StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 529 Later, my leg was broken

The Sigma quadrant is a large mysterious and unexplored star region, a distant and dark world, where numerous uncounted star systems are like dots of light in a dark curtain.

The location where the Tal'darin Protoss is entrenched is not a celestial body, but the remains of an extremely large abandoned Xel'naga spaceship - the Xel'naga worldship.

Therefore, this Tal'darin branch is also known as the world ship branch.

If he didn't compare it with asteroids and giant rocks that were often more than ten miles long, Augustus would not be able to appreciate how huge this world ship was. No single building built by humans on the surface of the planet or in space can be compared with it, and all the great battleships in history pale in comparison.

"I really didn't expect that there is still a world ship left in this forgotten corner - it must be left by the Xel'Naga. The Xel'Naga, the mentors of Ihan, came to Ayr in such a spaceship. It’s a mythical scene.”

On the bridge of the aircraft carrier Saalok's Eye, Artanis, the senior executive officer of the Durham Protoss, was telling the Tyranids Emperor Augustus Mengsk about the origin of the supership outside the porthole.

"Unfortunately, the damage to this world ship is too serious. Even now, the protoss can only simply repair the legacy left by the Xel'Naga." Artanis said with regret:

"I didn't expect that Tal'darin would actually have such a world ship and regard it as his home."

This Xel'Naga world ship has been abandoned in the Sigma Quadrant for an unknown period of time. One-third of it is covered with huge rocks, and the rest of the area is covered with huge cracks left by meteorite impacts over millions of years. If the world ship could still be used normally after such a long time, Tal'darin would have driven her away long ago.

"Hmph, it must have been stolen." Phoenix just wanted to see blood on the blade now. The protoss would never tolerate his own people being killed like this.

The portholes on the bridge of the Eye of Sarok are almost invisible, with a few stars dotted in the hazy white light.

The Xel'Naga world ship is lying across a huge asteroid belt. Even if each asteroid is more than ten miles away, it is extremely close on the scale of cosmic observation.

The world ship has almost perfect geometric lines. She is shaped like a piercing, sharp and straight spear. The narrow asteroid belt casts an arc-shaped shadow under the light, and it also looks like a fully drawn bowstring. In the central spine area, which is as long and straight as a spear, two huge composite rings are rotating around the central axis, casting swirling shadows on the land-like vast deck, and the extended ship's hull is like an elegant curve. of Gold Coast.

It's a wonder.

Standing on the bridge of the Salok Eye, Augustus felt as relaxed and comfortable as if he were standing on his own battleship.

The Durham protoss' understanding and attitude towards humans has not changed much. Many protoss only recognize Augustus Mengsk. Augustus is also one of the very few humans who is respected by the protoss. This stems not only from the fact that humans and protoss fought side by side in the Battle of Aiur, but also from the praise given to him by Augustus, the number one among the protoss. .

"Do Al and Sagulas still have such a Xel'Naga world ship?" Augustus suddenly thought of the solar core in the Hyperion.

From this, he thought if Dr. Narud could be asked to work overtime to press the core of the sun onto the Xel'Naga World Ship.

Human warships like Hyperion are really unable to withstand the energy of the sun's core, and this Xel'Naga world-class ship looks good - the repair work can be left to real professionals.

Anyway, the doctor usually seems quite leisurely, and now he still has four hours to sleep.

Augustus didn't know whether Narud could complete the job, but he would give it a try. If the doctor could really complete this miraculous project, the emperor would not mind writing a book about him after his death.

"The Xel'Naga did leave their spaceship behind, and the Dark Templar left Aiur on a world ship." Artanis read Augustus's inner thoughts and was immediately surprised.

"This Xel'Naga spaceship is too large and complex. It cannot be repaired simply by replacing parts from other spaceships." But he then said: "Although I think this is almost impossible, if you want If you try, my teacher will definitely give you all the help you can.”

"Since we know nothing about her, how can we jump to conclusions."

"High Executor, the fleet is ready, just waiting for your order." Just as Augustus was about to say some words of thanks, Artanis' student Selendis stepped forward.

