StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 533 My Uncle Emperor

When morning comes, the sky over Augustgrad is turquoise, and the haze brought about by industrial production and construction is like a gray lens. Considering that the natural environment of Korhal IV is already riddled with holes, such pollution is not worth mentioning at all.

Outside the Augustgrad Airport, tens of thousands of cheering people lined the broad triumphal avenue flanked by guards. They held high the golden and red flags of the Terran Empire and standing signs with slogans, and shouted the emperor's name and a series of titles that could last up to two minutes.

At the front of the line guarding the Emperor was the Vulture Car of the Imperial Alpha Squadron. Then came the official formation of about 400 Imperial Navy officers, each wearing red CMC-300 powered armor, followed closely by the Marauders and Wolf Warriors of the Royal Guard.

These giant armors and mechas greatly shocked the people present. There is no doubt that these are powerful weapons in the new era.

The emperor's armored car was among the ranks, and he was responding to the people's enthusiasm with gestures behind polarized bulletproof glass windows. At this time, the remnants of the Federation within the Empire have not yet been cleared away, and there are many people who want to restore the Tyranid Federation by assassinating the Emperor.

The love of the people is by no means fake or disguised, because their lives or the lives of their families have improved because of the emperor and the empire. These people account for the majority of the population of the original Terran Federation, and they are the cornerstone of the empire.

And even among these enthusiastic people, there are many who harbor ill intentions and look on coldly. But they also looked eager and stretched their heads hard to catch a glimpse of the handsome emperor.

But they didn’t have to kneel, worship, or kiss the emperor’s boots.

Today's Augustgrad is still under construction. Rising from the ruins, it is a city of miracles in itself.

The airport is built in the central city of Augustusgrad. Most of the buildings here are over a hundred feet tall and giant skyscrapers comparable to the Sky Tower. The buildings in Augustgrad are all in the construction stage, and the bronze steel frames and concrete look like the skeleton of the city.

The city center is connected by a maze of viaducts, high-speed train tracks, trams and subways, and is dotted with parking lots, escalators and bridges leading to and from skyscrapers and subway platforms.

The pyramid-shaped alloy frame of the palace is like a mountain in the distance, surrounded by many tall silver spiers. It is the undisputed landmark of Augustgrad. It is not only the largest and tallest building in Augustgrad, but also the most majestic one in human history.

This majestic and magnificent building did not use every credit coin in the treasury. It all came from the private property of Prince Arcturus Mengsk. The question of the emperor's large-scale construction and arrogance is untenable.

Augustus noticed that those gathered here were construction workers from Auguste Gleri, vendors selling small commodities, and some civil servants from government offices in formal attire. This is also the main population structure of Korhal IV. There are not as many rich people and nobles as there are in Tarsonis, and they are mainly blue-collar workers.

There are no nobles in Korhal, because the nobles of the old federation are as afraid of the devil as they want to be as far away from the emperor as possible.

This situation is likely to continue for a long time. Korhal will be the industrial hub and political center of the Tyranid Empire, and Tarsonis, as the financial and commercial center, will still be the richest world.

The triumphal ceremony soon ended with a salute of cannons, and Augustus announced that in order to celebrate this victory, everyone could take paid leave on this day. In this way, the cheering onlookers walked into the bars and restaurants to share what they had just witnessed.

Busy Augustgrad calmed down, with only the city government’s AI-controlled automatic sprinklers still working. There are almost no pedestrians or vehicles on the road, and there are no luxury yachts in Tarsonis. The road is wide and goes straight forward.

The wall outside the palace gradually came into view. It was just a high wall surrounded by fences and electric fences. At this time, the palace had just completed the construction of its foundation, and there were some temporary buildings on it. The construction was so dusty and noisy that it would take at least four years to complete the building for the royal family to move in.

The royal family mainly lives in another skyscraper that has been completed, sharing with the royal guards and palace guards.

