StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 540 Time flies

It was a long-awaited sunny day in Augustgrad in June, with a sea-blue sky covered with fluffy white clouds.

This miraculous city built on the radiation wasteland and barren land is one of the few pure lands in Korhal. The green belt around Augustgrad and the high alloy cast walls block the wind and sand from the radiation desert, and the city is full of The huge umbrella-shaped air purification facility keeps the air in the imperial capital clean at all times.

The Imperial Government fulfilled their promise to ensure that children born in Korhal lived in a risk-free environment.

Augustgrad is one of the many contributions that Emperor Augustus Mengsk made to the land of his birth. It is a modern super steel city that embodies the wisdom of almost all the Tyranid masters of construction. In order to build this great city, 25 million people worked in Augustgrad at the same time in its heyday.

Looking down from the sky, with the towering Royal Palace as the center, the chessboard-shaped intersecting streets of Augustgrad extend endlessly in all directions, with countless silver domes, rib-like elevated towers, tall towers and shining lights reaching into the sky. The shining glass is like the roof of the world. Surrounding Augustgrad, a giant bright silver metal ring can be seen even from high-altitude orbits, just like the back of a silver dragon's scales.

It was a city of undisputed grandeur, a display of human ambition from planning to construction. Even much of the city was still under construction, with just steel and concrete foundations stretching thousands of miles, an area equivalent to Korhal's last satellite.

Bennett Airport is the largest comprehensive terminal in Augustgrad, bigger than all the airports in Khar so far. At first glance, it looks like a horseshoe lying across the center of Augustgrad. Three identical silver spiers in its center and the curtain wall across the spiers form a beautiful equilateral triangle.

At the same time, Bennett Airport is also the first huge public building funded by private enterprises and expected to be donated to the Empire after completion. Surrounding the airport are the most well-known landmark buildings in Augustgrad. The Imperial Royal Military Academy, Korhal University, Imperial University and Golden Library under construction are also magnificent and artistic buildings.

According to UNN Universe News Network, the airport was built by the Bennett family, one of the only seven remaining founding families of Tarsonis. The contemporary head of the Bennett family dedicated this magnificent building to Emperor Augustus to celebrate the new emperor's enthronement.

Today is the day when the last Imperial troops stationed in Char return, and the waiting area of ​​Bennett Airport's terminal is filled with families of returning soldiers. Although it is not crowded yet, it is still very lively.

Char is one of the most dangerous areas known to exist in the Koprulu Sector, affectionately described by Imperial soldiers as a place hotter than hell. It was a paradise for zerg. Lava flowed across the ground, and any place where you could stand was covered with bugs.

At any time, Char has the highest death rate among soldiers on the Imperial planet. Only the Rangers led by General Jim Raynor can ride the Vulture in the dangerous ash world of Char, and only this group of space cowboys can tame this dangerous land.

It is not surprising that relatives were moved to tears when they saw the soldiers returning from Char.

Augustus was also standing among the crowd in the terminal. The only difference was that he was wearing a luxurious long bright red coat with golden borders. The bronze wolf head epaulette on his shoulders was particularly eye-catching. Of course, the people of Augustus could recognize their emperor without these signs.

Concerned that the excessive enthusiasm of the people might make the situation uncontrollable, the emperor's position was separated by rows of royal guards and barriers, otherwise people rushing to shake Augustus's hand might be able to queue up to the palace.

Next to the emperor stood the empress and several imperial generals, as well as a woman with healthy wheat-colored skin. She was wearing a white dress and holding a little boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

That was Letty Elizabeth Raynor, the wife of Imperial Admiral Jim Raynor, and son John Raynor.

John Raynor is four years old, fair and cute, and extremely intelligent. John grew up with Valerian Mengsk in the Mengsk family. His godfather, Augustus the Great, regarded him as his own son. Even during the Rebellion War, he still wrote to ask about John's growth. and learning status.

Now, Emperor Augustus asked his old martial arts teacher and one of the Empire's two tenth-level psykers, Sacco Angelini, to teach John.

