StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 538 Lieutenant General Stukov

By early spring in March, the sunlight in Augustgrad was still harsh and dazzling. The first wind of spring brings a sky-shrouding sandstorm in the radiation desert instead of the abundant water vapor as expected. This wind is no longer gentle and gentle, and people who lack protection will suffer from terrible skin diseases if they touch it. Inhalation will cause burns to the respiratory tract.

The city that is still under construction is shrouded in thick red clouds all day long, with extremely low visibility, so the lights are still on as usual. In the gloomy haze, the star of Augustgrad shines, which is a nuclear power station, a metallurgical factory and an airport signal tower.

This latitude of Korhal IV was once a paradise on earth with smooth weather, but since the nuclear attack turned the entire sea into a desert, the rainfall has also dropped sharply, and the occasional rainfall also contains excessive radiation. The land is no longer suitable for cultivation, and food depends on imports. Only ecological plantations still cultivate hydroponic vegetables and feed livestock with grains.

As the Terran Empire government announces the introduction of more effective nuclear radiation purification technology, the environment of Korhal IV will be further improved, but the legacy of nuclear war is still inevitable.

Although Korhal no longer has the beautiful environment and high development index that attracted immigrants in the past, she still became the most popular immigration candidate at the beginning of the century when the federal and imperial regimes alternated.

Immigrants from all over the world come to Korhal every day. Their origins and occupations are of course very different, and their purposes are also different. Some are just forced by life, and some are for dreams. Some people bid farewell to the endless wheat fields in their hometowns and sailed alone on the interstellar merchant fleet, while others took their families with them.

Korhal IV is full of opportunities, just because she is the capital of the Tyran Empire, the hometown of the emperor. The most visionary and adventurous among Tarsonis' celebrities responded to the Emperor's call immediately, and almost all the large inter-system enterprises of the Old Federation set up headquarters and introduced factories in Augustgrad.

As the political center of the Tyranid Empire, Korha Augustgrad is naturally a new stage for politicians and careerists. Whether they are a circus clown or a prestigious planetary councilor, they all aspire to gain the favor of the emperor and rise to the top in the palace.

Emperor Augustus only asked about ability and not where he came from. Even the rats in the slums had a chance to soar into the sky. The Emperor was once a member of the founding family of the Federation, but what he is doing now is what a true revolutionary is doing. He is considerate of the people, cares about their livelihood, and requires the officials of the empire to do the same.

"Look at those people, look at their gestures and expressions walking on the streets of Augustgrad, you can see panic, blindness and novelty. I can't guarantee that these people have hope, but I really hope they Hope can be found here.”

At a window on the second floor of a newly opened restaurant in the center of Augustgrad, Imperial Emperor Augustus was pointing out the window while facing the former UED expeditionary force commander Ali who was wearing a casual black suit. Lieutenant General Kshe Stokov said.

This is a new restaurant - all buildings in Augustgrad are new, new complex, new residents, new life.

The decoration style of the restaurant is not luxurious. The whitewashed walls are covered with rose pattern wallpaper. The chandeliers on the ceiling cast warm light. The mirrors on the panels and the reflections from the windows overlap to create countless light and shadows.

This restaurant is run by a couple from the slums of Tarsonis. If it weren't for the subsidies and various exemptions provided by the empire's economic recovery policy, the couple would not be able to afford this store even if they spent all their savings over twenty years. .

After the establishment of the empire, all kinds of unreasonable exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes during the old federal period were also eliminated. The government encouraged the people to set up industries and established new pillar industries based on local characteristics. The old aristocratic system and privileged classes were also completely abolished.

The burdens that had weighed heavily on the people of the empire in the past have been lifted, and the economy has recovered much faster than the empire expected. It can be seen that the endless exploitation and oppression of the federation has long made the people breathless, and such a backlash has been expected.

Therefore, they are also sincerely grateful for everything the empire has brought to them.

Outside the window is the Augustgrad Central Park under construction. At this time, the park has just begun to take shape and is still a bare reinforced concrete foundation. Construction workers are laying layers of pebbles on the fountain pool and planting imported soil on the flower beds.

