StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 537 Are you using this to test the brainworm?

Gabriel Tosh's thorny blue-grey face slowly dimmed on the holographic projection screen in the main control room, and his words with a thick Jamaican accent spoke to Augustus who was standing there. Some inspiration.

There is no doubt that Augustus just made Tosh an offer that the other party could not refuse. However, regardless of whether Tosh believed Augustus's side of the story, Augustus also believed that Tosh, who was greatly affected by the Zerg, might not want to turn back into a human at all.

As Tosh himself said, his mind has been reshaped by the Overmind, and loyalty to the swarm to save the swarm is everything. For the swarm, individual personality and appeals are not important - although the Overlord retained his personal psychic potential and other excellent traits of his character when he ordered the evolution master Abathur to transform Gabriel.

Never underestimate the impact of Zerg transformation on a person. This kind of distortion and reshaping is very thorough. The transformed ones will only think with the concepts and values ​​​​of the zerg. Regardless of conspiracy, massacre, and betrayal, they will not be bound by human ethics and morality, but only follow the instinct of the swarm to survive and continue to develop.

From a human perspective, it is of course extremely cruel and dark.

The original Gabriel Tosh is definitely a person worth getting to know deeply. His philosophy is to repay hatred and repay kindness.

Tosh was deeply influenced by the Haji Voodoo sect and his late grandmother, which together shaped his unique way of thinking and behaving. Gabriel Tosh loved his grandmother so much that he imitated her behavior.

Tosh was not an anarchist until his experience at the Tyranid Ghost Academy completely changed him. Tosh once believed that even if the means were unclean and immoral, as long as the final result pointed to justice and could protect the people of the empire, there was nothing wrong with it.

This is exactly the epitome of Tosh's life.

You can't say that Gabriel Tosh is necessarily as upright as Jim Raynor. There are countless differences between them. But you just need to understand that when there is trouble, Tosh must be the first to lend a helping hand.

But it's hard to tell about the current Tosh. He and the one in Augustus' impression are basically two different people.

What Tosh said to Augustus just now may not be true. He may really just want to die, but in that case why not go directly to the protoss or plunge into the stars and find humans instead.

Perhaps Tosh had been controlled by Eamonn for a long time, or had been unintentionally influenced by him subtly. Tosh must have had some other agenda, but Augustus didn't know it yet.

It is true that Augustus can call Narud now and ask him to assemble the Xel'Naga artifact and adjust the mode to clear Tosh's infection and turn him back into a human. But you must know that, taking the Queen of Blades as an example, when Tosh is purified, the energy he possesses will be transformed and used to pull Xel'Nagaemon's will in the void back to the real universe.

The most direct result is that Eamon, who has obtained this energy, will have an increasingly stronger impact on the real world. Therefore, Augustus had no intention of purifying Tosh now unless he was fully prepared to defeat Aemon.

So Augustus asked Tosh to wait for a while. It is feasible to lock up Tosh to prevent this terrible unstable factor from causing trouble everywhere in the Tyranid Empire.

This is why Augustus has such complicated emotions for Tosh. Killing Tosh directly is actually the best choice, but he is not sure whether he can be resurrected like the brainworm. And Augustus was not sure whether the person appointed by Xel'Nagaurus to save the world was Sarah Kerrigan or the Queen of Blades.

If so, removing the influence of the zerg on Tosh and making him one of our own would be the best option.

Augustus will wait and see what happens next for Tosh.

"Transfer Tosh to the prison ship Moros, which is cruising in the Sigma sector, and keep him under strict supervision." When Augustus was thinking, no one around him dared to disturb him.

"The Moros is equipped with the most advanced jump engine and can make uninterrupted time jumps. Even if something happens, it will not endanger civilians."

Moros is a highly maneuverable super-giant Imperial prison ship equipped with a powerful warp drive that can jump between galaxies at extremely high frequencies.

This prison ship was built to a larger scale than a Behemoth-class battlecruiser and was guarded by elite Imperial soldiers. The Moros was not built to impose a reign of oppression and terror, but was primarily used to hold the highest-level prisoners.