Although Jim Raynor is just an ordinary person, his son has extremely powerful psychic powers. Although still very immature, the child was able to gain insight into people's minds at a very early age.

John had a good relationship with Valerian and regarded him as his older brother, much to the delight of their parents and uncle.

"Isn't Jimmy here yet?" As an officer of the Royal Guards, Sergeant Tychus Finley was of course wearing a well-fitting royal uniform, a red coat with gold trim and a blue lapel vest, and golden wheat ears followed him The movement while speaking hung from the sides of the black bearskin top hat.

Augustus had always been undecided about the design of the uniforms of the Royal Guards. In the end, the Iron Prince Arcturus Mengsk, who was widely praised among the people, came up with a plan based purely on his own preferences. No matter what, the tall Sergeant Tychus actually looks like a dog in this suit.

Tychus Finlay did not lack the ability to command a large army of troops in combat, he just hated doing such a thankless and risky job. So Augustus could only keep the old boy Tychus by his side, let him do some profitable work, and finally let him go.

If you want to pay Tychus a high salary, he must think that you are cheating and that you are sending him on a fatal and dangerous mission. It was given to him for free, but he didn't want it, so he decided to commit petty theft.

Overall, Tychus is a man who has nothing to do with loyalty. This guy is a ruthless character who can sell a partner and then ask the other party to count the money, and he can trick his own people to death in the blink of an eye.

But this Tychus only recognized Augustus, and he was already convinced. It is extremely difficult for people like him to trust other people, but if they truly establish a life-and-death relationship, then they can leave their back to this person.

"You can see it with your eyes." Augustus looked at his watch: "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, I heard you say it eight times in the morning. Tychus, if you do the same to those girls With a good attitude, you won’t be afraid of being dumped by others.”

Every time Tychus had a passionate fight with a prostitute, he had to swear an oath of love. Sometimes when he was drunk, he could trick himself into it. The last time Tychus had just fallen in love with a woman who worked as a mercenary, he was drunk and defrauded of the last few credits in his pocket in the blink of an eye.

The porn industry was banned in Augustgrad, and the powerful Tychus established a line with the merchants and sailors traveling between Tarsonis Prime and Korhal. Anyway, as long as you are doing some sneaky things, you can always trust Tychus. Mr. Si. Tychus is an extremely intelligent man, but his intelligence is never used in the right way.

"Will you remember how much bread you have eaten?" Tychus pondered for two seconds and suddenly said this.

"Is this why you take a notebook and write it down after you finish it?" Augustus asked.

"Are you spying on me?" Tychus glared.

"You said this to yourself last time when you were drunk." Augustus said bluntly.

"This is impossible." Tychus thought for a moment: "My wine taste has always been very good."

Hanak Hank and General Jacques Bennett, who were standing next to him, were all amused. The Heavenly Demon team from back then was still alive today, and it could be said that they had really prospered. But even they could not help but have a estrangement from Augustus, who was already the emperor. Only these few people could still make bad jokes with the emperor like before.

"Come on, Tychus, just don't dance in front of the foreign guests in Moria next time. I'll beg you on behalf of the leader." Harnak laughed so hard that he slapped his thighs wildly, as if he was being strangled. Hiccups like a goose.

"Pay attention to your image, Hank. You are also a person with an identity. Don't be like a monkey with an itchy hair in a squeaky nest." Jaco Bennett used the name Rick when he was in the Demon Team of Heaven. ·The pseudonym of Kidd, he has certain psychic talents and is the best sniper among them. Now, Jaco has returned to his original name, and incidentally became the head of the Bennett family.

If they didn't do that, it would be impossible for the Bennett family to escape the Empire's liquidation of the Creation Family. Today, this family's huge shipbuilding and interstellar shipping industries have also been transferred to serve the empire.

