StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 536 The Big Three of Prisoners

The underground of the Augustgrad Royal Scientific Research Center houses the most vicious alien monsters in the universe, including insane half-mad protoss, ferocious and greedy zerg, and deformed infected people.

If some people think that these frightening monsters are already the most ferocious, violent, and evil alien creatures known to mankind so far, the three most terrifying cages are enough to make them burst into tears. Even the most absurd thriller writer would be unable to describe even a ten thousandth of such an abomination as if it were fear itself.

The cells used to hold these monsters are made of a fused alloy strengthened by Neo-Folsom Catalyst, making it harder than diamond. The wall is reinforced layer by layer and embedded with psychic isolation materials. According to the Imperial engineers who built it, it is more than enough to imprison the insect swarm master.

Regardless of whether this is true, at least it does not prevent the giants of the three races who are imprisoned in different cages from communicating through spiritual language.

"These abominable humans, Augustus Mengsk, blasphemers! When the day of reckoning comes, I will cut you to death with a thousand knives!"

The spiritual language containing the anger of the Tal'darin executive echoed in hundreds of large and small cages underground, making the wall lamps rattle, but the only response to him was the roar of monsters.

"Naon, your pathetic brain has been damaged by terazine. If you had worked less, you could have lived a few more days."

Prince of Blades Gabriel Tosh, who had just been captured by the Tyranids some time ago, was hammering sandbags in his single room. Listening to Naion's mental roar as if he was having a seizure, he was really unbearable to be disturbed.

"Since humans no longer provide you with adequate amounts of terazine, you've become even crazier."

Thousands of yards and layers of walls separate Tosh and Naion, but there is not much interference in the communication of spiritual language. This is not because the empire's psychic isolation facilities are defective, but because their psychic powers are too powerful.

Neon, who became increasingly crazier, never limited his intake of terazine, and his psychic powers increased day by day. The more sanity he lost, the more powerful he became.

Naion was recently imprisoned and was said to have been a protoss executive. However, Tosh never saw in him any of the noble qualities of his Aiel brethren, except for his fervent worship of the god.

"My God! I deserve death!" Naian ignored Tosh at all.

"Xel'Naga! God! Take me away! Take me away!"

"It's so pitiful that he can't be saved, Prince. Xingling. These sons of bitches, Xiao Bichi, went crazy because of fanaticism, and they went to final destruction because of their madness." On the other side, the deep spiritual language of Brainworm came from another The direction came.

There is a close psychic connection between the zerg, and Tosh can clearly sense the existence of the cerebrate.

He knows it.

It was the same newborn cerebrate that Tosh guarded when Char pupated and transformed into the Zerg Prince of Blades. At that time, this newborn brainworm was still very weak, and it was extremely obedient and complimentary to the master's beloved son.

Nowadays, the brainworm has not only become much more powerful and mature than before, but has also learned many curse words and vulgar local dialects used by humans.

In the era of the first generation of rulers, this brainworm used to obey Tosh's orders, but this is no longer the case now.

Its body had undergone changes that Tosh could not imagine. It was like a guy who was still wearing crotchless pants and holding a baby in his mouth. He learned to smoke, drink and perm his hair overnight. He wiped out all the gangsters in a neighborhood with a lollipop in his mouth. In the end, he became a Godfather.

The Cerebrate readily accepted the name given to him by humans, Alpha. This may indicate that it is only the first brainworm captured by humans. Accepting the name - This is tantamount to rebellion in the eyes of the zerg. Because only the master can give the brainworm a name, and doing so is equivalent to recognizing that humans are its masters.

Of course, Tosh didn't feel betrayed at all, nor was he angry. Tosh knew that he did not belong to the zerg, and he believed that his sense of belonging to the swarm was a fabrication.

"Nion's power ranks at the forefront among the many protoss heroes I have seen. He can even merge into a consul with his own strength." Tosh responded calmly.

"But he is still just a madman." Brainworm said: "The lifespan of a protoss is much longer than that of a human being, and he will continue to be mad until he becomes a super madman."