"Let Warfield do this and tell him there will be no room for error." Augustus took a few steps in the main control center and said:

"Okay, that's it."

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied an accompanying Royal Guard officer.

"Are you worried that Tosh can't be trapped here?" Queen Sarah Kerrigan next to her said knowingly.

"When he was caught, Tosh showed no resistance at all, which proves that he wanted to die." Augustus nodded: "But Tosh is still very dangerous, and the supernatural power he possesses has exceeded ours. Cognition. Human beings have very limited resistance to psychic power, and ordinary ghost agents cannot be Tosh's opponent at all."

"Augustgrad is only under construction now, but in the future it will be a densely populated empire center. If Tosh loses control, it will inevitably cause heavy casualties and cause panic."

There are also Dark Templar warriors left behind in the scientific research center, who were left behind by Zeratul when he visited Augustus. At this point, I am afraid that even Augustus is not sure about the specific number of Dark Templar warriors in the Tyranids.

For a higher ideal, the Dark Templar volunteered to guard the dangerous Prince of Blades, willing to merge into a Dark Archon to seal him away if necessary. But by then, the city center of Augustgrad may be in ruins. The scientific research center was not originally designed to imprison Tosh.

In the entire Tyran Empire, there is no prison with a security level high enough to hold Tosh.

"Tassadar and Zeratul can defeat Tosh together," Kerrigan said. "You really have foresight."

"They are the only ones left." Augustus hummed: "I have to ask Archbishop Tassadar to send his high-ranking templars to help us guard Tosh. I believe they will lend a helping hand."

"Also, imprison that Tal'darin executive officer Niang on the Moros."

Initially, everyone thought Neon was dead, even the protoss, but he survived the destruction of the Tal'darim mothership and was saved by the Dark Templar's space-time technology.

Prior to this, Niang had drained an entire mothership of Tal'darin protoss, and now he has completely turned into a deranged madman.

Augustus doesn't know what the use of keeping this guy is yet, but he thinks it has a lot of scientific research value. If it doesn't work, it can be used to generate electricity.

"Your Majesty." Egon Stetmann, who was standing aside, suddenly shouted at this moment, but then he regretted his actions.

"Very well, Aigon, do you have anything else to add?" Augustus immediately looked at Steitmann.

"Uh, supplement, no supplement!" Aigon opened his eyes wide and was sweating from being too nervous. He stammered to Augustus:

"Your Majesty, should you imprison that lazy brainworm on the Moros?" He organized his words: "That brainworm is also very dangerous and terrifying. If it suddenly goes berserk, there will be trouble. Big.”

"The brainworm is not aggressive, and the swarm is its claws and teeth. Without the swarm around, it is just a fat white worm," Kerrigan said.

According to human assessment levels, Tal'darin Protoss Executive Neon, Prince of Blades Gabriel Tosh, and Imperial Domestic Cerebrate Alpha are currently above level 10. And further up, it becomes difficult to divide.

Generally speaking, 8th level human psykers are very rare, and some of them often gain some supernatural abilities. But compared to the former, human psychic energy is still very weak.

However, despite their extremely powerful psychic powers, Cerebrates have no ability to defend themselves, let alone cause terrible damage on their own. Because the Master did not give it such an ability when it first created the brainworm.

In comparison, the later mothers of the swarm were obviously much more comprehensive.

"Your Majesty the Queen, you must be deceived by its appearance." Stetman did not notice that his voice suddenly became sharper: "Brainworms are the embodiment of evil. They were created to destroy."

"What's wrong with you?" Augustus glanced at Stetman, thought about it and said, "Okay, I will consider changing your job."

"Switch the surveillance sensor screen to the Alpha brainworm and take a look."

"Oh, I beg you not to do that." Stetman covered his eyes.

"Okay! My Kela Velez, I want to buy you a new little dress! Boo-boo--"

(Kyla Velassi, a female star. If you pay attention to the scrolling subtitles below UNN News, you will notice her story, and this is the person printed on Tychus Finley's armor. Of course, she is now Just a child star.)

