StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 539 Recruiting and Recruiting

"You have always been the Earthling I admire most, Stukov. Among the many commanders of the UED expeditionary force, there are only a handful of people with brains. You must be one of them."

Augustus took over Stukov's words and said: "I don't think there is any need for the Tyranids and the Earthlings to fight to the death. There is a full 60,000 light years between us, but the enemy who will eventually devour the world is very close. So close.”

To be fair, Augustus is inclined to live peacefully with the Earth Federation until he obtains more information and fully assesses its strength.

At present, the Earth side has not received news that the UED expeditionary force has been defeated, and the situation may not be clear for a long time. Even if it is known that the expeditionary force has been defeated, the Council cannot know the cause of defeat.

Since then, the Earth has inevitably turned its back on the colony issue in the Koprulu sector. If the expeditionary force failed at the best time to invade when both the protoss and the zerg were harmed, then there would be little hope for the subsequent expedition plan.

So much manpower, material and financial resources were wasted, so many lives of Earth Federation soldiers were wasted, and not even a splash was seen when it was smashed out.

Judging from the intelligence obtained by Augustus, the colonies of the solar system empire centered on the earth are not monolithic. If the rulers of the earth resort to militarism, internal conflicts will not be so easy to deal with.

At least within ten years, Augustus will not need to deal with the earth.

"Do you want me to convey the Terran Empire's friendly diplomatic attitude to the Council?" Stukov did not recognize the so-called Emperor of the Tyranids. In the final analysis, the Mengsk family were just self-appointed rulers.

He was just a prisoner of others, but he still did not give up his dignity.

In general, it is not difficult to understand that the civilization of colonies too far away from the earth has regressed. In remote star areas, religions that had been eradicated from the earth immediately resurrected. The ancestors of those extraordinary figures who claimed to be kings, emperors, grand dukes, and presidents of the Republic could even be traced back three generations to a group of bandits who occupied the mountains and became kings. .

The Mengsk family and the entire Terran human race are nothing but the descendants of criminals. Their ancestors are just a group of modified humans who illegally used genetic drugs, technological criminals, or opponents of the Earth's regime. It can be said that the genes of aggression and rebellion have been ingrained in the Tyranids.

But Stukov still quite agreed with the self-proclaimed emperor Augustus Mengsk. The better you understand this person, the more people who already hate him will hate him, and the people who already like him will like him more.

"If Earth has received my letter, it must also understand my attitude." Augustus smiled and said.

Augustus has ordered the launch of a probe ship controlled by a supercomputer and loaded with Xel'Naga space-time force field technology to the coordinates of the earth. The exploration ship is expected to arrive at the edge of the solar system in eight years. By this time, the earth has generally figured out what happened to its expeditionary force.

By then, the United Earth Council will receive a letter from Augustus informing him that the expeditionary force has been completely destroyed.

As for the expressions of the council members when they saw the specific content on the letter, Augustus was looking forward to it.

"I can imagine what you said." Stukov knew that Augustus Mengsk was definitely not the monarch of those short-lived dynasties, nor was he the mud-legged Tyranids who could only roll in the mud. He is comparable to a farmer in the countryside.

Stukov didn't like the Tyranids in the first place. In his view, the Koprulu sector was just a rebellious colony, and now he didn't even have a favorable impression of them. Stukov loathed them as much as the Tyranids loathed him.

Although Augustus was an emperor supported by the country people, in Stukov's view he was really a figure like Alexander. In a crisis-ridden galaxy, humanity needs a strong and courageous leader who cannot be shaken by the needs and feelings of a few people.

There is no doubt that Augustus Mengsk is this kind of person.

"It's just some polite words." Augustus leaned on the back of the velvet-covered chair: "I have to identify myself and explain to them how much loss the UED expedition has caused us. Based on this, the expedition The Terran Empire, the military fleet, can only take it all as ordered, there is no reason to return it.”

"From now on, the empire welcomes every guest from afar, whether they are from the solar system or other colonies. If they are enemies, they will only be greeted by giant ships and cannons." He crossed his fingers on the table superior:

"With the Tyranid Empire, alien forces cannot capture the Koprulu Sector. If trade is to be established, a prosperous era of mutual benefit will surely come. And if the United Earth Council wants to put shackles on these kind-hearted and free-born humans out of thin air , war will come."