Given that the Terran Confederacy once sent ghost agents to assassinate members of the Mengsk family, there are also a large number of Imperial ghost guards in this building. According to conservative estimates, at least 1,200 former Federation Ghost agents chose to be loyal to the new Imperial government, and about 150 became Imperial Ghosts directly under the Emperor.

There are no ladies in gold and silver or jesters in the Tyran Empire's court, only soldiers with sabers and silent ghosts.

This protective measure is extremely necessary. Since the founding of the country, crazy supporters of the Old Federation have begun to continuously try to assassinate members of the royal family and high-ranking imperial officials.

When Augustus arrived at the building where the royal family lived, he was saluted by the royal guards guarding the temporary palace. They all wore power armor with a gold and red background, and ceremonial blue ribbons hung on their shoulders.

The Royal Guards are only loyal to the emperor and the royal family, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect the royal family at any time.

Although it is only used as a temporary palace, it certainly has everything it needs. The halls and corridors of the building are all hung with lavish decorations, including marble stands paved with star charts, exquisite mechanical clocks, three-branch candlesticks and flat floral tapestries equipped with reflectors, and slender tall glasses with with apple blossoms and roses.

Even the delicate tables and chairs are gold-plated, and countless brass-colored mirrors and crystal-clear crystals decorate the walls.

Nevertheless, what Augustus was most satisfied with was that he did not spend even a penny on it, because without exception, these luxurious ornaments were obtained from the mansion of the founding family of Tarsonis.

Two ladies in sky blue dresses and black velvet shawls were waiting for him, with a little boy with blond hair beside them. It was Augustus's mother, Catherine Mengsk, Princess Juliana and Prince Valerian, while Augustus's father, Angus, who was both Minister of Finance and Prime Minister, was working at this time.

The women of the Mengsk family are all beautiful, with elegant appearance and graceful figure. The little prince also inherited this noble face from his mother. He was so handsome and his blond hair was so soft.

Valerian Mengsk, the beloved son of Arcturus Mengsk and Juliana Pasteur.

Augustus embraced his family members one by one, as he had done every time they were separated or reunited.

"Go, that's your uncle." The princess said to Prince Valerian, who was holding her hand.

Princess Juliana is still as beautiful as ever, but even the most sophisticated cosmetic surgery can't hide the subtle wrinkles. She is still young, but she seems to be aging quickly.

The marriage between the princess and Prince Arcturus was not happy. This man who seemed humble, courteous and ambitious was actually an extremely self-centered person. He had already lost interest in this woman and did not have much tenderness in his heart.

In fact, Julianna is a very gentle woman, an elegant Umoyan noble, and a perfect marriage partner. She was supposed to be a haven for her husband to rest when he was tired and injured. Unexpectedly, Arcturus was so hard-hearted.

Arcturus is not the kind of person who will be bound to a woman or a family. He is an eagle, and neither heaven nor earth can restrain him. He never gets hurt and even when defeated he gets up again and again.

"Your Majesty, you have defeated the Protoss and Zerg. There is no one in this world who is more qualified to be called a hero than you." When Valerian walked up to Augustus, the latter was also looking at him. he.

Valerian was only 14 years old, but he was already tall and strong. By constantly tempering himself, Valerian has become the kind of successor his father expected: knowledgeable, quick-thinking, elegant and quick.

"Did your mother teach you this?" Augustus looked at his nephew with a smile.

Augustus was surprised to find that Valerian had grown into a reliable man without him noticing. When he was a child, his body was weak, his arms and legs were as thin as chopsticks, but now his whole body is covered with strong muscles.

In addition to receiving family education, Valerian is also studying politics and economics, and is able to skillfully use various firearms. This is partly due to Arcturus's rigorous education, and partly due to his dream of going out and making a living.

Valerian aspires to be a hero like his uncle Augustus.