"Why, I, Hanak Hank, never care about other people's opinions when I do things. If anyone is dissatisfied with me, I can let him taste the taste of boiling oil in a hot pot, steaming, frying and frying." Although Hanak said He didn't care, but still put away his exaggerated smile. Now that he is an imperial general, Hanak is much more restrained than before, and he will never lift a girl's skirt on the street like before.

When he was still in the Union Marine Corps, Hank boasted to Augustus that he was General Hank, and now he actually became a general. Probably also to deal with those staff officers. Harnack used to be a rough guy, but now he can read a few comic books.

"If you really don't care, marry my troublesome and powerful sister now, and inherit the Bennett family's industry so that I can live in seclusion on the edge of the planet." Yaco rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you let me die, manage the company, and look at the accounts? Is this what humans do? You want me to barbecue, and you can choose from one to twelve rare." Hanak became anxious after hearing this .

"Your sister and I really have nothing to do with each other!"

Jaco has a sister who is good at business management. She was originally the heir to the Bennett family, but for some reason she fell in love with Harnak at an imperial officer's ball.

Harnack was overjoyed at first, but when he heard that he was getting married, he packed up his things and went to Agria to burn bugs on the night he inherited the family business.

"Look, I didn't say anything, General Hank." Jako actually has a pretty good relationship with his sister, and he and Hank are close friends. This brother is about to enter the marriage grave, so he needs to be kicked quickly.

"No one else can get this thing even if they ask for it. What are you afraid of? In the future, the power of the old nobles will only become weaker and weaker, and they will not dare to challenge the powerful imperial power. If it weren't for the fact that there are not many left of the founding family in the past. , do you think it’s your turn?” He said:

"And no one really expects you to read? No?"

"I won't do it anyway." Hanak screamed.

While Harnak was wailing, the terminal became lively again. ——The Imperial soldiers who returned from Char have arrived.

The Wings of Freedom and the Rattlesnake Skull, the symbols of the human rangers, are the undisputed top cowboys in the Tyranid Empire, the most famous and bravest rangers.

The Rangers were the smallest legion, with only thirty-five thousand men at their peak. Its commander, Jim Raynor, has no requirements for the soldiers. Whether they are combat heroes or criminals with a criminal record, they are all treated equally. As long as they settle with the past and find their own destination, the Rangers will accept them.

Char's scorching sun and harsh natural environment left clear traces on these rangers, making them stronger and more adept at fighting.

Groups of imperial rangers in navy uniforms walked out of the platform to reunite with their families who had been waiting for a long time, and the crowd immediately became excited.

With her belly about to give birth, the woman anxiously looked for her husband in the crowd. Everyone kindly moved out of the way or extended their hands to support her, until a sergeant major knelt down on one knee in front of her.

The soon-to-be father has missed seven months of growing up, and is crying silently with his face against his wife's belly.

A soldier finally saw his wife and children, so he hugged them together. Some long-separated couples kissed passionately, some cried like children in front of their parents, and some just silently took out the photos in their pockets.

For these warriors on the border world, family is their reason for fighting.

"Welcome back to Korhal, Jimmy, the lights of Korhal will be on for you tonight." Augustus hugged Jim Raynor, who was walking quickly towards him.

"Waiting for your drink." Jim smiled.

Reno was still the same, dressed as a cowboy, with the Colt revolver still in the holster on his waist. His beard must have been shaved regularly, but it wasn't too sloppy.

"You have a lot to do, and the backlog of work is already piling up." Renault patted Augustus on the shoulder.

"Of course someone will do it. Well, what the heck, brother, let's go have a drink." Augustus shrugged.

"No. 8 whiskey," Reno said.

"You still have such bad taste in wine."

"same as usual."

"Isn't this job easy?" Tychus looked up and down and was satisfied that all parts of Renault were still intact.

"The arms and legs are still there, please take care of me. Damn it, Tychus, you old boy has lived a more prosperous life. You have gained a lot of weight."

After saying that, Renault walked up to his wife, kissed her forehead, bent down and held his son John in his arms, and said to him:

"My son, my dear, I'm back."

Thanks to Nishikino Maki hshs leader!

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