"Then let the war spread, from Koprulu to Orion, until one of them is completely destroyed."

Augustus's words were not a threat from a sullen person. He was simply stating the empire's position to the people on earth.

The Tyranids are never afraid of war.

"The past Terran Federation is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Council, and they will not think that the expeditionary force was finally defeated by you." The Russian accent in Stukov's words became heavier. This is exactly the proof that he is nervous:

"But based on what I know about the Council, if they see what you said, they will probably spend a lot of time in suspicion. The Council may re-estimate the power of the Tyranids, but don't expect them to. Turn a blind eye to psychic mutants."

"I don't need people from Earth to teach me how to do it." Augustus said firmly: "I want to explain that Earth and Tyranids are from the same origin. All humans, whether Tyranids or Earthlings, are from the same source. We should all unite and advance and retreat together. But if the people on earth want to ride on our heads, there is no such reason."

"The Tyranids cannot be enslaved by the tyranny of the Federation, and certainly not by the United Earth Council."

"You have proven it." Stukov looked into Augustus's cold gray eyes, as if he saw himself in them:

"In this sharp and compelling 'ultimatum', I may have also mentioned Alexei Stokov. I think that this lieutenant general who will be sent to a military court even if he returns to Earth must have already Declare allegiance to the Tyran Empire, and feel free to be the Terran Emperor's lackey."

"I didn't say that." Augustus nodded and ordered someone to untie the electromagnetic handcuffs on Stukov's hands.

An officer of the royal guard stepped forward and unlocked the handcuffs, but still stared at Stukov, fearing that he might be harmful to the emperor.

Lieutenant General Alexei Stokov is just forty-six years old today. Although he has lost a lot of weight, his physique is still very strong. This man is fond of vodka and cigarettes, and is also a ruthless character on the battlefield.

"That's another way of saying it." Stukov moved a little and was not polite. He took the knife and fork and started to deal with the cold food on the table.

"You may also add that if the Earth Expeditionary Force invades again, the Tyranids Empire may show mercy for the sake of its compatriots, but no one can guarantee whether the protoss allies behind the empire will be ruthless." As he ate, he said:

"You just have to figure it out. The Terran Empire won't stop the fight anyway."

"It's just that the territories happen to be bordering each other." Augustus felt a little hungry as he watched Stukov enjoy his meal, and regardless of the emperor's dignity, he grabbed a few pieces of bread from his plate.

"The Earth is the mother planet of all human beings, but if the people on Earth prove to be unworthy of this sacred land, then it will be up to us to realize the rejuvenation of mankind. It is the Tyranids' manifest destiny to unify mankind and conquer the universe."

"If you tell this to the council, they will definitely be furious." Stukov just smiled, not thinking that Augustus would really do that.

The gap between the Terran Empire and the Earth Federation is still huge, but it is not impossible to pursue. Even if a war of conquest occurred, it would have been a few generations after Augustus.

In fact, it was the descendants of Augustus that worried Stukov the most.

With the blood of both the Mengsk family and the strongest Tyranid psyker, the future Tyranid Emperor is likely to be an unprecedented super psyker. With his spiritual potential, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the son of God.

"To be honest, your voice within the empire demanding my death has never subsided - not even for a moment." He said to Stukov: "But I will say that among the generals under my command, only Warfield can match him. You. If you were Duke, you could match him ten times."

"There's no need to talk politely to me, just say whatever you want." Stukov wiped his mouth and took out another cigarette from somewhere:

"This is not the Augustus Mengsk I know."

Just as Stukov looked at the Royal Guards officer next to him, the latter spontaneously took out a laser lighter and lit a cigarette for him.

At this time, the girl who was riding the bear tooth beast and galloping down the street had been found and was being beaten by her tearful parents. As for how this bear-toothed beast escaped, you have to ask the people at the customs.

Now it seems that this girl happened to tame the beartooth beast that broke out of its cage at the airport and saved many lives.