"And... boom! You know."

At this moment, Niang finally stopped roaring, and the spiritual communication between Tosh and the brainworm also stopped. Just like the previous exchanges, most of these exchanges are tests of the other party. They also have many doubts about each other and do not completely trust each other.

Since the death of the first Overlord, the tight hierarchical structure of the insect swarm collapsed. Cerebrates only take orders from their masters, and the new second-generation masters obviously cannot gain the approval of all the brainworms.

As it happens, neither Tosh nor the Cerebrates take orders from any one master anymore. Cerebrates cannot disobey their master's orders, and will never betray them. Therefore, internal disagreements will only end in verbal conflicts at most, and there is no possibility of civil war.

But once the brainworms lost their allegiance, their relationship changed subtly.

"How about some potato chips and Coke?" After a while, Brainworm asked again:

"I asked my servant to give it to you."

"No, thank you." Tosh expressed his gratitude.

"That's the best. I have always had a question: Prince, you are extremely powerful, how can humans hurt you?" said the brain worm: "Besides, after all, I am just a brain worm without the ability to defend myself, but you It’s different. You shouldn’t be trapped here at all.”

"I was just defeated by the protoss." Tosh responded briefly, and then asked, "I almost forgot how you were captured by humans."

"The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. It is not a crime of war." The brainworm's inner voice fluctuated. It seems that it has always been deeply ashamed:

"The protoss are endless, and my swarm is taking casualties every minute."

The brainworm's anger was just disguised, and it immediately changed its tone: "But that's not important at all."

"You were caught by humans on purpose just to save me." It laughed in a very humane way:

"No one here can trap you, so do it quickly. When I become the master of the swarm, the entire universe will be in our possession, and the swarm will devour the world."

Tosh knew that this brainworm might actually have the potential to become a master. Its psychic potential is so high that it has now grown to the point where Tosh has to be careful.

God knows what the Imperial humans gave this brain worm, or it was just that naturally gifted.

The brain worm actually knows how to lie down and taste the courage, and pretends to be addicted to wine and sex to paralyze the humans who control it. If you ask it if it wants Char, it's definitely not - maybe it's overacting.

".I'm not here to save you." Tosh was silent for a moment:

"I thought you were dead. Besides, if I really came to save you, there would be no need to go to such trouble."

"Are you kidding me!" Brainworm was furious.

"The Tosh family doesn't joke, they tell the truth," Tosh said.

".Is it really hopeless?" Brainworm was stunned.

"It's hopeless," Tosh said.

"It turns out you were really caught." Brainworm said, "If you can't beat me, won't you run away?"

"I'm here to pursue my ultimate destiny." Tosh said calmly: "That is death."

"Seeking death? Are you crazy too?" Brainworm was stunned.

Unless killed, brainworms are almost immortal. Their cells renew quickly but do not age, and they can live for a long, long time.

"Oh, what nonsense am I talking to you about? I'm going to finish the book and we'll talk later." The brainworm cursed and withdrew his psychic connection: "If you have any good ideas for escaping, you'd better tell me."

Tosh was speechless. A brainworm turned out to be more human than himself.

The zerg infection also acted on a genetic level, distorting Tosh's mind and erasing all of his humanity. Many times, Tosh fought against countless cruel and evil thoughts in his mind. Although he was not successful every time, he never gave up the fight.

Finally, Tosh's side became quiet again. The sharp roars of monsters were heard all the time in the underground prison, making the prison once again eerie and terrifying.

He looked around his room, feeling slightly reassured.

It's more like a comfortable hotel than a prison. This single room is large and has a single bed, a holographic projection TV, a sofa and a set of tables and chairs. It can be seen that although the Empire is wary of Tosh's power, it still treats him as a human rather than a zerg.

Tosh had dreamed of this scenario countless times when he was a kid in the ghetto, but now he couldn't find any interest in it. As a highly modified creature, Tosh has no need for lust that can only be a liability.

