StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 535 The Importance of Artifacts

The Royal Scientific Research Center is a multi-layered steel structure composite structure. The various laboratories, analysis platforms, control centers, and security centers connected by thousands of passage corridors and airlock doors are like a huge palace made of steel.

The scientific research center is more than just a building for scientific research. In addition to necessary living facilities, high-standard restaurants, opera houses, bars and even swimming pools are all available. True to form, Emperor Augustus fulfilled the promise he made to the scientists in his invitation.

Knowing the importance of the Xel'Naga artifact, Hrekbulanamuor walked hurriedly towards the internal elevator entrance, nodding frequently to the passing researchers of the scientific research center.

At this time, the passage leading to the top-floor hangar was lit with red light. Unauthorized personnel were strictly prohibited from entering and exiting, and violators could be punished with execution.

This is a common thing in the scientific research center. Due to the special functions and uses of the building, special planes transport precious cargo arriving every day. Most of the goods are alien creatures used for research and experiments, excavated protoss relics or Xel'Naga relics. In the past, Ursinodon, Kala Beast, Blue-crowned Deer and other products could be auctioned for high prices in Tarsonis. A large number of living organisms, such as Heteroscorpions, are not uncommon at the Royal Scientific Research Center.

Emperor Augustus had high hopes for the Royal Academy of Sciences and its affiliated scientific research centers. They were equipped with the most sophisticated equipment and equipment, and the experimental specimens were fully satisfied. The treatment for researchers was also unprecedentedly generous.

To put it bluntly, the emperor hoped that this top scientific research institution, which had spent a lot of money and used national resources to establish it, would produce results.

Scientists are inspired by the huge bone plates of the Thunder Beast to upgrade the armor of battleships and tanks. By stealing the advanced resource collection technology from the protoss, it can be applied to the empire's mines and gas refineries. Since UED brought nanotechnology to the earth, nano-recycled steel also emerged and was subsequently used in warship construction and medical treatment.

The emperor pointed out: Technology is the primary productive force. In addition to being used in the military, scientific and technological progress will also involve people's livelihood fields such as medical care and agriculture. Improve people's livelihood and benefit mankind.

Branammore is the director and director of the scientific research center, and he is well aware of the heavy burden he carries. Ever since the emperor called Branamul in front of him, he had provoked and showered him with courtesy, and bluntly said that science held the hope of protecting the future of mankind. They were the fearless pioneers at the edge of this terrifying, greedy, evil and dangerous universe.

Since then, Branamul has regarded fulfilling the emperor's great vision as his sacred mission.

There were only a few people who could enter the top floor. When he stepped out of the elevator, Branamur could only barely recognize a few experts who studied Xel'Naga technology. There may also be people engaged in spirituality, which is also a new discipline.

Psychiatry is related to psychology, but is much more mysterious because it is conducted by experts with psychic abilities. High-level psykers with mastery of telepathy can even kill silently through mental pressure, such as creating a seamless suicide.

Branammore didn't have much experience with these people, but he'd heard they could control your bladder, make it incontinent, and embarrass you in public.

Gradually, as Branamul got closer to the top hangar, there were more and more Imperial soldiers in the corridors. The security department of the scientific research center is not a private security guard, but the real Imperial Royal Guard. Each member of the Royal Guard was a battle-hardened veteran who had carried a gun with Emperor Augustus during the Revolution.

"Hello, Chairman Branamul." A scientist with a white beard came from the other side, followed by an AI-controlled widow mine.

"Hi, Daniel Rothfuss."

Branamul couldn't help but shrink his neck when he saw this mechanical foot with blade-like limbs moving as fast as the wind on the ground. Although this is just a mechanical pet, it is not equipped with small sentinel missiles.

As far as he knew, Daniel was an expert in computer information engineering and an outstanding astrophysicist, responsible for the network security work and AI programming of the scientific research center.

Although Daniel has never mentioned his past experiences, and his files have such high permissions that even the director of the scientific research center cannot access them, Branamul believes that the other party may be an Earthling.

After the defeat of the UED expeditionary force, the surviving members of the expeditionary force had only two choices, either to join the empire or to spend the rest of their lives in a closed prison world.

