StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 541 Empire 2496

It was a cool evening in the cool breeze. The huge sun was sinking into the burgundy red wine-like glow. The city center of Augustgrad was shrouded in brilliant blue and glassy red neon lights. middle.

The slogan Welcome to 2496 can be seen on the huge blue holographic projection marquee in the city center. Two years have passed since the first brick was laid in Augustgrad.

During the twenty-two months of construction, countless amounts of steel and glass were invested in the construction of Augustgrad and seven other major cities. The steel smelting technology and modular construction perfected in the old federal era Craftsmanship is the guarantee of this city's rapid expansion.

The emperor was also very satisfied with the construction process of Augustgrad. In less than two years, the area of ​​its city center exceeded that of Stirling City in the past, and its prosperity was far greater than before.

Augustgrad is an unparalleled giant city. She was born to become the imperial capital of this huge interstellar empire.

She is the seat of the largest bureaucracy and administrative organization in the history of the Koprulu sector, and all legal provisions are written by the Augustgrad people; she is the industrial hub of the Tyranid Empire, and its developed industry handles massive amounts of crystal mines and minerals every day. High-energy gas produces high-tech products, military products and engineering components; it is the city of fashion and fantasy, and the cultural and ideological trends that lead the times all originate from the imperial capital.

Whenever Augustus stood on the top floor of the Imperial Senate Building and looked at the entire city center of Augustgrad, he felt a heartfelt sense of pride.

Between the Imperial Senate and the Augustgrad Palace is Stirling Square. This park named in honor of the emperor’s hometown of Stirling has the largest green area in Augustgrad and the largest The best artificial lake and the largest statue - the Emperor and the Wolf.

Looking south, Bennett Airport resembles the hoofprints of Pegasus in Augustgrad.

To the west of the airport, separated by several wide circular maglev train tracks and viaducts, is the famous Golden Library. It is like an inverted maple leaf, standing in an incredible posture under the influence of anti-gravity technology.

Korhal University is now a top university as famous as Tarsonis University. It is built of pure white Moria marble, surrounded by greenery, and gathers the most abundant educational resources in the empire.

The National Gallery of the Tyran Empire is known as the most charming building in Augustgrad. It contains the most precious works of art over the past two centuries, as well as crystal products donated and presented by the protoss. Every moment, the Kedarin crystal outside the National Gallery emits a very beautiful harmonic matrix resonance sound like an ensemble of musical instruments. There is a strange crystal in the art museum, which is rumored to be able to recreate the scene of the Battle of El that has now been included in the history textbooks.

These three-dimensional, beautiful and elegant buildings are a manifestation of the prosperity of Augustgrad and will eventually become an everlasting memory of 100 million Augustgrad people.

On the other side is the crowded Queen's Square, which is a masterpiece of art and aesthetic engineering. It is an integrated commercial street building made of two rows of towering Roman columns, arcades and stained glass domes. Behind the windows facing the crowd are various Perfume shops, jewelry stores, art exhibition halls and clubs abound.

Local residents of Augustgrad almost never go in and out of these shops selling luxury goods. To be precise, they are all aimed at wealthy tourists. A large number of middle-class and upper-class people from wealthy worlds such as Tarsonis, Moria, and Umoyan took planetary shuttles to Augustgrad, and they were all ready to spend huge sums of money in the center of the empire.

Thomas Square on the other side is for ordinary people. They only need to spend a small part of their monthly income to buy high-quality and low-priced beer, tea, clothes and electronic products. This is the Augustgrad Industrial Park. A manifestation of strength.

This is the worst of times and the best of times.

Since Emperor Augustus announced the permanent abolition of all privileges of the nobility, used the power of the state to regulate and distribute wealth again, greatly improved workers' treatment, and established a complete medical and social security system that was not available in the federal era, the federal era has become more and more acute. The class contradictions have been alleviated, and people's lives have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is a great empire, not another Terran Federation under the pressure of an iron fist and power.

The neat streets, beautiful buildings, roads stretching to the far end of the horizon, and such straight curves like a checkerboard are what makes Augustgrad different from any other prosperous colonial city. Each of her streets, each building and even the position of each street lamp has been planned on the design blueprint and repeatedly calculated by super computers, thus showing the shocking coordination and the precise beauty of electronic components.