At this time, Tosh's keen psychic intuition noticed that a group of people were walking into this underground prison. There were so many of them, it seemed that high-ranking officials from the empire had arrived. -Tosh could almost smell Augustus Mengsk.

But these people did not approach here, but talked to Tosh through the holographic projection TV.

"The noble Emperor Augustus I, His Majesty Mengsk." Tosh soon met the emperor of the empire.

The emperor in the holographic projection screen is at the best age of his life, energetic and confident. He had a handsome face and a stern look, just like the first Augustus.

Looking at Augustus's heroic appearance, Tosh felt a little jealous, but this emotion was fleeting.

Augustus Mengsk has always been a figure extremely distant from Tosh. He had heard about this revolutionary hero of the Tyranids for a long time and heard about his many great achievements.

Tosh was born in the slums and was born humble, but God wanted him to become a nightmare. Augustus was born into a noble family and seemed to be born to shine.

"Hello, Gabriel Tosh." Augustus nodded to Tosh as a greeting. The Emperor was surrounded by Royal Guardsmen, their retractable visors reflecting the brilliant cobalt blue light.

Augustus had a lot of grudges with Tosh. He once tried to save Tosh before he turned into a zerg, but when he knew that the matter was irreversible, he decisively ordered to prevent further trouble.

Of course Tosh hated Augustus, indeed, he hated everyone. But Tosh hated himself even more.

"In my eyes, you are just a child." Augustus looked at Tosh, his voice sincere and sincere: "I have seen your appearance in the past, and I know that this appearance is not what you want now."

"I know that you have been trying your best to restrain the desire to kill. This is more difficult than saving others." He said:

"Tosh, I have no doubt that you have a good heart."

"." Tosh felt a little touched in his heart and wanted to ask Augustus why he was so confident in himself.

"Do you know why I attack the human world?" After a long time, he suddenly said.

"I hope you can clear up my doubts." Augustus nodded.

"When I was created, the Lord gave me a great mission - to save the Zerg." Tosh said: "But I don't know how to save it."

"I don't know what kind of disaster the zerg will face. Frankly speaking, I don't want to care about it at all. However, the task of saving the swarm is still deeply rooted in my heart and controls my thinking. , making me unbeatable." He said:

"At the same time, there is always a voice in the darkness, asking me to obey him and do his bidding."

"I'm here to die, Mengsk, I can't stand it anymore. I am Gabriel Tosh, and I don't want to be someone else's puppet."

"I believe you." Augustus said seriously: "I can understand."

Those words actually made Tosh believe that the other party really understood.

Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a neighing sound from the brainworm Alpha.

"What's going on with that brainworm?" The emperor's expression remained unchanged: "Aigon, what is it talking about?"

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I haven't learned the insect language yet." The young scholar wearing a white research uniform beside him shook his head and said cautiously in a tentative tone:

"I think you are either scolding your father or your mother. Your Majesty, I can't think of the second possibility." Ai Gong rolled his eyes:

"Well, I'm guessing. But that's probably the case. Alpha will definitely yell if he loses the game."

"Okay, tell it, if it doesn't quiet down, I will have no choice but to disconnect it." Augustus ordered.

Then, Augustus looked at Tosh again.

"Tosh, I want you to believe me. I have a way to save you." His cold gray eyes stared at Tosh: "The idea of ​​​​removing the infection has been found, but it requires a long time of preparation."

"Can you change me back to my past appearance? Back to a human being." Tosh couldn't believe it.

"Yes, turn back into a human." Augustus looked at Tosh: "It can be done using Xel'Naga technology, but there may be some sequelae. For example, leaving a head of snake hair."

Tosh showed an extremely ugly smile: "How should I trust you? Or are you just trying to find an excuse for me to willingly cooperate with your scientists to torture me in inhuman ways?"

"Whether you believe it or not, this is your only chance." Augustus also smiled.

"." Tosh was silent for a while: "So, what benefits does this matter have to you?"

"You could have just killed me."

“When enemies become friends, the empire becomes stronger,” said Augustus.

"You're human, that's enough."

It's late today, and I may have to wait until the morning to update tomorrow.

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