StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 534 Royal Scientific Research Center

Augustgrad, Royal Scientific Research Center.

This is a domed building built entirely of new alloy steel, shaped like a ping pong ball with the top and bottom flat. The main body of the scientific research center is monotonous brown-gray and imperial red, with only the golden logo symbolizing the royal family shining in the harsh sunlight that has not been filtered by the atmosphere at Kohal noon.

The Royal Scientific Research Center is connected to a physics laboratory, equipped with high-energy particle accelerators and many detailed research equipment. The scientific research center and the underground part are divided into four floors. Each floor represents a research related to cutting-edge technology and represents the highest technological level of the Tyranids.

Only the most talented and trusted researchers can join the Royal Research Institute and devote their lives to the innovation of Tyran science and technology.

At the same time, the Royal Scientific Research Center is also the most heavily guarded research center in Augustgrad second only to the Royal Palace. The scientists within the scientific research center are mainly engaged in research on extraterrestrial civilizations.

Every scientist who can come here has been evaluated by the Terran Empire's top intelligence department and the OGB spy agency to ensure that they will not leak highly confidential research materials to the enemies of the empire.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, newcomer, don't try to touch the Xel'Naga stone."

Dr. Talise Cogan, who was immersed in recording research data, raised her head and spoke as fast as she could to a young researcher who had just joined the scientific research center.

It was a frizzy-looking young man with black hair, a middle-parted head, a high nose bridge, and a pair of alert eyes. He wears white overalls and is equipped with eyepieces, prosthetic eyes, and auxiliary mechanical limbs.

He was standing in front of a console about 5 feet high, with a black stone slab sealed by a square glass container. This slate is as black as a crow's feathers, without any reflection. Other than that, it looks ordinary.

This laboratory is very spacious. If it is used as a conference room, it can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time without feeling too crowded. There are a large number of cutting-edge optical and electronic equipment in this room alone. There are more than one such stone slab, and there are many void crystals that emit fluorescent green light, similar to bronze or organic meteorites, stacked on each operating table. Precious xel'naga relics abound.

All Xel'Naga relics came from the protective excavation work of imperial archaeologists, who evacuated Xel'Naga temples and city ruins one after another. Emperor Augustus believed that if science and technology were to develop, archeology must go hand in hand with the development of new technologies.

There are about thirty Imperial researchers in the laboratory. They are all historians, biologists, or scientists studying protoss technology. There are even scientists from the UED expeditionary force. After all, fighting for the righteousness of the Tyranids is also for the righteousness of mankind.

There are also a considerable number of UED computer experts, astrophysicists, nanoscientists and other talents that the Tyranids lack.

You know, although the Terran human military technology is very powerful, with huge battleships and advanced mechas, computer encryption and machine language are still stuck a few centuries ago.

The codes and functions used by the computers of the Tyranid Federation are still the supercomputer Atlas installed on the colonial carrier pilot ship Najirfa two hundred and fifty years ago. It has almost stagnated over the years.

The supercomputer Atlas was originally Earth's technology two and a half centuries ago, and the Tyranids' technology also originated from this supercomputer. This is why the Tyranids' human technology is so similar to that of Earth.

It is precisely because of this that the federal computer system is full of loopholes in front of the UED expeditionary force. To this end, the empire has also stepped up the innovation of information technology while strengthening national defense and security construction.

"What would happen otherwise, doctor, I want to know what happened to the person who did this." Hearing this, he retracted the hand he unconsciously stretched out: "This looks like a Mayan stone slab."

"Perhaps when you get up the next day, you will find that your eggs are still on the bed quietly. Isn't it interesting?" Dr. Talis didn't care much about this new companion and didn't even raise his head. .

More than a month ago, geneticist Talis Kogan was invited to work at the Royal Science Station. She previously worked at a leading research institute in Tarsonis until she lost her job due to the social unrest caused by the regime change.

Fortunately, top scientists like Dr. Talis don't have to worry about finding a new home. Not to mention that bioengineering has become increasingly important since the zerg and protoss first appeared on the public consciousness.

But after signing an extremely stringent confidentiality clause, Talis's first contact was not the research on alien creatures she imagined, but the more mysterious Xel'Naga. However, Xel'Naga is not the only research that Talis is engaged in. Zerg and Protoss physiology are also research topics she is responsible for.

Not only did the heavy work not overwhelm Talis, but it actually made Talis's fighting spirit high. The Royal Academy of Sciences and the Royal Scientific Research Center are the top research departments in the Tyran Empire. They can even be interviewed by the emperor, which is much more important than her original research institute.

In addition, Talis also has another identity, that is, she is the ex-wife of Bernard Hansen, the governor of the Imperial Agria Dominion, and the biological mother of Ariel Hansen.

Talis didn't care what those in power thought. She was willing to join the empire, partly because the imperial army rescued her daughter in Agria some time ago. Not only scientific researchers, but now the new empire is in urgent need of talents from all walks of life. Whether they are former federal researchers or private scholars, the empire will accept all comers.

"Okay, okay, I won't do anything to it." The young scientist who was observing the stone slab raised his hands and stepped back about 10 yards: "Very good, very mysterious alien technology, a certain A vicious witchcraft, damn it, I knew it would be like this."

"I never thought that a serious workaholic like you would make such a joke. Be careful to scare him, otherwise no one will come here in the future." At this time, a bald man came in and said: "I am The Imperial Chief Alien Research Chair, Hrek Branamur, is the general director of this scientific research center.”

"Welcome to the Royal Scientific Research Center, Mr. Warren Held, loyal to the emperor, loyal to the empire."

"Be loyal to the emperor, be loyal to the empire." Wald shook hands with Branamul:

"Hello, Chairman Branamul. I am Held, an expert in alien research. I was previously engaged in research on alien creatures, and I hope to learn ways to improve human genes."