Other cities, such as the city of Tarsonis, slowly expanded on the basis of the original city. The closer they were to the city center, the smaller the space became. The suffocating feeling of the steel forest densely woven in the sky came over the face, and the land and The imbalance of wealth creates chaotic and dirty slums.

In the eyes of Augustus, Tarsonis was not one ten thousandth as beautiful as Augustgrad, and he devoted all his feelings for his homeland to this city.

Augustgrad, the city named after his grandfather, would be the center of the Tyranid Empire, the next generation of Korhals, and the place where Augustus' children would be born.

Ten thousand years from now, he will become a legend.

Standing by the window and looking at Augustgrad outside the electromagnetic force field shield (Ionic force field, developed by Egon Steitmann's team), Augustus was still being blown by the breeze, and I felt particularly comfortable. .

The palace, government offices and parliament are no-fly areas, and no one can disturb the emperor's enjoyment of the night sky. But under this colorful light pollution, Augustus could not see a few stars.

Contrary to the media's flattering praise, Augustgrad was built by thousands of Imperial citizens, not Emperor Augustus Mengsk.

he thinks.

At this time, the holographic projector on the rosewood desk rang again, which meant that there was important news that needed to be communicated to the emperor as soon as possible through this direct line. Augustus was the emperor of the empire. Of course he didn't have to do everything himself. This matter must have reached a very important point.

By the end of this year, Augustus' time for vacation was limited. He always had endless things to deal with and endless troubles to deal with.

When Augustus took over the Terran Confederacy, he inherited a mess.

Years of wars have caused the Tyranid Federation to lose a large number of people. Worlds have been isolated from each other, and communication and trade routes have been interrupted. In the turbulent times, people are living in dire straits, and there are more interstellar bandits and pirates than ever before. Space travel in known star fields has become a dangerous adventure, and even small-scale interstellar merchants are not allowed to do so. Do not organize armed forces to protect yourself.

Excessive taxes and heavy taxes on corvee labor, millions of soldiers of working age died in foreign lands, and large numbers of farmland and farms were abandoned. Even the most prosperous agricultural world has experienced a serious food crisis.

From the economic crisis, the Great Depression caused by overcapacity, the collapse of the financial industry, to conflicts in various worlds, private tariffs on federal planets declaring independence, and wars breaking out in brother worlds - the interior of this huge federation is already riddled with holes, Tasan The false prosperity of Nice and other core worlds is built on the blood and tears of the edge worlds.

The Federation was a giant that could be broken into pieces at a single touch, and Augustus wanted to stabilize him before he fell completely.

The first thing Augustus did was to organize a large number of people to rewrite codes in various fields on the basis of existing federal laws and establish courts at all levels of the empire throughout the world. Then the country's currency printing and issuance agency was established, and the major banks in Tarsonis were temporarily taken over to issue new currency.

The great reforms of Emperor Augustus covered all aspects of the lives of the citizens of the empire. Through the regulation of agricultural product prices and government assistance, the agricultural world led by Shiloh once again prospered.

In terms of culture, Augustus established a sound twelve-year compulsory education system to ensure that the children of empire citizens could receive education and cultivate their confidence and patriotism in the Bentaylon national culture.

After General Jim Raynor cleared away the remnants of the Federation soldiers and bandits from the core world to the edge world, trade was back on track.

The development of science and technology has also led to technological innovations in agriculture and medical industry, allowing every piece of land to grow more food, making the blood of industry boil even more. As we enter the year 2496, as the quality of life continues to improve, it is expected that the empire's population will begin to experience the first wave of explosion.

The renaissance of industry is most eye-catching with the unprecedented prosperity of modular manufacturing. Cheap and high-quality industrial products such as hover cars, robots and electronic products have almost defeated the Kaimorian Federation in just half a year. High-quality mining raw materials were plundered by capital flows without restriction, and local industries collapsed one after another.

This time, the economic collapse of the Kaimorian Commonwealth is really imminent. The CEOs of the major guilds of the Federation had to start with customs to limit the Tyranids' dumping of goods to the Federation.

However, the most intolerable thing for the Federation is the loss of population caused by the large number of Kemorians entering the empire, which forces them to use more cruel methods to suppress the people at the bottom.