After realizing that the hope of returning to Earth was extremely slim, many UED soldiers and scientists believed that Earth had betrayed and abandoned them, and therefore decided to serve the rulers of the Tyranids.

"Dan, I heard that you have recently been engaged in reprogramming the intelligent program of the mechanical adjutant. How is the progress?" Branamour looked at the Widow Mine, which was about five feet taller than his height.

Branamul didn't know how much Daniel knew about the Xel'Naga artifact. Email notifications about artifacts are all issued by the palace office. He has no right to intervene, and he doesn't know any more than others. Therefore, he didn't ask any more questions.

"I have to say that the old federal adjutant is full of loopholes. For example, it's like using a basket to hold water." Daniel sighed:

"It seems that even a third-rate decryption expert in the garbage dump can decipher this metal waste. The Federation is simply running naked in front of the robbers wearing gold and silver jewelry."

"At least in the eyes of laymen like us, the security level of the Federation is still reliable." Branamul let out a dry laugh.

The computer security system of the Tyranid Federation may indeed be a joke in the eyes of the UED. No one knows whether the people on earth have been running wild in areas that the Tyranids have no knowledge of for more than two hundred years.

"In terms of AI, the Protoss and Umoyan people have done much better. Machines can accept many times more instructions than humans, and they are not at the same level in terms of speed and reliability." Daniel go on:

"The task the emperor gave me is to make his mechanical adjutant smarter, but not too smart."

However, although Dr. Daniel's identity always made Branamor suspicious, that did not prevent the two of them from becoming friends. Daniel is a very talkative person, and his words reflect his wise understanding and thinking about the world.

With that said, Branamir and Daniel have arrived at the top-level hangar with heavy military handles. Next to the hangar is a temporary warehouse for storing experimental materials, and above is a parking platform protected by an energy shield force field.

This giant circular flat-top building has a huge apron, which is enough to take off and land Hercules-class transport ships by virtue of electromagnetic accelerated ejection and interception tracks. The hangar below the apron is even larger, filled with military transport ships and low-Earth orbit shuttles. There are armed soldiers and automatic turrets everywhere, which shows how much the empire attaches to the Xel'Naga artifact.

About a dozen Imperial scientists in white uniforms were waiting here. By this time, those who can come here are the best of the best. Each of them is a top scientist in cutting-edge fields such as alien biology research, biomaterials, astrophysics, and nanomedicine in the Tyran Empire. They are masters and shining stars in their respective fields.

When they received the emperor's invitation, they may have been taking classes at Tarsonis University and other top institutions of higher learning famous in Koprulu, and all of them were master-level figures.

"Hi, Mr. Branammore, good morning." A short man in a white coat came over, his face that looked too young was full of embarrassment. In fact, Dr. Egon Steitmann had just bitten his tongue because he was so excited about drawing attention to himself.

"It's night time, kid," Dr. Daniel pointed out.

"Ah, I didn't notice it. I must have forgotten about it. Because of those collection robots, I barely slept in the past few days." Stetman opened his mouth and looked at Branamu blankly. you:

"You don't mind, do you?"

"How come? In this place where there is no sunlight, it is inevitable that black and white will be reversed. You don't have to worry about it. Dr. Stetman, the brain bug in the basement didn't bother you too much, did it?" Branamour did not dare to neglect.

Egon Stetman, who studied under Franks, is already an authority figure in the field of alien creature research, although he is still a minor, perhaps even under 14 years old.

The most important thing is that Stetman may not realize this at all. Just judging from the tilt of his research resources and other named care, Emperor Augustus is basically raising him as a son.

To be fair, Egon Steitmann is truly a genius. As early as two years ago, Stetman was able to assemble the robot from discarded parts found in the Port of the Dead garbage dump. Now, in addition to feeding brainworms in the basement of the scientific research center on a daily basis, Stetman is also engaged in research related to intelligent machinery.

The ground floor of the scientific research center is an engineering station, an armory, and an automated heavy factory that produces intelligent machinery. Dr. Egon Steitmann's work is related to intelligent machines. For example, his most proud achievement is a dangerous mechanical cassowary. I believe it won’t be long before Stetman can build his own mechanical hydralisk.