"I received an invitation from the Royal Academy of Sciences. It is an official document signed by the emperor."

"Don't worry, the actual situation is not as serious as Dr. Cogan said." Branamour showed a thin smile: "Despite this, she definitely has good intentions."

"But if you stay too close to the Xel'Naga Stone or stay in the same room with it for too long, you will inevitably experience symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and general weakness, followed by severe insomnia and nightmares that alternate between dreaming and waking up." He went on to say:

"People with active minds will hear murmurs of unknown meaning, as if these slabs are dimensional pockets connected to another world."

"It sounds like a nuclear reactor that is constantly releasing huge amounts of radiation. It's incredible. What exactly is this stone slab? Is it an energy device of a prehistoric alien civilization or some kind of record carrier?" Held stared at the cloth. Ranamul.

According to what Held learned, the Xel'Naga were a prehistoric civilization that had been extremely glorious, and the protoss even called them gods and creators. Judging from all the research on the Xel'Naga ruins, this civilization's technology is indeed like a god to humans.

There are a total of more than twenty stone slabs of different sizes, some of which are only a few inches, like broken bricks chipped from the wall, and the largest one is ten feet long and five feet wide. Some are pitch black, while others are engraved with complex and beautiful patterns.

"The earliest is the Xel'Naga stone slab of Mar Sara. The secrets on it have not been revealed until now. X-rays, sound wave detectors, lasers and neutron beams cannot damage them." Bulana Moore said:

"Dr. Emil Narud speculates that this may be a stone tablet for Xel'Naga to enlighten later civilizations, so the text on it is set so that other races can easily understand it."

The Xel'Naga stone slab is shrouded in a hazy mystery and has the ability to connect to the void. The murmurs heard by the researchers may come from the Xel'Naga in the void.

For humans, this kind of babble that contains spiritual power is extremely difficult to bear. And now the void is also filled with the wrath of Amon, the God of Darkness. It would be strange not to go crazy if you listen to his rants every day.

"The Xel'Naga should at least teach humans what they define as 'easy'," Held said.

"Human beings have not yet reached the level of understanding." Branamul stroked the few strands of hair he had left.

"But Narud can read it. By reading the words on the stone tablet, we can further decipher the Xel'Naga language. This is a milestone in the field of Xel'Naga research." Dr. Talis finally finished her work He raised his head and said, "He is a genius among us. He has taken bioengineering a big step forward and defined the entire discipline of Xel'Naga research."

Xel'Naga scholar is still a novel title, and there are only a handful of people in the empire who can be rated as such, and Emil Narud is the undisputed founder of the field of Xel'Naga research.

"I have read the books published by Dr. Narud, and many of his articles have been included in the required reading subjects at Kehal University." Held affirmed, and then told Branamul, the director of the scientific research center. :

"When can I start my own work? In order to dissect living zerg and protoss, I also bring the matching knife and tweezers. For the future of mankind, someone must sacrifice their life."

"Is this why you joined the Royal Scientific Research Center?" Branamour asked.

"Yes." Held said matter-of-factly.

"As long as the application is approved, there are some farmed zerg for you to study. But not the protoss. The empire prohibits the study of living protoss." Branamul said in his heart that another madman has come: "This is for those who have slaughtered humans. Tal'darin protoss war criminals are not suitable, but these high-intoxicated Tal'darim are rare."

Most of the people in the Royal Scientific Research Center are scientific madmen who are arrogant about their talents. If they are not here for fame or fame, they are here to benefit from the empire's scientific research resources. In other words, they are basically extremely difficult people to deal with.

Moreover, there are also many former federal scientific researchers who were forced to engage in research work in federal scientific research stations. Their human parts and emotions have been erased by long-term, repressive, and inhumane experiments.

It has become difficult for these people to integrate into society and communicate with other people. As the director of a scientific research center, Branamul naturally has to deal with these people every day.

In addition, this small scientific research building is full of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, at least one Tal'darin Lord is imprisoned underground, and a fat brainworm is also raised. These two big men with high status in the clan are either addicted to terazine and live a fascinating life, or they just eat potato chips and drink Coke all day long.

If there were Kaimorian or Umoyan spies, they would be torn apart by the zerg in the pen or the angry Tal'darim protoss first.

"I think any creature other than humans does not fall within the scope of ethics and morality, and does not need any sympathy." Held nodded.

Branamur took a look at this harmless-looking young man and thought about what kind of position he should be assigned to.

The scientific research center is mainly engaged in the research of xel'naga, zerg and protoss technology, while the attached physics laboratory focuses on the nanometer field. Since the UED brought more advanced nanotechnology, the Empire's protoss allies have also provided some of their research results on this technology.

The Tyran Empire's nanotechnology has advanced by leaps and bounds in a very short period of time. Its application fields include military, medical, machine manufacturing and other fields. It has become a very promising subject in the empire.

"Everyone can find a suitable position here." Branamur has not yet decided. This scientific research center is currently short of people everywhere, and every project is also important.

"Chairman Branamor, the goods brought back by the army have arrived. It is up to you to name the emperor." At this time, a researcher walked in.

"Okay, Mr. Held, I'll send you an email later." Branamour looked at his watch and left in a hurry:

"Before that, you can go back to your room and rest."

Chairman Branamul hurriedly left after speaking. He knew the inside story. This so-called cargo was the four Xel'Naga artifact fragments that the Empire had seized from the Tal'darin Protoss. It only needs to add the fragment of the artifact that Korhal saved to reassemble it into a complete artifact, but that fragment is not preserved here.

"Will His Majesty come?" Branamour asked the researcher as he walked.

"If His Majesty is coming, we will know soon." The other party said.

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