The Korhal people have always remembered the suffering that the Federation had brought them. Therefore, in addition to a golden statue of Emperor Augustus and the wolf, there is also a monument in the park with a sentence from Augustus himself: No matter what Whoever the enemy is, we will never, never, never surrender.

Further away is the Augustgrad Palace and the central building, which are beginning to take shape. The tall buildings are connected by countless corridors and stairs. The erected glass curtain walls are like a sparkling canopy, and the spires are made of alloy and steel. Glittering with gold and silver.

As it is close to the wide Königsallee and the August Graebennet Airport, you can see immigrants who have just disembarked from the airport every once in a while.

They are all legal immigrants, and there are no shady people sneaking into Augustgrad.

The radiant desert beyond Augustgrad stretches for twenty thousand miles and is dotted with dry rivers, dead forests, and bottomless craters. Creatures such as mutated Korhar scorpions, shale dogs, and Korhar wolves live in the wild, and they are very dangerous.

If any illegal immigrants land in the endless radiation wasteland outside the city, they will surely die unless they get help from the imperial scientific research station and border outpost.

Most of the immigrants who came to Augustgrad on this day were from Urthos III. One of the most striking features is that although the Urthos people dressed in shabby clothes and looked like refugees, the men and women They all wore berets, but their way of speaking and their eyes were fierce and dangerous. The residents of Ultos are all physically strong, and their main occupations are mercenaries and miners.

"Hope. The Ultos people. Their homeland has been almost completely destroyed in the war." Stukov can recognize the Ultos people's iconic attire and special silver gear badge. In the past wars, Ultos was once a nightmare for UED soldiers.

Ultos was one of the few Federation worlds that did not surrender to the UED, and they fought unyieldingly until the Terran Empire's navy arrived.

According to statistics, there have been at least two large-scale wars on the moon of Ultus. The wars that broke out between the two sides were so fierce and bloody that thousands of people died in the tragic battles, so that this world was called Ultus Meat Grinder.

And although the people of Ultos would never surrender to the rule of the UED, the Terran Empire's troops immediately surrendered when they arrived. This was somewhat disappointing to Edmund Duke, the general who was ordered to recover the empire, because he had already prepared for a big fight with the Ultus people.

The rich mineral resources on the satellite were the key to triggering the war, and in the end, the confused UED commander began to wonder whether the loss of troops invested was far greater than the gain.

During the Earth Federation's invasion war, the core world of the Tyranid Federation basically did not put up much resistance. On the contrary, the edge worlds that were alienated from the federal government continued to resist.

"Thank you for your contribution." There was not much expression on Augustus' face: ""So many people who lost their homes in the war will find their final destination in Kehal. I don't know whether to be happy or happy. It's time to be sad. "

"I love my people." Augustus said as if to himself: "The Mengsk family has been protected by Korhal for generations."

"I will not excuse my crimes." Lieutenant General Stukov has lost much weight compared to before, and the protruding bones can be seen on his cheeks. But Stukov's beard and hair were well taken care of, so they were not unkempt.

There was some food on the table in front of him, including a plate of sliced ​​baguettes, a green salad, and mushroom soup. As a specialty of Augustgrad recently, roasted potatoes with Skale meat. , a livestock native to Umoyan).

However, considering the magnetic handcuffs on Stukov's hands, he really had no way to enjoy the food in front of him.

As of today, Stukov has been in prison for more than half a year. He committed crimes in dangerous mines with the labor camp and almost died there. Stukov begged Augustus to give him closure, but the latter obviously did not want to do that.

At this time, the noise outside the restaurant became louder again. Both Stukov and Augustus could see large groups of immigrants leaving in buses, and could see the sorrow or expectation on these people's faces.

But in Augustgrad, at least they don't have to worry about work. Nowadays, people are needed everywhere in Korhal, and housing will be allocated to skilled workers, while housing prices for builders are also restricted very low.

Not only the Ultus people, but also the Black Sith people wearing thick velvet hats and bearskin coats could be seen in the crowd.

The Black Sith have been destroyed by the protoss, but not all the Black Sith people died in this catastrophe. About thousands of them narrowly escaped in aircraft.

In recent times, Blackxis has been re-included within the scope of the Tyranid Empire's colonial planets, because the bombing of the protoss caused some benign changes to the minerals of the planet.

