StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 542 Child, when you were born

The Augustgrad Palace originated from the ambitions of the imperial people.

From the moment it stood on Korhal, the spiers of the Royal Palace dominated the Augustgrad skyline, a symbol and symbol of the Tyrannic renaissance spirit of this era.

To date, millions of tons of concrete, steel, cast iron, marble, granite, ceramic tiles, nickel, chromium, new alloys and glass have been used to build the palace. This pyramid-shaped super-giant building is an unprecedented miracle in the history of human architecture. It is rumored that its height alone is enough to affect the direction of airflow, and its weight is enough to indirectly cause earthquakes.

The Royal Palace is hailed as another monument in the world, and its existence itself is a eulogy and praise for human creativity, wisdom and strength.

It was a cloudless night, and people even miles away could see the palace's brilliant golden light, as if it were really a pyramid made of tons and tons of gold.

Not only that, for this extraordinary day, the grand scene from the city center of Augustgrad to the areas still under construction hundreds of miles away cannot be described by simple "lights and decorations." In preparation for the arrival of the royal family, all buildings, streets and roads were brightly illuminated, and even government buildings, military camps and ports were shrouded in bright light.

Ten thousand dazzling anti-gravity crystal lamps lit up Stirling Square outside the Augustgrad Palace, and all the fountains were illuminated by the crimson lights at the bottom.

People in the entire Augustgrad, the entire Korhal galaxy, and the entire Terran Empire are waiting for the birth of this child with royal blood flowing through them.

The closer you get to the palace, the more crowded the streets become. The crowd was so dense that people were almost stuck together, forming an airtight wall. Standing in the crowd, I couldn't move a few yards for an hour, and I could only see the small golden-red flag of the Tyranids Empire from the raised hands.

As for the flying cars and private airships in the sky, they are countless, and they firmly occupy the best position to get a glimpse of the palace in the non-no-fly zone. On the tram and skytrain tracks around Augustgrad, suspended trains decorated with lights and flowers circle Augustgrad over and over again.

The whole of Augustgrad has come to a standstill, and even the newly sensible children are joining in the fun with their families in a confused manner.

The busiest thing today is the police department in Augustgrad, but even their three heads and six arms are not enough to cope with the situation. The emperor can only send troops to maintain order.

Different from this lively grand scene, the area around the Augustgrad Palace is heavily guarded. Imperial soldiers wearing power armor can be seen everywhere. In the past, Goliath armed robots could only be seen at celebrations and military parades. Occupying every gate of the palace.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

Augustus, who was wearing a gold-red luxurious robe, nodded to the two royal guard sergeants guarding the palace gate as he walked, and greeted the guards who always followed him.

Everyone's faces were filled with serious and nervous expressions, and even Corporal Tychus Finley, who was usually not a human being, looked particularly solemn. Anyone who is close to Augustus knows how much the emperor attaches great importance to this day and cannot tolerate any surprises.

The emperor was rarely angry, but his true terror could not be described as a furious lion or a roaring dragon. The last time the Emperor was furious, it was the day that a colonial world that decided to join the Empire was destroyed by the Federation's defeated fleet. The palace ministers were all trembling with fear and remained silent.

With every step Augustus took, he could feel the gazes coming from everywhere and the dim light from the sensor cameras. The Royal Palace is both a symbol of the Tyranid Empire's imperial power and Korhal's strongest bulwark.

The palace has installed the most advanced life safety and maintenance systems, with a complex flame-retardant barrier structure, biochemical filtration system and ion shield force field. It is equipped with supercharged elevators, fire stairs and lift platforms to ensure the deployment of personnel. All must be fast enough and foolproof. The basement of the palace is more than 100 meters deep, enough to ensure safety against the threat of nuclear attack.

Even the palace's communication lines, exhaust ventilation shafts, electrical appliances and water storage pipes are placed under strict surveillance, and the entire control network is controlled by a computer system. The core and some components of this computer come from the supercomputer Atlas built into the colonial mothership flagship Najirfa. Although it is a technology that is more than two hundred years old, it has still not been surpassed today.