The Tyranid Empire is a large empire across the galaxy, and the environment of each territory is different. In this way, a one-size-fits-all policy is extremely stupid, and the empire will no longer use the blood-sucking colonial predatory policy of the Tarsonis government, but will give the territorial government room for self-development to a certain extent.

Augustus had to forge the entire empire into a whole and make it a de facto state. So it's not a small amount of work that needs to be done. Even with people like Angus and Arcturus helping him, this is a very difficult task.

But what complaints could Augustus have? As Mike Liberty blasts, this empire belongs to Augustus Mengsk. He has to sit on the throne and look at his people. If the people are happy, they should be attributed to the emperor. If the people are miserable, they should be blamed on the emperor.

Augustus couldn't laugh or cry when he thought of this guy. He only noticed Mike's talent a year ago. This guy was a remonstrator who was not afraid of the emperor's majesty. In this way, His Majesty the Emperor, who did not hold grudges three months ago, finally ordered someone to pick up this ruthless reporter and bring him to the palace, so that his junior, Miss Kate Rockwell, could take over his position.

Interestingly, Liberty's colleagues were sympathetic when he was taken away, with only Rockwell saying yes.

According to a certain imperial general present, the reporter named Liberty was ready to die generously. Unexpectedly, the emperor actually appointed him as the imperial secretary of state on the spot. The stunned reporter became even more critical of the emperor from then on.

The emperor stepped on the soft dark red silk of the emperor's office, glanced at the mechanical clock on the wall, and turned his attention to the exquisitely crafted wooden holographic projector. There are also reports above that Ursa Shipyards is about to trial production of the next-generation Imperial fighter Viking.

He is a nostalgic person, and he has always kept the holographic projection given by his brother Arcturus and never changed it. But maybe, in the Queen's words, the emperor was just too stingy.

Next to the table is a console used for communications and connection to various surveillance equipment in the parliament building. Sometimes, Augustus always laughs and laughs at his brother's being too careful in this regard. To this day, Arcturus is still thinking about his network of surveillance cameras used to monitor the entire palace.

Augustus put away his smile when his eyes fell on the holographic projector - it was from General Edmund Duke.

Since Duke was always fighting with the brainworms in the headquarters, Augustus had to send him on military missions to the edge of the empire to clear out the remaining forces of the Federation and planets that were against the empire.

To this day, the Tyranids Empire has only taken back 153 of the former planets of the Tyranids, including many mining planets that were not inhabited at all. There are still dozens of planets that refuse to join the Terran Empire or openly declare their support for the Terran Federation government-in-exile and confront the troops sent by the Terran Empire.

The former are planets in the middle and edge of the Koprulu Sector. They rebelled against the central government during the Federation era, and they are still the same now. They don't have many political opinions or demands, they just don't want to be controlled by the government anymore.

For this kind of world, Augustus adopted a tolerant policy, making it clear that they could join the empire in the form of joined planets and autonomous territories, and the imperial government would treat them equally.

As for the latter, Augustus sent out a fleet to suppress the rebellion forcefully and showed no mercy.

In other words, the unification war is not over yet.

Augustus sat back in his chair and read the report.

Sure enough, Duke must have reported good news but not bad news. He only mentioned the rebellion in the Candore colony and claimed that he had conquered another piece of land for the emperor. However, out of distrust of Duke, Augustus still had to read the report of his lieutenant Scott.

Augustus dealt with many things again, and before he knew it, the night was already deep.

When Augustus finally felt tired, he stopped working, opened the door of his office and prepared to go back to sleep.

"Tychus, you are still here." Augustus suddenly saw Tychus outside the door and was not surprised.

"If you feel sorry for yourself, you can send me off work now." Tychus said and wanted to light a cigarette, but Augustus slapped him away.

"If you're sleepy, go back quickly." Augustus said disgustedly.

"Haha." Tychus smiled, with a look of concern on his face: "Are you in a hurry to go back? The doctor told me that Kerrigan is about to give birth?"

"Yeah." Augustus nodded.

"So, I can buy a drink for free right away." Tychus has been a little short of money recently and can't even afford to drink.

"Choose expensive drinks, Tychus." Augustus said:

"Not bad for the money."

I will add more if I add more, hum.

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