I saw a fat 400-pound brainworm lying on its side on the sofa, watching TV while holding a spoon for stirring black tea with the tip of its flexible tail. It was so fat that it looked like a ball of soft white flesh sunk into the sofa.

There was a smashed game console next to the sofa, and he didn't know what had just happened.

The brainworm's room is huge and luxuriously decorated. It can't be called a prison at all. People whose scalps are numb after being sprayed by brainworms on the Internet would never imagine this scene, just as you can't guess whether the person fighting the storm with you is a brainworm.

"Still chasing stars?" Augustus was silent for a few seconds.

"Occasionally chase. Of course, it also chases TV dramas and electronic novels." Stetman said: "Alpha learns everything very quickly, and human knowledge cannot defeat it at all. You may not have thought that this brainworm is proficient in mechanics. ——Can also repair tanks.”

"He is also a writer and has published several books under the pseudonym of Swarm Master."

"...I've heard about it." Augustus had long heard that the brainworm had caused many things in the past year. Although the brainworm spends most of its time consuming excessive amounts of fried food, it's not entirely absent from its business.

"What else has it been written about?"

"The Death of the Black Goat in the Forest, a book that explores philosophy and human nature. Alpha Takes You to the Zerg, a detailed book on the physiology of the Zerg... Lord of the Swarm - a self-pleasure novel with the utmost obscenity, It tells the story of an abandoned son of an insect swarm who created an insect mother to travel and conquer another world. I have to say, I have never seen such a shameless author."

"... I've heard a little about it." Augustus shrugged: "And, as far as I know, it's selling well."

To be honest, brainworms have no gender. But this brainworm prefers female humans and has a unique aesthetic. This may be related to the gender of the first human it comes into contact with.

"Brainworm used the account and publishing income you gave it to enter the New Gettysburg Financial Street in Tarsonis, and its principal increased a thousand times in one year. Now it has entered the film and television industry, and that Keira Velez That’s it,” Steitman gushed.

Augustus nodded and added: "Taxes must be collected as usual."

"Huh?" At this moment, the brainworm realized that someone was looking at it.

The brainworm has learned many things from humans, including flattery: "The Dog Emperor!"

Of course, if Augustus angered it, he would definitely say "Emperor".

"Did you bully Ai Gong again?" The emperor was not angry and just asked it.

"Sue me again!" Brainworm glared at his almost non-existent eyes: "Steitman, just wait, I will tear down Gary later."

"Don't cause any trouble for me." Augustus also glared at the brainworm. This brainworm has been around humans for so long, but he has learned nothing good, not one of the seven virtues, and not one of the seven deadly sins.

"According to the agreement between you and me, you are now free - now you are also a citizen of the Empire. From now on, I recruit you to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Empire's Cerberus swarm army, general general, grand marshal, and corresponding housekeepers. residence and general uniform."

"This is what you said, the Emperor Ninth Five-Year-Old is true to his words." Brain Worm stood up like a carp and raised his non-existent neck: "I thought you were just perfunctory. Is this true? General Brain Worm!"

"The premise is that you cannot appear in public easily, and the number of zerg groups under your command must also be strictly limited. Expansion can only occur during war." Augustus replied:

"Now you understand the rules and order in human society, and are not just an ordinary zerg. It is even said that you know how to behave better than humans."

If the brainworm is raised well, it will still be alive and well thousands of years later.

"This is not difficult to do." Brainworm said: "Compared to many of you, I am more human. Moreover, I really don't eat people, nor do I suck human brains."

"Wise choice, you also know that as long as the Prince of Blades or the current master is still alive, you have no chance to become the new swarm master. In other words, the only one you can rely on is us." Augustus said:

"And if we unite with the protoss to kill them all, you will be the new master."

"Emperor of the Tyran Empire, Emperor Augustus I, ruler of the Koprulu Sector. Divine monarchy, imperial power and destiny." Brainworm shouted.

"You're welcome, I am the Dog Emperor." Augustus snorted.

The cerebrum of the Tyranids, Lord of Cerberus, and the future master of the swarm.

A huge troll.

A little stuck, but not a big problem.

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