere. The wreckage of destroyed warships was countless.

Typhon's Tal'darim realized before the war broke out that he was at an absolute disadvantage. The number of warships was less than one-tenth of the Imperial fleet, and the number of warriors was far less than that of humans. The warships of the Tal'darin Protoss have superior firepower and plasma shields, which are much more advanced than those of the Empire, but it is still not enough to make up the disparity.

After all, these Tal'darin are just a lone army separated from the mainstream world of their race, and their executive officer Niang is just a paranoid lunatic. He is not powerful in the first place, and it is difficult to get the support of his home planet Slane.

When the war broke out in the seventh standard, under the command of Imperial Admiral Horace Warfield, the dominant fleet defeated and crushed the Typhon Taldarin fleet, destroying twelve protoss carriers, small and medium-sized spacecraft countless.

The heroic Imperial Navy also paid great sacrifices. Many Imperial battlecruisers such as the Norris, Hera, and Antigone were destroyed, and about 20,000 naval soldiers died in the battle.

Among them, the Imperial soldiers on the Inchar performed extremely bravely when they were boarded and raided by the Tal'darin Protoss. During the fiercest battle, the Pan-Talani Party political commissar and key officers took the lead in the counterattack, and finally regained control of the battleship. right.

Many naval officers and soldiers were promoted during the war and awarded the Order of the Oak Leaves with Silver Tower and the title of Hero of the Empire, only to be awarded the honors when they returned to Korkha Augustgrad.

This Behemoth-class battlecruiser was built in the Antiga Starport and served in the early days of the empire. In just a few months, it has made many military exploits. Its name is to commemorate a loyal steward who died for the Mengsk family.

During the Tenth Standard, the Imperial fleet occupying Typhon's high-altitude orbit used Apocalypse-class nuclear bombs to destroy several Tal'darim cities on the surface. Dr. Narud and Imperial Xel'Naga engineers installed a small warp engine on the nuclear bomb and detonated it directly in the center of the Protoss city, so the Tal'darin Protoss could not intercept it.

——The Empire discovered about 1,300 Apocalypse-class nuclear bombs and about 10,000 tactical nuclear bombs of different levels in Tarsonis's federal physics laboratory, nuclear arsenal and nuclear bomb silos, enough to turn Tarsonis upside down. A dozen times.

It is said that Prince Arcturus personally led the army when the nuclear bombs were collected. His eyes looked at those nuclear bombs a thousand times more passionately than women.

Nuclear weapons are still the most deterrent force for mankind in the interstellar world, and the nuclear bomb madman started the Federation era.

After gaining absolute air superiority, General Warfield ordered the landing at Typhon and attacked the last protoss city after the bombing. It is a temple city (2011 ladder map Red Stone Gulch) located between brownstone canyons, and it is also the location of the Xel'Naga Shard.

Approximately 280,000 people from the 5th, 8th and 10th Imperial Marine Armies were ordered to carry out this mission with a large number of armored vehicles, tanks, railguns, laser cannons and other siege vehicles, commanded by General Zander. Half of the legions were former federal soldiers, but they became much more heroic than before after joining the Imperial Army, and a considerable number of them were resocialized soldiers.

Although Emperor Augustus had ordered the closure of all Confederate resocialized soldier manufacturing factories except Norris and Knaff II, there were still approximately 7 million Confederate soldiers who had undergone this kind of transformation.

Even though the society was in turmoil at the end of the Guild War and the crime rate remained high, the number of prisoners was still not enough. The answer was that the Federation resocialized refugees and even legally recruited recruits.

Some modifications are minor, merely instilling knowledge of combat, while others completely alter its perception of itself. The damage to the human brain caused by resocialization is irreversible, and Augustus could only allow these warriors to remain loyal to the empire.

At this point, Typhon Tadarin, who had been defeated in less than a day, had to admit the fact of their disastrous defeat. Despite knowing that the Executor's cold wrath and death awaited them if they were defeated, some of the Tal'darim protoss fled Typhon in high-speed ships out of fear.

This was naturally a great shame and humiliation, but they finally understood one thing. At least the humans of the Tyran Empire were not easy to mess with.

While knowing that victory was certain, Augustus knew that Typhon's victory only weakened the strength of the Tal'darin expeditionary force and was not enough to finalize the victory.

The Tal'darin protoss entrenched in the Sigma Quadrant of the base camp is still a powerful force. According to the available intelligence and the comparison of the enemy's and our forces, even a victory for the Imperial Navy may only be a tragic victory. Moreover, the environment in the Sigma Quadrant is complex, and you will definitely suffer losses if you enter it rashly.

Augustus had to re-evaluate this war. While he ordered the generals and chiefs of staff of the headquarters to repeatedly discuss the plan to attack the Sigma Quadrant, he personally interrogated the prisoners in the command module of the flagship Hyperion.

The subject of the interrogation was a Tal'darin fleet commander. According to the initiate named Hal, he was a high-level ascendant in the chain of promotion, the chosen one of the God of Darkness, and his status was respected.

Hal remained arrogant even after being captured, and it didn't take long for him to understand that no matter how high his status was among the Tal'darim, he was worthless in front of the stern-faced Emperor of the Tyranids.

"You said that in the Sigma Quadrant, your executive officer Naion also holds a Tal'darin Mother Ship."

Emperor Augustus in a navy uniform stood in front of the high-level upgrader who was tied to an alloy chair. The latter only wore a blood-stained gray robe and was so weak that his spiritual language was weak: "This How did the Holy Mother Ship come about?"

Standing next to him were heavily armed Royal Guardsmen, whose brown and gold power armor could withstand psychic shocks and was specially designed for psychic assassins.

