StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 528 It was stolen from the Templar

After capturing Typhon, Augustus did not take advantage of the situation to capture the Sigma Quadrant, the last territory of the Tal'darin protoss, but chose to let the empire's soldiers rest in the occupied area for a while, and the fleet switched from offensive to defensive.

During this period, the busiest ones were the medical workers accompanying the army, who had to spend all day treating the wounded. Even so, many warriors still died of their injuries, and their bodies were sent to their hometowns for burial on transport ships returning to Korhal.

In all previous foreign wars, no one was immune to death. For this reason, Augustus never liked war, but he had to end wars with war.

The resting Imperial fleet must be alert to Tal'darin's possible retaliatory attacks at any time, so the soldiers must remain vigilant while resting.

In this way, when Christmas comes, the imperial soldiers have no choice but to enjoy themselves in misery. Fortunately, although Typhon is deserted, there are also forests and jungles scattered among the gobi canyons and high cliff boulders in the mid-latitudes. It would be good to decorate a few Christmas trees.

In addition to not being able to drink alcohol, which can only be replaced by black tea and coffee, the soldiers were still able to enjoy sumptuous food during the festival, and they could also supplement their meals with hunted native creatures. Emperor Augustus has no plans to establish a colony in Typhon, and has not yet introduced measures to protect native resources and wildlife.

A few days after Christmas, Augustus finally received an ultimatum from Tal'darim Executor Neon.

Neon seems to have never thought about why the Terran Empire humans would attack them, and he doesn't even want to figure it out. He just regards Augustus and his warriors as blasphemous heretics.

From this point of view, Naion was indeed in a state of mental disorder. He could not listen to any words and had no intention of talking to Augustus. The communication ended with the executive's anger and curse on the emperor. Naion claimed that he would hunt Augustus to the ends of the earth and let him die ten thousand times.

It can be seen that Executive Officer Naian is probably really crazy.

(Aranak has a voiceover: Do you know a fate more terrible than death? I will let you collect terrazine and then you will go crazy like Naion.)

Of course, Augustus was extremely vigilant about such an unstable factor on the imperial border.

But the expected revenge did not come. For more than ten days, Augustus did not see even a shadow of Taldarin.

Augustus did not understand Neon's plan. Perhaps he expected that the humans of the Tyranids would definitely launch an attack on his base camp, so he was waiting for work.

Combined with the rhetoric of Niang's captured subordinates, the mentally disturbed Niang is not popular. He can only control these Tal'darin because he is a genuine strong man. Even if Niang once had allies on his home planet of Slane, they are now kept at a distance because of his crazy appearance.

Tal'darin's society is known for its cruelty, where strength is paramount, and no one will miss their old love.

If Niang had not lost his mind, he could have used the terrazine resources in his hands or used tricks to gather allies in Slane, but it is obviously impossible now.

Since this is the case, Augustus expected that Naion would not be able to wait for reinforcements at all, and his reinforcements were already on the way and were almost here.

As the New Year approaches, this day is about to set.

The blue main sequence star of Typhon is still shining. It looks like just a star in the sky, but it shines brighter than all the stars. The light and heat it releases still make the weather here unbearably hot.

On the open reddish-brown land, clusters of Kedarin crystals around the Xel'Naga Temple where the emperor served as his palace emitted flashes of blue and purple as the night approached. As the sun gradually set, a blue-green crescent moon climbed up into the clouds, and the light it emitted rippled like a moon in water.

This is a very different alien world, with the desolation of the red desert rushing towards us, as if the Earth had just passed the Ice Age. Isolated mysterious altars and spiers stand among the bright mountains, peaceful and harmonious.

The Xel'Naga Temple, which stood here at least millions of years ago, still stands in the moonlight. It cannot be blown down by wind or rain. Its spiral walls and huge curved stairs are shrouded in dark green light. It seems to be covered with moss and vines.

Although Typhon is also a bitter and cold place, it also has its own charm. Perhaps this is also the charm of this cruel universe.

Surrounding the temples of Xel'Naga are the hideous dark Gothic buildings of the Tal'darin protoss, the blood shard crystals within still exuding powerful surging energy from the past. However, the crystal tower among them has collapsed, and these Taldarin buildings have also been paralyzed.

There are also Imperial Army bases scattered around, mostly square-shaped silver and gray buildings. The base is lit by signal lights connected by wires and is home to soldiers, scientists, archaeologists and technicians.