No matter how many times he saw her, Augustus would always admire Selendis' blue velvet and dark night-like crystal dress and beautiful golden headdress. The artistic aesthetics of the protoss can resonate with humans, but these two races pursue the natural beauty of the universe.

Thinking that Kerrigan was by his side, Augustus added in his mind that his queen was the most beautiful woman in the world no matter what.

"In the name of El's ambition, prepare to fight!" Artanis looked at Selendis and stepped forward.

Following the orders from the high-ranking executive officers, magnificent protoss carriers and aircraft carriers appeared near the Eye of Sarok, rapidly approaching the Xel'Naga World Ship. In the golden-blue stream of light, there are countless battleships of the Tyran Empire.

This is a huge combined fleet, huge in scale, connected end to end for more than tens of thousands of miles.

The protoss should be the main force in this joint operation. They have never fallen behind humans. Moreover, the Dalam Protoss also regard the eradication of Tal'darin as their own responsibility. Although Tal'darim has done many evil things, he was once one of their people.

Before the catastrophe of the ages, Tal'darin had already followed the Xel'Naga and left. Their history is as long as the Protoss Empire, but they have always been hidden in the shadows and unknown.

The Protoss Empire has been fighting an invisible war. For countless centuries, although they have been suspicious of fleets and exploration ships that have disappeared in the galaxy, they have not found any results in their investigations. After all, this universe is full of dangers, and every voyage is a brave adventure.

And now, the protoss who learned the truth naturally recalled all the fleets and compatriots who had disappeared in the past, and it was understandable that they would be furious.

In this way, all the accounts have to be recorded on Tal'darin for the time being. Even if we go into detail, it is impossible for them to do it all.

As the combined fleet closed in on the world's ships, the Tal'darim within them immediately began attacking every ship that came near. The battle was about to break out, and many short and bright white stars lit up in the Sigma Quadrant, which were the plasma flames spurting out when the protoss mothership's main gun fired.

In the bright white light, the warships of both sides engaged in a brutal fierce battle around Xel'Naga's world-class asteroid ring that was thousands of miles wide. Every moment, battleships were destroyed, burned, and turned into short-lived bright stars. The molten white metal liquid and residue used the kinetic energy of the explosion to bounce towards the edge of the Sigma Quadrant at an incredible speed.

Seeing this fierce war scene, Augustus, standing on the Eye of Sarok, was convinced that it was a wise move to bring in reinforcements.

Compared with the orthodox Taldarin in Slane, the Taldarin on the world ship is only a very small branch, with a sparse population and a limited number of battleships. But even with such a force, it is enough to crush the Imperial fleet.

Although there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, the Tal'darin protoss still resists stubbornly. A blood-red Tal'darin mothership soon appeared in the detection range of the Eye of Sarok. It was the car of Tal'darin Executive Officer Neon. A bright red light filled with manic energy emerged from the blood fragments. It combines the elegance of ferocity with the invasiveness of killing.

A rotating, invisible vortex appeared from below the Tal'darin mothership, and all matter, even light, was sucked into it. The swirling stream of light formed a spectacular scene, as if a colorful galaxy was placed upside down in it. Breathless pressure hit his face, and the passage of time slowed down because of the sudden appearance of a small black hole.

This small black hole that continuously releases high-speed plasma flow is enough to suck half of the battleships present into it. Its constantly collapsing center may disappear at any time, and the mass sucked in will also be annihilated.

However, the Tal'darim Mothership was not successful, and four other Dallam Protoss Motherships surrounded her and interfered with it using their own abilities to distort time and space.

Eventually, the Tal'darin mothership had to return to the world ship to recharge its shields, but the rest of the Tal'darim warships had lost the entire war.

"The Xel'Naga World Ship is covered with tearing force field generators, which are fatal to human warships." The Eye of Sarok aircraft carrier arrived at a position about two hundred miles above the Xel'Naga World Ship. At this time, Augustus could more intuitively realize how huge it was.

The upper deck of the Xel'Naga World Ship is as wide as land, with rows of Tal'darin buildings scattered across it, making it look like a city. Further away is a huge ship parking area, but there is nothing on it, as flat as smooth ice.