As soon as he entered the palace, Augustus' eyes fell on the wide corridor and the royal guards stationed on both sides. The emperor's affirmation made all the guards straighten their backs and hold the AGR-17 (AGR-17 rifle) rifles in their hands again and again.

The interior of the palace is a crisp combination of cold-colored metal and glass. The steel and glass domes are connected with the domes layer by layer, until they reach the starry sky. The exquisite steel frame, shining glass curtain wall and light blue ion force field create an open and transparent internal space. This is a combination of modern Tyran human art and ancient new age architectural styles, with the beauty of simplicity and technology.

What architects are most proud of are the thin and tough nanowires used to support the glass curtain wall, making the entire palace look like a pillar-and-beam Greek temple made of crystal. With the rapid development of nanotechnology, more and more technologies can be used in construction, medical and military aspects, expanding various fields to prospects that were previously unimaginable.

Looking through these warriors loyal to the royal family, Augustus thanked the soldiers softly. He didn't have time to stay any longer, but he took every step leisurely.

Through a straight staircase operated by anti-gravity technology, Augustus and Tychus reached the top floor of the palace.

The top floor is a huge garden, reception room and dining room, which are planted with exotic flowers and plants from many imperial territories - this is not an extravagant move, for those colonies that are on the verge of bankruptcy due to war or have just started. In the world, tax collectors will only symbolically bring back a few random flowers and their seeds from that land in lieu of taxes. These vegetations were all planted on the top floor of the palace and became more and more prosperous as time went by.

It was as if the emperor was with the people of these worlds.

The gardens are also used to meet with envoys from the Kymorion Confederacy and the United States of Umoyan, and the Emperor sometimes entertains here his ministers, members of the Imperial Council, and generals.

The Empress also loved the garden, having loved its beauty since she was a little girl - even though she often recalled nightmarish memories from her past.

"Your Majesty." As soon as he entered the garden on the top floor, Augustus saw his father's former security captain, Achton Feld. Acton has also aged a lot, but the majesty between his brows is still no less than before.

Acton had watched Augustus and his sister Dorothy grow up, and now witnessed the birth of his children.

Behind this loyal guardian of the Mengsk family, you can see many familiar figures, all of whom are ministers in the palace and generals in the army. Each of them has amazing power in the empire.

Friends of the Mengsk family were also invited, including the families of ministers and generals, as well as many former members of the Creation Family who were closely related to the Mengsk family, including the Terra family and the Holt family. There were about a hundred people in the entire garden, but compared to the huge area, they were only sparse.

Nova Terra was also among them. She was already thirteen years old, and this delicate girl was gradually beginning to grow. It won't be long before even Augustus will be amazed by Nova's beauty.

The Terra family has the closest relationship with the Mengsk family. This family did not decline due to the destruction of the Terran Federation, but instead became more prosperous. As the youngest child in the family, Nova often saw the emperor.

Nova was more in awe of Augustus. She had to keep a close eye on her mother and sister, who always wanted to be the mother of the emperor's future child, to prevent them from being chopped down by the angry queen.

"Your Majesty Augustus." Like everyone else, Nova also bowed in salute. She wore a white silk dress and pure white gloves, and her etiquette postures were perfect.

Augustus looked at them and nodded slightly. He walked through the crowd and walked towards his relatives and friends.

"Augustus, I've experienced this before. Trust me, don't be so nervous. My mother said that lucky people have their own destiny." Jim Raynor said that I am familiar with this matter.

Reno also wore a black dress, which was unexpectedly matching. If he hadn't joined the army in a hurry, Renault might still be farming at home, or he might have gone to work as a junior police officer in the police station.

"I'm not nervous." Augustus replied.

"You always clench your fists when you are nervous, just like you look up at the ceiling when you lie." Prince Arcturus nodded: "Now you can kill someone with one punch."

"Augustus, Sarah will get through this." Mother Catherine held Augustus in her arms.

"Huh, labor hasn't started yet, why are you so anxious?" Old father Angus hid aside, not wanting to admit that he was also anxious.