In the dead of night, sensors and sentry soldiers were still monitoring the ancient temple and the desert in the distance. Under the moonlight, patrols in groups of ten walked on the floor cut from solid rock and lava, making the tapping sound of steel boots.

In the corner where others don't notice, many small spider-shaped robots are loyally guarding the sleeping people. This is a family created by Viktor Kaczynski, which so far includes spider booby traps, widow mines and black widows.

Among them, the Black Widow mine can detect psychic waveforms. Once invading psychic creatures are detected, they will swarm forward and be detonated. They are specially designed to defend against the invisible warriors Blood Hunters of Tal'darin Protoss and the ghost agents of the Federation. Of course, there is some kind of flaw in the Black Widow mine's identification friend or foe system, and it has attempted to attack its own Dark Templar more than once.

Regarding this matter, Victor was kept in the dark until the emperor specially summoned him.

At this moment, it is already midnight.

The emperor's room is located in an empty room in the Xel'Naga Temple. There is only a steel wire bed in the room. The set of sunwood tables and chairs was handed over by Augustus from the previous governor of Za Sara. , still in use today.

Augustus did not have much interest in luxury goods inlaid with gold and silver. For example, the palace was decorated entirely by his brothers and sisters. However, the electronic equipment in this room is top-notch, because the emperor must ensure that he can communicate with his troops at any time.

If necessary, Augustus could meet with his ministers and generals at any time and anywhere, even when he was ready to go to bed.

Augustus was still dealing with government affairs from Korhal, mostly related to the appointment, promotion and transfer of imperial ministers, or which world announced today that it would completely secede from the Federation and join the Empire, or which world went against its promise and needed to mobilize troops to quell the rebellion.

No matter what, after dealing with these matters Augustus always asked him to appoint a new governor. Augustus could not just appoint generals as governors to prevent the army from growing out of control, so he had to find new candidates.

These governors only represent the emperor's authority to rule over the empire's various territories and colonies, because the emperor is nominally the governor of all imperial planets, and this honor is also counted in his title.

Fortunately, administrative talents can be discovered from core worlds such as Tarsonis. Whether it is his father Angus or his brother, they are fully qualified in this regard. Augustus did not need to select the loyalty of these people, he had high-level psychics to investigate and review them.

Emperor Augustus favored the industrious and capable rather than the powerful and influential. In the federal era, those who were depressed could rise to great heights in the empire, so the voices praising the emperor's wisdom became more and more popular.

Of course, chaos abounded in the newly established empire. Many federal resistance organizations and individuals committed evil acts in the name of eradicating the remnants of the federal aristocracy, and even committed many shocking atrocities. There were many cases where entire families of nobles who had attached themselves to the Creation Family were massacred, and except for instigators with ulterior motives, the murderers were civilians who had never killed anyone before.

Augustus could only order these nobles to be imprisoned to temporarily protect them, calm the incited public anger, and then punish the murderers, emphasizing that sinners should be punished, but only law enforcers can do this.

At the same time, although the Pan-Taylan party and the army still account for the majority of determined people, there are many revolutionary fighters from the fringe world who have been corrupted by money and fame after seeing the prosperous Tarsonis, and there are also officials from the fringe world who can't wait to abuse them. The emperor gave him the power to collect bribes and bully the people, thinking that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so he will not be found.

These things always happen one after another. If it weren't for the abilities of Augustus's father and brother, he wouldn't have been able to send troops to the frontier.

There was only one thing that troubled Augustus. It seemed that his sister Dorothy was also preparing to join politics.

Dorothy Mengsk is twenty years old this year. She has beautiful long gray hair and gray eyes. She has outstanding appearance and extraordinary intelligence. She has already shown the potential of a leader at a very young age. She is eloquent and quick-thinking. She has learned political and business knowledge from her father since she was a child. Now she has shown that her abilities are not inferior to those of her father and brother.

Of course, Augustus felt very sorry for this sister. After all, he only had one sister. Thinking this way, Augustus could only let Dorothy serve as the governor of Viridia Prime to test the waters first, and let Arcturus help.

"Your Majesty, it's time for you to lie down." Thinking of this, Augustus felt a soft touch from behind, and the fragrance of shampoo hit his face.

At most, the military camp can only provide ultrasonic bathing, but Typhon has abundant underground water resources, so a hot bath is still enough.

