StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 55 Who is the leader?

It was nearly three o'clock in the morning, and thick cumulonimbus clouds blocked the light of the three satellites of Turasis II.

The power supply to most areas of Fortress Hawe has been cut off, and the lights on the parking platform have been extinguished. Except for the dense and continuous flames of the Gauss rifle, the flash point of the explosion, and the ice-blue flame of the electromagnetic grenade, it was difficult for Augustus to see clearly the specific battle situation on the platform.

"Execute my original order, Class 1 and Class 2 follow me." Augustus ordered: "We must disguise ourselves as a Seagoron team rushing to support, and try our best to pull out the enemy without firing a shot. Get close to the enemy and blend in. It's going to be chaos when they find out friendly forces are actually shooting at them."

"Turn off the color recognition on your mask's HUD and enable the radio response recognition in the armor's built-in computer," he said.

"Regan, tell Warfield our plan and let them prepare to attack from both front and rear."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Augustus led two classes of twenty-five people to run along the road.

Augustus and Regan ran at the front, followed by people from the first class. They did not hide themselves, but turned on the searchlights on the power armor breastplates and walked straight onto the asphalt runway of the parking platform.

During this period, Augustus encountered two soldiers of the Seagoron Legion who were carrying the wounded and passed them by. Neither party spoke. At this time, no one asked them which army they were from.

More than one group of retreating Hai Gelong Legion soldiers encountered them, but these exhausted soldiers took them for granted as reinforcements coming to support them.

There were flashes of electromagnetic rifle fire everywhere on the parking platform. The platform was very large, with several liftable platforms leading to the underground hangar. The wreckage of the destroyed spacecraft was scattered around Augustus' feet.

There is only one hangar on the ground, which was originally used to temporarily house small and medium-sized near-Earth spacecraft. It is located in the northeast corner of the parking platform, where the firefight is most intense.

Augustus led his marines straight to the surface hangar. On the way, they passed at least hundreds of corpses of Federation and Camorian soldiers. Most of the corpses were intact, even their helmets were intact. , no cause of death can be seen.

It is not easy to penetrate power armor, but if even one spike or shrapnel gets into this iron armor, it will be fatal.

Most of these corpses, whose flesh and blood were almost unrecognizable, were non-combatants in the fortress. When the fortress was attacked, they hurriedly picked up their rifles and joined the Marines to block the enemy. There were only a few survivors.

Augustus's troops moved forward at the fastest running speed they could achieve, and soon passed through the south and middle of the parking platform. The flat rectangular outline of the surface hangar and the use of Warfield's troops could clearly be seen. Three circular defensive positions formed by heavy armored vehicles and transport ships.

When Augustus rushed outside the hangar, Hegelon's assault team with less than fifty people left had already captured the two outermost positions and was jumping out of the bunker to launch a fierce attack on the last position. .

Warfield's Union soldiers used heavy machine guns and flamethrowers to shoot at the enemy. Their ammunition was obviously running low, so their shooting intervals were long.

The soldiers of the Hai Gelong Legion have already occupied the Hawei Fortress arsenal, and ammunition supply is not a problem for them at all. It was obvious that it was only a matter of time before Warfield was defeated.

"Follow me." Augustus took the lead, climbed onto an armored vehicle that had rolled over on its side, and jumped into the space between the first and second lines of defense. Several injured soldiers of the Seagoron Legion were helplessly fighting. Leaning against the trucks or airships used as bunkers on the second line of defense, they waited for others to take them off the battlefield.

"You are finally here." A wounded man with a broken leg said weakly: "Leave us alone and kill those federal bastards."

"For Hygoron!" In response to them, Augustus clenched his fist and shouted the legion's slogan. Then the wounded felt that they had a sure victory and cheered.

"Captain Oleg, our reinforcements are coming." One of the wounded said excitedly in their communication channel.

There were two assault detachments of the Haigorong Legion that attacked Howe Fortress, totaling more than 500 people. After several hours of brutal fighting, more than half of them had been lost. Another assault detachment captured the last remaining fortress tower at the other end of the Howe Fortress. The wounded clearly mistook Augustus's troops for them.

It was dark at this time, and it was difficult for them to notice that the paint on the armor of Augustus and others was different from their own.

The shoulder armor of each Hygoron Legion assault unit was painted with white spray paint to represent the number. This was originally a major mistake of Augustus, but in the dim light at this time, it was difficult for the wounded to notice the difference. .

Even if someone sees it, they will only be confused at most, and will not even think about someone pretending to be someone.

There have been examples of Federation troops disguising themselves as Camorian Ripper troops before. After all, their power armor is not much different. Just changing the paint can make it look like the real thing. The Camorian people themselves have done this kind of thing.

But generally speaking, as soon as the two parties start talking, the secret is easily revealed. In the early days of the establishment of the Tyranid Federation, it was a relatively free and loose confederal regime, while the original Moria people advocated adventure and gold mining, and maintained social stability through family blood.

The cultural differences between the Tyranid Federation and the Kemorian Federation will indirectly affect their way of thinking and speaking habits. As long as the other party is suspicious, a few questions can reveal the impostor's feet.

"That's right, your savior is here." Renault said jokingly on the first shift channel.

"I'm really happy for them," Tychus said.

Augustus ignored the wounded and climbed onto one of the turbine transports that formed the second line of defense.

At this time, he could see that dozens of Seagoron Legion soldiers had occupied the third line of defense and used it as a cover to shoot at the hangar surrounded by the defense line. The federal soldiers in the hangar no longer fired back.

Augustus jumped off the transport ship, holding a Gauss rifle and ran towards the soldiers of the Seagoron Legion in front of the third line of defense. He was unhurried, his steps were steady and powerful, and he seemed to know that his support would be the final nail in the coffin for his side's final victory.

"You came just in time." A soldier of the Seagoron Legion who was lying between the bunkers and shooting turned to look at them. Due to the viewing angle and light, he did not notice that the reinforcements were neat and bright due to repainting. Lots of power armor.

Augustus quickly ran between them, while the marines behind him walked to each bunker, walked next to the soldiers of the Seagoron Legion, and placed their guns between the bunkers.

"Who is the leader?" then Augustus shouted loudly.

Although he was confused, Captain Oleg, the leader of the assault team, turned around and answered: "I am Oleg Benson, and I request..."

The next second, the helmet of the leader of the assault team was hit by the boatswain's sniper rifle of Augustus squad sniper Rick, and a .50-caliber armor-piercing bullet penetrated his helmet.

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