"I think so." Valerian's eyes seemed to be sparkling: "I heard my father talk about you fighting aliens, but that was never mentioned in myths and epics. Hypocritical star spirit And the greedy zerg are the enemies of mankind!"

"The world is not just black and white. My child, if you want to be a king, you must rely on your own judgment to distinguish between friends and foes, turn enemies into friends, or kill someone with a borrowed knife." Augustus said to his nephew.

"No, I want to become an adventurer and archaeologist, and go to alien planets to excavate alien relics and rare mines." Valerian stood shyly and humbly like a child, but then he suddenly fell in love with Augustus. They were all kind and relaxed.

"What's so good about aliens and mines? As a member of the Mengsk family, you are born to engage in a great cause!" Arcturus on the other side frowned and shouted treason. He has been a wise man throughout his life, but I don't know how he gave birth to such a thing.

"Don't you think so at your age?" Augustus smiled.

"He has to go to Stillling Military Academy, and now is the time." Arcturus has always been arbitrary and decided the future of his children based on his own ideas, which is exactly the same as his father. Before he knew it, Arcturus had become the very man he had fought so hard against in his youth.

Stillling Officer Academy is the first military academy in the empire. The academies here come from various imperial territories. Most imperial officers choose to send their children to this school. This meant that if Valerian could successfully complete his studies, he would be able to make friends with future imperial generals.

As a member of the royal family, Valerian could inherit his father's title in the future. Even before he reached adulthood, he had already acquired a fief of his own.

"Arctors, you idiot! Valerian should decide for himself the path he should take in the future!" the princess said angrily.

Arcturus immediately showed his angry face, but facing the rare woman in the world who dared to slap him in the face, he actually didn't have much confidence. He and Juliana always quarreled about their son, and their relationship was very bad.

"That's enough, Arcturus. Augustus has just come back. This is a day worth celebrating." As soon as Catherine opened her mouth, Arcturus did not dare to say anything more. If it was his father who said this, at least he would never admit defeat, and his mother is the person Arcturus respects most in the world.

Catherine was proud of her children's achievements, but she was always worried about their safety. Because she was too worried about Augustus and worried that he would die on the battlefield, her mother became older and older because of her worry.

"Do you have any plans for yourself?" Augustus asked Valerian softly.

"I plan to complete my studies at Stillling Military Academy first, then join the Imperial Marines, and then go on adventures after retirement." Valerian replied.

Arcturus raised his chin with a victorious expression.

It can be seen that Valerian is following the example of his uncle and wants to walk the same path that Augustus once walked.

"Then do this." Augustus patted his nephew on the shoulder, and suddenly thought of something: "Where is Dorothy?"

"You just appointed her as the governor of Veridia Prime, and you just set off a few days ago." Catherine also sighed.

As their youngest child, Dorothy, grew older, she became more beautiful and stronger. Just like her brothers, Dorothy was a leader, resolute in her actions, and excellent with those who followed her.

Dorothy was not like an aristocratic lady, rather, she looked like a queen wherever she went.

"Well, I almost forgot about it." Augustus pressed his forehead with his hand: "I was always worried that Dorothy would be hurt, but later I realized that I could not protect her all my life. The essence Above, the Mengsk family all have similar personalities.”

"But in my memory, she is still that little girl. Dorothy really grew up when I was not paying attention." He said: "I really should have a daughter."

With that said, Augustus took Kerrigan's hand and walked in.

After a long time, Augustus once again had dinner with his family.

The highly irradiated environment of Kehal is not suitable for growing crops or raising livestock. Only hydroponic farms and food factories can provide synthetic food. Fresh food must be imported chilled, which is extremely expensive in Augustgrad.

To set an example, the royal family ate nothing more than soup made with dried mushrooms, assorted lettuce and sausages. Augustus cared little for plain food, and he could not have had much worse than this in his army.

Augustus was still very happy. This not harmonious but still warm family atmosphere was what he wanted to protect. He really hoped that thousands of imperial families could sit together like this when they went home.

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