Outside the observation window in the distance is the planet Typhon, which is bathed in blue solar light. For example, the sun she orbits has not yet exploded. The Imperial fleet built many supply depots in small star belts on the edge of the galaxy to solve the logistics of the huge fleet.

"Ah, if you know it, let me go as soon as possible, and then beg for mercy at the feet of Master Naang, you bug - ow -" Hal, the promoted person, had just screamed a few words when his whole body twitched due to the blue arc surging on his body. stand up. He was so weak that he couldn't resist at all.

Sarah Kerrigan, who was behind Augustus, put away her hand with arcs still on her fingertips, reached out to brush her fiery red hair and said, "In my opinion, you have such a distinguished appearance. That’s the real bug. Answer your Majesty’s questions well, little Star Spirit.”

"Sitting upright and being beaten, you Tal'darin don't understand this." At the same time, even a real man like Tychus, a bohemian and unruly man, has a deeper fear of Queen Kerrigan. This is probably the most common thing in this world. One of the few women he kept at arm's length:

"When did you learn this trick?"

"Why, I learned it from the protoss." Kerrigan rubbed her fingers, and sparks actually came out: "When I was in Aiur, I used to learn from senior students from the Velari Templar School. The Templar Masters asked for advice on several techniques, and I was the only human they taught."

She said with a beautiful spark: "I have been happy for a long time because of this. When I came back, I often practiced how to discharge electricity like high-level templars."

"This is probably because humans other than you don't have that much psychic energy at all. Who are you?" Tychus hesitated to speak.

Tychus couldn't help but laugh when he thought that if the couple had a conflict and Kerrigan casually suppressed Augustus and shocked him to death, Tychus couldn't help but laugh out loud - but he knew that Kerrigan was reluctant to fight Augustus. Gustus's.

"A human? A human! Why do you have such a powerful power? It's impossible!" Hal's face turned even darker.

"The truth is always intriguing." As Tychus said this, he was shocked so hard that smoke came out of his butt.

"Where did that Holy Mother Ship come from?" Augustus coughed lightly and continued to ask.

"Of course he came by leaping." Hal, the upgraded person, didn't dare to mutter anything more.

"I'm talking about the source, where and how you forged your mothership." Augustus' voice rose, reminding the other party that he had no extra patience.

"Forging? No, Taldarin will not waste time on siege and production. Providing weapons and spaceships is the job of the weak." Hal seemed to despise the word forging mentioned by Augustus.

Each Tal'darin protoss is a warrior, and their strength in battle can prove the value of a Tal'darim. Tal'darin despises inventions and creations. There are almost no scientists and engineers in the tribe. In other words, even scientists and engineers must be able to fight.

Although Tal'darin always looked down upon the creations of his distant relatives, he would still treasure the unearthed motherships and colossi. Anyway, Tadarin has no moral values ​​and has no psychological burden at all.

"I understand what you mean. Of course, this Mother Fleet was obtained from the Templars." He said: "It is simply a waste that they just bury these battleships in the abandoned colonies."

"Then this is what you are doing." Augustus got what he wanted: "Steal the ships and technology of the El Protoss, and torture the captured Kalai engineers in the forge every day to torture the secrets of technology."

"This is not stealing." The ascendant emphasized angrily: "The Templars talk about morality but they are just hypocrisy. Only Tal'darin knows how to fight!"

"What a shame," Tychus said.

"I know," said Augustus.

"Those El Stars really didn't shed tears until they saw the coffin. It took a lot of effort." The upgraded person said proudly: "I always do this quickly and well."

"They are like rough-skinned and fleshy animals that can endure the most severe torture, but as long as they are threatened by the nerve bundles of the El Protoss, they will immediately obey."

In fact, according to the information obtained by Augustus, Tal'darin's Protoss Hub was also stolen. Not only that, but even the place where Kalai was tortured was also stolen.

The Star Spirit Empire actually knew nothing about this matter. It is common for exploration ships and patrols to disappear, but Tal'darin never pulls the strings. In addition, the Protoss Empire has rarely come into contact with the Tal'darin Protoss, not to mention the outbreak of war, and it is even less likely to know what they are doing.

In places such as Monlath, Sire, and Typhon, the Tyranid Empire rescued many Ael Protoss captured by the Tal'darim Protoss. Due to the friendly relationship between the Tyranid Empire and the Dalam protoss, Augustus of course immediately handed over these protoss and the Tal'darin captives to them.

This incident, of course, caused a huge sensation in the Daram Protoss society, and amidst the shock and anger, they finally understood what was going on. The protoss cannot bear the torture of their own people, and the more they learn the truth, the more frightened they become.

Who knows how long the Tal'darins have been doing this. They always steal with confidence, and then break the victim's legs after they finish, saying that they are really wronged by using this crap like yours.

"How many El Protoss have been kidnapped by you in the Sigma Quadrant?" Augustus asked again.

"How do I remember?" said the upgrader: "The damaged spaceships and weapons must be repaired by someone. This is a slave's business."

"Did you also kidnap the Dark Templar?" Augustus asked.

"." The ascended person hesitated for a moment, not sure how Augustus knew about this: "Most of them were the Dark Templar warriors who invaded our territory themselves - they tried their best to study Thrall. Naga’s legacy, which of course made Lord Naion furious.”

Since their territories are built around the Xel'Naga ruins, wandering Dark Templar scholars are always drawn here. And every time, they were confident that they could evade Tal'darin's detectors.

"I don't know what he is so angry about. Eamon doesn't even care." He pointed to his brain:

"He's not normal here."

"Of course, we have always been jealous of the Dark Templar's space-time technology, which is their family's expertise." Hal continued: "They came just in time."

"Okay." Augustus turned to Kerrigan and Tychus and said:

"Now Tassadar has reason to send troops."

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