StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 56 Alpha Squadron

For nearly a second, the soldiers of the Seagoron Legion who were turning to look at Augustus were stunned. The other, more soldiers who were still shooting at the hangar didn't notice any difference in the sound of the gunfire. It wasn't until the gunshots rang out around them, and it wasn't until their brothers started roaring that they looked behind them.

For a moment, the bewildered soldiers of the Hai Gelong Legion did not know where the enemy came from. It was late at night, and the light and shadow were intertwined. They were all marines in dark blue paint. It looked like someone among them had gone crazy and wanted to kill everyone regardless of friend or foe.

They watched blankly as a soldier of the Haigorong Legion armed with a heavy machine gun shot at their brother's mask at close range until the other man's helmet was broken.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"They betrayed Hai Gelong!"

"Who should we shoot?"

The enemy is all around them. The Hai Gelongs' channel was in chaos. In just ten seconds, a river of blood flowed in front of the bunker of the third line of defense.

"There are no numbers on their shoulders." It was only when more than twenty soldiers of the Hai Gelong Legion lay on the ground that someone discovered the difference between Augustus and others and their own side.

But it is not daytime now. If you want to confirm, you must use the searchlight on the Gauss rifle or other light sources. Often, they will be knocked down by grenades from behind before they have time to see clearly whether they are friends or foes.

The battle took place between lightning and flint, and the first solution that the sea dragons thought of was to launch illumination flares instead of changing the recognition mode of the power armor. This caused too many of their brothers to fall when the first flare was launched.

Amid the chaos, the HUD display on Augustus's mask could clearly indicate friends and foes. The built-in computer inside his power armor can send interrogation signals to other armors in the platoon through the communication system. After receiving the response signal, it will immediately identify the power armor as friendly forces and identify the Marines wearing these power armors. Marked in red.

Augustus held the Gauss rifle in his hand and fired at a Hygoron legionnaire who was charging toward him, while Renault fought side by side with him back to back.

The soldier in front of him was tall, and his modified power armor was comparable to the even larger Firebat armor, but one of his hands had been blown off by an electromagnetic grenade, and the remaining hand only had an old-fashioned runner. pistol.

In silence, Augustus aimed at the opponent's helmet and fired. The laser rangefinder on the electromagnetic rifle showed that the enemy was approaching him as quickly as a mad bull.

Suddenly, a spike rebounded upwards after hitting his breastplate, penetrated through the seam between his helmet and breastplate, and penetrated the soldier's head from bottom to top from his chin.

When Augustus turned to the other side, he saw Ward's missile hitting a Seagoron Legionnaire, breaking the opponent into pieces.

At this time, Warfield's federal soldiers arrived belatedly, and the silver-gray-painted marines jumped from the bunker next to Augustus. Lacking bullets, they fought hand-to-hand with the Seagoron Legionnaires, throwing them to the ground and shattering their helmets with fists, rifle butts, and whatever weapons they could find.

Because they also changed the recognition mode, they did not accidentally attack friendly forces.

"Augustus, I really didn't expect you to be the first one to come." Warfield jumped out of an armored vehicle.

"We came as soon as we received the news, Captain." Augustus threw a loaded rifle magazine to Warfield.

"I heard you brought a battalion, boy, where are they now?" Warfield neatly changed the magazine, and with a crisp click, he asked Augustus.

"Every one of these bad guys I have brought is worth ten," said Augustus.

"I didn't have much hope in the first place." Warfield shouted and ran to the other side, with four or five Marines following him closely.

"Thank God, we are saved." At this time, another marine jumped down and walked to Augustus.

Augustus remembered this voice, it was Acting Lieutenant Colonel Vanderspu he saw in the command center.

Vanderspup's power armor is brand new and shiny. It is obviously well maintained. It is maintained, oiled and polished by dedicated personnel every day. Augustus even suspected that if Vanderspu was not participating in a real battle but attending a military parade, he would have covered his mighty and shining armor with medals and flowers.

"Lieutenant Colonel, the battle is not over yet. The armory, engineering station, command center... we still have many places to take back." Augustus reminded him.

"Now we have a battalion, and there will be more soon." Vanderspup looked at Augustus dissatisfied, because the lieutenant colonel did not take this sergeant who only said two sentences to heart, he also It was impossible to recognize Augustus just by his voice.

"The battle is over."

"Those damn Seagorons will definitely pay the price with their blood!" Vanderspu said forcefully. There was no concealment of his hatred for the Hai Ge Dragon Legion in his words.

"..." Augustus said while changing the magazine: "I think I need to remind you that that battalion is still on the way."

If Augustus said he had brought a platoon, Warfield would simply tell him to get out immediately.

If he had brought a battalion of reinforcements, the result would have been completely different. The remaining federal soldiers would have insisted on holding on to their position for the coming dawn, and Augustus' troops would not have rushed into an already lost territory. position, in danger.

"How far do they have to go before they arrive?" The expression full of anger and hatred under Vanderspu's mask suddenly leaked. He looked in the direction he came from, as if he wanted to go back to the hangar.

"any time."

After Augustus finished speaking, he turned and left. He wanted to return to his troops immediately and had no time to mess around with Vanderspu.

At four o'clock in the morning, Augustus and Warfield's troops together eliminated a Hygoron Legion assault detachment and recaptured the parking platform, but compared to the entire Hawei Fortress, this was really a drop in the bucket.

At 4:40 in the morning, the good news finally came.

Alpha Squadron, which stayed in Turasis' synchronous orbit, dispatched several assault ships, and the transport ship that landed on the parking platform brought two companies of airborne troops.

Alpha Squadron is a force clad in white power armor known as the Blood Eagles by the Kaimorians and their Tyranid brethren. Throughout the Confederate military hierarchy, Alpha Squadrons are known for their savage charges and ruthless cruelty.

Leading this force was Major Edmund Duke of Alpha Squadron, whom Augustus and Warfield met on the landing platform.

Thanks to Zerostart, book friend 20171120192334209 for the monthly pass. Thanks to aiur, commandllche for the reward.

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