The entire ship is made of magical Xel'Naga organic metal and crystals containing void energy. It is lined with bright green crystals like swords. The writings of Xel'Naga were once all over the surface of the world ship, but now they are so pitted that it is difficult to distinguish them.

"However, it seems that the tearing force field is completely ineffective against the plasma shield of the protoss." Augustus said: "The Tal'darin cannot kill himself as well."

"Artanis, I'm afraid it will be difficult for my warriors to provide you with much support."

"Let my Templars fight." Phoenix said and left the bridge of the Eye of Sarok: "This is a glorious battle."

Soon, tens of thousands of Durham Protoss Templars followed Phoenix and jumped to the Xel'Naga World Ship, launching a head-on war with the Tal'darin above. The Tal'darim were as tenacious as ever, but they were doomed to fail since they completely lost their fleet advantage.

Tal'darim Executor Neon's Tal'darim mothership was besieged by the Dallam Protoss fleet, but still refused to give up resistance.

Naion refused to surrender, viewing his escape as a betrayal of the gods. In the end, he naturally lost the opportunity to jump away from the battlefield, and decided to die for his beliefs like a devout believer. No matter what, Niang and his men finally chose to die with the mothership.

Augustus had no regrets about Neon's death, but Artanis and other Templars thought he was worthy of respect.

After the war came to an end, Augustus took a shuttle and landed on the mottled surface of the Xel'Naga World Ship. All tear field generators on the ship have been shut down, but they have not been destroyed, but are well preserved.

The Tal'darin on the Xel'Naga world ship had been wiped out by the Dallam protoss, and Artanis was also shocked and angry when he discovered the tortured Kalai engineer in the Tal'darin prison.

The angry Phoenix immediately expressed his intention to kill Slane, but was suppressed by Artanis who calmed down and just took the captured Tal'darin protoss to Sagurath for another trial.

Now is not the time to settle the ledger.

It was then that Augustus realized how badly damaged the ship was. The ridge area has been divided into two parts from the stern, which is equivalent to cutting off the spine. The equipment on it has long since disappeared and turned into an empty shell.

So Augustus no longer had any hope of repairing the world ship, but he still found Dr. Narud, hoping to transform it into a military base.

"Emil, I know that you are the most outstanding one among the human Xel'Naga scholars. Even if you go back and forth for five hundred years, it will be the same." Augustus stood at the stern of the world ship. On the raised boulders, the edge of the ship was also out of reach.

He looked at Dr. Narud, who had just stepped off another spaceship and was sweating, and said with some expectation:

"Doctor, can you repair this Xel'Naga spaceship?"

"I'm afraid this can't be done." Narud seemed to be stunned because he was too surprised. After a moment, he showed an expression of extreme shock: "I am not a starship designer."

"Oh, in my heart, you are omnipotent." Augustus said disappointedly:

"Even the protoss, their understanding of Xel'Naga technology is far inferior to yours."

"Your Majesty, this is a Xel'Naga spaceship. The technology she uses cannot be cracked or repaired. Moreover, if you want to repair such a huge ship, you will not be able to do it even if you use all the resources of the empire." Narud A moment of silence:

"The people who could repair these spacecrafts have long since disappeared in the long river of history. People now can only learn from, imitate, and learn some crude skills."

Since Narud came up with the psychic crusher, Xel'Naga space-time fragmentation device, Xel'Naga void crystal and personal shield, he believed that the emperor had been impressed by his talents, and this was indeed the case.

However, even if Tanarud is a genius through the ages, repairing a Xel'Naga World Ship is a fantasy.

"Well, if I provide you with the corresponding resources, how far can you repair it?" Augustus heard the looseness of Narud's words.

"I don't need you to build a Xel'Naga battleship. Instead, I will use the world ship as the basis, seek the help of Kalai phase technicians, and use human and protoss technology to build a new one. The energy is already there, that is the solar core , the remaining materials and equipment can be borrowed from the Xel'Naga spacecraft in the hands of the protoss and the crashed ark ship Nesin's Memory." He said: "You only need to be responsible for the Xel'Naga technology."

"I'll give you ten years, and the funds, manpower, and equipment are all up to you."

In this way, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

"Since Your Majesty believes in me, I can only give it a try." Narud hesitated for a long time before saying.

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