"I still lack someone who can take charge of his own affairs." Augustus said bluntly: "And he is definitely the one who can take on the big responsibility."

"You are from Earth, but that doesn't matter. There are many Earthlings working for me now." Augustus shrugged: "There are also stars in the empire who are assisting me. You should have heard of this."

"I even recruited a brain worm, and now it is also an organized imperial worm."

"A brainworm? This is really a joke." This was very strange to Stukov: "Can this beast understand human language?"

"It knows how to reason better than many of us. It even knows the Tao Te Ching by heart." Augustus thought of the bad-tempered brainworm: "Tychus and his ilk are nothing compared to him. Education.”

(Lao Tzu was quoted in the introduction to the StarCraft Ⅰ map Dangerous Waters: Nothing in the world is softer than water, but there is no one who attacks the strong./What impressed me the most was another introduction to Sun Tzu's Art of War, Fenghuoshanlin.)

"So, I really need to get to know each other if I have the chance." Stukov had a cigarette in his mouth.

It is not difficult to picture the appearance of a brainworm in your mind, but it is not easy to put on a custom-made general uniform.

Although only a handful of high-ranking empire generals knew about the existence of Cerebrate General, the news of Cerebrate Alpha's arrival was quite significant. He is a genuine Imperial General, and should have a higher rank than Edmund Duke.

This certainly satisfies the brainworm's vanity, but some people quit.

Edmund Duke couldn't accept this fact. He didn't dare to get angry with the emperor, so he rushed into the Imperial Marines headquarters and pointed at the belly of the brainworm and cursed that it was unfair. He, Duke, followed the emperor through life and death, fought countless battles, and his military rank was actually not as high as a bug.

But what Duke didn't expect was that he couldn't even scold a bug.

Moreover, when Brainworm was quarreling with Duke, not a single curse word was repeated. While spraying, he also used his mental power to control twenty-five alt accounts to download copies of the game, which stunned Duke. Each Cerebrate is a micromanipulator master, and there are hundreds of millions of Zerg to be controlled on the battlefield.

Duke, who was so angry, was about to fight a duel to the death with the brain worm. Unexpectedly, the opponent, who did not know martial ethics, came to sneak attack. He was caught off guard and was knocked down by the 400 kilograms of brain worm with a flexible salted fish thrust. Finally, he was Being carried out by other generals.

After learning about this incident, Imperial Char Guard Jim Raynor specially sent a letter of concern to his old friend, telling him not to take the matter to heart. Whenever Raynor thought of this matter, it was enough to keep him warm as spring in the coldest long night.

However, except for the true-hearted General Duke, there is no one who really cares about a brainworm. Well, look, now everyone knows that you, General Duke, can't fight bugs.

What do you have to argue with a bug? It didn't eat Duke's rice.

"A bug." Stukov didn't know what to say, "Only you can do such a thing, feed eagles and wolves, drive away tigers and devour wolves."

Stukov originally believed that Augustus controlled the brainworm using nerve agents used in UED's Black Flag program - this is currently the most effective method. This poison is powerful enough to control the Juggernaut, but production is limited.

But now it seems that the empire did not use coercive means. However, this is also understandable. High-level zerg have extremely high intelligence and independent thinking ability. When the brain worms are out of the control of the master, their behavior patterns will change.

"Well, even the Cerebrates have joined the Empire, so what if I'm a traitor?" Stukov laughed self-deprecatingly.

"I just didn't expect that you would still trust me." He couldn't help but be touched: "As early as when I was defeated, I decided to serve the country with my life. It wasn't until I learned about what happened to Gerald and other soldiers-"

"I took them all the way from the earth to the foreign land of Koprulu." The UED lieutenant general sighed with tears in his eyes.

"I don't need to remember each of their names, I just need to take them home."

He said: "Now, I bear this mission. Even if I cannot save the Earth warriors infected by the zerg, I must kill them and give them final relief."

".I know." Augustus was silent for a long time and said:

"Now, I appoint you to guard Char and take over the responsibilities of General Jim Raynor. It is said that there are signs of activity of the brainworm Carlos group there." He said: "Leave immediately."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

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