"You stinging bee." Augustus reached out and took Kerrigan into his arms, feeling the curves in his hands.

To be honest, Augustus is not very interested now, but Kerrigan seems to be becoming more and more determined to have a child. There was nothing wrong with either of them, but they couldn't get pregnant.

If the empire has a clear heir, princes, ministers, marshals and generals will not have to waver in the struggle for power, and the regime will be more stable.

But Augustus doesn't really care, and he hopes Kerrigan understands this. They were still young and had time, and if that didn't work, Augustus would choose a successor from among his brothers, sisters, or their descendants.

Kerrigan huddled in Augustus's arms, waiting for the coming storm, but after a while, she sat up from the emperor's lap irritably.

"It's really not the right time." Kerrigan frowned, and the confused look faded from her green eyes.

A female Royal Guardsman knocked on the door gently, and then brought news of the arrival of Artanis, the Executor of the Durham Protoss.

"Faraday! Tychus!" cried Augustus.

Augustus hurriedly got up to change his clothes and rushed to Typhon Star Port. The royal guards guarding outside immediately arranged for vehicles. Although Kerrigan's face was full of displeasure, she understood the importance. Anyway, she had plenty of time to get close to Augustus, and she had many cards to play. All she had to do was be wary of bad actors.

Guard captain Faraday arrived soon, and deputy captain Tychus caught up in time despite his procrastination.

There was little money to be made in Typhon, and there was no place for romance, so Tychus focused on the cultural relics and was still full of energy in the middle of the night appreciating their value.

Soon, Augustus saw Artanis, the executive of the Durham Protoss, Archon Phoenix and the daughter of the Dark Templar matriarch, who had arrived at the pressurized port of Typhon Starport.

Artanis brought new news from within the Durham Protoss, that is, after rescuing Rashagal, the frightened matriarch Rashagal decided not to serve as the Archbishop of Durham, but to be executed by the former high-ranking officer Guanta Sadar continued to take over.

Due to Tassadar's wise leadership in the defense of Sargulath and his closeness to the Dark Templar, this did not cause much shock. For a templar who respects and is willing to learn the dark templar's traditions and skills, the dark templar reciprocates the same respect and love.

In this way, Tassadar's student Artanis took over his mentor's position as the new high-ranking executive. However, this position was more pressure than joy for the young Artanis.

Augustus was sincerely happy for his old friend Tassadar, but he was also worried about the health of Rashagal, the old patriarch of the Dark Templar. Even from human eyes, she is a moral and respectable lady.

Many Dark Templar warriors only reluctantly accept the Templar warriors for the sake of the clan leader. If the clan leader dies, it will indeed be a big earthquake.

The Duram Protoss were staunch allies of the Tyranid Empire, and Augustus did not want them to fall into civil war.

However, according to Vorazun, the matriarch is in very good health. For a figure who can talk to the Prince of Blades with motherly dignity for several months, this thrilling journey of being captured is basically impossible. Nothing to scare.

When Rashagar was young, he was a stronger warrior than Vorazun, and he had seen countless ups and downs. Apparently, she was just looking for an excuse to step aside.

But Vorazun was not very satisfied.

"Ta'darin, Ta'darin is full of lies and has no shame." As soon as he saw Augustus, the true-hearted Phoenix shouted:

"Suffer death, Tal'darin! Where are they? I must show some shame to these despicable kidnappers and thieves - no, I want Tal'darin's blood to be splattered three feet!"

"Phoenix, brother, they are not here," Augustus said to Phoenix.

"You will be able to do this soon, warrior." Kerrigan, whose hair was still wet, said with her hands on her hips.

"Your Majesty Augustus, Phase Technician Karax saw the Tal'darin weapon you sent, and found that it was almost a copy of Kalai's technology. There was almost no difference except for the material." Artanis said to Augustus Stuart used human honorifics. In his opinion, the emperor was a position similar to that of an archbishop.

"I really don't know how they did it. In this way, there is an explanation for where the lost fleet went - tens of thousands of tribesmen were captured, enslaved and mutilated by Tal'darin. This is the worst since the catastrophe of all ages. Horrible atrocity!"

"The killing of protoss by protoss follows the laws of Davu, and crimes like Ta'darin's must be severely punished." Phoenix said:

"This crime deserves to be punished."

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