"Oh - that pig can always come up with new tricks for me. When I mention it, I really get angry." Stetman immediately complained loudly: "The last time it played a card game for the virtual singer It cost a total of one million, who knows how I got here in those days."

"When it was revealed, it actually said that it was just an insect after all, and what bad things could it do. At this time, it finally remembered that it was an insect." He roared:

"What else can I hope for from a brainworm who can only use his psychic powers to cheat when playing cards?"

In fact, according to the concept of brainworms, humans are considered bugs. However, the empire’s domestic brainworms only know how to advance and retreat.

"Doctor, you must have wasted a lot of effort." Branamour patted Stetman and was speechless for a moment.

The Empire's domestic brainworm is only a year and a half old, and admittedly, it looks like a child. However, the cunning of brainworms is by no means inferior to humans, and only people like Stetman with equally novel brain circuits can cope with it.

"The emperor has arrived." The first to arrive was the emperor's special plane.

The emperor had just returned to Augustgrad for a few days. He was very busy rebuilding Korhal and establishing the empire, and he even found time in his schedule for the Xel'Naga artifact.

It turned out that Branamul thought it might be Prince Arcturus, after all, the latter had come to the Royal Scientific Research Center many times to supervise.

"Thank you for your hard work." The emperor was still wearing military uniform when he got off the special plane, and he did not forget to return the greetings to the soldiers and scientists as he walked. As always, Queen Kerrigan always follows her husband.

An hour earlier, Augustus had just reviewed the imperial troops on the Red Star Square in Augustgrad. This grand military parade was so large that it took a whole day to complete.

"Hrek, I brought Xel'Naga artifact fragments. Two of them are used for research, and the others are to be sealed elsewhere." Augustus raised his head and gestured. Four royals wearing gold-red power armor The guard walked off the transport ship carrying a sarcophagus that glowed with blue copper light.

"Be careful, the Xel'Naga artifact is not an ordinary Xel'Naga relic."

"The assembled Xel'Naga artifact is a key to the void. In other words, it is Pandora's box." He warned Branamur and other scientists:

"Don't believe anything you see in the illusion, don't believe any voice you hear. If you notice any problem with your mental condition, you should report it to your psychiatrist and spiritual expert immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Branamur and other scientists around him immediately lowered their heads and said.

"The Xel'Naga artifact contains unimaginable energy. If used properly, it is the most terrifying weapon in the universe." Augustus finally said.

This is what Narud told Augustus - of course, this part of the information is basically true. To deceive people, it is best to weave a single lie out of countless truths.

Augustus knew that the Xel'Naga artifact was not just a weapon, or in other words, it was not a weapon from the beginning.

For Xel'Naga, information, energy and will are all one, which means they can transform entities into energy and energy into will. Everything in the universe, essence, matter, spirit, everything can be transformed.

In other words, the Xel'Naga artifact is theoretically omnipotent and has infinite possibilities. This is the artifact.

During the Battle of Wings of Freedom, Narud only slightly changed the Xel'Naga artifact, allowing it to directly destroy the Zerg at the DNA level. It was just because Narud wanted the Tyranids to regard the Xel'Naga artifact as a weapon and ignore its original purpose.

It is precisely with the Xel'Naga artifact that the Queen of Blades can be transformed into a human again.

As for Augustus, there is no need for him to use the Xel'Naga artifact now. But the Xel'Naga artifact is indeed an artifact for dealing with zerg, and can be used for emergencies.

The Xel'Naga had transformed the Zerg and also the Protoss. Since Nova Impact could deal with the Zerg, it was also designed to deal with the Protoss. (Refer to Narud's words in the official book "Flashpoint Hour": Xel'Naga once modified the protoss and zerg life forms on a large scale. For them, something that can destroy their DNA is of course a weapon. )

"You only need to get even a little inspiration from the Xel'Naga artifact, and mankind will benefit a lot." Augustus told the scientists.

Augustus did not expect these scientists to understand the Xel'Naga artifact, as long as they understood a little bit, it would be enough.

"We will spend our whole lives for your expectations." Branamur knew the weight of the emperor's words and made up his mind immediately.

"Okay, now take me to Tosh." Augustus finally said:

"There is still a debt to settle between me and him."

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