And even if the Tyranid Empire does not declare its sovereignty over Blackxis, civilian mining guilds will soon swarm over. Without government management, Blackheath will surely become a lawless place harboring filth and evil like other remote mining planets.

Suddenly, the crowd became commotion, and a huge white bear was seen flying through the crowd quickly. This is a Braxis bear-toothed beast with thick white fur and a terrifyingly large mouth.

This bear-toothed beast was more than ten feet tall, and it looked like it was only a young individual. In comparison, the young girl wearing a cold-colored militia uniform riding on its back was even more eye-catching. She has long, light blond, almost white hair, and carries an SR Torrent shotgun behind her back.

After that, a number of Augustgrad city policemen riding vultures roared over the crowd.

Augustus and Stukov looked at each other and fell silent.

"What's going on?" Augustus looked at Faraday next to him.

"Still contacting the police station." Faraday walked to the emperor's side and whispered.

"Tell them, if they still can't control a weak girl, they don't have to come back to see me." Augustus thought for a while, then added: "Don't hurt her!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Faraday left in a hurry.

"She is no ordinary person who can tame a beast." Stukov said after being silent for a moment.

"You mean she might have psychic powers?" Augustus tapped his fingers on the table.

"As far as the current research is concerned, profiling (the ability to obtain information about others by touching their belongings, Pierce has this ability), fire control, mind blast, and precognition are all very powerful and rare abilities. A man named Leo’s child (lio travski) has the gift of communicating with machines, but no one has ever been recorded as being able to communicate with animals.” He thought again:

"If this child controls this beast through mind control, then her psychic level is at least level 8 or above."

"Tanya." Augustus called.

"You're going to do this."

A ghostly female figure wearing a black tights and a royal guard badge appeared next to Augustus, carrying two single swords on her back.

A member of the Royal Guard once said that if someone jumped within a hundred yards of the emperor, he would be picked up by a dense crowd of ghost agents.

"Supernatural power - controlling people's hearts or doing the opposite can subvert a powerful regime, because such power is not limited by the laws of physics." Stukov looked at Augustus and remained silent. For a long time:

"This is the talent of the Tyranids, and this talent will only get stronger and stronger. If the people on earth do not relax the restrictions on psychic powers, they will suffer a big loss sooner or later. But how can you control these powerful psychics, unless You have more power than them, how can these people be convinced?"

Stukov knew the strength of the Earth. Previously, he was more worried about the Zerg and the Protoss. It was not until he was defeated by Augustus that he decided that the Tyranids might also threaten the Earth. Tyranid humans are still very weak, but their potential is unlimited.

And Stukov knew that the Tyranids now had a hero.

The Tyranids are good at learning, and the protoss, zerg, and xel'naga are all their teachers. The current Earth Federation has not taken the Tyranids seriously yet, but who knows what will happen in one hundred or two hundred years.

Everyone can see that the Tyranids Empire will only be more powerful than the Tyranids Federation, not to mention that the Tyranids Empire also has the powerful Protoss Empire as an ally.

"The earth should indeed worry about its own safety." Augustus did not answer Stukov's question:

"I have seen the green mountains and green waters of the earth, and the beauty of Korhal in the past should be no less beautiful."

"In addition to the zerg, there are other races in this universe that are purely malicious to humans. They despise humans as we despise ants. Their ultimate goal must be to destroy all humans, and the earth is certainly among them." Augustus explain:

"Both the zerg and the protoss have learned the coordinates of the earth, but the council has no idea until now. If you were the master, what would you do?"

Stukov knew the answer: "If the Tyranids cannot resist the swarm, Earth will be their next target."

This brainworm is the one responsible for protecting the Queen of Blades' cocoon in the Zerg campaign of StarCraft. It also appears in the official book "Queen of Blades". Therefore, this player character does exist in the plot.

There is this sentence in the introduction of the Zerg Soccer map in StarCraft I.

Most people assume that the Zerg are a malicious species with no sense of humor or fun. While they are quite malicious, some Cerebrates have demonstrated both humor and a desire for pure recreation.

Most people think of the zerg as vicious, humorless creatures. While they are certainly vicious, some cerebrates also exhibit humor and a desire for pure entertainment.

This is also the source of my inspiration for this character. Yes, he is a fun-loving bad guy.

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