"Listen to me, there is no need to worry about this matter. We have the best midwifery doctors and the most sophisticated equipment in the empire here." General Duke always has an inexplicable self-confidence. This self-confidence appears in people other than himself. on other people.

Although General Duke is generally considered a cruel and ruthless man at heart, he has done a good job teaching the future heir to the throne how to march and fight.

"I swear, the princess will be influenced by the art of war as soon as she is born." The general raised his nose proudly: "Haha~hahahaha~"

Duke is like a willful child. He gets extremely furious when he is angry. When he is happy, he wants to put a flower in his face.

"Come on, you." Mira Han was wearing a cook's black clothes and a white apron. Her pink hair was tied into twin tails. Even someone as big as her elder sister looked innocent and cute.

"Are you going to teach the princess how to fight? You shameless old man."

"You, you, you" Duke's face turned red with anger.

"It would be a shame if my daughter were still alive today." Conor Ward sighed, feeling happy and sad at the same time.

"That's enough, don't say frustrating words." Renault shook his head. Connaught has not yet recovered from the loss of his family, and refuses to start a family for the second time.

"If you say a few words less, it is better than anything else." Zander Marx said.

"When can we see the baby?" Hanak Hank was very eye-catching there. This time he even dressed up as a stuffed yellow duck, preparing to make the newborn child laugh.

This adorable duck has a belly bag filled with baby bottles, little clothes, and other cute little things.

It really makes a macho man cry.

"That human cub will be born safely." A bloated human figure wearing a clergyman's clothing and a cross ornament on his body let out a childish and high-pitched scream:

"Ah - God bless my Tyran Empire."

"Generalissimo Alpha, be careful. My illusion is not stable yet. Say a few words less to avoid revealing your secret." Sacco Angelini, the principal of the Tyrannic Empire's Ghost Military Academy, was wearing a military school uniform with a black background and red trousers, and looked nervous. Even his golden hair appeared and disappeared:

"When did you believe in God?"

"I heard that this is standard procedure and that existence is valuable. How do you know if there is a real god in this world? Gods taste pretty good." Brainworm didn't seem to care how many eyes his weird appearance attracted, and even Some people rumored that the emperor was so worried about the queen's safety that he hired a wizard.

"Principal, move me to the left, this position. Thank you." It announced: "Have some Coke to calm down, and a bag of French fries...deeply fried, with ketchup."

Augustus broke away from his mother's arms, feeling a little dizzy from the chaotic scene around him. I don’t know how, but Rory Swann suddenly appeared.

"Your Majesty, I know you are nervous. Sorry, although I have been married several times, I have no children yet and have little experience." Swan thought for a while and said, "But I can help make a cradle and toys for this child."

"Or if you want me to forge a sword exclusive to the imperial power, that's fine. I heard that Arcturus likes to do this."

"No, thank you." Augustus refused immediately.

At this time, another royal guard announced the news of the new guest, and Augustus was immediately overjoyed.

Not long after, Archbishop Tassadar of Durham Protoss, CEO Artanis, Grand Archon Fenix ​​and Executive Officer Moyo walked in from the special passage. These protoss wearing golden armor aroused everyone's surprise and nervousness, but they all knew the friendship between the protoss and the emperor.

This is not a secret that cannot be made public.

"For the protoss, a year is just an ordinary moment in life, but for humans, it may mean marriage, the birth of a child, and other important things. As a close friend, this cannot be missed." Tassadar walked Augustus' side.

"I knew you would come if I wrote the letter." Augustus said happily.

In an instant, a moving shadow came in front of Augustus, and the elder dark templar who walked out of it caused tension among the guards present.

"Zeratul is my mentor, we are as close as brothers." Augustus said immediately.

"I brought it." Zeratul was still in ragged clothes, but the geometric square in his hand was very beautiful. He looked at Augustus, his green eyes slightly curved upward, revealing a humorous flow of emotion:

"A Gift."

Thanks to the Archbishop for the reward, TP friendship lasts forever.

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